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The Dog Sitter

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I loved this book. Not only could you immerse yourself in the descriptions of the Lake District, places where I have visited and tasted the famous Grasmere Gingerbread. But as a dog owner, I could understand the love and companionship of having a dog in your life

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Just finished this brilliant ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️read from Zara Stoneley absolutely love this authors books and this one certainly didn’t disappoint was like curling up with your favourite cosy blanket and forgetting about the world for a while. This was so much more than a romance story and loved the Lake District descriptions made me feel like I had been transported there and also explored how everyone might think some people have the perfect life due to their Instagram profile but people’s lives are not always what they seem and shouldn’t be taken at face value and that sometimes we need to take chances in life as we never know where they might lead. It was an uplifting and enjoyable read and would absolutely love a sequel to find out what happens to Becky Bella and ash.

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Can you look at that sweet cover and not fall in love with darlin’ doggy Bella? Or shelter in an English Lake District cottage and not cheer? Or watch two lost souls fall in love in a fine romance they at first fight? Bring THE DOG SITTER, a steaming cuppa and a pile of scones to your cozy spot and dig in. You’ll soon be happily lost in this delightful escape from winter. Cheers!

5 of 5 Stars

Pub Date 11 Feb 2021

Thanks to the author, HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter, and NetGalley for the review copy. Opinions are mine.

#TheDogSitter #NetGalley

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Humorous UK fiction has a different flavor to it and this book delivers that. Plus you add in a beautiful dog and
you have a very enjoyable read. Both main characters seem to leave behind poor choices in the romance department and grow some in depth as the story progresses.

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After splitting with her boyfriend and losing her job Becky decides to house and dog sit in the Lake District.
The opening scene where Becky plays the price for following an agricultural vehicle too close have a good start to the book for me. Bella, the dog, sounds gorgeous and the location idyllic. The situations definitely have their funny moments, but there is also an undercurrent of seriousness that raises the book above just being light and fluffy for me (not that there is anything wrong with that) . As the story develops the back stories for the characters comes out and for me a key takeaway was to follow your heart and that people don't always have the opinion of you that you think they have.
What raised this from a good 4* to a 5* review for me was the description of the area, I felt that I could see the landscapes and would love to visit there again one day.
I received an advance copy of this book from the publisher through Netgalley, however this did not influence my review of the book.

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Thanks netgalley for a chance to read The Dog Sitter early! I immediately requested this based on the cover, but it was so much more! I loved everything about this and will be recommending it to friends and family!

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‘Must Like Dogs’....
Becky jumps at the chance of a job when she reads an advertisement for a house sitter who ‘must like dogs’. House and dog sitting seems rather perfect and an ideal escape for her. However, things are about to get very chaotic indeed when the job doesn’t go exactly to plan. Enjoyable, fluffy romcom and some rather ideal escapism.

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Where do I start?

I love animals, I mean really, I seen one look at the cute puppy on the cover and without peeking at the synopsis- I requested an ARC.

I was so ecstatic to be approved because despite the cute puppy, the plot was joyful and everything I needed for the festive season.

I binged the entirety of this book in one sitting, and it was a great way to spend a day because I couldn’t put it down and i felt a smile on my face through the entire thing.

The romance made me laugh, the puppy made me smile and that’s all i ask for in a book.

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Becky needs to escape, she's recently been dumped by her boyfriend and decides all she needs in life is a dog. But it's strictly no pets allowed in her flat so she decides the perfect plan is to take up an offer to house/dog sit miles away in the Lake District. But nothing goes to plan. Even the journey there is eventful.

I enjoyed this book. It was really funny with one disaster after another. Bella the dog certainly stole the limelight in this story and loved the custody battle over the dog. Brilliant, light-hearted, fun story.

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This is a delightful story about an artist who needs some time away after a complicated break up with a controlling ex, a house sitting in the Lake District, a professional Instagram influencer, a potential dog-napper and a gorgeous dog named Bella. It is a light read, but the soul of the story is about being true to yourself, moving on even when it’s challenging and taking a leap of faith and enjoying where it takes you. Becky and Ash were likeable characters, but I think the star of this story has to be beautiful Bella, whose capacity to give unconditional love and acceptance, ability to have fun and companionship is healing to all those involved. I really enjoyed the story, the setting and the characters. It’s one of those light escapist romance stories that is great to read on holiday or a quiet weekend. This is the first time I read a book written by this Author but it won’t be the last.

Thank you to Zoe Stoneley, One More Chapter/ HarperCollins and NetGalley for the complimentary digital copy of the book. I am voluntarily reviewing an ARC and all opinions are unbiased and my own.

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This is such a cute book! I really enjoyed the characters and the relationships the author built. This book was engaging from start to finish, and I could not put it down. I would love to know more about these characters in a follow-up!

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When I begin this book it really turned me off. So many curse words (specifically two word), were used over and over and it really annoyed me so much. I do not like to begin a book and not finish it, so I pushed through.

I read this in an e-book form, so I search those two words after encountering them a few times. One of them is used 56 times in the book and the other is use 37 times (if I counted correctly). I do not mind using curse words in books, if they are needed to establish a character's personality. For them to be used constantly, I think it is unnecessary. There are so many other words available to be used.

It seemed after maybe one-fourth of the book the characters were established so then those offensive words were not used as much. I was able to get more into the story and starting to enjoy it. I think the author did a wonderful job on scenery description. Also the development of the dog character was wonderful. I came to love Bella and her over the top enthusiasm for everything. I did enjoy reading the story of Becky and Ash as they got to know each other and became friends and then a couple.

I suppose the story was written for someone younger than me. While I did enjoy it after reading a very serious book prior to this, I think it just was a bit too modern for my taste.

I want to thank NetGalley and HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter for giving me the opportunity to read the advance reader copy, with no obligation to write a review. My review is written freely as a hobby, and is totally my own opinion, not influenced by receiving the ARC.

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I'm finding it difficult to write anything positive about this book as I found the main character, Becky, to be highly annoying right from the beginning of the book. Perhaps the only lesson to be learned is that happiness is hard to find when you are busy trying to please everyone else.

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In the beginning, this book really irritated me, especially when she whined and complained about getting cow manure in her mouth. Yuck. Not sure why she followed a tractor so close, or had her window down. I hesitated a bit, and decided to keep going. Sure glad I did. Once I got past the beginning the book was fun to read. Becky is going to the country to house sit and dog sit. When she gets there, the owner had left to head to the airport, and left detailed instructions. When she meets Bella, the fun and super hyper cockapoo, and hunky Ash, who claims to be the owner of the dog and spends most of the book trying to steal her. Fun and light hearted story, and once you get past the beginning was well worth the read. Highly recommend.

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Needing to get away from her ex-boyfriend, Becky agrees to dog sit cute and boisterous cockerpoo Bella. What Becky doesn’t realise is that she has stepped into a custody battle for the dog between exes Ash and Georgina. Ash is determined to claim Bella back as his own and Becky will do everything she can to stop him. Caught between the warring pair, Becky will need to keep her wits about her to keep Bella away from Ash.

A quick and easy lighthearted fun story which was an entertaining read.

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This was a super cute, fluffy rom com perfect for a beach vacation. Both the characters and the plotline of the book are fairly predictable but still entertaining. Becky's character is a hoot, but I found at times just a tad cheesy for my tastes. I really enjoy how Ms. Stoneley dives into some of the deeper issues past the surface for both Becky and Ash and allows them to find their own way. I would recommend this for anyone who is looking for something not super serious, entertaining, cute and very light!

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THE DOG SITTER by Zara Stoneley
Becky thought she was leaving London for the Lake District to house and pet sit. She didn’t plan on finding herself in the middle of a custody battle over the loveable dog named Bella. In Zara Stoneley’s, novel, THE DOG SITTER (OneMoreChapter/HarperCollins), all Becky is looking for some time to chill and do her artwork. Becky is also using her time alone to break up with her controlling boyfriend, Teddy. When she arrives, there’s an unexpected hunk named Ashley James claiming Bella is his and not Georgina’s, the woman Becky made arrangements with.
Georgina is an influencer who uses Bella as a subject on her Instagram account, in order to get freebees. She’s quite successful, but her ex, Ashley believes she’s exploiting Bella. She’s made it clear she doesn’t want Ash near Bella, but it’s obvious Bella loves him.
As time goes on, Georgina regularly contacts Becky to remind her of her rules, but Ash keeps making it more difficult to keep Bella away from him. One thing leads to another and soon Becky is falling for both Bella and Ash. Or is it Ash and Bella?
THE DOG SITTER is about much more than taking care of a pet. It’s about finding yourself and learning that making concessions to be considerate of others is one thing, but it’s another to try so hard you lose who you are and what you want. It’s a cute rom-com you’ll read quickly.
Bella is the star of THE DOG SITTER. She’s a happy, energized dog sensitive to everyone’s feelings. I really liked the characters of Becky and Ash. Becky was honest and able to see both Georgina and Ashley’s perspectives. Ash is a really delicious hunk that readers will fall in love with. Georgina reminded me of a spoiled brat, but she was necessary in this story. The take away for me is if you’re going to house and pet sit, make sure the rules are really discussed and agreed upon.

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Sometimes books come along right when you need them. The Dog Sitter is one of those books for me. I am a dog sitter. I don't think I've dog-sat in such an idyllic place as Becky, but I absolutely understand how it can be used as a recharge/reset/however you'd like to describe it. My dog-sitting jobs have been the only vacation I've taken in years.

Besides being a dog-sitter, I found Becky relatable in other ways as well. When the book starts, and throughout a lot of the story, she's at a crossroads. She's just been dumped by her boyfriend, and they work together; he in a place of authority over her. She's left wondering if she does what she does well. How many people can relate to jerkbags weaponizing their passions?

When she decides to house-sit/dog-sit a cockapoo (which, as an aside is described soooo accurately that it makes total sense author Stoneley has one!), whose owner seems to have it totally together, the veneer starts chipping away.

This book has a lot to it - which my favourite chick lits do. It has the breezy nature of falling into a cloud, but also intellect and heart. Becky suffers from imposter syndrome. It's nice to see that in a book; and even better, it's nice to see her push through that as well.

Becky as a character is funny - is cringey sometimes, but not in the "oh my god I have to look away" way; I think readers will see the relatability of Becky. She's also a very real and (if I'm repeating myself, sorry) approachable character.

I loved watching the story unfold, watching Becky have her big moments and realizations, and watching the dynamics of relationship change; what more can you ask for a book that helps you escape the pressures of the real world?

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In The Dog Sitter, we meet our protagonist Becky Havers as she is leaving behind her life in London and heading for the delights of the Lake District. Both dumped and sacked in one fell swoop by boyfriend/employer Teddy, book cover designer and illustrator Becky has decided on the spur of the moment to sign up to house and dog sit for owner Georgina who is away on a business trip. In an area that holds fond childhood memories for her, the stunning Lake view cottage is to become Becky’s home for the next few weeks and she cannot wait to fulfill her temporary role. Desperate to arrive on time, Becky doesn’t bargain for her unreliable satnav, small winding country lanes, sheep, tractors and cow shit! The opening is hilarious and sets the scene for a slightly bonkers storyline brimming with canine love as well as the potential for an unexpected romance between two strangers.

Left with strict instructions on how to care for Bella, the cockapoo, paying particular attention to ensuring Georgina’s ex boyfriend doesn’t come anywhere near her beloved pooch, Becky falls head over heels for the crazy chaotic bundle of energy that is man’s (or in this case woman’s!) best friend. However keeping Bella within her sight at all times is no mean feat especially as there is one man determined to lure Bella away despite the high security surrounding the cottage. Setting her pulse racing, and probably readers alike, Ash is every inch the rugged handsome hunk Becky has previously spotted whilst stalking through Georgina’s Instagram account. Unsure whether he’s the gardener, wood chopper or an undercover SAS man she is surprised that HE is the ex boyfriend and potential dog napper in what becomes an ongoing battle for custody of their beloved pet. Poor unsuspecting Becky finds herself caught up in the middle of this tug of love war which features scenes that are often laugh out loud funny. As she gradually learns more of Georgina and Ash’s relationship and the woman behind all the perfect instagram posts, Becky’s loyalties are torn. Who should she side with? Her absent boss or this god of a man who could charm his way into Becky’s affections with his obvious love for Bella, his rippling biceps and his piercing blue eyes?

Taking in the breathtaking scenery of the Lake District with the opportunity for plenty of fresh air, outdoor exercise and a chance to rediscover the true artist within herself, this is the perfect place for Becky to be. Whilst immersing herself in country life she has a chance to re-evaluate her life, press the reset button and do whatever makes her happy as she endeavours to shrug off her unhappiness and her lack of self belief. Who needs the likes of controlling, manipulative, self centred Teddy when you can have the love of the fluffiest energetic bundle of joy that is Bella? An online sensation in her own right, Bella may be exhausting to take care of but this loveable crazy little dog is responsible for grounding Becky, injecting some much needed positivity into her life and encouraging her to throw herself into any challenge that comes her way, so that unsurprisingly Bella reaches the conclusion she’s maybe not the failure she’s always believed herself to be. In short, Bella proves that with a loyal doggy companion by your side life can be infinitely more rewarding in a storyline that is playful, uncomplicated and fizzing with energy. With plenty of doggy disasters and furry frolickings to melt every dog lovers heart this canine cutie most definitely steals the limelight. The romance and sexual chemistry between Ash and Becky may take a back seat whilst Bella delights her audience with her antics but you can guarantee sparks will fly as the storyline develops.

Combining a healthy dose of silliness, a touch of sauciness, a smattering of self realisation, oodles of puppy love and of course the obligatory dollop of romance this is an enjoyable tale (or going with the doggy theme should that be tail?) that is pure escapism. I defy you not to fall for the charms of both Bella and Ash, who is just the ideal candidate for the role of romantic hero, and not to feel the teeniest bit jealous of Becky who is the lucky woman destined to win their affections and a place in their hearts. Upbeat and uplifting I can recommend The Dog Sitter as a read that demands nothing else of you other than perhaps a love of our furry friends and a belief in romance and happy endings. My thanks as always to the publisher and Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read.

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I was really happy to receive a review copy of this book . I loved her last book and Zara Stoneley is fast becoming one of my favourite Authors when I need a pick me up. This title didn't disappoint either. I was hooked straight away and didn't want to put it down once I'd started. I read it in a sitting , i was so immersed in the storyline.
I loved the characters, , especially the two main protagonists Becky and Ash.They were so easy to connect with and you could empathise with the situations they found themselves in. . I think Bella stole the show , I fell in love with her.
Becky takes a job house sitting in the Lake District with added dog sitting duties . While there ,she meets Ash , whom her client Geogie has warned her to be on guard against, thinking he might try to dognap her charge. This leads to some humorous moments that make you laugh out loud. The two develope a rapport over the course of Becky's stay and the attraction for each other becomes more difficult for them to deny as they become closer Becky has a job and apartment to go back to , it was only ever meant to be a short term break to get away from it all.
This was such an uplifting and heartwarming read. If you are in need of a pick me up then this is a book for you. It's light hearted and was an enjoyable ,escapist read . I loved the author's description of the Lakes , her writing encapsulates the beauty of the places visited. I thoroughly recommend it.

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