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Under the Southern Sky

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Wow, wow, wow, I have to tell you each part of, Under the Southern Sky, is so brilliantly written you will not be able to put it down. Just hold on for the journey.

Ok, imagine you find a cell phone in a taxi that leads you to the love of your dreams. Then you are so rich, you buy the cab to use to pull off a dynamic proposal. Gosh, you have to love a novel that takes you away from reality to an adventure of chaos, mess, and then a happily ever after. It’s even better when parts of it take place in North Carolina. Ok, that part was a big bonus for me because I live in the Tarheel state. However, this book achieves gold stars in all the romance categories.

Now before the happily ever after part, a question has to be answered. Would you agree to have your best friend’s dead wife’s babies from her frozen embryos? (Try to repeat that question really fast three times.)

Now I do not want to give anything away, as if I could, but here is a little background.

Amelia Buxton is an award-winning investigative journalist in Palm Beach, Florida. She works for the magazine, Clematis. The New York Times has picked up her latest masterpiece, “Modern Love”. Overjoyed with success, she rushes to the small apartment she shares with her husband, Thad, to celebrate. Instead of a greeting from her stay at home husband, who is writing a book, Amelia finds Chase – her hairdresser, sitting in his underwear on her couch. Can guess the next part?

In the mix of our tale is our investigative reporter’s mission to sniff out what happens to frozen embryos once the donators no longer claim them, or those donators fall behind on their storage fees. Totally, by accident, Amelia finds a list of names that gives her efforts the legs to be another awarding winning feature and at the same time skirt those annoying HIPPA laws. But, when she recognizes names on the list it places her in a conundrum. Should she or better yet can she, tell her childhood friend that the embryos donated by his late wife are doomed for the garbage?

How do A, B, C, and D (which I haven’t even mentioned) connect into a journey of the birth of an unconventional family, and a happily ever after story? One that even comes complete with an Aunt Tilly; you know – the aunt (or other relative) you’d prefer to keep locked up in the attic. Oh yeah, she’s onboard for this ride.

You can’t help but enjoy, Under the Southern Sky, what I’m calling, one of my favorite Kristy Woodson Harvey books.

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I have read all of Kristy Woodson Harvey's books to date and I truly believe this is the best one yet! The story line, while at times was predictable, had things you couldn't figure out. That's truly a great book - made me want to keep reading!
Glad to see we have a new female southern writer taking the helm!

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I;ve never read anything by this author, however, this will not be my last book. It had everything that was essential for a good, life, loss. Add all that to the fact that it was "southern" literature and you have a book that is entertaining and lovely. My thanks to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I feel like I am good friends with Kristy Woodson Harvey because of her steady presence on Facebook. I was so excited when she started promoting “Under the Southern Sky” that I knew I had to snatch up an advance copy.

First of all, I just adore the premise of any story that starts out with characters growing up together and then having their paths cross one another for pivotal reasons later in their lives. Here, we meet Amelia and Parker who grew up together in Cape Carolina.

A decade and a half later, Amelia is a journalist in Palm Beach who just walked in on her husband’s romantic tryst. Wanting to focus on her work, she continues her research on abandoned embryos and the choices clinics have to make as to those embryos’ disposal. While at a clinic interviewing a doctor, she discovers Parker and his late wife Greer are in this list. She reaches out to Parker who is still mourning the loss of his wife to ovarian cancer. As their friendship ignites, they do what they can to help one another not just grieve but move forward.

Both Amelia and Parker are intriguing characters whom choices are fueled not by plot, but by their wants and desires. You also get glimpses of Greer as Parker randomly reads one journal entry a day. The author’s grasp of dialogue and the spectacular setting of the Carolina coast are just added pleasures to this heart-warming tale.

I think the best way to describe this novel is as a “subtle delight.” The novel’s themes are soft gestures on this quiet journey, but its impact resonates with you long after the novel’s sweet conclusion.

Thank you to Net Galley, Kristy Woodson Harvey, and Gallery Books for an advanced copy.

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Another perfect read from Kristy Woodson Harvey. I recommend her to my friends who enjoy beach and southern fiction books. The characters in this novel are very real and easy to relate to even as they go through the challenges they are facing in this novel. The family and friendship that Harvey writes about shows that lifelong friends are more than just friends- they are family also because of the love you have for them.

Amelia and Parker are lifelong friends who grew up together in Cape Carolina. Amelia's marriage has broken up when she finds her husband cheating. Parker has suffered a different loss through the death of his wife Greer. Suddenly Amelia finds out that Greer and Parker had frozen embryos while working on a story for her magazine. When Amelia is suddenly out of a job and getting a divorce she begins looking for a way to focus on someone else and at the same time achieve the one thing she never thought she'd be able to do. Will their friendship be enough to help them both get through all of the loss in their life?

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I was first introduced to Kristy Woodson Harvey through the Peachtree Bluff Series. I enjoyed that series, but I felt there was a little too much "should I or shouldn't I?" going on in all three of those books. Well, I didn't experience any of that in Under the Southern Sky - I actually felt it was pretty darn perfect.

This is the story of Amelia, Parker & Greer. Amelia is three years older than Parker and has known him his entire life since they grew up next door to each other. She was there the day he came home from the hospital. Parker always had a crush on Amelia - ever since he was a little boy and that lasted well into his early adulthood. But Amelia never knew. As life would have it, Parker met Greer while in NYC and fell madly in love with her. They married and only a short while later she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and would ultimately die of this disease (don't worry - all of this is stated in the book very early on so I'm not providing spoilers). Around the time Greer got sick, Amelia met the love of her life and married him. She felt her life was never happier - which made her feel guilty at Parker's obvious distress.

A few surprising things happen and we experience Amelia & Parker as both of them try to put their lives back together. It took Parker a VERY long time to learn to let go of his dead wife and Amelia had some things of her own (and some secrets) that she had to learn to get over as well.

Much of this book. is spent on the North Carolina coast and the descriptions are just lovely. It's as if I am there right along side them.

This book has many feels - heartache, heartbreak, hope, anguish, friendship, new beginnings, fear and jealousy. At times the book made me feel too much - but that's not necessary a bad thing.

I think the plot was brilliant and I enjoyed watching it all laid out for the reader.

I was provided an ARC in exchange for an honest review. The opinions stated above are mine without biases.

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Kristy Woodson Harvey has written an amazing book about first love and how far you sometimes have to go to come back to it. This book drew me in right from the beginning, and the characters are real and likable. I like how the story is told from the viewpoint of several characters, and gives the reader excellent insight into their personalities as well as how they feel about what is going on at a particular time. This is the first book I’ve read by KWH, and I’ll be looking for more. I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Wow! My first book by this author and it is a great one. Went looking for a light read and ended up on an amazing journey. I will be reading more of her books soon.

I was hooked from page one, the scenery, the subject matter, came together for one of the better reads for me this year. The uniqueness of the plot made for a refreshing “love” story. I recommend!

Amelia’s character is written with spunk, fire, snark, wit as she navigates the unchartered situation she is in. Twists and turns, some unexpected. Parker, the boy next door, they have known each other forever. The mothers and Aunt Tilly, our secret keepers and comic relief. Amelia and Parker both have major life-altering events, that bring them together. Do they need to let go of the past to plan their future? What is their definition of family? Take the trip to Cape Carolina for answers.

Thank you to NetGalley and Gallery Books for the free copy for my voluntary review.

This review will go to Amazon on Release day, and Goodreads approx. March 20, 2021.

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I love a story about the boy(or girl) next door. Through tragedy and heartache, Amelia and Parker discover their true feelings for each other.

Beneath the Southern Sky is my first Kristy Woodson Harvey book. I will definitely be reading more. The book kept me intrigued, was easy to follow, and had me wanting to know more about the characters.

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Author Kristy Woodson Harvey has such a gift and in Under the Southern Sky she shares her gift of writing and story telling once again. I have been a fan of this author for a long time and her latest novel is just another example of why this southern writer is one of the best.

Amelia and Parker were childhood friends and when Amelia, a journalist, finds herself recently separated from her husband and on the edge of breaking a pretty big story she discovered that Parker is a big part of that story. Things get, shall we say, a little complicated and as Amelia uncovers the facts she also uncovers a bit of her heart .
This book has it all. A little bit of mystery, a lot of grief and personal emotions, love, friendship, ethical questions and more and author Kristy Woodson Harvey deftly weaves a story that draw the reader into the world of these characters.

Written with depth, humor and skill this is one book that will be one to reach for when a nicely written southern book is needed. Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for a free copy for my honest review. This is one I would highly recommend.

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A cute, easy read that kept me intrigued until the end. I enjoyed this book and its little twists along the way. Although I did figure a few of them out! I really like books that tell the story from different characters’ perspectives like this one did. The only issue I had with that was keeping the two moms’ names straight - Elizabeth and Olivia. I kept confusing them. They should have been a little more unique.

I finished the book quickly because I was anxious to see how it would all play out.

I was given an ARC from Net Galley.

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This was a great book with a very interesting twist to the boy/girl next door. There is so much in this story to love. “It’s really truly loving that will turn you inside out.” And Kristy Woodson Harvey delivered. Told by three main characters that the reader can connect with and love all three.

Greer, Parker’s wife, tells her story of dying of cancer and her career as a great writer.

Amelia tells her story of being in a marriage where her husband has an affair with another man. Their divorce which causes Amelia troubled with trust issues. Her childhood goals of becoming an editor-in-chief of a magazine and not ever having children because of a rare disorder.

Parker tells of being the boy next door that has loved Amelia forever but she just thinks of him as a kid. He marries Greer and is devastated when she is diagnosed with cancer and dies. A love he can never get over for 3 years.

The asparagus story is hilarious and I can just imagine the author laughing as she was writing this chapter.
The story of Greer and Parker meeting was very good — heart touching.
The description of camping was my thoughts exactly: “Outside. In tents. With no bathrooms.”

She really did a great job hit all the emotions in one book.

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Under the Southern Sky by Kristy Woodson Harvey

Amelia and Parker are childhood friends who have endured their own personal tragedies. Amelia's marriage is ending and she discovers that Parker and his late wife had frozen embryos before she died, which are now considered abandoned.

This is exactly the book I needed during election week! I was crying 15% in and connected with the characters so well. I have read all of Kristy's books now and this is my new favorite. It is such a sweet story about love, grief, vulnerability, acceptance, and family. I really liked the multiple POVs, and Greer's story, told in journal entries she wrote primarily while going through ovarian cancer, character development, vulnerability, and how relatable the characters were. The supporting cast is well developed and fascinating, and I would love a sequel featuring other characters in this world. The story is on the predictable side in its progression, but I still found it so satisfying to see play out. It is a story I was so engrossed in and stayed up late to finish. I also liked the few chapters with the moms conspiring on the side - I just had a smile at their lifelong wishes to become family by marriage. This feels like a true KWH with her love for southern culture and traditions and interior design! I always love her depictions of these beautiful homes and renovations :)

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I am quickly becoming a huge fan of the author, Kristy Harvey! Her books are the perfect combination of ease, intrigue, and unique character development.

Under the Southern Sky's storyline was definitely unique. Amelia, the main character, while at the beginning of an unexpected breakup, discovers that her childhood friend, Parker, and his deceased wife have frozen embryos that are being considered "abandoned."Amelia decides to share her discovery with Parker which leads them down rediscovering each other, their past, and misunderstood mistakes.

While this one may be considered a bit predictable in its progression, I honestly loved it and just found it engrossing and satisfying. I thoroughly enjoyed the characters and it kept me up later than usual to finish. I was sad to see this one end and I highly recommend adding this one to your spring 2021 reading list!

Thank you to Gallery Books for the gifted copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Kristy Woodson Harvey is a new author to me but I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Great storyline that kept you guessing. A great story of love with a southern family and some comedy thrown in for good measure.

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I am so thankful I was able to get an early preview of this book. As always Kristy Woodson Harvey did not disappoint and I was not able to put the story down and read it in one sitting.

This is a story of family secrets, love, loss, fertility issues, surrogacy, and the boy next door.

Prepare to have the tissues ready as the story is told by multiple points of view. I highly recommend this story to others.

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Thank you Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I really enjoyed this book, it was a quick fast read. The characters were lovable, vulnerable, and with just enough crazy. If you want a great love story this is the book for you. I can't wait to read more by Kristy Woodsen Harvey.

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Thanks so much to Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. This was a fast and enjoyable read. The characters were relatable and I felt connected to their challenges and ultimately how they resolved. I was endeared by their relationship and friendship. I enjoyed the chapters written by multiple perspectives. I would definitely read other books in this series!

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This was a pleasant read; easy, breezy and light. There were no surprises really, the characters were just interesting enough to hold my attention and the storyline had its moments. I would have liked more dialogue and less point of view (disclosure, I found myself skimming it). Aunt Tilly was the best character, there could have been some golden moments with her eccentricity.
I love Southern books so enjoyed the mothers and the description of their homes. Would read another for sure.
Thank you Netgalley for this ARC, this is my honest review.

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Oh wow. I just finished this book and just needed to sit a minute and let it all soak in. This book starts out pretty straightforward - a story of Amelia and Parker, who have known each other since birth and have had to endure their own personal tragedies. Amelia learns that Parker and his late wife had frozen embryos before she died, and they reestablish contact. What follows, however, is a wonderful story of several unexpected twists and turns. Amelia and Parker are beautifully drawn main characters, and their supporting cast is richly developed and fascinating in their own right. It is quite obvious how much love the author has for the Southern coastal region and its people. You will not want to put this book down and you definitely won't want it to end. Woodson Harvey just keeps getting better. 4.5 stars.

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