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Don't Look

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I absolutely loved this new thriller from Alexandra Ivy! It's not your typical casting for leading characters to solve a murder; a Vet and the owner of a tasking company.

Kir may be a small-town boy but he's been gone a long time, now he runs his own business taking on tasks that people don't have time to do themselves. He always looked up to his dad but when he was injured on duty as the former sheriff, he began to drink heavily and become a nuisance. Kir hasn't been back to town for a while and now he's back for his father's funeral. But did Kir's father have it right; Is there a serial killer targeting the inhabitants of Pike? Has the killer really been taunting the former sheriff?

Lynne Gale took over being the town Vet from her father. She lives for her job, to the detriment of every relationship she's had, and even her own good health. She always had a soft spot for Kir but she always knew she was never leaving Pike and he couldn't wait to leave. But at the funeral, she and Kir connect. Little does she know that they are about to be dragged into the hunt for a serial killer!

This is most definitely a thriller/suspense read with romantic elements. The romance does take a back seat f you will to the action. It's still romantic suspense just a bit lighter on the romance front than I'm used to reading. And that kinda makes sense, who has time for lengthy passion sessions when there is a killer on the loose?

The letters from the killer are totally creepy and chilling. I can sometimes guess who the bad guy is or at least narrow the suspect pool down. Not this time, I had to wait for that final little "clue" to be revealed. Murders in a small town make compelling reading cause you know that the killer is hiding in plain sight. Pike is almost a character itself in the book. Most small-town books are full of happy, smiling residents. Pike's inhabitants seem to be sad, reserved almost as if Pike is unsettling in itself.

Great suspense read and I'm thrilled at the thought of the series continuing!

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This is an interesting story with nice characters.

I liked the whole idea. Small town, serial killer, red ribbons around victims' necks, letters written to ex-sheriff. It all created quite a remarkable atmosphere. Though I would rather have the cops solve the mystery, or for example Sheriff Kathy Hancock and Nash Cordon. They would make such a fascinating couple!

Not that I didn't like Lynne and Kir as the main characters. They are fine and make a cute couple. There is no doubt that there is an attraction between them. But I feel like the whole serial killer case is a little too serious for two total amateurs, and their investigation is a little too professional. That's why I felt some dialogues are too forced. People are too willing to answer Lynne and Kir's questions and to give them too much information that you don't usually tell strangers.

But otherwise the story is fine. There are several suspects and any of them could be a murderer. Suspicions are appropriately distributed between the various characters. And the stakes are high, especially since the murderer acts quickly and brutally. There are also some interesting supporting characters, such as the above-mentioned Nash and the sheriff.

Even though I didn't like everything, I generally enjoyed the story. I may read another book in this series.

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Don't Look (Pike, Wisconsin #1) by Alexandra Ivy

Dr. Lynne Gale and Kir's story.. I will admit this book kept me on the edge of my seat...It scared me ..but in a good way.. There us a serial killer in Pike and he has a list. There suspense that keeps you on the edge .. there is some laughter, angst, memories of the past, romance, broken trust, tears, terror, building trust, some steam leading to their HEA... and I dare you to figure it out before the end... I thought I did and then I didn't... thank you Alexandra

Reasons I enjoyed this book:
Romantic Tragic Scary Unpredictable Great world building Entertaining Page-turner Happily Ever After Wonderful characters Twisted Steamy Witty Easy-to-read Action-packed

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I received this book from NetGalley as an eARC in exchange for a review.

Don't Look follows Kir and Gayle as they try to solve a small town whodunit serial killer. This book wasn't bad but it wasn't anything that felt particularly new. I was able to guess who ended up being the killer at about 20% completed. However, if you really like murder mysteries than this will satisfy that itch for you. I don't think I will remember much of this book after I finish another book or two.
I did really not like the random one smut part in the book. It seemed really out of place. I don't dislike smut, just dislike it when it doesn't seem to fit the story.

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It's been a while since I've read Alexandra Ivy, not sure why I lost track of her! A nice start to a new series set
in Pike, WI featuring Lynne Gale, the local vet, & Kir who has returned home for the funeral of his father..
Soon after Kir arrives in Pike, WI a serial killer begins his killing spree and Lynne & Kir get involved in searching for
clues. Fast paced, couldn't put it down! Looking forward to more in this series. Thank you NetGalley!

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“Don’t Look” is Alexandra Ivy’s novel and it is a tale of terror that befalls a small northern town in the dark of winter. Kir Jensen comes back to his home town after a long absence to bury his father after his sudden death. Dr. Lynne Gale grew up with Kir and respected his father. The unexpected death of Rudolph and the subsequent death of a local citizen stirs a memory within Kir regarding the taunting letters his father received throughout the years. Together Lynne and Kir try to figure out who in their small town is wreaking havoc by slaughtering its citizens. This novel is a page turner until the very end. I was given an advanced copy of this book, and all of the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Great read. The author really draws the reader into the story. Will definitely read another book by this author. Such a gripping story.

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After high school Kir couldn’t wait to pack his bags and head to Boston to attend college. Once he graduated he started his own business never to return to Pike until a call came in that his father had died. Kir returned to Pike for his fathers funeral and then he planned to pack up his fathers belongings and return to Boston. He didn’t expect Lynne the girl who went to the same school as him growing up to catch his eye. Lynne was the town veterinarian. He was eager to spend some time with her.
Meanwhile a serial killer was murdering citizens from Pike causing quite a stir. This type of crime never took place in Pike. Pike wasn’t equipped to handle a serial killer case. Kir was determined to protect Lynne from the dangers of this killer began investigating the murders himself. The only way he could make amends to his father was by catching the killer.

Pike, Wisconsin is a series of book that have yet to be released. This is book 1. It’s about a small town in Pike, Wisconsin where a serial killer is targeting the citizens of Pike as an act of revenge. Pike is a small town with limited resources. The police department isn’t equipped to handle a serial killer.
The killers voice is heard thru letters written to Rudolf as well as when the killings occur. When the first letter was introduced I hadn’t known it was from the killer, but it gets mentioned later on helping to clarify its placement.
Kir worked as an amateur investigator starting his investigation with the letters and the list, but his investigation only produced more character introductions. Although, He seemed to produce more results than the town sheriff or police investigators. In fact, most of what Kir or Lynne discovered had me questioning if the sheriff was even investigating this case. The author validated the limited resources of this small town with the use of a Kir and Lynne playing detectives.
As small towns’s slow moving. Pike, Wisconsin, was a small, rural town in the heart of dairy country where neighbors were closely acquainted with one another. At least the story didn’t address gossipmongers. It was refreshing not having to read about small town gossipmongers. This small town was known for being close and neighborly.
Although, the story’s not as exciting as I would’ve liked. While I appreciated Kir’s dedication at becoming an amateur detective I found the process rather dull. The problem is the reader learns much about nothing. Every clue leads to another new character. As the body count continues to rise is when the pressure gets turned up to investigate.
“Crimson blood stains the pure white snow. Life spills from warm to frozen. Don’t look. The pain is gone.” This referenced quote from the killer gave me preconceived ideas about the direction of this story. I was prepared for a dark grueling story about a violent angry killer. Instead I got a blossoming romance, a veterinarian who works too much, an entrepreneur who returns to his hometown, and a killer stalking the citizens in Pike. Too many components made up this story and it felt like the killer was not the main topic. The story was focused more on Kir and Lynne while the killer remained as an afterthought until he killed again. Not to mention, the reader rarely heard from the sheriff or team of officers working the case.
Every thought was put down taking away the readers ability to draw their own conclusions. Even the killer made the job easy with the letters.
While I appreciate Kir playing amateur investigator what he produced for information didn’t produce results.

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When murder hits the small town of pike, local authorities don't know what to do. With a list of initials and a growing attachment to the village girl what are you going to do? Stand in this man's shoes and watch the puzzle spread out in this thrilling suspense. You won't regret it!

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Romantic Suspense is a tricky category to get just the right amount of romance and suspense. I think this one worked for me. The couple spends alot of time together, opening up, but its not exactly 'romantic'. The mystery just starts to feel like its dragging when it starts to reveal itself. I would read more in the series by this author.

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I enjoyed reading "Don't Look" (Pike, Wisconsin Book 1) by Alexandra Ivy. After a long absence from his hometown, Pike, Wisconsin, Kir Jensen is back burying his father. His father, Rudolph Jensen was the town's sheriff who was disabled in the line of duty. At the funeral he reconnects with the town veterinarian, Dr Lynne Gale.

The two are thrown into a mystery when women are found murdered. There is no connection between these women except for the MO of the killer ( "...naked body posed in the snow and her throat cut. The only thing the killer left was a crimson ribbon tied around her neck.")

This book has great well developed characters and a small town filled with interesting people. Trying to figure out why these specific women were targeted was a challenge. The pieces finally fell into place at the end of the book.

Alexandra Ivy is one of my favorite authors. This book did not disappoint. I would definitely recommend it and have,

Thank you to the author NetGalley and the publisher for sending me a copy for my honest review.

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A book by Alexandra Ivy is a must read for me. This one didn’t disappoint. There is a serial killer with a list, an incompetent sheriff, and lots of dead bodies. We also have a romance to round out the book. It kept me turning the pages, up really late coz I didn’t want to put it down. It wasn’t until the very end that I suspected who the killer was. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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I'm a huge fan of Alexandra Ivy. Her books are always an auto-buy for me. I was thrilled to get to read her newest thrilling romantic suspense. This book stars Dr. Lynne Gale, a veterinarian in Pike, Wisconsin. She is a hardworking woman with little time for romance. Our hero, Kir Jansen, is in town to settle the estate of his late father the former sheriff of Pike. It starts when a womans dead body is found in the snow with a red scarf tied around her neck. Kir's father tried to get him to believe that there was a serial killer in Pike but he hadn't believed him. Now with the start of these killings he wonders if maybe he should have paid more attention. As the bodies start piling up Kir and Lynne's relationship starts heating up. The evidence leads to idea of a serial killer with a list and it's starting to look like Lynne's name might be on this list. The book takes off at a fast pace, there is a nice connection between the main characters and the mystery is a good one. I really enjoyed this book and recommend it.

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A dark and terryfying serial killer story. And this genuinely scared me at times. Highly successful and full. Of twists. A brilliant story xx

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This is a great book! The tension of the thriller is balanced by the thread of romance woven into the story. The characters are strong and well developed - I would love to read more featuring theme and the dialogue is sharp. The style reminded me a little bit of Lisa Jackson so fans of that author should definitely give this a try.

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I enjoyed Alexandra Ivy's Don't Look. It started out strong and with both H/h who were credible kept my attention. I guessed who the bad guy was pretty early into the story and was please to know that it was eventually figured out.
This is my second book by Ms. Ivy and I would definitely read other titles from her.

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I loved this book by Alexandra Ivy! Full of suspense, intrigue, romance and an ending you won't be expecting! You won't want to miss Kir and Lynne's story! Another winner by Ms. Ivy!!

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It has been a while, I mean a while that I had read a mystery thriller and was happy to have requested this book. This book had a lot of things that I like, like small towns, dont understand my fascination with them because I am a big city girl. I like books that keep you guessing and we had that, I liked lynne and kir getting to know or get reacquainted which really mean they were working together to find out who was what and where and why, while spending time and falling in love. Now this is a clean book and embarrassing to me because I just found out or discovered that I am a pervert and like to have more sex, I know I know, I can't help it..but all in all it was fun

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Kir Jansen has come home to bury his father and he just wants to pack up the house go back back to Boston but he didn't count on Lynne Gale. A killer is looking to finish what he started and he is about to drag them both into his sick games. Will they be able to find out the truth about the killer and why he dragged Kir's father into his sick games. Kir knows that he needs to find out the truth before even more people die but he doesn't know if he can keep Lynne out of the killer's sights. Will they find out the truth about the killer and what drives him to kill?
A good interesting read. I was lucky enough to receive a copy via Netgalley & the publishing house in exchange for my honest review.

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This book is one goood book, I liked the plot and the cover is magnificent, I hope I can see more of it, because I really liked it, although sometimes I didn't enjoyed it

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