Cover Image: Fangirl, Vol. 1

Fangirl, Vol. 1

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Member Reviews

Rainbow Rowell and Sam Maggs did an excellent job adapting the book into a graphic novel. I really enjoyed the flow and the illustrations.

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I was so excited to see that Fangirl was being adapted into a graphic novel! I love the manga style, and how the characters are interpreted for the graphic medium. I especially loved how Regan is presented as an actual plus-size girl, just like in the book. It was also interesting to see how this artist interpreted the looks of Baz and Simon for Fangirl, since other versions of how they look exist on the Carry On covers. The pacing and adaptation to a graphic form worked well, and the first volume ended on a cliffhanger, which leaves me eagerly awaiting volume 2.

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This manga adaptation of Rainbow Rowell's Fan Girl is amazing. The story's plot centers around Cath, a young college freshman dealing the twin that still wants to be a set. Forced to be on her own, Cath struggles to find herself, by herself and retreats to her writing as one of the most popular fanfic authors. Still, even that doesn't make her feel as good as it used to. Seeing Cath first avoid being her own person and slowly building up her own group of friends makes you want to cheer her on and see her succeed. I can't wait to read the rest of it when it is published!

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I'm so excited to read a graphic novel version of one of my favorite YA books! The artwork was lovely and the story was so nostalgic. I can't wait to read the next one!

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Thanks to NetGalley and Viz Media for an advanced readers copy in exchange for an honest review.

I loved Fangirl, Carry On (my favorite of the three) and Wayward Son and I was excited to see Fangirl as a graphic novel. Fun quick read and I look forward to reading the rest of the series.

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I loved Fangirl and so I was definitely excited to see a manga adaptation being produced. After reading it my only complaint is that I have to wait until the other three volumes come out to finish it! This first volume is a great encapsulation of the first part of the book. The adaptation is skillfully done, managing to include all of the major plot points as well as the many character development and emotional components. The character designs are well done, especially when it comes to the differences between Cath and Wren. I read the entire volume in one sitting and will definitely be picking up the rest as they are published.

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I love Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, so when I heard it was getting adapted into a manga by Sam Maggs (who is also a favorite writer of mine) I got VERY excited. This adaptation did NOT let me down. The pacing was great and Maggs' writing definitely kept Rowell's witty spirit alive. Gabi Nam's illustrations are fantastic, she did an amazing job bringing the characters to life. I can't wait for the other volumes!

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Why was this so adorable?

I was so excited to get this because I absolutely love Rainbow Rowell and I also love graphic novels. I had high hopes. This was like the only time in 2020 that I had hopes for something’s and it actually delivered! I will definitely be adopting it next year because it’s got so many themes and ideas that are so relevant to students and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for Cath next! In the meantime, I ship her with Levi ;)

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I haven't read the book yet, but after reading this I am moving it up higher on my to-read list! The artwork in this manga is fantastic and the story has me hooked. I found myself disappointed when the novel ended, but that's only because I really want to know what happens next.

That aside, there seems to be a lot of smaller details left out that make the whole of the story seem a bit thin. I found myself wondering about Cath's father and about her roommate. I wish there were more details about them. Maybe the second volume will have more!

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The retelling of Fangirl in graphic novel is as good as the original, but I'm not sure it was a necessary inclusion into an IndieNext or bestseller list - of course it's good!

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Fangirl is one of my very favorite books, so I was excited to see the graphic novel adaptation. I love this too. I will be buying a hard copy and ensuring my library buys a copy as well. Hurry up with volume 2!

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I liked the characters, especially the push-and-pull dynamic between the twin sisters. This was an authentic and interesting look at one girl’s attempt to find her own voice. I’m looking forward to volume two.

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I am a HUGE fan of Fangirl and Rainbow Rowell so I was very excited to see the book as a graphic novel. Thankfully, it was everything I hoped it would be, enhancing the story I already loved with amazing illustrations.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Even though I knew this was a 4-part manga adaptation of a single novel, I was still completely shocked when it ended on a cliffhanger, lol. Still, that feels consistent with the medium, so I approve.

I enjoyed this. The art style is cute, easy to follow, and and really well-suited to the story. The pacing is solid and I was engaged in the story all the way through.

I am looking forward to more of these.

Thanks to Netgalley and VIZ Media for an electronic galley copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I am SO excited for this! Fangirl is one of my favorite books, so I was thrilled to see it's getting a manga adaptation! Let me just say that the art is *chef's kiss*!

This has some really good pacing so far and really makes me want to reread Rowell's original novel. Also, I kind of want to look at Levi's character art all day long.

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Thanks so much to NetGalley and the publisher for this review copy!
What a cute idea--a manga over Fangirl! And it turned out just as cute as the idea. I loved this, and I think the audience for Fangirl is going to love it too. Very well done!

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3 stars

I like _Fangirl_ so much that I've chosen to teach it in a really compact college-level children's and YA literature course at various points, so I was pretty psyched when I got approved for _Fangirl, Vol. 1_.

My main takeaway is that I'm relieved I came into this knowing the plot of the novel since I think it would have been tough to engage with otherwise based on where we leave off here.

While I enjoyed this generally, I wanted much more. To be fair, the watermark on every page is so prominent that there may have been some added distraction, missed text/images, etc. I just did not find myself getting much added insight or even a deeper appreciation for the original here.

This is a fun take, but I'm hoping for more from future installments.

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I love Cass and seeing this in a manga format is incredible!!! Absolutely adored it. It was different from the book because I could see what the characters were doing. I’ll admit, Cass is still naive but it was nice to see how she started writing the story and things like that.

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This was amazing !! I am so happy they are making this into a Manga series !!! Gosh I just love this story so much ! And the illustrations just add another depth to the story itself !! They have really done a great job of this ! I can’t for the next series !!!

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance copy !!!! :)

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A great adaptation for old and new fans. I have read the novel and really enjoyed it. The manga adaptation is equal to the original while having it's own flair. In terms of story, nothing seems to have been changed from the novel. It is a story of a fanfiction writer adjusting to college and the changing relationship between her and her sister. Along the way she makes friends with her roommate and meets a few cute boys. The art is a standard manga style, perfectly serviceable to the story. The only issue with the art is that Levi is more attractive in the art than described in the book. There is even a reference to him looking older because of his thinning hairline, which is not reflected in the art.

It seems this will be a four volume manga so I don't anticipate anything being cut out from the novel. Further volumes will explore her relationship with her dad and lack of relationship with her mother in more detail. While the fanfic and cute boys are the hook, the real story is of a girl coming into her own. growing up, and dealing with the changing familial relationships in her life.

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