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The Haunting of Beatrix Greene

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The Haunting of Beatrix Greene sample was a solid introduction. The beginning chapters were very intriguing and I loved the Victorian England atmosphere the authors created. Beatrix Greene is characterized as a street-smart woman doing what she can to work for herself and make a living. She views her job as a medium as overall noble since she ultimately gives those who come to her grieving the closure they're looking for to move forward.

The story moves into more of an isolated creepy manor house tale where Beatrix and the other members of the group gather to contact the Lord of the manor's dead mother. From there, the tale turns into a horror novel that was quite enjoyable. There were plenty of grisly and scary moments that make this short tale a perfect Halloween read. While the multiple authors did a great job of keeping a consistent voice throughout, I do feel like there was a bit too much crammed in to be as enjoyable, particularly the romance which felt out of place. In this way I believe the authors were trying to mimic many Victorian novels of the time period; however, in such a short space it took away from the main horror action.

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Thank you to Netgalley for a copy of this book in exchange for my unbiased opinion and an honest review (the book is due out October 28, 2020). All in all, I'd give this 3.5 stars - it's your classic haunted house story. It's a super quick read and just in time for Halloween. It contains all the elements that are necessary for a very spooky Halloween read - a haunted house, ghosts, talking to the dead, monsters, and a sketchy af basement. For being such a short read, the main characters James and Beatrix are pretty well developed. I really liked the chapters being in ‘episode’ format, like it was a tv series. Overall, the book was a bit too cutesy for me though. The romance ended up being more in the foreground than I expected. I wanted more of Stanhope being gouged in the pit and less happy feel-good moments tbh.

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If you are looking for a creepy ghost story this Halloween season, but want a lighter kind of horror and maybe a little romance, THE HAUNTING OF BEATRIX GREENE may be the right choice for you. The format feels a little Round Robin-esque, with three authors taking the helm and taking turns with each episode.. I am not familiar with Serial Box so this format felt strange to me and a little unnecessary. But that being said, I thought that Hawkins, Parsons, and Shecter were consistent in their styles and characterizations. I also really liked Beatrix as one of our main characters, as her profession as a charlatan medium who may actually have abilities is a fun trope that I always enjoy. I also liked that the story touches on the difficulties that women had during this time, and how Beatrix is really just doing her best to survive. While it's true that her romance with the skeptic James, who brought her to Ashbury Manor with hopes of either exposing her as a fraud or another mysterious motive, was a little quick and hard to believe... But a little bit of instalove never hurt anyone in a romance, did it? ANd I would say that this is definitely a romance as well as a Gothic haunted house story.... It does have a couple of scary moments, but is overall pretty tame so that those who are nervous about horror but like Gothic tales could probably sink their teeth into it. It's a quick read too. Certainly one that could be a nice way to pass an Autumn afternoon around Halloween.

THE HAUNTING OF BEATRIX GREENE isn't reinventing the wheel, but it doesn't have to to be a fun and entertaining story. I enjoyed it for what it was!

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The Haunting of Beatrix Greene is a quaint and gothic soiree of haunted manors, a touch of courtship, and a chill of conjured spirits.

The characters are mostly well rounded, though some feel unnecessary to the overall plot. Beatrix Greene is the most charming, with James Walker being an admirable sort. The writers meld seamlessly, and the plot stays mostly on point. There are a few moments that do not seem to be appropriate given events that preceded them, but they don't overly detract from this compact novella.

The Haunting of Beatrix Green could be read in one sitting at only 111 pages. Perfect for a chilly, fall night by the fire as leaves and branches rustle outside the window.

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This was absolutely bloody fantastic!

The story was quick, action packed incredibly well written you can't even tell the difference between the authors writing.
Packed full of malevolence and charm!

This moment gave me full on shivers!
More and more spirits surrounded her. “Who are you?” she asked, her voice thick with awe. Gentle whispers answered. “You brought peace to my father . . .”“My mother could finally let go . . .”“You helped my son . . .” Beatrix gasped. These were the ghosts whose family members she had comforted over the years.

“Above all, I believe,” he said, his lips lingering on her hand, “in the extraordinary brilliance of Beatrix Greene.”
As I do too, she is a brilliantly thought out and created character.

However I have 1 issue and thats when a certain person disappears during a bloody haunting and James and Beatrix go away and have sex.... dont think that was well-placed at all but im willing to overlook it :)


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Beatrix Greene is sought after by James Walker, who is looking to rid his ancestral home of a dark entity. But both of them are hiding secrets that make this transaction much more complicated. This book is written by three different authors, but the narrative is seamless. The story is short, so there isn't much character development outside of the main couple, but it is heavy on plot. This is a good, quick read with a unique take on the horror genre, and some very effective scares.

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This is an enjoyable tale in a vein somewhere between Gothic and Sensation novels, and the ghost and romance elements are well-balanced. Even more impressive is the way the three authors' styles blend together seamlessly; there's only an occasional turn of phrase that lets us know that we've switched writers. I do wish the reason for the curse was better explained and I wasn't entirely sold on Stanhope or Harry's roles in the story (the latter especially), and the episode format felt unnecessary and gimmicky, but otherwise this is the perfect book to just devour on a rainy day.

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I read this book as an ARC through NetGalley. The Haunting of Beatrix Greene is your standard classic haunted house story. It was quick and easy to read. The story revolves around Beatrix Greene, a reputable spiritual medium who is not really a medium. She gets paid by James Walker to investigate a haunted mansion. The author does a great job in introducing the characters and inciting fear in the beginning. Unfortunately for me, it got a bit boring because of how slow-paced it was. I also felt the romance in-between to be unnecessary. I had some trouble getting into the story fully because of the format as well.

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The Haunting of Beatrix Greene is a great spooky read if you’re like me and are not a fan of overly-grisly horror. I would call this book...intro to horror. It’s creepy, spooky, a little mysterious, but won’t leave you having nightmares.

I would say it’s half romance, half haunting. I enjoyed the dynamic between the main and side characters, the clever insertion of the easily spooked Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (who’d have guessed!), and the deliciously dark Victorian setting.

I felt that while it was a bit slow-paced, the author’s beautiful, smooth-flowing writing more than made up for it.

All in all, I’d say this is a great start to your Autumn spooky TBR. It’s quick, fun, and just this side of scary!

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC to review!

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I enjoyed The Haunting of Beatrix Greene. It got me in the mood for more spooky books!

James Walker, a scientist, challenges Beatrix Greene, an allusive medium, to stay at Ashbury Manor for one night. He asks her to perform a spiritual seance to talk with the haunted spirits of the place, with the hopes of releasing their souls by ending their suffering and despair.

James is suspicious of all mediums and has already shown many where fake. Despite this, Beatrix agrees because the money James offers her will secure her future. She thinks that all she'll have to do is outsmart him and make him believe she's the real thing. Is she talented enough to convince him that she's the real deal?

It was somewhat predictable, as most books tend to be, but it was a compelling story that I wanted to keep reading. I don't think the story needed it but I would have liked for the romance between to James and Beatrix to develop a little further. Despite being written by multiple authors, the story was cohesive and each episode (or chapter) flowed well.

I loved that the changes in Beatrix took the lead in the story rather than the romance. Very creepy and very enjoyable. I definitely recommend it, especially as Halloween approaches.

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I want to thank NetGalley, the publisher and authors for allowing me a preview of this book. Unfortunately I only read the first part in the series, and was not given the whole book to read.

I will say, what I read, I thoroughly enjoyed and will read this book once it's published.

The premise of the book, is to find proof of ghostly/specter activity in an old manor. To go about the task, Beatrix and Company must spend a night (again I only read the first part) in the haunted manor, along with other ghost hunters.

I really can't wait to read it, and wish I could have gotten the entire book - especially with Halloween around the bend.

I will post a more complete review once I am able to buy the book (unless the publishers will grant me rights), as I can't wait to finish reading it. For now, I"m hooked.

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This book is really spooky. Well written enough it made me not want to read it before I went to bed. Loved all the characters, and was at the edge of my seat turning page after page. Look forward to future installments.

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Thanks to Net Galley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book I’m return for a honest review.

As a hug fan of horror and paranormal romance, I loved this book. Beatrix was pretending to a medium in the start of the book, in order for her to make a living. When James comes seeking her out for help she agrees to helping him. Little does he know she is a fraud. As the story progresses the ,sin characters find themselves in a terrorizing situation that only Beatrix can help them get out of.

I truly enjoyed the fast pace of this book. The gothic feel of the story also made it all the more scary and enjoyable. I would definitely recommend this book to friends and fellow readers!

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The Haunting of Beatrix Greene Review!!
Beatrix Greene is a medium in Victorian England. In this period, the field is not lacking in participants, so of course there are skeptics. Being one of those, Dr. James Walker, hires Beatrix Greene to attempt to help him. Was saying yes her biggest mistake? You must read to find out! The Haunting of Beatrix Greene is spooky, chilling, and just in time for Halloween. Definitely read this one with the lights on! Though, I did not understand the steamy scenes thrown in that threw off the flow of the book, I do believe this is an overall solid ghost story/horror story. If you love these types of stories, The Haunting of Beatrix Greene is worth giving a try! ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Beatrix Greene is a medium, providing services to those who seek proof of the afterlife. She is also, like most mediums, a fraud. James Walker is in search of someone who can speak to the dead. Throughout his search he covers as a man debunking the mediums he comes in contact with. So colored Beatrix surprised when he offers her a job, as he believes she really can commune with the dead. Here's the deal... spend one night at Ashbury Manor to prove, or disprove, whether it's haunted. Agreeing was her first mistake, but will staying once they reach the Manor be her last?

Holy cow what a scary, heart-pounding and perfectly wonderful gory ghost story! This is so well written I could feel the fear and picture the bones and evil. I'm really glad I read this in the mornings 🤣🤣🤣. I love a good, terrifying ghost story and man did this ever fit the bill. Whew! 🤣

I received this E-ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed herein are mine and mine alone.

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I really enjoyed this book! Just in time for Halloween. If you love dark, suspenseful stories, this is it! I loved the Victorian flare - made it even more interesting!! I hope there is more Beatrix Green in the future.

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I've really enjoyed this book, although it is short it certainly is gripping! Perfect for this time of year with Halloween on the horizon!

I hope their will be more tales involving Beatrix Greene!

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All I can say is, Wow! If you’re a fan of darkness and suspense, The Haunting of Beatrix Greene is for you. This was definitely a new genre of reading for me and I enjoyed reading this story. A Victorian feel with a bit of Holmes thrown in for flavor.

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“I do so enjoy having a man prove things to me,” she said, her voice sickly sweet, her hazel eyes flashing.”

CW: Horror; Gore; Supernatural Haunting; Death by Supernatural forces; Entrapment; Death by Fire

Summary: Strong-headed and independent Beatrix Greene is making a living for herself in Victorian England by working as a “reputable” spiritual medium. However, when known-skeptic Dr. James Walker offers her a large sum of money to determine if Ashbury Manor is haunted, Beatrix finds herself facing the realities of what this offer means - risking everything if she's exposed as the fraud she knows she is for the chance of being financially independent. However, Dr. James Walker is hiding his own secrets and dark past, and when Beatrix accepts the job and performs the séance, awakening a gift she didn’t think existed, they must face the darkness and horror of Ashbury Manor together or be consumed.

Review: The first chapter had an incredible amount of promise, it seemingly set the mood that things weren’t quite as they seemed, introduced characters that were interesting, and made me want to keep reading - however, it quickly devolved into a mishmash of horror, romance, and the supernatural. This book felt more like a low-budget horror movie, than a Victorian gothic fiction.

This book was just incredibly heavy-handed and provided no nuance in the psychological and physical terror I was expecting. Short stories and novellas are hard enough to write because the author (or authors in this case) don’t have a lot of time to set up the mood, the plot, and the characters, however, these authors also decided to include a steamy romance that really had no place in this story. This novella’s attempt to have three different authors write the story ultimately leaves the reader feeling disjointed between each chapter. I think the idea was there, but the execution fell flat.

I will note that it appears that this story was originally, or is currently being, released through Serial Box in episodes. I think the spirit of releasing these chapters as “episodes” actually serves this novella better, as reading it straight through seemed to do the story and writing a great disservice.

You should read this book if you like: Horror; Suspense; Victorian Gothics; Romance

I received this book from NetGalley as an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This story follows Beatrix Greene, a spritual medium in Victorian England, who is actually a fraud. She is offered a high paying job by James Walker, who asks that she stay one night in Ashbury Manor, to confirm whether or not the manor is haunted. He has revealed several frauds in her medium community, but believes she is the real thing. She accepts the job, ultimately putting her own name at risk, if he exposes her as a fraud. James has secrets, as well, which are exposed during the séance, after Beatrix truly makes a connection to the other side. Neither James nor Beatrix anticipated the danger of the spirits and are in for the fight of their lives to get out of the manor alive.

This book is excellent -- different sections are written by different authors, but you really wouldn't guess it based on the flow of the book. The story line started right away, the characters were really well-developed, and the vivid imagery really takes you on a wild ride to the haunted manor.

A spooky read that will keep you on the edge of your seat -- this was a fast-paced thriller and a page-turner, to see how things end up!

Thank you to the publisher and Net Galley for the opportunity to read and review an advance copy of this book!

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