Member Reviews

There are two ratings for this book.

Reading this as a complete book does it no favors.
What would add atmosphere as a radio/podcast program serial falls flat in this narrative format.The delivery comes off as awkward and stilted.

The writing comes off as uneven,jumpy and wordy.The horror comes off better then the romance which seems rushed and forced.

For the format a 2 but the content in a better format would be about 4.

I'll split the difference.

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Scheduled to post 12/29/20.

THE HAUNTING OF BEATRIX GREENE was such a fun read. I liked how it tipped the spiritualist tale on its head about halfway through, and things got real interesting right around that time too. Of course there were inklings of it at the beginning, but things really started blowing up around the halfway point and on.

Beatrix is a strong, steadfast woman just trying to survive in a world that says she can't possible do that without a man involved. And while she does have Haz, it's not in any kind of romantic way so much as he's her younger assistant in her scheming. Her confidence in her ability to pull off her scam is what makes her take the job from James to begin with and it's refreshing to see a woman, especially one in that time, take that kind of confidence by the balls and yank it around for her own benefit.

James works entirely under a facade of indignation at what Beatrix does while secretly hoping that she isn't a fraud after all. He's disturbed and haunted in a couple of different ways, and unfortunately drags a slew of innocent folks into his mess as he tries to figure his way out of it, if there is even a way. He's stubborn, but yielding and has his head on his shoulders despite everything going on.

Despite there being three different authors I felt each different chapter (or episode) blended seamlessly into the next without effort. All three authors really put forth the effort to have a single unifying voice throughout the story, which I appreciate. I've never collaborated with anyone so I really have no idea what that whole process is like but I do find it pretty shocking that they were all able to get on the same page and harmonize like they did. They had the story flawless in its telling and voice.

Overall I think THE HAUNTING OF BEATRIX GREENE was a fun, creepy romp through the Spiritualist movement in London that poked holes in the time, but also offered up some truly terrifying moments. It really lent itself to YA horror in a way that stands out and provides a fun read while at the same time following through on the promise of creepiness. Since this is just volume 1 I hope to read more of Beatrix's and James's tales soon!


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In Victorian England, a savvy spiritual medium must outsmart the most important client of her career: a scientist determined to expose frauds like her.

But their game of wits has fatal consequences when a vengeful spirit answers their summons. If they cannot put aside their prejudices—and growing passion—and find a way to banish the ghost together, one of them could be its next victim.

Thank you to #NetGalley for an ARC of the first book of this series.

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Beatrix Greene is a medium, earning money by bringing closure to grieved and bereft family members as she makes them believe that the ghosts of the deceased are visiting her. However, she is a fraud, using her acting and empathic skills in her work, and firmly believes that the paranormal doe not exist. Her beliefs and her life will forever be changed when she meets Dr. James Walker, a pragmatic man who has debunked countless fraudulent mediums, and when he asks her for a seance.

This novel was very fast-paced and easy to read, and while I can find some plot holes and inconsistencies, I enjoyed the overall story. I don’t read any horror novels, so this mixed genre of romance with horror was really unique for me. A couple passages were really jarring to me, and the writing quite atmospheric, while the chemistry in the romantic leads well done.

Trigger warnings: suicide, child death, gruesome depictions, possession

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Each chapter is divided into episodes and each episode is written by one author which switches between all three authors. At first this threw me off but I think each chapter was consistent enough that it didn't seem like it was a totally different author. I will say, the opening of this book was one of my favorite I've read this year! It completely sucked me in and it was so eerie! The romance between Beatrix and James was unexpected to me but it didn't really feel too out of place for the story. I also totally didn't realize this was a series so I'm excited to continue on!

Thank you to NetGalley, Serial Box, and the authors for a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Wow! This story kept me on the edge of my seat. Beatrix is a medium and does seances that help those left after death claims a loved one. She has an opportunity to make more money on one seance than she has made doing many seances. But will it prove her to be a fake?

I received a copy via Netgalley and my review is my own opinion. I would recommend and hope to read more from this author in the future.

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Spiritual medium Beatrix Greene makes a living connecting people with their lost loved ones, or at least making it look like shes connecting them with their lost loved ones. What happens when a scientist invites her to a haunted mansion to see her skills in action?!

This book was a quick, enjoyable read. I enjoyed the characters and the storyline. There was enough spooky feel to the story without being too cheesy. I enjoyed the element of romance in this one too! While I enjoyed this one, there wasn’t anything that just wowed me with this one. This one gets 🌟🌟🌟💫

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The Haunting of Beatrix Greene is a Serial Box offering, meant to be consumed in separate parts or episodes, either in text or audio format. Part of the reason I didn't enjoy this that much was due to the fact that I received the full text ARC rather than the audio, which I believe was the intended medium for this story. Had I listened to it as a serialised gothic tale rather than read it, I might have been able to overlook some of the issues with pacing, structuring, and overall storyline development that I had, but alas, I can't change that now.

Right at the top of my list of issues, however, was the romance. Really, I don't mind a good clash of bodies, but in this case, the physical instalove felt completely contrived and utterly pointless. Had the heroine and her mysterious benefactor given one another longing and heated looks throughout, building that tension and culminating in a "thank goodness we made it through together" physical manifestation of their desire at the end, then sure, I could see how it has a place in the story. But in this case, they practically jump each other's bones at the first chance they get, and worse than that, their inner monologues refer to one another with pre-existing intimate knowledge that completely belies the full THREE times they have even seen one another. I just can't.

I am new to Serial Box, and while I didn't enjoy this in text format at all, I do think I'll be keeping an eye out for their other offerings in audio format.

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I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The Haunting of Beatrix Green went by so quickly. I didn't even think it was going to be so quick to dive into and now I want more. So much more. I don't even know what to write about because this ARC was only 23 freaking pages long. So, yeah, I definitely want more and need to dive into another book or the next one. It doesn't even matter to me anymore.

The only thing I will mention is that I seriously hate cliffhangers because this short ass book had one and now I don't know what to do with myself. Where can I get the next book? I will give you all my money because this just wasn't enough to make me happy.

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The Haunting of Beatrix Greene: Vol. 1 by Rachel Hawkins, Ash Parsons, Vicky Alvear Shecter is a Historical Fiction set in Victorian England era with Horror and Romance to it. We see our main protagonist Beatrix Greene who acts as a reputated spiritual medium, but she knows the fact that ghosts aren't real.

But she is offered a high paying job of her lifetime and she knows she is not in a position to say no to such a hefty amount. James Walker—a scientist notorious for discrediting pretenders like her offers her a investigative job to visit the haunted Ashbury Manor.

The book is only the first volume but it ends pretty well. The writing style and the narrative is very fast paced and elaborative. I liked the relationship dynamics between the characters. I also liked how Beatrix Greene finds her power and actually is able to defeat a real and the very first ghost of her lifetime. The first half is really boring and descriptive, but the story picks up only at the later half.

But the story lacks on the romance part. The investigation part was handled pretty well, but the romance part lacked a lot of backing. Nothing was matching between the two characters Beatrix and James. If at one part both were hating each other and then the next moment they fell head over heels for each other which doesn't make any sense.

So overall it was a pretty decent for me, and the hype I was seeing for this one, I had really high hopes. I expected a lot more from a Victorian Era Historical Fiction with Horror to it. But it was decent and nothing mesmerizing or different.

Thank You to NetGalley and Serial Box for providing me with the eARC in exchange for a honest opinion.

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Beatrix Greene is a medium. She conjures up ghosts to make a living in Victorian London. The thing is....Beatrix is a fake. She is an actress using her theatrical skills to deceive her clients into believing she is making contact with dear ol' Auntie Gertrude to discover where her priceless pearls are hidden. A girl's gotta make a living, right?

As fate would have it, Beatrix decides to attends a lecture given by famed scientist James Walker who also is on a mission to debunk the fake mediums that are prevalent in this age of Spiritualism. He recognizes her and challenges her to go to his family manor to confront the spirits within, particularly his mother whom he believes purposely killed his brother . Beatrix accepts because she needs the money but hopers she can put on a good enough act to be convincing to the suspicious scientist. So with her long time actor friend Harry, photographer Mrs Reynolds, and Doctor Doyle a mystery novelist interested in the occult, set out for the haunted mansion for the adventure of her lives. After they arrive an unwanted guest arrives and upsets the balance of the group who have assembled for the event. During the séance Beatrix surprises herself and the group by summoning a very dark and angry spirit and it seems this is going to be a tougher gig than she expected. How will this night end and will James get the answers he is hoping for? Will Beatrix discover her true power is stronger than she thinks and definitely nit fake? Who will make it through the night in the mansion? And who will find love among the chaos even though that is more like The Bachelor than Ghost Adventures...?

I thoroughly loved this book! As an empath and auditory medium, I was interested in the time period of the Spiritualist movement and the story itself. It is definitely a nod to

Christie's And The There Were None but as I was reading it, I thought of the movie House On Haunted Hill which is so corny yet has that element of spooky suspense that makes it a classic Vincent Price at his creepy best. The book has the same vibe for me. And yes, there is romance and sometimes it reminded me of
Ghost Adventures. I really am intrigued with how the book ends too and hope that means there are more Beatrix Greene books coming soon!

Thank you so much to authors Rachel Hawkins, Ash Parsons and Vicky Alvear Schecter , publisher Serial Box and NetGalley for the free copy of the book in exchange for my honest review. It was a treat to read! Very entertaining and creepy at the same time which makes it a great book!

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I got this in e-book form and had a chance to read it all in one sitting rather than wait for individual installments, but I can really understand how this worked so well as an audio serial too. It's a terrifically creepy ghost story with a romantic storyline, and even though it was three different authors writing it all felt very unified. If you're looking for an entertaining Gothic ghost story that culminates in a HEA (or at least a HFN as implied), this is a really fun one to spend time either reading or listening to.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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The Haunting of Beatrix Greene

This was a story set in Victorian England about a fake medium with undeniable gifts in performing seances that unleashes her true hidden powers. In this fantasy, paranormal, historical fiction read.

I enjoyed reading about the characters and especially this time period to see women and their roles in the society. A wonderful collab work by three authors to produce ne fantastic and amazing story line that you will find hard to put down.

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Not for me but not due to the writing just not my genre of book. If you’re looking for something paranormal, set in the Victorian era that moves with break neck speed, this could be for you. I have to say the writing styles were all very complementary to each other, there was no definite break to the story when the author changed. It’s quite short and took about 90 minutes to read. The romance aspect is probably the most unbelievable thing!

Thank you Netgalley

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I really enjoyed this novel!

This book followed a 'fake psychic' as she was approached and commissioned for a job by a scientist. He believes she is the real thing and will pay her good money to go to a house with him and determine if it is or is not haunted.

Beatrix, knowing she is not the real deal, agrees and figures she can put on a show and make enough money to finally move and start a new life. However, upon arriving, things do start happening and she has a connection with the other side that she didn't know. Now can she help this group of people survive who or what is tormenting them.

My favorite thing about this book is how it was written in 'episodes', it made me picture it as a tv show and each chapter had a destinctive feel to it. It also flowed very well from one chapter to the next, even with multiple authors. They did so well capturing the characters that their writing blended and made me forget it was written by more than one person.

Thank you Netgalley and Serial Box publishing

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This is so delightfully spooky! I love that it’s written by a trio of some of my favorite YA authors, and features some of my favorite historical figures (Dr. Arthur Conan Doyle!!!)

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Everyone loves a good ghost story and this is one. Though it has three authors, the writing is flawless and cohesive. The characters are questionable and each has something that gives them an opaque persona. You are unsure who to trust and worry about them all. Good fun.

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all the promise, none of the punch. the romance to spooky elements was off for me, personally. i can see the appeal for people who are into paranormal romances, but it missed the mark for my tastes.

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James Walker challenges Beatrix Greene to become his guest for one night at Ashbury Manor, conducting a spiritual seance to talk with the haunted spirits of the place, releasing their souls by ending their suffer and despair.

James believes in science and he is suspicious about the gifts of Beatrice and Lady Greene needs her independence by being financially secured. The money James offered may help her for the brighter future plans even that means she has to outsmart him with her talent and make him believe she can really connect with dead souls. But can she be a talented actress to convince him he was wrong about her from the beginning?
This proved to be a fast, engaging and riveting page turner for me. Very Gothic, very atmospheric, and very entertaining. The story flowed smoothly. I enjoyed that nothing felt like filler. This is a short book with a HUGE payoff in enjoyability. Spooky, creepy, tense and with a sense of dread, this story never disappointed

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“Beatrix straightened and, to his astonishment, laughed. ‘Oh my. You don’t like it when a woman dares defy you, do you?’”

A fake medium who... might not be a fraud after all? Beatrix Greene is just trying to make ends meet as an independent young woman in Victorian England.

James busts fake mediums, and has been trying to get an audience with Beatrix. When he finally meets her, he offers her 200 pounds to spend a night at Ashbury Manor, famous site of gruesome murders, and tell him if it’s haunted or not.

An odd crew goes to spend the night in the manor determined to find out what actually happened that night 20 years ago...

A quick read, this paranormal gothic horror is relatively simple but intriguing! I flew through it and overall enjoyed it.

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