Member Reviews

I love Fiona Gibson's books! A fun, well-written, pleasurable read with a story that flows... A seemingly simple story that will definitely make you think!

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I loved this book! It was well written and easy to read and just like the rest of Fiona’s books the story was fantastic!

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I really enjoyed reading this book, such a lovely story and having Scout, the dog, in was the icing on the cake. Fiona writes beautifully and I love reading her books. I can thoroughly recommend this one.

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The title, the cover, the blurb and a cute dog obviously caught my attention from the beginning, but after all it was not enough to completely captivate me.

I think my biggest problem was the pace of the story. It was slow. VERY SLOW. I had to force myself to keep going through this for the first 50% it didn't seem to end, and nothing interesting was happening there. I did like the second part of the story; lots of fun times, a cute relationship, and friendship talks along with some life lessons thrown around, but at this point she was already tired and she just wanted to finish the book. Very sad because the dog was hardly a part of this.

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The Dog Share was such a cute book with that guaranteed romance, but not too little and not too much! It was so squee-worthy and I found myself squeeing at adorable parts in this book & feeling warm and fuzzy.

The plot was unique; an abandoned dog left on an island to survive all by himself brings so many people together, it's just all-in-all adorable and memorable!

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DNF @30%

The description of The Dog Share sounded so cute, and I was so excited to read this, plus who doesn't love a book with dogs in it? I try not to have unreasonable expectations but god this book was such a disappointment! 30% in and no dog, bye. I will not be baited by the cute dog and not even have it show up!

A huge thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for providing me a copy of the ebook in exchange for an honest review.

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Absolutely loved this book! A must read for all dog owners! A real comfort read in these difficult times!

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Suzy’s ex had invested in a whisky plant on a remote Scottish island then when things started to go wrong he left Suzy with a huge mess. Suzy wants to do the right thing by the islanders but can she turn things around and will the islanders ever accept her? Then a stray dog, called Scout decides to adopt Suzy and helps her become accepted. but someone else also loves Scout so she agrees to share him and that brings her an opportunity for a fresh start. A lovely easy reading story

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What a lovely book! Firstly I was instantly drawn into the bright and lovely looking cover - I think it completely captures you and draws you in well. Next the storyline was just too good not to read so I’m so happy I got the opportunity!
This book was so charming, engaging and had me laughing out loud throughout which is always what you want in a go to easy read.
Overall a lovely heart warming story that will make you smile from start to finish!

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Sometimes you just need a light-hearted book like this to enjoy without too much pressure. This was an ideal summer read. Thoroughly enjoyed.

Thanks so much to NetGalley and the publishers for letting me read an advance copy of this book in exchange for my feedback.

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The cover was so cute nad I thought this would be a lovely book. Unfortunately, I had to DNF this book. I was confused in the beginning and didn't feel like it was going anywhere,

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A book with a dog on its cover is always a good choice. This one did not disappoint. Scout is the hero of the book. It may not be a very thrilling read or a riveting one either, but it does give out enough cozy vibes to make it a good read.

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2.75 stars
TW; Infidelity, Death
When I read the plot of this book I fell in love, a rom-com whose plot involves sharing a dog, sign me up! While reading all I could think was, 'so when do we share the dog?'. It isn't until the 50% mark when we actually start to get into the plot, the entire book felt a little slow to me. Suzy finds herself in over her head after a few poor choices are made by her ex. Her journey takes her to an island where she encounters Scout a lost dog, and my problem here, considering this is supposed to be a book about a dog - the first half focuses more on the distillery and Scout is there, he's not the main focus. A little odd for a book supposedly about a dog.

This book was really confusing, the romance felt forced, our male character Ricky has a son who falls in love with Scout - and it just seems that after a few meetings between the two of them - Ricky seems to be smitten with Suzy. In reality, the two main characters would have ended up meeting since they both have a connection to the distillery, it's a shame since the plot really didn't need Scout to bring them together. I think the book would benefit from a name change since it's very misleading.

I pushed through to see what would happen, but I feel like if it hadn't been an ARC this would have been a DNF for me.
I would like to thank NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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After an impulsive business decision by her ex partner, Suzy finds herself in a mess when she is left to pick up the pieces. She finds herself on a remote Scottish Island, trying to put right the wrongs her ex has caused, and not many people are pleased to see her.

One evening Suzy comes across an abandoned dog who she names, Scout, who is about to change her and many other people's lives for the better.

The Dog Share is a heartwarming tale, which feels like a hug in a book. Themes include friendship, new beginnings, forgiveness and second chances.

Warm, funny and relatable. The Dog Share is a must read.

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A book with a dog on its cover is always a good choice. This one did not disappoint. Scout is the hero of the book. It may not be a very thrilling read or a riveting one either, but it does give out enough cozy vibes to make it a good read.

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Being a dog mum I was instantly interested in this book and it was indeed a cute story but it wasn't what I was expecting based on the title, cover, and blurb. This is not really about a romance more like a journey of self-rediscovering and assessing your values. The actual book and the cover do not match!

It is good book for a quiet summer afternoon or a cozy day under the blankets at home.

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The Dog Share by Fiona Gibson
Source: NetGalley and Avon
Rating: 4/5 stars

When Suzy Medley’s life gets turned upside down, inside, out, and sideways, she has no idea what she’s going to do. Her worthless boyfriend is gone, she’s stuck with a business that is on life support, and a dog she doesn’t want has wandered into her rental.

Sometimes in life, a person can only deal with one catastrophe at a time. First up for Suzie is the wandering canine. Suzie has never wanted a dog, but she’s also not cruel. When the mutt wanders in on a cold, rainy night, Suzie swears it’s a one night only arrangement. The trouble is dogs have a way of working into your heart and doing so quickly. In no time flat, Suzie is committed to her new companion and with Scout by her side a whole host of new opportunities open up.

Next up on Suzie’s to do list is figuring out what to do about her ex’s disastrous attempt at running a distillery. Knowing nothing about running anything, especially a once top-notch distillery, but looking for a new adventure, Suzie decides to make a go of the business. Trouble is, no one at the distillery wants anything to do with Suzie and if she’s going to make a go of this venture, she’s got to learn the business from the ground up and prove to the employees she is nothing like her rat-bastard ex.

Suzie’s time on the small island that is home to the distillery is both a wonderful and somewhat perplexing experience. Suzie loves the environment, Scout loves all the walks along the beach, but Suzie is making little headway with the distillery staff. As if the universe is once again looking out for her, Suzie meets, thanks to Scout a lovely yet very lonely woman, and a handsome man and his delightful son. Suzie comes to relish the time she spends with these new friends and with their help, she is able to slowly begin working her way towards a successful relationship with the distillery staff.

The Bottom Line: This was an easy read for me and that is in large part because of the dog. I am always drawn to books with animals that play a prominent role in the story, and Scout certainly does so in the Dog Share. In fact, I found Scout to really be the central character of this read as it is he who brings Suzie into the orbit of the various other characters. Without Scout, Suzie may never have found her HEA. Through is own rescue, a very happy Scout helps so many others find their own sort of rescue, healing, and happiness. Without being obnoxious or unrealistic in his role, Scout really brings the whole story together in a most delightful manner.

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I would like to extend my gratitude to the author, publisher and NetGalley for sending me this advanced reader’s copy in return for a fair, frank, and honest review.

I really enjoyed this book. Mixing cute dogs and falling in love and I am hooked immediately. I totally believe that dogs help people and can change lives. Simple storyline. What is says on the box – romance and rom com.

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This was a very cute book. How could I pass up something that combines romance and dogs? This was a very quick, light read that I would recommend.

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This is a nice, uplifting story about a woman called Suzy whose partner has left her in trouble, so she has to rebuild her life and pick up all the pieces he has shattered. On her travels, she meets a scruffy dog called Scout, who is adorable and he helps her to heal herself. He also helps her to meet a special man and his family, as well as a new friend and she enjoys getting to know them all. They all share Scout and he brings them so much fun, joy and laughter. This is a heartwarming book, which I really enjoyed.

Many thanks to the author, publisher and Netgalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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