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Act Your Age, Eve Brown

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It's no secret that I love the Brown sisters. I love them with my whole heart. I wish I could meet them for drinks one day. Yes, I know they are fictional characters, but that doesn't mean it couldn't happen!!

With this 3rd installment of the Brown sister series, Hibbert has once again, worked her magic and given differently - abled BIPOC characters a beautiful voice, power, love, and made them sparkle bright like the amazing humans they are.

I am an autism Momma, and it truly touched my heart to see Eve and Jacob come alive on the pages. I loved their enemies to lovers journey. I laughed out loud at their banter. I identified with their struggles and I admit wanted to throw my Kindle across the room at certain points along the way because I wanted them to GET TOGETHER ALREADY! Hibbert is the queen of sexual tension. This book has some STEAM. Phew, I may have blushed a bit. Loved it.

Get this one on your must read list!

I want to thank NetGalley, Avon, and Harper Voyager for a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Here we have the third installment in Talia Hibbert's Brown sisters series. This book focuses on Eve Brown, the youngest of the sisters. Eve has a creative spirit but she can't seem to hold down a solid job for too long. In fact, she seems to leave a steaming pile of fresh disasters in her wake. After her parents cut the financial cord until she can prove that she's going to be more independent and stable, Eve leaves home in search of a new opportunity. Enter: cute B&B owned by a youngish, handsomeish guy. After a spectacularly bad interview, Eve becomes the new B&B chief while her boss is recovering from being hit by a car (um, long story). I'll let you fill in the blanks with Eve and Jacob, her new boss.

This is a perfectly serviceable installment in the series. I wasn't blown away, and I do wish there were more details about characters, events, and motivations other than Eve and Jacob. This is a fun opposites attract contemporary romance, and the relationship development is well done. It's cute.

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ARC provided by NetGalley!
So... I just want to start this off by saying I felt every minute of that book. Eve is probably the sister I relate to the most. Chloe, from book 1, I felt would be my best friend. Dani, from book 2, I felt was my friend who I had MAD respect for- that owned everything and could empower anyone. But Eve... I see myself in her and damn did that scare me.

Her many ‘failures’? Her fear of loving something too much, knowing it could be taken away? THATS ME. Her character was so fun to read, but also so amazing in every way.

Her and Jacob were amazing together & I loved how they both put effort in to understand each other. They didn’t judge one another (too harshly) in a way that was toxic towards the other.

I loved this book so much & I can’t wait to have a physical copy on my shelf! The Brown sisters have been such an amazing journey & I know I’ll re-read them soon!

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I absolutely adore this series. The Brown sisters have a take no prisoners attitude that does not fall short with Eve. The story was different than the first two but thrilling all the same. I just wish there were a plethora of more sisters so there would be more books!

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In the last year or so, I have become a huge fan of Talia Hibbert. It started with Get a Life, Chloe Brown -- the first book in her Brown Sisters series. Eager for the 2nd book, I dove into Hibbert's backlist. I'm still working my way through her backlist (everything has been excellent), but I've also continued with the Brown sisters and I am a little bit gutted that this series is over.

Because, dear reader, I loved them so so so much.

Act Your Age, Eve Brown is the third and final book in the series, and when my request for access to a digital galley was approved on NetGalley late last year, I started reading it immediately. I couldn't wait to get back to these wonderful characters and Hibbert's witty, engaging writing.

Eve and her story did not disappoint in the least.

I love how well Hibbert writes such realistic, complicated, fully-developed characters. The characters are truly what make her books so special. They are all unique individuals, relatable in so many ways, and they always feel so real and authentic.

Eve is a wild, boisterous, unapologetic force of brightness and determination, and I absolutely loved her. But I also adored her grouchy romantic foil Jacob, and all of his quirks. And as much as the couple shine brightly, the supporting characters nearly steal the show (as is common in Hibberts books, if I'm being honest). Jacob's best friend and his delightful twin sisters. Eve's sisters and their boyfriends from the first two books in this series. And their free-spirited grandmother, of course.

This book just feels colorful and bright and joyful, and it made me just abundantly happy while reading it. And isn't that something remarkable?

So if you'd like to feel a bounty of joy, read this book!

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Honestly, Talia Hibbert can do no wrong. I fell in love with the Brown sisters in "Get a Life, Chloe Brown", and each book of this series has only gotten better.

"Act Your Age, Eve Brown" is the beautiful story of a young woman learning to love herself as she is and to accept those parts of herself that others deem "off" or "wrong". Eve leaves her world behind and throws herself headlong into a job she knows nothing about. Throw in a gruff (but secret cinnamon roll) B&B owner who can't help but be drawn in by the quirkiness of his new employee and this book is pure perfection.

Let's not forget the amazing representation of the autism spectrum!

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Oh, how the Brown sisters have brought such joy to my life. While I’m incredibly sad the final book of the trio is over, I couldn’t be more pleased with watching each of these characters go through their separate journeys of self-acceptance, discovery and love.

The representation and diversity in these books is effortless and has made me hold other romances up to much higher expectations because of it. There is no reason to not have more diverse characters in romance novels and Talia Hibbert has done so in such an organic way that I don’t have the patience for authors that don’t follow her lead. Beyond representation, Hibbert excels at bringing her readers on a journey where happiness always wins in the end. There are tough moments, moments where your heart breaks, but they’re all worth in when you get to the end of her books and everything is as it should be.

One of my favourite things about Jacob and Eve’s story was the banter and jabs at one another. I honestly haven’t laughed at a book like I did at this one in such a long time. It was truly hysterical while still being tender and kind. The jabs were never low blows or meant to hurt. There was always respect and belief between the two of them.

Talia is an expert at handling her character development and does it with such care. This book follows a journey of realizing ones worth and realizing the failure isn’t always a bad thing. It deals with abandonment and lack of self-worth and shows us how working through these things doesn’t come easy. I loved watching how Jacob would support Eve and how Eve would support Jacob. Their love was heart warming and totally sexy and absolutely the kind of love I would love! The sex scenes are always sex positive and romantic which makes for a great romance novel if you ask me.

Honestly, if you haven’t dived into the Brown family world, you are seriously missing out. These sisters are such a joy to read about and they make the romance world so much brighter.

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Very, very funny. I loved the fat- positivity <3
However, it was a lot ... more explicit than I thought it would be. I usually read teen books so I guess that's it.

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Eve Brown is the youngest of three sisters. And, as so often happens with a youngest child, she is still trying to find her way long after her sisters have already figured out their lives. Now, her parents are threatening to cut her off.
Eve is distraught. She knows that she's been spinning her wheels but she's not sure what to do about it. She runs out into a rainstorm and impulsively interviews for a chef position at a B&B (that she's not even sure where she is.) Of the two men interviewing her, one seems open to her somewhat eclectic persona, the other is having trouble looking away from her chest. And that's the one who seems harder to impress. Too bad he's the one she runs over (not a spoiler, it happens early in the book.) Of course, that opens the door for Eve to stay at the inn and help the owner, Jacob Wayne, run it while he heals from his injuries.
There is quite a bit about this book that strains credulity but it is a fiction book and I'm willing to forgive a lot for good character development and this book has it in spades. The characters are both open to the parts of the other that sometimes throw people off and it was quite lovely to see the understanding and acceptance that they extend to each other. I'm also hoping for a book (well, a trilogy) about Jacob's friend and his sisters.

Three and a half stars
Follows Take a Hint, Dani Brown
This book comes out March 9th
ARC kindly provided by Avon and Harper Voyager and NetGalley
Opinions are my own

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In Act Your Age Eve Brown, we follow the titular Eve Brown, a spoiled and perhaps maladjusted 26 year old seeking to prove how grown up she can be by getting and keeping a job without her family's help. Everything's going great until she accidently mows her would-be employer -Jacob- down with her car and things progress from there. To atone for the accident Eve has agreed to help Jacob run his B&B while he recovers from his injuries.

Well to start I just have to say, I absolutely fucking loved this. Eve and Jacob are the epitome of the sunshine x grumpy one dynamic. Eve is a a chaotic force of nature, loud and boisterous to Jacob's own orderly and calm charm. They just balanced each other out so well and their banter was so hilarious to me that I could not stop smiling throughout. Talia is, quite brillant at balancing the story's witty banter and silly hijinks with some real emotional depth and character development throughout the narrative. Jacob struggles with abandonment issues and Eve with acute peter pan syndrome and a deep fear of failure. I enjoyed how the story explored the emotions and anxieties of these character's and how that impacted their budding relationship with one another. Additionally I want to add that both protagonists in this are neurodiverse and I really love how much care Talia put into that aspect of the story (however I'm not an own-voices reviewer in this area).

This was a delightfully fun, and at times surprisingly steamy. It truly was a joy to read! I highly recommend it to my folks looking for some good fluff.

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Did I read this entire book today when I was meant to be studying all day? Yes. Yes, I did. Do I have any regrets? No. No, I don't.

Talia Hibbert has a way with romance. She just keeps writing absolute bangers. I loved seeing characters from the first two books in this series, but Eve added a new flare in that she was so flawed as a character and had so much growth. She goes from being purposeless and wild to mature and determined. I loved the dual-perspective and hearing from our two leads. I loved the banter between Eve and Jacob, his dark humor and her overtly-sexual humor made for some super entertaining and funny dialogue.

There was a more serious aspect to this book, but it didn't have the same prominence that the other two seemed to have. This book delt with autism, but in a pretty subtle way. It was very tasteful, just not as obvious as it was in Chloe and Dani's stories.

There was obviously a fair amount of steam in this but the plot takes center stage. You do not need to read the first two books to follow this one, but I would recommend it because it will spoil those and it adds to the story when you understand more of the family dynamic.

Overall, I would highly recommend this read if you're into romance!

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I'm going to be up front and acknowledge that I have been in a reading space for quite a while now that will not accept anything less than the highest levels of emotion and angst. That is not what this book is. It is soft and sweet with plenty of humor. It's own voices with TWO neurodiverse leads! There's some malaise created by each of the MCs' personal baggage and growth, but overall this is a happy story meant to make you feel happy the entire time you read it. Which is why this is a great book and many people will love love it! It didn't quite pack enough emotional punch for 2021 Hannah to love it as much as I have loved the previous books in this series. However, I still enjoyed it a lot and I absolutely recommend it. I should also mention that Jacob is a surprise dirty talker. Like, my eyebrows shot up so high in delighted shock that they almost jumped off my face. And Eve is a delight, messy and relatable and I'm jealous of her t-shirt collection. For devoted fans and new acolytes alike, this is going to be a quintessential, lovable Talia Hibbert book.

CW (listed by author at beginning of book): childhood neglect, anti-autistic ableism

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ARC kindly provided by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

“You won’t get your head out of your arse? Aren’t you worried about potential suffocation?”

Talia Hibbert has done it again and graciously provided us with yet another gem full of snappy wit and great dialog. In this final book of the Brown Sisters Trilogy we meet Eve Brown, the youngest sister who has such a big heart but can also be a bit of a whirlwind agent of chaos.

Following an uncomfortable conversation with her parents Eve storms off and decides to go for a drive. She ends up much farther away than intended and in a tiny town out of the way. She sees a help wanted sign at a B&B and spontaneously decides to apply for the job. Following an extremely awkward job interview with the ice cold and overly judgemental owner who refused to hire her, she may or may not have run over said owner with her car. What? It was an accident! ...probably.

Jacob Wayne is the owner of Castell Cottage. He has put everything into making this bed and breakfast a success and everything is finally coming together with his biggest marketing opportunity coming up in a few weeks. With any luck the delicious food the B&B’s chef is planning to serve at the Gingerbread Festival will draw in a whole new crop of visitors and help cement Castell Cottage’s status as a tourist destination. Unfortunately his chef just won the lottery… and she left him high and dry! Now what is he going to do? He can’t cook to save his own life.

I loved getting to spend time with these characters. Hibbert does a wonderful job of fully fleshing out her characters in such a way that while you read it feels like hanging out with old friends and you really don’t want to leave. The way she writes diverse characters who include a broad assortment of lived experiences has quickly made her one of my favorite contemporary authors. Eve has such a wonderful bold personality that you can’t help but love her. She knows who she is and although she may be a bit of a work in progress in the eyes of the rest of the world, she takes the radical approach of loving and accepting herself just as she is. (I’m sure I’m not the only one who wishes they could be that brave.) Jacob of course has those layers that have to be slowly peeled back and appreciated as you get to know him. Turns out he’s not the ice king he projects to the world either. In addition to getting to know and love these new characters it was also fun to peek in on the Brown family and see how things were going with characters from the previous books.

I look forward to seeing what Hibbert comes up with next!

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Absolute loving the Brown sisters. Eve is so quirky and adorable. Another resoundingly adorable love story by Talia Hibbert. Almost wish there were cousins or more sisters so that their legacy could continue!

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This was one of the most spectacular books I have read in a very long time and a wonderful conclusion to the Brown Sisters series. I cannot sing enough praises of how well, and how much care Hibbert took in writing about characters who identify as neurodivergent. The romance was fun, flirty, and honestly down right hilarious at times. I do not re-read books, however, I CANNOT wait to reread this book.

7/5 stars and possibly my favorite Brown sister story.

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i knew i was going to love this because i love all the brown sister books, talia is such a good writer

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I loved this series - and this book was probably my favorite of all of them! Talia Hibbert's books are everything I want romances to be: Thoughtful, funny, diverse, complex, and heartwarming.

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An absolute delight! What an amazing book to wrap up this short series with. Talia Hibbert's writing is top notch and the characters are absolutely wonderful to get to know. Highly, highly reccomend!

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I was a little hesitant going in, because Eve was my least favorite sister. I was wrong wrong wrong, because she was a joy to get to know and my second-favorite all around (after Dani). Hibbert is my first foray into adult contemporary romance after many years out of the game, and she is a shining example of what the genre can and should be: diverse in body, mind, personality, race, sexuality and sexual proclivities, and above all romantic and heartfelt.

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This is my first book by this author. I know my review is not going to do this book justice. Lord I laughed so hard at this. I really needed it. This was sooo cute and just perfect. Such a lovely story that I wasn’t sure about at first. Eve and Jacob my new favorite couple!!! I love that Jacob isn’t your typical hero. I love his quirks. Eve a chocolate BBW . I love her body positivity. The description of the bed and breakfast was so well done. I’ve never been to one but now I want to. Such great secondary characters like Montrose and his sisters. I skipped books 1 & 2, but I’m going to have to backtrack. I got this from Netgalley. I’m so glad I tried it out. I will definitely read more from this author. I highly recommend this book. I love the overall theme of this book.

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