Member Reviews

This was a beautiful story full of emotion and characters that you completely fall in love with. I haven’t read anything else by this author but will be soon.

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This was a brilliant read and is being featured on my blog for my quick star reviews feature, which I have created on my blog so I can catch up with all the books I have read and therefore review.

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I would like to thank the author, the publisher and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read an ARC of this book. Having read other books by this author I was really looking forward to this one and I wasn’t disappointed. It was a beautiful story with characters so real I felt I knew them personally and I didn’t want the book to end because it would mean saying goodbye to them.

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A feel good book you want, this is it! Keisha is studying how beetroot can help in the healing of Broken Heart Syndrome and then she meets Clive. Maybe Clive is her beetroot :) Watching their friendship develop is so heart warming and really comforting. A lovely journey

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The Missing Piece was an absolutely beautiful read.
The story is told from both Keisha, a scientist who is in her 30's and Clive, a 79 year old mans perspectives.
.When Clive is taken under Keisha's wing as she tries to conduct a study on broken heart syndrome an unlikely bond blossoms between them.
As the story progresses we learn more about these characters as individuals and really start to see who they are.
The story was truly heart warming from the start. The characters were endearing and totally loveable. I found myself well and truly immersed in this book right to the very end.

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I loved this book! It was a very emotional story and the character ARC was amazing. The evaluation in the main character throughout the story was amazing.

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This was a cool read. Such an interesting storyline, especially with the juxtaposition of characters. Would definitely recommend to friends!

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The Missing Piece was a delight to read. Told from Keisha and Clive's perspectives, the 30-something scientist meets the 79-year-old man as part of her study on broken heart syndrome. They form this unlikely bond but familial connection, as Keisha takes him under her wing following his heart attack. As the chapters unfold we learn more about both their pasts and what makes them both such complex and interesting protagonists. The book was a little slow-paced in the middle for me, but ultimately, I loved the characters and the heartwarming ending.

The Missing Piece is perfect for fans of Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine and The Switch.

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A cute story about finding out if it’s ever too late for love.

Keisha grows and learns so much in this story and it’s beautiful to watch her. She learns so ,inch from her new friend Clive it makes my heart happy. A very touching and real story.

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Catherine Miller is a new author to me, and one whose books I will happily read again! In "The Missing Piece", nurse Keisha meets the elderly Clive, whose heart is broken over the murder of his wife Nancy. However, when the police begin to research this crime, they find no evidence of Nancy's existence. Keisha has to help Clive mourn this loss that never existed -- or did it? Along the way, Keisha learns the importance of love and relationships. I really enjoyed the sweet relationship between Keisha and Clive, and the supporting characters were enjoyable as well. This was a heart-warming, sweet story that was a quick read.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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This emotional novel deals with love, loss and our personal philosophies about how to live life, Keisha was only a teenager when a tragedy turned her life into a before and after. This event forms her personality and she now avoids personal connections - if she doesn’t love anyone she can’t lose them. Now working on her PhD, Keisha feels she knows everything there is to know about the heart. However, she only knows the heart as a physical organ, not as a centre for her emotions. She is a quirky character, but still easy to warm to. She has traits that are indicative of possible OCD and some of her responses to life can be really funny.

When Keisha meets 79 year old Clive, he is a patient at the hospital so there’s a professional distance, but even personally they seem very different. Clive is the embodiment of love. He fell in love with his wife instantly when he was a teenager and they’ve had a very successful marriage. Unfortunately, his wife has been killed suddenly and Clive has been brought to hospital suffering from Broken Heart Syndrome, the very phenomenon that Keisha is studying. Broken Heart Syndrome is a physical illness that occurs when the heart’s normal pumping function is disrupted. It causes chest pain and breathlessness, and most patients think they’ve had a heart attack. It happens under extreme stress or emotion and can be treated and reversed over a few days. Keisha is drawn to Clive, and slowly they begin to find common ground, This isn’t a romantic love story, but it is a story about love and someone coming into your life for a reason. As someone who has friends from a 23 year old all the way up to a 77 year old antique dealer, I understand how deep friendship can grow between two people who are very different. Will Clive be able to soften Keisha’s stance about love and trusting someone? Clive has suffered a terrible loss but he has also known the magic of meeting that one special someone. Will Keisha ever think it’s worth taking that leap and feeling that magic for herself? However, Keisha also has something to bring to the table. She has experienced great tragedy and kept on living - even if not as fully as others. Could she influence Clive into taking another chance at life?

This book is truly an emotional roller coaster but I welcome that in a novel. I want to really get to know my characters, empathise with them and root for them. I loved the story and the sensitivity with which it is told. As someone who has experienced the types of loss discussed here I appreciated how emotionally intelligent it was and the sensitivity of the characters. I’ll be recommending this to friends and looking at the writer’s future work.

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This is such a heart breaking story that will make you shed some tears and want to push characters towards love and healing. I fell in love with Keisha and her way of coping with loss but found myself wanting to shout at her at times and show her the obvious. Love is not felt through medicine but through the butterflies in your stomach. You can’t just know it’s there from the first time you lay your eyes on someone. Love grows and one day you wake up and know it’s there, it’s real and it’s true

As for Clive…. oh, how I cried and hoped in his healing. How I got so close to him, wanting to help and get to the bottom of it all. I stopped reading and thought about meeting an old man like him and if I would have done the same things as Keisha did.

Would you help a stranger unconditionally? Would you be able to give up on yourself just to see someone else happy?

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I read this for a blog tour.

This was a lovely story about lost love, remembering the past, and falling in love.

Clive has fragmented memories of something happening but they don't quite add up, so Keisha and George try to help him find out what really happened, along the way there's a speed dating event, some time on the allotment and drinking beetroot juice (yuk!).

This was a genuinely lovely and warm book and I really enjoyed it, another sweet reading treat for the colder days and nights.

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It took me a little while to get into, but once I did I really enjoyed it. I loved the characters, from Keisha and Clive, to George, Tess and Lucy. Such a heartwarming story, which had me crying at the end.

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This story is about Clive and Keisha who are gettogether over Clives broken heart syndrome .
Keisha working on her P.h.D she is trying to find out if beetroot juice does help Broken Heart syndrome.
Clive was taken to hospital with what seemed like a heart attack brought on by seeing his wife dead in the kitchen of his house.
But the police to to investigate but there is nobody in the house , nobody has been hurt.
Clive is sure Nancy is real.
Keisha is a strange one herself she is forever taking her pulse .
She has been going on blind dates set up by her friend Tess but the "one" hasn't turned up yet.
Clive and Keisha grow closer over the research programme .
Their are a few other great characters thrown in.
Will Clive find out the truth about Nancy or is it just his imagination..
Will Keisha find love.
This is a brilliant book
Love this author's books
Thanks NetGalley

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Book Description:

Broken Heart Syndrome: A sudden and acute form of heart failure, brought on by emotional or physical distress.

After years of studying cardiac medicine, thirty-one-year-old Keisha knows the heart inside out. She knows the average heartrate for each age group, she can name every valve, and she can tell you exactly how much blood it pumps daily.

The one thing she doesn’t know is how to fall in love. And nor does she want to. The secret her tattoo covers is a reminder that the best way to protect a heart is to never let it feel in the first place…

Seventy-nine-year-old Clive is Subject Five in Keisha’s latest research project. He’s been in love since he was seventeen, ever since he met Nancy at a tea dance. But last night, his beloved wife was killed. Suddenly, he has no one to waltz with. He has woken up in hospital, a widower diagnosed with Broken Heart Syndrome.

These strangers, brought together by a broken heart, must face up to the truth of their pasts. Can Clive teach his new friend that until you’ve loved, you haven’t lived? And can Keisha help him see that it’s never too late for a second chance?

For anyone who has ever felt the pang of heartbreak and feared you might never heal again, this beautiful tale teaches us how to dust ourselves off and seek happiness again. Fans of Jojo Moyes, Josie Silver and Rosie Walsh will love this moving and uplifting story.


Review for 'The Missing Piece' by Catherine Miller.

Read and reviewed via NetGalley for Bookouture publishers and Bookouture anonymous

Publication date 28th October 2020

This is the first book that I have read by this author. It most definitely will not be my last!!

I was originally drawn to this book by its interesting cover and intriguing sounding blurb. The blurb also states fans of Jojo Moyes will love this. I am a huge Jojo Moyes fan so am intrigued to see if it will live up to this statement. I was also looking for a genre change from my usual crime or thriller and the synopsis of this book drew me straight to it!! I must admit I was also biased due to the publisher being Bookouture. I have yet to read a book published by Bookouture that I haven't enjoyed. Hopefully this won't be the first... Watch this space! (Written before I started reading the book).

This novel consists of 54 chapters and an epilogue written in 4 parts. The chapters are short to medium in length so possible to read 'just one more chapter' before bed...OK, I know yeah right, but still just in case!

This book is based in Southampton, UK 🇬🇧 . I always enjoy when books are set in the UK as I'm from Wales and have sometimes visited areas mentioned in the book. This makes it easier to picture where the scenes are set at times.

This book is written in first and third person perspective with the main protagonists being Keisha (first) and Clive (third) . I tend to enjoy books written in first person perspective as as long as they are well written it makes you feel that you are being spoken to by the protagonist and it can create more of a bond between yourselves and them. It is even better when there are several protagonists as you get to see even more of what is going on and get a feel for more characters more especially when one perspective is first person and another third person.

Well, well well!!! Where to even start? Ahhh I know.... Where has this author been all my life??? What an absolutely amazing and beautiful book!! Watch out Jojo Moyes you have competition here!!! Absolutely beautifully written, flowing lovely with very apt names of the 4 parts of the book!!

The storyline is beautiful and very unique which is definitely a bonus! I get so fed up of books using the same type of storyline this is definitely refreshing. I would LOVE to see this turned into a movie and is the most romantic book I have read for a long time. The story is full of heartbreak, loss, mystery and some comedy. I absolutely burst out laughing when reading the speed dating scenario which earned me some strange looks from my partner!!

I was completely invested in the characters who I absolutely loved. The only downfall is them being fictional as I would have loved to meet them!! What a complete mix of characters but they all worked out so perfectly with each other, I will actually miss them!! If you love Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory you will love his female counterpart Keisha!!!! Lucy reminded me of Penny and well I'd be fighting with Keisha over George who was, as us Welsh like to say, lush 😂. I don't think I've ever come across a book where I loved every character!!!

I am off to check out every single one of Catherine's other books on Amazon and pop them on my wishlist. Well done Catherine you have made my top author list. I cannot wait to read more of your amazing work. Congratulations!!!

Overall an absolutely page turning, unique, gorgeous romance story with characters you will fall in love with.

Genres covered in this novel include Contemporary Romance, Contemporary Fiction and Women's Fiction among others.

I would recommend this book to the fans of the above as well as Jojo Moyes, The Big Bang Theory and anyone looking for the love story of the century!!!

332 pages.

This book is 99p to purchase on kindle via Amazon or free on kindle unlimited which I think is an absolute bargain for this book!!!

Rated 5 /5 (I LOVED it ) on Goodreads, Instagram, Amazon UK and Amazon US and on over 30 Facebook pages plus my blog on Facebook.

Feel free to add me on Goodreads or follow me on my website or Facebook for more reviews

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@CatherineMiller @Bookouture @Bookworm1986 @bookworm86

Author Bio:

When Catherine Miller became a mum to twins, she decided her hands weren’t full enough so wrote a novel with every spare moment she managed to find. By the time the twins were two, Catherine had a two-book deal with Carina UK. Her debut novel, Waiting For You, came out in March 2016.

Catherine was a NHS physiotherapist, but for health reasons she retired early from this career. As she loved her physiotherapy job, she decided if she couldn’t do that she would pursue her writing dream. It took a few years and a couple of babies, but in 2015 she won the Katie Fforde bursary, was a finalist in the London Book Fair Write Stuff Competition and highly commended in Woman magazine’s writing competition. Since then she’s had four novels published.


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What a lovely story.

The Missing Piece tells the story of Keisha and Clive. They meet when Clive agrees to take part in a clinical study that Keisha is running. But all is not as it seems. Something doesn’t add up with Clive’s story.

Throughout the book, their relationship evolves with a small community of friends and colleagues.

A lovely story of friendship, lost love and new love. I shall definitely be recommending this as a must read.

Thanks for Netgalley for the opportunity to read this, in exchange for an honest review.

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Omg I was all excited at first after spotting the main characters name, thinking that my name was being used!!!! Spoiler…its not as I’m Kaisha, not Keisha. Gutted! And no, they’re not pronounced the same either! Trying not to read it as my own name was definitely a task and a half I must say ha!

Keisha is a very reserved character who is severely set in her ways. Her own little quirks (like continuously checking her pulse) are what makes her who she is, but not many people understand her because of it. Honestly, she doesn’t even understand herself half the time!!

After the loss of a loved one, Keisha’s life changed and she was left feeling as though she was the cause and so, because of that, Keisha put that energy into her work to try and help others such as Clive or, as he is affectionately known; Subject number 5. No, not mambo number 5….SUBJECT number 5.

Poor Clive hasn’t had it easy and he fights a daily battle with his memory. I felt for him but I was so pleased that Keisha and nurse George refused to give up on him, even when he wanted to give up on himself.

I thought this book was such a cute, heartwarming novel which took on a voice I hadn’t really heard/read before. I thought the storyline was so unique and so interesting, my attention didn’t falter from the book at all.

Whilst I didnt cry or find the book overly emotional, I did love how touching it was and how every character had multiple layers to their personalities, as I felt as though I was constantly surprised by a new revelation instead of knowing everything straight away.

Its evidently clear that a lot of love and attention has gone into creating this story by the author, and I believe that she has done herself and her characters exceptionally proud by bringing their story to life in such a tender and warming manner.

Overall this was an enlightening, thoughtful read which warmed that ice cold heart of mine.

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An unusual read. Elderly Clive meets much younger Keisha when he is selected as a participant in her research study into broken heart syndrome. An unlikely friendship, a mystery to unravel and a long lost love all come together in this warm and engaging story. Great characters. Lovely ending!

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I absolutely love this author’s books. This one is just as captivating and gorgeous as her previous ones, but a little more light-hearted.

I just loved Clive. Everything, from his eccentric dress code, to his sweet nature, was so endearing.

Keisha and Clive, while they might seem an unlikely friendship match at first, have a lot in common. There’s a lot more than meets the eye with both of these characters.

There’s a lot to this story. It’s got love, friendship, heartache and hope, and it’s also got so many emotions, with a bit of mystery and humour thrown in too. It’s a book that will appeal to so many.

A really enjoyable, flowing and uplifting read. I really recommend it.

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