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Fairy Godmothers, Inc.

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I was hooked on Fairy Godmothers, Inc. right from the first chapter that introduces us to the FGs themselves, the Blossom sisters. The fairy godmothers' magic has been fading for years, and they know they need to do something to rejuvenate it. The fairy godmothers decide to turn to two humans who owe them a favor, Lucky and Ransom. Lucky thinks her name is a curse – she's unlucky in most absurd, awful situations. When her godmothers ask her to fake marry Ransom, her first love and one man she desperately wants to forget, she can't say no. The godmothers set about planning their fake wedding in Ever After, Missouri in an effort to save magic and their town.

I adored everything about this book. Every character is interesting, compelling, and empathetic. The dialogue is fantastic, and occasionally laugh-out-loud funny. Ransom and Lucky's character arcs were so satisfying. The concept takes tales and characters all of us are familiar with and subverts them in truly charming ways (no pun intended).

This was my first Saranna DeWylde book, and now I can't wait to read more of her stuff. I'm so excited for this book to be out in the world so that I can gush about it with my bookish friends and bookstagram community. Thank you so much Kensington Books for providing me with an e-ARC.

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What fuels the magic in the magical village of Ever After? Love, of course. Alas, it’s running low when the book begins, so Petunia, Bluebonnet, and Jonquil, the fairy godmothers of the title, concoct a plan to turn Ever After into a wedding destination. To publicize their quiet village in the Arkansas countryside, they recruit two of their favorite charges to have a fake wedding. Lucky Fujiki and Ransom Payne fell in love in college, but Lucky’s signature bad luck caused one crazy disaster after another every time they tried to make love, ultimate resulting in Ransom becoming known as “The Boy Who Missed” and a painful breakup. Ransom, now the high-profile billionaire owner of the chocolate empire Heart’s Desire, is willing to risk resurrecting his unfortunate moniker to help out his godmothers, and in spite of her own fears Lucky agrees to the fake wedding too.

An excess of ribald language in a Disneyland setting put me off at first, but it is funny and gives the story a contemporary feel. I enjoyed discovering Ever After with its cast of characters out of the classic fairy tales, friendly forest creatures, castle, and endless supply of cake, pastries, and ice cream sodas. The plot drew me in with its urgent questions. Will Lucky and Ransom ever be able to consummate their love? Can they save Ever After? I would have liked a little more depth to the characters though. While Ransom’s career defines him, Lucky’s seems to be an afterthought. She’s an artist, but we never really see her at work, just her string of bad luck.

Recommended for readers who like fairy tales and romance novels.

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Enchanting! Very fun and funny read full of delightfully charming characters all of whom were very likable and deserving of feisty Godmothers. This will be a fun hand sell and I can't wait to read book two.

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Thanks to NetGalley for providing me an eARC of this book in return for a fair and honest review.

This book is about two people struggling to get their Happily Ever After, some meddling Fairy Godmothers, and the power of love.

My thoughts:
This was a very cute second chance romance and I love fairytale anything. I will say the writing could have been better. The conflict and the reason behind the first breakup prior to the events of the book were just a little silly in my opinion. If you have good suspension of disbelief and just want a fun lighthearted read with some whimsy this is a good book for you.

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I adored this book. I am a sucker for all things fairy tale. I loved the Godmothers and their different personalities. I loved their relationships with Lucky and Ransom. I enjoyed meeting all of the fairy tale characters and the quaint town they all lived in. It definitely made me want Ever After to be a real place.

My only negative is the author left some loose ends that I would love to have seen resolved. Hopefully the next book will satisfy my curiosity, as I completely plan on reading it! I need more of the Godmothers in my life.

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This book was a cute and fun read with a new take on all of our loved fairytales. The book kind of had a hallmark movie feel which to me is never a bad thing.

The characters were fun and the book had a good flow. There was not any steaminess if that is what you are looking for.

I am definitely looking forward to the next book.

The only thing I was not a fan of was the whole boy who missed thing. It felt childish and not something that needed to be brought up that much. There needed to be something else he was upset about.

Sadly Amazon will not allow reviews yet.

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This book had so much potential. I loved the idea of Fairy Godmothers setting up couples and meddling. I expected it to be heartwarming, funny and sweet. It was all of those things but it was also incredibly CORNY. I enjoyed the first half of the book and sped through it but for the second half I cannot count the number of eye rolls I had or how predictable this book was. I know that its chick lit and I'm not expecting a literary masterpiece but by the last quarter of the book I just couldn't anymore. I finished it, but it was begrudgingly.

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This book was adorable! Just so cute and I was smiling through the whole thing. Ransom and Lucky had a falling out when they were younger. They were madly in love but Lucky is just UNlucky and after an unfortunate incident, Ransom was branded, “the Boy Who Missed”.
Now their fairy godmothers are trying to save Ever After and want them to get “fake married”. Ransom and Lucky never stopped loving each other, so they have to decide if life together is worth all the unluckiness that goes with it. Can someone love her no matter what? Lucky doesn’t want to have to put that on Ransom but she knows she deserves a HEA, like we all do.
All the magic and visits from some of our favorite storybook characters are hidden in the pages and it just made me feel like a kid again. I really enjoyed this light read and needed something to put a smile on my face!
Thank you to Netgalley, Kensington Publishing, Zebra Books and Saranna DeWylde for an early copy!

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This story was a sweet bite of chocolate. I ended up smiling my way through it, despite the disasters that seemed to follow Lucky wherever she went, even Ever After. She and Ransom totally deserve a Happily Ever After from their fairy godmothers! And I am glad they got it.

Ransom is a good guy, any guy that smells like chocolate (Lucky's observation) have a lot going for them in my opinion. Plus he does his best to keep his employees at his chocolate business (Heart's Desire) taken care of. He is just a decent guy and doesn't deserve the name he got so many years ago.

Lucky is pretty awesome too, with her chaotic powers of unluck. I really liked her form of justice by hug. She is really good to her friend Gwen though, and her two little "monsters".

There is lots of chaos (thanks to Lucky but also meddling by the godmothers) in this book but it ties up nicely and I enjoyed it.

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I love the premise of this book. Match making and fairy Godmothers. Yes please!

But... It didn't end up keeping my attention. I ended up DNFing it around 40%.

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This book is cotton candy: might be fun for a bit, might get too sweet for you pretty quickly. It goes past fluffy romcom and into Hallmark movie, but not even necessarily one of the December ones when they know people will be watching, like a midyear production where it might be on in the background for someone cooking dinner. If that's something you're in the mood for, great! I found the fairytale stuff a bit overdone, wasn't drawn to the main couple in any way, and found the writing, especially the dialogue, to be fairly awkward. Still, if you're looking for something fast and super light to read with kids, chocolate, fairy tale references, and not a lot of drama, this might be an option for you!

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A unique love story. I enjoyed the characters and storyline. I look forward to more stories with these characters in the future.

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*I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

This was a super cute read! I love any type of fairytale retelling so I enjoyed that aspect of the book. I also liked how the fairy godmothers kept reminding the readers that the storyline for the main characters was supposed to follow the typical cliche fairy tale timeline to keep it from being overly cheesy. I definitely got the feeling the author was setting. up side characters to have their stories told later on and while that was interesting and fun, I don't feel invested enough in any of the side characters to read more. It was also a bit confusing how sex seemed to play such a large role in keeping Lucky and Ransom apart despite all the talk about how it is repeatedly said how there is more to a relationship than sex. Gets a bit confusing at times. But overall, this was a fun rom com read.

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I really enjoyed the bulk of this a lot, however I really really disliked the attachment to "the Boy Who Missed". I felt like that was a very juvenile idea that should have been cut in editing but couldn't let go of it. No reputable paper would have used a reference to accidental anal sex, much less EVERY newspaper. It was distracting and annoying and took away from otherwise very creative and enjoyable fairy tale references.

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The premise sounded interesting but the execution wasn't for me. I ended up DNFing around 20%. I love a fake engagement trope but the overall story, as far as I read, didn't pull me into the story.

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I received a copy of Fairygodmothers Inc from Netgalley and I was so intrigued by the premise. Unfortunately, I had to DNF because it wasn’t for me.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for the ARC to read and review.

Three fairy godmothers who are losing their magical abilities call on their charges to help bring back love to Ever After, Missouri.

Premise sounds really cute. Delivery, not so much. DNF for me.

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If you're a fan of Once Upon a Time and Shrek 2, then this is the book for you.

There is a shortage of magic in Ever After, and the Godmothers take it upon themselves to stage a fake wedding. But wait, the two protagonists, Lucky and Ransom, have met before. For the first time since their breakup, Ransom and Lucky meet to discuss their fake marriage. The magic in Ever After isn't known to the general public, only the fairytale-like establishments in Ever After. Once Lucky learns about Ever After's secret, she and Ransom continue with their "fake" marriage.

The fairytale characters' goal is to bring in happy couples through the Fairy Godmothers, Inc wedding planning to bring love into Ever After because love is the true power source to their magic. For magic to return, the Godmothers and the people of Ever After place the entire future of magic on Lucky and Ransom falling in love.

To say this book had enjoyable moments would be a lie. The book's rom-com aspect is practically nonexistent, only popping up when Lucky has a conversation with Gwen. The press focusing on Lucky and Ransom was a weird addition since there was no hint of the two's status until their "wedding press junket."

There is too much going on with this book, from Lucky's relationship to the side character Rosebud's secret parentage. The focus drifts away from Lucky and Ransom. One of the story's redeeming qualities is towards the end, as Lucky realizes instead of allowing her 'bad luck' to ruin her life, she has to take control and keep her 'bad luck' from destroying not only her life but the lives of the people she loves.

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Lucky Fujiki’s first name is a cosmic joke. Her luck is so bad, even the number seven steers clear of her. But when her adorable godmothers ask for a favor, Lucky can’t say no.
I really loved this book. It was Super cute! The fairy god mother had such a romantic vibe that added the extra romance into it was a major plus!
Cute. Fun. Addictive book!

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Thank you NetGalley and Kensington Books for giving me the opportunity to read Fairy Godmothers, Inc. early in exchange for a honest review!
I love a good fairy tale and I love a good romance, and this book delivered on both counts! Lucky and Ransom were both enjoyable characters that were easy to root for, and the supporting cast of characters all pretty much likable and interesting. I enjoyed the story setup and the fairytale elements, but the humor, friendship, and love between the characters made this a great read. There were a few choppy bits but the overall story flowed well. I honestly can’t wait to read more about the Blossoms and the people they come in contact with! So many hints at possible follow up stories makes it feel like there will be many more Ever After stories to come, and I am here for it!

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