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Fairy Godmothers, Inc.

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Fairy Godmothers, Inc. offers a peek into the cute town of Ever After, where fairy tales dwell and helpful woodland creatures make their home. Here we find a trio of adorable, meddling godmothers working to bring magic back to their town with the transformative power of true love. Their victims (... godchildren) are Lucky and Ransom, who agree to a fake wedding publicity stunt that will hopefully usher in a wedding industry to revitalize Ever After. The catch is that Lucky and Ransom already had their shot at love, and it went up in flames, or rather, it faced attacks from leeches, tornadoes, and feral pigs, among other mishaps. Lucky's decided lack of luck is the root of the issue. But maybe they will get their second chance.

What I enjoyed about the story was Ever After. The thought of a storybook town running on fairy dust and true love was too cute to handle. The atmosphere of childlike wonder twinkled right off the page. There's a large cast of familiar fairy tale characters that provide colorful twists and turns.

The romance itself didn't draw me in as much as the side characters and the setting, and when the nature of the final straw in their past traumatic break-up came to life, I rolled my eyes so hard I probably broke something. However, I think the series has a lot of promise, and I would definitely read more.

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You Deserve the Best...and Other Clichés: A Love Story
I really wanted to like Fairy Godmothers Inc., a magical second chance romance seemed like just the way to start the holiday season. But alas, while I didn't hate it, I also had a hard time getting through it. The Godmothers were funny, forward-thinking ladies, but unfortunately that wasn't enough to carry the whole story. The main characters, Lucky and Ransom just didn't do it for me-- they were whiny and predictable, and I never really bought into the idea that their love was doomed. The supporting cast was similarly disappointing, being too one dimensional to add much spice or drama to the plot. The story relied heavily on fortune cookie advice: love her for herself, believe you are worthy, everyone deserves a happily ever after, etc. etc.

So, now that my gripes are out of the way, I will say that there were some aspects of Fairy Godmothers Inc. that I enjoyed enough to get me through the book. The alternate identities of familiar fairytale characters was well done, with Rosebud Briar (Sleeping Beauty) operating a magical clothier, Goldilocks working as a bar maid at a mining themed pub run by seven dwarves named after types of beer, and Red and Grammy (a werewolf) making the best baked goods this side of the Mississippi. The talking animals were hilarious, with a cardinal named Bronx actually making me laugh out loud more than once. And while the story lacked any believable tension or sense of foreboding, the ending was sweet, and exactly what one would want from a happily ever after. All in all, while Fairy Godmothers Inc. has not become my new favorite book, it is one that I would recommend to help pass the time with a few laughs and awws thrown in for good measure.

This 3.5 🌟 originally appears on Lit.Buzz.

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Love this fairy tale twist. This story is an adult version of The movie Dependents. We get to see glimpses of fairy tale characters, or hints about who they are.
Lucky is the main character, and she basically has gone through her life being completely unlucky. It appears that whoever she touches, also has bad luck. To help her godmothers establish their wedding planning business, Lucky agrees to a fake wedding with her ex and one truly love. The problem is and always has been Lucky's bad luck. The couple have a rough road to the alter, but as in all fairy tales, there needs to be some kind of happily ever after.
This was a fun story, actually made me laugh out loud. I enjoyed it and am looking forward to the next book in the series.
I received an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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If you’re looking for a happy ever after, this books guarantees you’ll have it courtesy of the godmothers. A fun book full of eccentric characters and a quirky town. I can wait to see what happens in books two.

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Everybody wants their happily ever after relationship so when fairy godmother inc tries to make ever after Missouri the top wedding destination, things should go smoothly right? But that’s not guaranteed when they decide to use their godson and goddaughter (no relation to each other) as the happy couple for publicity. Why? Well they use to date in college and the incident causing their breakup remains to be a sensitive topic. On top of all this, Lucky is the most unlucky person and even attempting intimacy with Ransom Payne brings on the most bizarre experiences.
This book was nothing like I thought it would be and not necessarily in a good way. While at times it was quite funny, I also found it to be confusing, containing too many different plot twists as well as overly sexual and raunchy in an unpleasant and ridiculous way. While I did enjoy the book for the most part, I can’t say I’ll be rushing to read the next one in the series.

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Fairy Godmothers, Inc is a fun little rom-com with a bit of magic realism thrown in. It's a quick, lighthearted read, unfortunately, it's a bit problematic. I love a good giggle here and there while reading; however, I felt the humor in this book at times was a bit forced and hit the mark. The unfortunate nickname (those who have read the book know the one) felt a bit awkward. Sure, the situation that led to the nickname is unfortunate, but the nickname was a bit cringe worthy. At times the book was a bit over-the-top, but it's not really unexpected. The best part about the book is the town and all the nods to fairytales. Aside from the issues, I did like the authors writing style. Despite, being confused at time, I found that I enjoyed the cadence of her voice and the flow of her writing.

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“I don’t believe in fate. I believe in here. I believe in now. I believe in us.” He pulled her forward again. “I believe in this.”
- Saranna DeWylde, Fairy Godmothers, Inc.

Well... This one really didn’t work for me. The story sounded interesting but it wasn’t anything like I imagined it was going to be.

Fairy Godmothers Petunia, Jonquil and Bluebonnet live in Ever After, Missouri. A town that draws its magic from love. When the town starts to lose its magic, they hatch a plan to turn the town into a wedding hotspot by calling in a favour from their god children Lucky and Ransom. Ransom is a billionaire who owns a chocolate company thanks to the help of his Fairy Godmothers and Lucky is the opposite of what her name implies. Disaster follows her wherever she goes.

Lucky and Ransom, were in love a long time ago but Lucky’s misfortunes ultimately forced them apart. The godmothers want them to have a fake wedding so that the press will cover it and people book their own weddings in Ever After. Then the town will forever be filled with love and therefore, magic.

This was a struggle to finish for me. It had potential but ultimately it fell flat. The relationship between Lucky and Ransom needed work and it definitely needed to be a much stronger part in this story. It was too busy focusing on the town and a whole array of side characters.

The reason our MCs relationship ended initially was pretty silly and the fact that it was an ongoing plot in the book was just so unrealistic and weird, not that any of this story was supposed to be realistic. It was a confusing mix of adult romance with steamy scenes and a very juvenile setting and story. It just didn’t mesh well in my opinion and wasn’t for me personally.

I feel like there was potential with this one, but I just don’t think it got there. Thank you to @netgalley for allowing me to read this book.

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This was one of the few books that can actually make me laugh out loud. I was so excited to jump into this and thought it'd be the perfect modern fairytale. Sadly the main character Lucky was incredibly negative throughout the entire story and that's what has taken my review down to 3 stars. I understand the need for her negativity but with it being so constant it did somewhat bring the mood down.

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This book is like Cinderella for adults. Lucky’s 3 Fairy Godmothers need help bringing romance to their town, Ever After; their pot of magic is running out and their charges Lucky and Ransom are the key to unlocking more magic. They set up Fairy Godmothers Inc. in a plot to stage a fake wedding between Lucky and Ransom on Valentine’s Day and make Ever After the perfect wedding destination!

The book reads just like an old fashioned fairy tale - you know there’ll be plot twists but ultimately a very happy ending. Lucky is such a loveable character despite (or because of?) all of the bad luck that she attracts. Her best friend Gwen may also be able to find her own happy ending in Ever After. The book is laugh out loud funny at times and definitely not for children! It would make a wonderful TV show and I am desperate to read the second book in the series.

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Every star for my rating of "Fairy Godmothers, Inc.' is for Lucky!

I had so many reactions to this book as I read and when I finished it. I had to take a day before coming to write out my review for it because there was a lot to unpack. Emotionally -- if that makes sense.

To start with, you are sucked right into this fairytale world when you meet the Fairy Godmothers, Petty, Jonquil, and Bluebonnet. When I read the description of this book, I was really, really hoping the author did the fairytale aspect of this story justice. And DeWylde truly did deliver. You are essentially reading a grown-up version of all your favorite tales. There is magic, True Love, curses, Red Riding Hood and her wold (known as just Red and Grammy), enchanted animals, and lots of sweetness.

In this world, it was more than just Lucky and Ransom. The other characters introduced by DeWylde in this story were compelling; I wanted to know more about Gwen, Lucky's best friend, and her darling children, the sort of arrogant, too realistic Roderick (Ransom's best friend), Ravenna (the Evil Queen) and her secrets, and even about Fortune, Lucky's mother.

With that being said, the true hero of this book is Lucky. She shares this story with Ransom, the guy she had been in love with during college -- and the one person her unlucky streak (or her curse, as she called it) never let her have. While I am a sucker for love stories, I think I was more invested in Lucky's journey of self-love. Of course, I wanted her to have her Happily Ever After with Ransom, but he didn't deserve her. Not really. This story was focused on Lucky coming to terms that she was worthy of love and acceptance. When she hits her rock-bottom in this story, I felt her loneliness, her hopelessness, and her fear. She was essentially terrified of what we all are: never being enough. She was this beautifully flawed character that deserved all the love, all the happiness, and all the pastries she wants. This is why I didn't think she deserved to end up with Ransom; she grew and learned, got stronger and braver, but he just had to accept her as she was. Talk about unfair.

Still, it was a quick and lovely read. I would definitely want to read more stories set in this world.

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I honestly enjoyed this book. The fairy godmothers are hilarious and endearing, the author’s take on the fairytale characters living in Ever After is creative and fun, and the banter is witty and entertaining. However, Fairy Godmothers Inc. is not without its issues.

First of all, the fairy godmothers and other fairytale characters are ten times more interesting than the two main protagonists. My favorite part of the novel was the chapter in which the fairytale characters all get together and start plotting, and the protagonists are nowhere in sight.

Ransom is your basic romance novel hero–flawless and hopelessly in love with the female protagonist. There’s not even a question of “will they or won’t they” as Ransom professes his love in his first point-of-view chapter.

Lucky, on the other hand, is perfectly imperfect. She’s thin, beautiful, has a loyal best friend, is good with children, and has the attention of a billionaire, but she has the exact flaw that every romance genre heroine has–she’s clumsy. Only this time magic is involved, and Lucky’s clumsiness is attributed to her bad luck, a trait that everyone seems to accept.

That’s my other issue with this novel: I can only suspend my disbelief so much. Fairy godmothers, werewolves, and evil queens living secretly in small-town Missouri–I’m all in! But when Ransom almost loses his business because a vindictive internet reporter publishes an article about Ransom’s fiancé having bad luck, I’m not buying it. I can’t believe that a board of directors in an international business would try to out him for marrying someone with “allegedly bad luck.” More likely, they would tell Ransom to sue the reporter for libel.

Overall, this book is a fun little romance story, but it could have been so much more.

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If your looking for a light-hearted fun novel this is for you. Author #Saranna DeWylde has a new whimsical novel #'Fairy Godmothers, Inc. For all of us stay-at-home readers this is a perfect novel!!
Thank you,
#Netgalley, # Saranna DeWylde, and # Kensington Books for the advanced copy

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content warnings: explicit language, sexual situations, mentions of cheating


Fairy Godmothers, Inc. by Saranna DeWylde follows Lucky Fujiki who has always been rather unlucky, to the point that thinks she might actually be cursed. Sometimes that unluck even spreads to those around her. The only ones unaffected by her curse are her three meddling godmothers who she would do anything for. Which is why when they ask her to get fake married in their little town of Ever After as part of a plan to make it a premiere wedding destination, Lucky can’t bring herself to say no. Not even when the fake groom is someone from her past.

Ex-boyfriend Ransom Payne is the founder of a successful chocolate company and also the godchild of Petunia, Jonquil and Bluebonnet. Even though disaster follows the two of them wherever they go, in the form of mutant cherries, feral hogs and much more, Ransom has never stopped loving Lucky. This fake wedding has a chance to become a real wedding. But will it work when it seems like the world has other plans for them and everyone they love?

This book was the perfect little slice of funny, cute and fluffy. With a dash of magic, talking animals, a castle, a prince who spends his days as a frog, it was a great light-hearted read that couldn’t have come to me at a better time. Even though the world seemed to be against them, Lucky and Ransom continued to choose love. That’s just one of many reasons why you should choose to give it a chance. If you need more, there are wonderful side characters, messages about being your own hero, witty dialogue and lots of hilarious situations the characters find themselves in.

I received an advanced reader’s copy of this book from Netgalley and the author in exchange for an honest review.

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Fairy Godmothers, Inc. by Saranna DeWylde is about Lucky Fujiki, whose life has been unlucky since the day she was born. Nothing ever goes the way she wants it too and if she gets too close to people, her "unluck" spreads to those around her. Some of the only people who remain unaffected are her godmothers, Petunia, Jonquil and Bluebonnet. Due to a random twist of fate, she dates Ransom Payne, who happens to share Lucky's godmothers as well. After an unfortunate incident in college, the two part ways and never talk to one another again. That is, until their godmothers ask them to fake a marriage to promote their little town of Ever After as a premiere wedding destination. The second they see each other, all those old feelings come rushing back and what follows is a cheesy, adorable, romance that makes for a really cute read!

If you've ever watched Once Upon a Time, then this book is definitely one I would recommend for you. Ever After is what Storybrooke could have been, if not for the curse. It's filled with fairy godmothers, talking animals, castles and princes who spend their days as a frog. The place literally runs on love, as in their magic comes from the amount of love in the air.

The highlight of this book for me was the fairy godmothers. Their meddling ways and the pure love they have for their godchildren is just so sweet! It also make for some really interesting situations that constantly made me laugh! They are witty and hilarious and I would definitely read a book about the three of them.

Now getting to the actual romance in the book, this one was a really cute story. Every time Ransom and Lucky got together, disaster followed. And that's not an exaggeration. From mutant fruit to feral hogs, they were constantly being bombarded every time they tried to be even a little intimate. But regardless of what the world threw at them, they persisted and I think that's what the story is really about. Sure they had the fairytale trope where the prince had to overcome danger to earn the princesses love, but really this book was about loving even though it seemed like everything around you said no. It was staring adversity and danger in the face and choosing tp love the other person and that's what made this book so great.

It was funny, romantic and really magical and it made me smile! So, I would definitely recommend it if you're in the mood for a modern fairytale romance, complete with meddling fairy godmothers and evil queens!

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Thus book is about fairytale magic. It’s a sweet, whimsical romance. The Godmothers come up with the idea to save the town Happily Ever After, by having a fairytale wedding between their godchildren Ramsom and Lucky. Ransom and Lucky have a past with each other. They decide to part because of things that kept happening to them, while they were trying to be romantic. I enjoyed the book. It’s and easy read. I loved the other characters and Gwen - Lucky’s best friend and Roderick - Ransom - good friend. I hope there is more to this series. Thank you to Saranna DeWylde, Kensington Books and NetGalley for the E-ARC. This is my own opinion.

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This is a perfect little slice of fluffy romance. It was cute and feel good and it was something I just needed right now. I love the sweet fantasy and happily ever after of it all. I don't care that is was totally outside of reality. In fact, I think that is why I liked it so much. Right now reality sucks and this book was the perfect safe haven of fairy tale, fantasy romance. It is cute and funny with just my type of humor. All of the characters were so likable. The 3 godmothers, Lucky, Ransom, Gwen and her monsters were all instantly likable and most of the others grew on me. I absolutely wish that a place like Ever After did exist because I would absolutely visit. Based on the end and the additional bit at the end it seems like this is going to be a series and I am absolutely looking forward to it. This is the perfect escapist book if you want to get away from reality and end up with warm fuzzies and a giant smile on your face.

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2.5 stars
A contemporary fairytale!
I thought this book had its charming moments! I liked the characters and liked the magical aspect for the most part. It felt different than a lot of romance novels I’ve read lately.

Even with the premise being based on fairy godmothers, there I still a lot of steamy scenes.... but that being said it felt a bit juvenile for being a romance between adults. Especially “the Incident” they kept referring to... it honestly made me giggle that they had made such a huge deal about that.
I don’t know why so many breakups in romance novels have to be because of silly miscommunications. But, I also felt like they got over their anger towards each other and moved onto other things (mainly trying to have sex) pretty quickly.
Basically, this requires you to suspend your disbelief and just enjoy the ride.
It was cute and sweet albeit a little too fluffy.

*special thanks to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review

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I love magical realism, so this book immediately appealed to me. It’s almost as easy to call this romance though.

Lucky has always had bad luck. Her luck is so bad that she actually thinks she might be cursed.

Ransom is doing just fine, he’s incredibly wealthy but still misses his old girlfriend Lucky.
Lucky misses him too but they would never have admitted it on their own. Something happened in their past that turned into a humiliating experience for Ransom and stuck with him ever since. I’m not going to say what, I’ll just say that they were never able to consummate their relationship.

They actually feel like they might be cursed when they’re together. If they try to be together, terrible things happen.

But their fairy godmothers need their help and they’d do anything for them. They agree to a fake wedding to bring people into their town, Ever After.

As Lucky and Ransom start to fall for each other, it starts to take a toll on Ransom’s career and Luckey’s best friend Gwen.
Lucky has to figure out how to save herself and everyone else.

There were some beautiful messages in this book. I thought Ransom’s nickname was so silly it was distracting. But I liked all of the characters, the settings, the animals, the magic, basically everything else.

I got to read an early ebook edition from NetGalley. Thanks!

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First, I would like to say a big thank you to Netgalley and Kensington Books for providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for my honest review!

Lucky has never been lucky...rather she seems to be a harbinger for bad luck. Ransom has founded a successful chocolate company, which has grown and prospered. The only thing Lucky and Ransom have in common are their godmothers - fairy godmothers, that is.

Exes with a past behind them, Lucky and Ransom are reunited for their fairy godmothers' grand scheme to save their little town of Ever After. Lucky and Ransom will get "married" to attract publicity and put Ever After on the wedding map.

With Lucky's track record and Ransom's past, can these two pull it together to get to the alter and save Ever After?

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Lighthearted humor!!

Needed this to lighten hearts and minds.

I am looking forward to next book in the series!

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