Cover Image: Fairy Godmothers, Inc.

Fairy Godmothers, Inc.

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This book is a perfect comfort book. The story is cute, the characters are adorable, and it's full of good clichés. I couldn't keep smiling throughout the book, this was really what I needed; something simple and happy

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This book is downright hilarious! I cracked up so much during this book- something I honestly did not expect.
This is a romance, however, there is so much going on that this book can be for anyone. Loved it!

Thank you to Netgalley for my advanced copy in exchanged for my honest review.

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This was a REALLY cute book with loveable characters and an adorable plot. If you want a happy book with magic that will make you smile and forget about the scary world we live in, then you should pick it up without hesitation. What a perfect read. I loved it. Wonderful characters, happy ending. Just perfection.

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Thank you Net Galley for an ARC of Fairy Godmother, Inc. This is a story of Ransom and Lucky and their pursuit of romance, love and happiness. Unfortunately I did not connect with these characters and the story line.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of Fairy God mothers, Inc.

I'm not a romance genre fan, bu this premise filled me with such delight and eagerness, I was excited when my request was approved.

I thought this was going to be a bit like the show on channel 7, Once Upon a Time, but without the dark drama, and more magic but I found Fairy Godmothers, Inc. hard to get drawn into.

When I started reading, it felt like the story began a dozen chapters ago and I just began reading in the middle.

There's barely any exposition on Lucky and Ransom; when they got together, the Incident which shall not be named until much later, their past, and sadly, there's very little rapport or chemistry between the two.

Also, why is Lucky so un-lucky? I'm not sure the author ever explained it but if she did, I might have missed it because I was skimming a lot toward the end.

I did like Gwen and the loyalty of the best friends featured in here but, again, there's no exposition on how Lucky and Gwen became BFFs.

The premise of this series has great potential but the writing and pacing was uneven and character development poor.

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Very very cute! I loved the way the fairy tale characters were woven into the story and I could picture everything about the town. I could really feel the pain and frustration of our hero and heroine, but there were quite a few legit LOL moments and I almost fell off my elliptical a few times from laughter. The whole time I was reading this I kept thinking this would be a great series and this would be so cute as a tv series; looks like it is the start of a, hopefully, fun series.

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3.5 stars = I liked it. Her name is Lucky, though Unlucky would be appropriate. She believes she is cursed. But when her fairy godmother rope her into a scheme to make the magical town of Ever After into a destination wedding spot, a second chance at a first love that went disastrously wrong may just change her luck.

I thought this was a cute light romance with a touch of magic. The meddling fairy godmothers were fun as were the fairy tale residents of Every After. I liked poor Lucky and I liked the way that she weaponize her bad luck with one character who especially deserved it. I also liked the way she finally took control of her life at the end to get her HEA. My only nit is that her leading man needed to grovel, a lot. Don't think it's up next, but I'd like to see a HEA for the frog prince.

ARC courtesy of the publisher via NetGalley.

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Lucky and Ransom in Fairy Godmothers, Inc.
Lucky, an artist, is the most unlucky young woman with a Fairy Godmother. In fact her bad luck spreads to others around her. In college she fell in love with yummy Ransom (he’s so yummy he runs a wildly successful chocolate empire). Unfortunately, their bad luck was colossal and pushed them apart. Many years later it seems Ransom and Lucky still have feelings for each other. Luckily they share the same godmothers who conspire to get them together. But it is a fairy tale so they both have quite a gauntlet to navigate for a Happily Ever After.
This was just a delight to read. Red Riding Hood and Grandma turned into bakers called Grammy and Red. The 7 dwarves made an appearance but were named after types of beers. These with the addition of a frog prince and kitsune were just some of my favorite secondary characters. The godmothers were a perfect blend of ditzy, insightful and sometimes risqué.
But this book is not for children. There are adult themes running through the book. I was reading it during the presidential debates in October 2020 and I adored coming back to this charming and whimsical book as I took a break. And rooting for Lucky and Ransom.
I would recommend this book to my patrons.

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Oh to have the. Blossoms on your side! This story is one that every girl dreams of, Happily Ever After. While the road isn’t always clear and sometimes it feels as if the world is crashing down, true love and being true to yourself conquers all. Fairy Godmothers, Inc. is that feel good book I needed! I can’t wait to read Ever After. Thank you for the ARC! #FairyGodmothersInc #NetGalley

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This one sounded so cute, I live a fairy tale inspired twist. Unfortunately it was a miss for me, I didn’t feel like the writing and pacing worked for my tastes. DNF

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When I first read the blurb, I knew that I wanted to read this book. Having read and really enjoyed it, I’m now excited to reading the rest of the series!

We start with three adorable, charming, meddling, fairy godmothers and add a hopelessly in love couple (who, of course, just happen to be their godchildren). Mix in a large helping of humor and some spice (gighgle) and you get a delightful fairy tale love story which kept me smiling and chuckling late into the night. I loved it!

I would like to thank Saranna DeWylde, Kensington Books and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this Advanced Reader Copy in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Fell in love with this book!!made me laugh more than once.made me swoon at others and didn't want to put it down until I finished it all! I would definitely recommend this

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Love laced with a little magic!

This story was a new twist on fairytale magic, and I picked this up at 2am and didn’t put it down until it was finished! (I regret nothing)

Lucky and Ransom have a heavy history from college, resulting in a few misnomers and a few harsh feelings that result in their walls being thrown up, locked in place and secured with electrical wire. But when their godmothers ask them for a favour, there isn’t a way they can say no — they have to get married. Fake, of course. They both know it. Yup. Sure.

I’m a sucker for that trope, but it has to be written in a way that doesn’t make you roll your eyes with disbelief, and this one was amazing!

Lucky, funnily enough, thinks she’s the most unlucky thing to ever hit this planet, the name being an ironic jinx to her life. People around her get affected by her “curse” except those that are immune. This curse forms the base of much of the conflict of the story, but her character is the thing I liked the most about her — she has an inexplicable drive to do good, and fix all wrong she might have done, even if it could have been pure coincidence, or karma coming out to play. She’s very self-dependent and always looks to help others even at the expense of herself.

Ransom’s character was such a delight because you know he’s a billionaire, you know he runs this whole empire, yet the small-town boy vibes don’t go anywhere. Through the whole story, the billionaire-and-CEO-of-a-chocolate-empire stays at the back of your head, but when you read about him, you almost can’t believe that we’re talking about the same person. It wasn’t like a dual personality thing; he was a humble character whose wealth was probably not even in the top ten things I’d say about him and that was wonderful to see. And then knowing how much he values his employees over his profits? We love that.

Gwen, Roderick, the godmothers, the monsters, Red, Grammy, and all the other minor characters lended a new layer of fairytale to the story. It would’ve been awesome to see these expanded on but perhaps in another book!

I did have trouble connecting to it at the start, because there were so many things in the air all at once, but it grew on me as it went on, and it was just funny enough to keep me entertained. The little quirks and gags throughout, combined with the ironically down-to-earth characters, made this a wonderfully fairytale read without having to suspend too much belief. I would’ve loved to see more about Lucky’s background and I’m looking forward to seeing if there are any more books in the works!

After all, we could all do with a little magic this year ;)

[Thank you to NetGalley and Zebra Books for providing this book to me in exchange for an honest review]

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This book was fantastic! It was a sweet, often hysterical romance for a stay in your jammies, curled up with a cup of tea afternoon in your favorite chair. When you finish this book you will be waiting for the next one as I am.
A really fun read...don't miss it!
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for this book

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With thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for my ARC.

Upon reading the blurb, I knew that I wanted to read this book; having read the book I’m now looking forward to reading the rest of the series!

Combine three adorable but meddling fairy godmothers with a hapless in love couple who just happen to be their godchildren, along with a sizeable helping of humour and sizzle, then add your beverage and sticky bun of choice and prepare to enjoy. A delightful read which kept me chuckling til the early hours.

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Fairy Godmothers Inc is a cute fairytale inspired romance. The book focuses on the internal struggles for main characters Lucky, who is very UNlucky and feels cursed, and Ransom, who despite his great financial success can't seem to make the right choices to find true love.

I loved the struggle of Lucky and Ransom both trying to be each other's heroes. It's a delightfully cheesy rom-com with magical twists. The ending definitely had me wanting to read the next book and see where the story goes!

The writing is good, the pacing is just okay. The one big, glaring issue is that the book is so dialogue driven that the setting is lost. The characters are barely physically described. We know that Lucky is Japanese with dark hair, but that's it? No description of her dark eyes, fair skin, nothing? The godmothers are described as plump, I think....And I don't remember any description of the others. There are two kids of a supporting character whose ages are never described and it's not obvious through action. I could never figure out if they were preschoolers or 8 yr olds or ?????? This really bothered me through the whole book. It should not have been so hard to include some descriptors.

Thank you NetGalley and Kensington Books for a copy of this ebook in exchange for my honest review.

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Definitely hilarious!

A wonderful novel with lots of humorous twists and turns. A beautiful combination of meddling mothers and their unsuspecting children. I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

I cannot wait to find out what happens next.

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Fairy Godmothers, Inc. has a cute cover.

It has a lovely dedication: For the bit of fairy godmother in each of us….

It has great lines like “You can lead a prince to his princess, but you can’t make them kiss.”

It has a promising premise, in that the world is running out of love and therefore the fairy godmothers are running out of magic. So they come up with a scheme to bring together two of their godchildren to fake marry. The publicity will help bring customers to Ever After, Missouri to shore up their newly developed destination wedding business.

But there were some shortcomings.

The two godchildren are Lucky Fujiki and Ransom Payne.
Lucky is an artist and she has had “bad luck” follow her and those she comes into contact with seemingly all her life.
Ransom is a billionaire chocolate maker who was raised by the fairy godmothers and knows their magic is real.

As a reader I needed more backstory on how Lucky and Ransom met, how their love developed, and more on their time in college. That way I could have gotten more invested in their second chance romance. I could have used more information about their breakup. The breakup when revealed, I didn’t like, it seem too flippant, so I would have liked either something different or more explanation.

Also, I often got confused about the bad luck and how Lucky needed to work her way out of the bad luck, if she needed to work her way out of the bad luck, and how Ransom fit into how she could get rid of her bad luck. To the point I just skimmed over those parts.

I really liked Lucky’s best friend Gwen and her children. I would have liked more backstory on the development of their friendship, since Gwen seemed to be “immune” to Lucky’s “bad luck.”

This series has great potential. I liked the concept and the banter between the three godmothers. I will be looking into what direction the author takes these characters in the next book of this series.

Thank you NetGalley and Kensington Books for the ARC.

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Fun read with that fairy tale feel. If you ever wished to have a fairy godmother then this story is for you.

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A huge thanks to Netgalley and Zebra Books for providing me with this ARC!

The story idea is a sweet one; fairy godmothers swooping in to bring two meant-to-be together forever while bringing back the magic to their little town; a spin on fairy tales in modern times is always fun! Unfortunately, the story didn't really excite me. There wasn't much chemistry between Lucky and Ransom. There was a lot of miscommunication used to distant the two and it was frustrating to read. I think the idea that they stopped speaking to each other all those years ago started with "The Incident" was just silly; not a strong enough conflict for it to cause this much drama. The side characters were nice and I appreciated how loyal they were to their friends. The concept of the Godmothers was nice but I think they meddled far too much, taking away from the romance in the story.

Overall, this was an okay read. I do think the author's voice just didn't match well with my reading style. The story fell too flat for me and I was bored as I read. I wish I enjoyed it more.

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