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I have been looking forward to reading Angus Force, Nari Zhang and by extension serial killer Lassiter's story since book one and Rebecca did not disappoint in this book. It was full of romance, action, suspense, humor and twist you never saw coming but when you thought back on the book you should have.

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Finally, we get Angus's story! He has frustrated me for a while. He is insightful and intelligent but self destructive. Readers learn more about his past and how a serial killer shaped his future. Zari is amazing and their chemistry is explosive! I love how the team works together even when it is against the odds. I enjoy this series so much!

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Another solid romance-thriller by Rebecca Zanetti. This novel follows Angus, the leader of the Deep Ops team in his quest to discover if the serial killer who killed his sister really is dead or not. As usual, Zanetti interweaves the romance between the two leads of this novel, Angus Force and Nari Zhang, with the fast action of the secondary plot-line (in this case the hunt for a serial killer). The romance between Angus and Nari had been building in the previous novels, and in this novel, it finally ignited. The chemistry between the two was really nice and they seemed like a solid pairing. I also appreciated the solid character building that happened in this novel. Although these characters were present in the previous series, we didn't really get to know them at all. So learning about their backgrounds and motivations made the cast of characters make more sense. I felt a little less clear about the serial killer hunt storyline. By the resolution of the novel, I was still confused and re-read the last two chapters to see if I had missed anything in the fast-paced action. I don't think I did, Zanetti simply didn't explain the twist very well. The whole timeline of when the serial killer first disappeared to when we meet the DeepOps team is actually pretty sketchy to me. I wrote it out and I am sure I missed some time somewhere. That aside, the novel was a really fun read. I read this novel in about one day, so it's a quickie.

I enjoy Ms. Zanetti's use of characters from previous novels to further enhance the interest in her novels. It is fun to see old friends pop up in the new novel, and when the current novel doesn't rely heavily upon previous ones, it is great. You can certainly read this novel without having read the previous 3 that came before.

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The fourth book in the Deep Ops Series brings us Angus and Nari’s story in true Zanetti writing style. I loved this book from start to finish- the suspense, the slow burn romance, the humour - I LOVE the humour in this book. Roscoe is a fabulous supporting character who continually made me smile, he’s just genius. Angus captivated me from the first book Hidden - a brooding, damaged soul who is none the less dogmatic in his pursuit of justice. However this does not come at the expense of his team or relationships and the protective streak we see from him is compelling. I was absolutely able to jump on to team Nari - she had seemed a little cold in the other books, but now we understand more of her background.....lesson learned, don’t judge a book by its cover. I really felt for her with the challenges in her personal/professional life - it illustrates however much progression has been made inequality of the sexes is still alive and well. The chemistry between Angus and Nari was off the charts and delicious to read. Overall I found this book to be a highly entertaining, thrilling read with an unpredictable plot which I didn’t see coming - kudos to you RZ - and would highly recommend it. To appreciate the full nuances of the book you would be best to start at the beginning, and why the heck not, it’s a fabulous series.

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Driven is the next installment in the Deep Ops series. Angus and Nari’s story was riveting. Nari is a strong, independent woman who can kick butt when she needs to. Angus tries to stay away from Nari but he can’t deny the attraction.

The whole cast of characters makes an appearance and I particularly loved reading about Roscoe once again.

The book kept me interested and trying to guess who the rotten apple was in the department. There is passion, intrigue and lots of action. I could not put this book down. Another Rebecca Zanetti hit.

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I received my ARC from Netgalley.

I love the Deep Op series and Force and Nari's book is my favorite of them all. I hope this isn't the last book in the series and we get to read Jethro's story.

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I love this series. And I have been waiting for Angus and Nari’s story. They have had such great chemistry since the first book. This book was a little more of a thriller then the others. It will keep you guessing the whole time. You can really feel the love between these two characters. And it is always fun to see all of our returning favorites. I really hope that this series will continue.

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One of Zanett’s best. I have been waiting for this for awhile and was very pleased. The action was amazing As they hunt down the serial killer and the chemistry between Angus and Nari was even better than hinted at in previous books. I loved how The author tied all the strings together and the cameos by previous favorites was a bonus. I highly recommend this book.

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I was excited to be able to read an ARC for the final book of the Deep Ops series (at least, I'm assuming it is the final book). We finally get to experience Angus Force's story. Since the beginning of the series, we've known that Force has been obsessed with a serial killer that everyone assumes has been killed, yet Force is not so sure about that. His instincts say that Lassiter is not only still alive, but that he is not yet done playing his game with him.

In this book, the team has been disbanded quite unexpectedly and then several events begin happening quite suddenly and rapidly. The team is dealing with the fact that everyone is going in different directions, and murders begin happening that all have some type of relevance to Force himself. We also get to see the attraction between Force and Nari finally come to fruition.

Part of me wanted to shake Force and tell him to be more careful in his actions because it seems as if the killer is one step ahead of him and Force is being set up. But, in true Force fashion, things do come to a head . I have to admit, the ending was a bit surprising to me. I can honestly say that I had no idea. That doesn't happen too often.

I also was surprised with how protective I felt about Nari. Her bio dad was a real a**hole and it always frustrates me when characters are forced into certain positions because of crappy parents. Force ended up surprising me as well. The series wraps up in a way that should make everyone happy. It is always nice to see snippets of everyone that we have gotten to know over the last few books.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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When I started this series this was the book that I was impatiently waiting for, which is probably the case for everyone who had been enjoying this wonderful suspense series. We finally get to watch first hand, Angus and Nari's relationship develop, despite them both fighting it. While these two stubborn people are tryin to figure out their feelings, all around them some crazy chaos is happening. This book is basically non-stop from page one. Right away we are thrown into the hunt for a killer and at the same time the team is dealing with being disbanded while still trying to figure out what the heck is going on. I'll admit, I didn't see the twist coming which is a rare treat for me since I usually figure out the mystery pretty quick. And even though the team is technically disbanded they are still on the case and we get to spend lots of time with some of our favourite characters from previous books (Wolfe <3) I'm excited to see what bad guy the team will take on next and I highly recommend this series to anyone looking for an action packed suspense, with some very steamy romance thrown in.

ARC Provided By NetGalley For An Honest Review

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I absolutely loved Driven! Angus is dark, broody, insightful and oh-so-yummy. And Nari is literally his kick-ass counterpart; Angus' perfect match. Roscoe, Kat and the rest of the crew that we know and love (from past books) play prominently in the resolution of the Deep Ops thread. And that resolution is beyond worthy! Driven is full of page-turning suspense, steamy scenes, and witty banter. Definitely another Rebecca Zanetti winner!

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In this fourth book in the Deep Ops series, so many questions are answered, and so many secrets are unfolded, I was totally satisfied. I already love the world Rebecca Zanetti created, with the oddball characters, and their irresistible animal partners.

Angus Force has been searching for Lassiter, the serial killer everyone else thinks is dead. Lassiter was responsible for the death of Angus’s sister and Angus thinks he is still alive. HDD had given him a team and one year to search for the killer. That year is up and his team is about to be disbanded.

I have always adored Nari, the team’s psychologist. She had the patience of a saint as Roscoe, the dog, continued to destroy her expensive shoes, along with stealing other items. And then there is the dance around the attraction felt between Nari and Angus, I was always waiting for that flame to be lit.

I couldn’t have asked for a better story, I never knew what to expect next, and I was shocked at some of the things I learned.

Thank you to Rebecca Zanetti, NetGalley and the publisher for sending me an ARC copy of this book for an honest review.

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I have enjoyed this entire series and have waited to see Angus either vindicated or decimated. Naturally I have hoped for vindication. This book peel back the layers of Angus and Nari, showing them as much more complex than the surface would indicate. Friendships and loyalty are tested and danger can come from the most unexpected area. Another super read by Rebecca Zanetti.

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More Roscoe.. where can you possibly go wrong

So this is (I guess) the last of the Deep Ops series - we finally find out if Angus is going crazy or if serial killer Lassiter is still alive... (three guesses which and you only really need one)

We see plenty of the characters from the rest of the series - and meet some new ones too - but Angus finally makes his move!

Lots of twists and turns and who-dunnits this was a fitting conclusion to an entertaining series... i mean an alcoholic dog who likes to wear high heals because he feels short should really been in every series

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Angus Force--a former FBI profiler--has been the leader of a misfit group of top secret agents, Deep Ops, for four books now. He's been an alcoholic and eccentric, with a dog who drinks alcohol and wears women's shoes. In this book he becomes a sexy hero.

Angus and Nari, the psychologist of the group, have been dancing around their attraction. When the supposedly dead serial killer that Angus has been hunting for for six years seems to come back, Nari and Angus are thrown together. Women are being murdered in Lassiter's style, and they resemble the women on Angus's team, including Nari.

In this book the Deep Ops team goes through a cataclysmic change, but I won't spoil it here. There is danger for Angus and Nari at every turn, and they can't trust anyone outside of their team. Angus gets into a world of trouble. The book is fast-paced and will keep you up reading long past your bedtime.

Highly recommended.

I received an ARC of this book from the publisher, but this is an honest review.

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'Driven' is the fourth book of the 'Deep Ops' series by the best selling author Rebecca Zanetti. Told in dual perspectives , get ready to Finally meet Nari and Agnus.

I have been following this series , right from the moment the first book came out , and I am a die hard of this Author's writing. She excels in writing books from all genres such as Fantasy and mystery romance. Agnus and Nari's story had been a long time coming one and I was lucky enough to to get an ARC of this book to read and review via Netgalley!

For years , Agnus had been chasing after the Serial Killer Lansister. He thought he had succeeded in killing his sister's murderer , but then he got the news that Lansister was still alive. No one else believed him , but something along the gut told him that he was right. So he collected a team of agents and set on his way to search for Lansister. Now almost after a year , there has been no clue about Lansister's where abouts and he has no choice but to give up his plan.

That is until the murders begin again. The style of murdering is somewhat similar and The targets are the women of his Team. Including Nari. Now that is something that Agnus cannot let happen again. He won't loose Nari even though he won't ever admit that he somewhat likes her. Nari is the shrink of their group. She has been with the team for years and knows them all thoroughly. Everyone except Agnus. The leader of the group has a special dislike for shrinks and has never been civil with her. That is until they both start getting close.

With a murderer on the loose and their growing attraction , they have no choice but to stay close and survive. This book was one thrilling tale of murder , mystery and Romance , all wrapped up in a perfect little bundle for you to devour. A definite recommendation to all the dark Romance lovers out there!

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Driven is the 4th book in the Deep Ops series by Rebecca Zanetti and boy have I been waiting for this book!! It seems like everything has been leading up to this book featuring Angus Force and Nari Zhang. Angus Force is the leader of this group of misfits called Deep Ops Unit. And Nari is the shrink for the group. Together they have more heat between them than a 5 alarm fire. I’ve been waiting and waiting for these two to get together and finally the wait is over. And it was worth the wait!! Of course it happens after the serial killer, the Surgeon, seems to return and focus on all of the team members. There is so much action in this book. It takes you on a wild ride and just doesn’t stop. The connection between the main characters is full of deep emotion and hot sexy times. And the feeling of family between all the members of the Deep Ops team gives you the warm fuzzies. I have LOVED all the members of the Deep Ops Unit and I especially loved this book and didn’t want it to end. I definitely recommend it!

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This is the second book I have read by Rebecca Zanetti, I loved it because it kept me on edge the entire way. It is filled with romance and suspense, there is never a dull moment in the book. My favorite character is roscoe the dog. I wish I had one like one, minus the high heels and the drinking problem ha! I look forward to reading more books by her and I am grateful that netgalley let me read this in exchnage for an honest review.

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In the "Deep Ops Series" by Rebecca Zanetti, Nari and Angus have been burning the pages in the previous books with innuendos, sly looks and an undercurrent of attraction. I'm thrilled they finally got their story in "Driven"! It's great with some romance and lots of action; bullets flying, explosions and fire with a few grenades mixed in.

Lassiter was a serial killer who murdered Angus' sister. During a confrontation, Angus killed him. Due to recent murders which appear, at least on the surface to match his MO, Angus is convinced that Lassiter is still alive. Is Lassiter alive? Yes? No? Yes? No? I finally had to let it rest and wait until the end of the book. What a great ending!

I love the characters in this series including Roscoe, the German shepherd. Roscoe is an ex-military dog with a few problems; PTSD, likes alcohol & high heels and has an abhorrence for clothes with an argyl pattern (probably from a vest worn by a bomber). But, he still has his military training and can be depended on for support in any circumstance.

I hope this is not the end of the series!

I received this book yesterday. Finished it today and am writing this review. So, yes, I really loved this book!

Thank you to Rebecca Zanetti, NetGalley and the publisher for sending me an ARC copy of this book for an honest review!

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I loved this book the story line for angus and nari was awesome the plot had some really great twists in it. Nari and angus were in turns sweet and humorous with roscoe whos always comical, you got to revisit some of the other characters and meet some new ones. I would defineitly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a fastpaced action packed love story.

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