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Angus is sure the serial killer he thought he had killed is somehow still alive and messing with him. When his team gets diamond and someone tries to kill him and grab Nari the teams shrink he is sure of his theory. Can he prove the guy is still alive before the serial killer kills Angus or gets him charged with the murders that keep showing up around Angus and Nari.

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Angus finally gets his story and his HEA. It’s been hinted at from the beginning and we finally get to see him and Nari together. Though I felt like the murder mystery and all the police procedural stuff overshadowed the developing relationship for Angus and Nari, I really would have liked to see more between them, it was still nice to see it all come to completion. As with the other books in the series, there’s plenty of action, danger, mystery, and suspense to hold interest from start to finish.

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley and I am voluntarily providing my honest review.

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Ahh! I am so obsessed with Rebecca Zanetti and her Deep Ops series! This story was sexy and exciting and filled to the brim with the amazing suspense this series always delivers!! Angus and Nari were fantastic and the tension and connection between them was so addicting. I can't wait for more in this series!

I would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book for an honest review. 4 stars! ~Ratula

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I am fan of Ms Zanetti . I feel a lot of times the book in the series that you are waiting for will disappoint but this one didn’t. The chemistry between the characters that has been there since the beginning was sizzling. The mystery and suspense, I didn’t see the surprise coming at all !!!
I hope this is not the end of the series and it will continue with the new characters introduced .

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We finally have answers to one of the questions we all wanted to know. Angus has been hunting a serial killer for years and now is the time for it all to come together one way or another. This is a nonstop action book. There is some heat and funny parts but for the most part everyone especially Angus and Nari are running for their lives while hunting a serial killer. The nice twist in this story I didn't see coming. If you like fast-paced, action, steam with some funny bits pick up this book.

*I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley and am voluntarily giving my honest opinion*

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Driven by Rebecca Zanetti is one of the most suspenseful and captivating thrillers I have read. The storyline kept me guessing right up to the end. Yet the characters were believable, real and kept me tightly tied to the story. Nari was my favorite. She is vivacious, tough and a great friend. Angus is difficult, brilliant and fixated on “The Surgeon.” The love and care the team has for each other as it is disbanded feels real, genuine. Highly recommended!!

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This is the fourth book in the Deep Ops series and it’s Angus’s story. Angus is the leader of the team and wants to hunt down Lassiter, who is the serial killer who is supposed to have been shot and killed by Angus. Nari is the shrink for the Deep Ops team. Angus and Nari find themselves drawn to one another . Unfortunately Lassiter also starts to focus on Nari. The suspense is fantastic as they try to capture Lassiter as well as find out who is their ally and who is not. Th erelationship between Angus and Nari is interesting and touching. The effect they have on one another is heartwarming. As usual the interactions of the team members are entertaining.. This is a great thriller of a book which is action packed and also has a good romance.

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Driven is book 4 in the Deep Ops series.  Angus Force is the leader of a team of misfits within the secretive Department of Defense. Angus was a highly respected FBI profiler who became obsessed with serial killer Henry Lassiter who murdered his sister. While it was said that Angus killed Lassiter, he never believed it.  Nari Zhang was the team's resident psychologist and had remained somewhat of a mystery until now.  

I've been looking forward to Nari and Angus' story.  While we've gotten small glimpses into Angus' mind here and there throughout the series, I was always left wanting more.  We finally found out why Nari was assigned to their team, and what secrets she's been keeping.  The mystery of Lassiter that started in book 1 was finally the main plot and it did not disappoint.  I thought I had figured out who the bad guy was at a few different points, but I was wrong.  The book kept me guessing until the end. Angus and Nari were hot together.  It was great to see the team come together as a family and show Angus the support he deserved.   

Thank you to Netgalley (I received an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review).

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We finally get Angus Force's story. I think they author did a great job of redeeming Angus in my eyes. He was not the best person in previous books. I liked encountering the previous main characters and catching up with them. A suspenseful story.

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I liked seeing the gang back together again. But this book seemed to drag on only to get to it's climax fairly quickly. It got a little repetitive with the constant bodies and murder attempts. I felt like the romance got lost in the shuffle. They had sex a few times but never really talked about a relationship or themselves. It was nice to wrap the series up but not my favorite.

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Angus has been obsessed with Henry Lassiter a serial killer who killed his sister 7 years ago. Even though he was told Lassiter was dead after the shootout between the two, he’s never felt the closure he should have. He still feels the Lassiter is alive and can’t shake the sense that he’s right around the corner. With bodies being found with all the markings of Lassiter and his team disbanded he feels alone with his guilt. The team shows up to help find the killer. He knows he needs to push them away to protect them all especially Nari.
Angus and Nari have danced around each other for a year now. He tries to keep her away but she’s having none of that. If he gets his hands on her he’ll never let her go. It may be to late when Lassiter gets a whiff that she means something to him.
I loved getting to know Angus and Nari more and see their relationship become more.
This is a must read series! It also must be read in order.

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4.5 stars

Driven by Rebecca Zanetti is the fourth book in the series, and although I have read none of the previous ones, I can say I could easily read it as a stand-alone.

Angus and Nari are just like smoke and fire in this story. Their chemistry and connection it's a unique occurrence that I’ve read lately, especially in a romantic suspense that kept me on the edge at all times.

There are so many explosive moments, both coming from their steamy scenes or trying to save their life on the rollercoaster hunt for the man they thought dead a long time ago.

The side characters are adding so much more to this story at the right time and overall it's one of my favourite books of the year and I love when I found new authors to read and look forward to their books.

Arc from Kensington Books/Zebra through NetGalley

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This was a great conclusion to the series. I loved that they fleshed out both characters and added more depth to them. This was also extremely fast paced and I am sad to see it end, definitely a must read for fans or not of Ms. Zanetti.

Thanks NetGalley for the preview.

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I received this book from Netgalley for my honest review. My opinions are my own.

Action. Heat. The mystery built throughout. I was blindsided by the third act. I did not see it coming!

Angus and Nari are the main characters. Profiler and psychologist. Both recovering from past decisions. Interesting backstories developed them into the perfect person for the other. Roscoe is great. He is a such dynamic quirky character.

This is book 4 in the series. While parts of the mystery developed in books 1-3, you can read book 4 by itself. Details and characters are richer if you read the series.

Remember - It's only paranoia if you're wrong.

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This was a good ending to a series I really enjoyed. Sometimes the last book in a series is hard to pull off bc our expectations are so high, but this really worked for me!

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A pulse pounding, high energy suspense novel with some steamy romance. And an alcoholic dog! Loved that Nari was kick-ass. Great read especially with the twist at the end. I would have liked a little more explanation re the twist as I don’t think it was fully explained but that didn’t detract my enjoyment of the book.

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Nari and Angus did NOT disappoint! When they finally let go of their anger (cough, all Angus’s anger, cough) and start to let the ice around their hearts thaw, their chemistry is explosive. Of course, there are also explosions and danger and drama swirling around them, getting closer with each barely-a-miss moment. Add in Roscoe, the rest of their HDD team/family, and some surprises about Nari along the way and you’ve got a story I did NOT want to put down. I must admit that I was thrown by the final reveal, too. I had many suspicions, but this author is a master at false leads and mysteries upon mysteries, so when the moment finally came, I was halfway stunned by it. I absolutely loved this book and hope for more from this team as they face their next bout with danger.

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I've been waiting for Angus and Nari's story since reading the first book in the series. Often when I get to a couple's story that has been teased throughout several books, I find myself feeling vaguely dissatisfied when the story doesn't quite live up to the anticipation that's been generated. I'm so happy that didn't happen with Driven. I enjoyed this story from beginning to end, even though I did feel that the serial killer plot wrap up was a bit rushed. An entertaining and satisfied read for fans of the series. The book can be read as a stand alone but readers should start at the beginning of the series for the full experience.

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Fashion this or that:

High heels or flats
Jeans or dress
Novelty tee or button down

Rebecca Zanetti’s Driven is a series stand-out with crackling chemistry & a mystery that kept me guessing.

Angus Force, disgraced former FBI agent & now head of a top secret ops group, can’t get over the idea that the serial killer who killed his sister is still alive. Even though all signs indicate that he died years ago.

Another fact about Angus: he doesn’t like psychiatry, & Dr. Nari Zhang, the psychiatrist paired with their misfit team, alternately turns him on & pushes his buttons.

Then bodies start turning up, their murders looking similar *and* different in some ways to those committed by the serial killer Angus chased & killed, & Angus and Nari have to decide if it’s worth losing their careers, their lives, to follow through with Angus’s idea that the dead serial killer is actually still alive, murdering new people.

I’ve been following the vaguely combative relationship between Angus & Nari for books now & I couldn’t wait to see how it played out in Driven.

This book an is sexy 🥵. Let me just get that out there. I had the sense while reading that there are also quite a number of those scenes & I’ll be honest, I didn’t hate it.

The mystery is intriguing & I did that cute thing while reading where I suspect multiple people of being vicious murderers . Driven is high-octane with lots of thrills & by the end of it, I wanted Angus & Nari to go on a vacation.

But I will admit to some unease regarding Angus’s drinking, which is also something that previous books have set up. It’s lessened considerably in Driven but there’s still the threat of him returning to that place.

Admittedly, I’m coming at this book with a background of family alcoholism but I wanted Angus to address it head-on in some meaningful way, instead of characters, including the heroine, speculating about his drinking & dancing around it.

But overall this is a great read with a strong heroine I really liked—one who refuses to just fall in line—quite a lot of steam, & endearing secondary characters.

4 ⭐️. Driven is available on 01/26/21. Thanks to the publisher & Netgalley for the complimentary ARC. All opinions provided are my own.

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I just loved this book! Angus Force and Nari Zhang finally got their story and it was a doozy. There were so many twists and turns to this book. The writing is clever and I thoroughly enjoyed this book! I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced free copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

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