Member Reviews

I would like to start this review mentioning that it hits close to home for those dealing with degenerative diseases. However, I felt like it was beautifully handled. It was honest, real and authentic.
The characters are a delight. Adrian is complex and Vanessa has done extensive work on being true to who she is. The book is funny, I found myself chucking out loud and highlighting parts. At the same time in some parts I had to pause for a bit to fully take in what was happening. It was extremely difficult to stop reading it, if I didn’t have other engagements I would have read it cover to cover. It flows without having long boring parts.
I was overjoyed when previous characters from Abby’s book were mentioned.
I’m very impressed with how specific Abby can be about the story. The names of restaurants, places, characters. It gives the story a realistic feel. It always makes me want to go to those places.
I will reread this book several times and listen to the audiobook when it comes out. Highly recommend.

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This was another smart and funny read by Abby Jimenez. One of the things I love about her books is that she tackles tough issues (infertility in The Friend Zone, grief in Happy Ever After Playlist) with heart and humor, and it never feels too heavy. I have a tendency to seek out romances that tackle big issues and pack this extra punch, and with Life's Too Short, Jimenez delivers again.

In LTS, the characters deal with a myriad of issues - a potential fatal diagnosis, familial illness, addiction, anxiety, childhood wounds, and general family messiness - and yet, the love story between Vanessa and Adrian rose above it all and really shined. Their relationship was sweet and honest, with smart, clever dialogue propelling their relationship forward and building to an emotional, believable conclusion. The handful of side characters are well-fleshed out, and we got check-ins from our fave characters from TFZ & HEAP, too.

Definitely put this one on your to-read list.

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Life’s Too Short by Abby Jimenez

The third book in The Friend Zone series features Vanessa is a travel vlogger who lives each day like it’s her last. Coming from a long line of women with ALS, she has a fifty percent chance of inheriting the gene. But all of her travel plans are halted when her sister drops off her baby at her doorstep. Luckily she gets a little help from her hot lawyer neighbour, Adrian.

💖Abby’s books always manage to infuse serious, heart wrenching and real life with humour and romance. Both characters had intriguing emotional backstories and issues to overcome, all of which were handled so well.

💖As with TFZ and HEAP, Abby’s heroes are always serious book bf material. Adrian is nurturing, kind and adorable. I love how much he cared for both Vanessa, the baby, and Harry Puppins.

💖Harry Puppins needs his own shout out. He’s an ancient, toothless little grump but I laughed each time he was mentioned.

💖Kristen/Josh and Sloan/Jason cameos made me smile!

Thank you so much to Forever, Netgalley and Abby Jimenez for allowing me early access to one of my most anticipated 2021 reads! 💖

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This was really good! I love this series and I think this one was better than the Happily Ever After Playlist. It was nice to see cameos from the previous books. The one thing that held this book back for me was some of the unrealistic points of this book (money, living with infants, the timeline) but if you can overlook those points it’s a really heartwarming read. I’m looking forward to seeing a future cameo with Vanessa and Adrian!

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Thank you to Net Galley, Abby Jimenez, and Read Forever Publishing for an early ARC of Life's Too Short. This is hands down the best book Abby Jimenez has written. I could go on and one about my love for this book! I loved all of it! Adrian and Vanessa are well written and realistic characters. I found myself identifying with Adrian's anxiety and need to control things. This book really hit home with me and couldn't be publishing at a better time. In such a hard time, it is such an amazing reminder that life is too short to live in fear and anxiety everyday. We can always choose to find happiness. We just have to choose it and look for it! It is everywhere! I can tell you that this book will create happiness for so many! It's pure joy to read and a beautiful reminder about life!

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The only things disappointing about Abby Jimenez' third book "Life's Too Short" is that the book ended and the chances of finding a guy as swoon worthy as Adrian Copeland in are probably pretty low. Once again Jimenez gives us a story of flawed people dealing with imperfect lives with humor and dialog so seemless and realistic that you would swear her characters are real people. Her writing style flows so well you will find it difficult to put the book down because it is so easy to keep reading.

Brought together by a crying baby at 4 am, and despite their different personalities, attorney Adrian and internet travel vlogger Vanessa quickly form a friendship that is strong enough to withstand the train wreck of a family Vanessa is supporting, a newborn baby and a geriatric chihuahua (both of who wear diapers.). It is only when they admit their attraction and their relationship grows closer that that their different approaches to dealing with potentially life alterimg situations causes issues, with Adrian's "all means necessary " approach clashing with Vanessa's "life's to short" to waste or be mad approach. They must learn to respect the other's perspective in order to save the relationship, but that's a tall order.

As in her first two books Jimenez gives the reader a happy, if not a fairy tale, ending, after taking them on a roller-coaster ride of emotions, heavy on the laughter. She does this while once again addressing real life mental and medical issues in a respectful and sensitive manner. She is a talented writer.

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I’ve been a fan of the author since her first book came out and had to read the second book as soon as possible. I was lucky to get to read her third book early and it has become my favorite! Life’s Too Short was well written, funny, and kept me wanting to find out what was going to happen. Vanessa, a YouTube star who may have ALS meets her perfect match but doesn’t want to get attached because of her possible condition. Their chemistry is amazing and keeps you rooting for them to end up together. As with all Abby’s books, you’ll laugh and you’ll cry. And you’ll be disappointed you need to wait another year for the next book to come out. I highly recommend Life’s Too Short. It was the perfect book to get me back reading after taking a break for a few months.

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Twenty-eight hours.

That's all it took for me to read this book, and I have one serious book hangover.

But was it beyond worth it?

Hell yes.

Friends, if you haven't been introduced to the fabulousness that is Abby Jimenez writing, grab The Friend Zone IMMEDIATELY (and while you're at it, get the Happy Ever After Playlist too because you'll need more Abby in your life!). If, on the other hand, you're an Abby fangirl like me, buckle up because her writing just keeps getting better and better.

I don't know that I have adequate words to describe this reading experience, but I'm going to try. In my humble opinion, Life's Too Short is Abby Jimenez at her finest. This third book focuses on Minnesota attorney Adrian Copeland (whom you meet for a hot second in The Happy Ever After Playlist), and Vanessa Price, the famous vlogger-next-door who finds herself in the throes of motherhood after her younger sister drops off her three-week-old baby and doesn't return.

I could not love Vanessa more. Sarcastic, effortlessly funny, loyal, and caring, I would absolutely want her as my best friend. Happy-go-lucky and optimistic to a fault, Vanessa looks at life through a glass-half-full perspective simply because she doesn't have the luxury not to. ALS, a genetically-debilitating disease, runs in her family and has already claimed the lives of her grandmother, mother, and older sister, and with tingling and numbness setting into one of her hands, Vanessa fears she may have it, as well.

In the midst of a rough night, complete with an inconsolable baby, spit-up in her hair, and sanity that is hanging on by a thread, Vanessa meets her baby-whisperer of a neighbor, Adrian, and they become instant friends. Gorgeous, kind, hard-working, and adept with a baby, Adrian is my top contender for book boyfriend, and he would be a boyfriend contender for Vanessa too, if she didn't think she might be dying, and he wasn't grappling with some serious trust issues. As the two bond and begin spending more time together, their "just friends" relationship threatens to evolve, pulling on your heartstrings the entire way.

Like every Abby Jimenez book, this one tackles some very deep topics (ALS, addiction, mortality) with the sensitivity, grace, and laugh-out-loud humor readers have come to know and love. From laughing one paragraph to crying just a couple pages later, this book took me on an emotional rollercoaster in the best possible way. I fell in love not only with Vanessa, Adrian, and Grace, but also with the gang of secondary characters (I'm looking at you, Becky, Drake and Brent!) and some Abby fan favorites that accompanied them.

I feel like I could gush about this one for days, but simply put: Please pre-order this book (a pre-order would make an incredible Christmas or Valentine's Day gift, AND Abby has some amazing book merch to accompany her books, so definitely check that out, too!!), and if you want to support an indie bookstore plus get a signed or personalized copy, hit up one of the bookstores Abby is supporting (check out her page and posts for more details!).

Life's Too Short doesn't hit shelves until April 6, but trust me, you will binge it, adore it, and have a massive book hangover, just like me. Every time I think I've found my favorite Abby book, she goes and one-ups herself, and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for her and her characters.

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Life's Too Short is the third book in The Friend Zone series and it was INCREDIBLE!!! Abby Jimenez is the only author who has written a series in which each and every book was a five star read for me so far. I loved The Friend Zone. I loved Happy Ever After Playlist even more. And I loved Life's Too Short for reasons that are completely different from the other two. What masterpieces this series has been so far!

Life's Too Short tells a story of a woman who is aspiring to live her life to the fullest. There is a chance that Vanessa has inherited a fatal condition and life's too short to live life any other way than how you want to live it. When Vanessa's sister drops off her baby for Vanessa to babysit and doesn't return, Vanessa unexpectedly has to put her life on hold to care for the baby. Her neighbor, Adrian, enters her life at a time when she needed him most.

There is so much to unpack from this book that I want to rave about. First and foremost, the development of Vanessa and Adrian's relationship is *chef's kiss* PERFECT. I loved the ease with which they slipped into an unassuming supportive friendship. I loved how their friendship turned into a slow-burn romance. I loved that their relationship had depth, substance, and that they became each other's person.

This book speaks to other topics that shook me to my core - feelings of abandonment, addiction, mental health, resiliency, and forgiveness. Even though there were some really heartbreaking elements in this book, there were inspirational messages that I took away from it.

I love Abby Jimenez's writing - she has a special way with words and a sense of humor that is delightful. The story had a flawless balance of giving me all the feels but also making me laugh and leaving me feel uplifted. I felt like I was holding my breath for the last 15% of the book and I had tears streaming down my face for the last 10%.

You need to add this book to your 2021 TBR list!!! And make sure you have tissues handy when you read it.

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This is the third book by Abby Jimenez and she is really a special author. Her characters are modern and authentic and her books contain many unexpected details and themes, particularly as it relates to disability and illness.
Vanessa is a successful youtuber who has a 50/50 chance of having inherited her family's ALS gene. This affects everything about the way she lives her life- always looking for adventure, never looking for a relationship. She unexpectely builds a platonic family with her uptight attorney neighbor Adrian, her drug addicted sister's newborn and an elderly toothless chihuahua.
The whole story is lovely and heartbreaking and of course they fall in love, but how can they reconcile their very different world views and priorities?
Gorgeous. All the stars.

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Christmas came early for me! Life's Too Short is book #3 in The Friend Zone series by Abby Jimenez and I honestly have never been more excited to read a book. I adored The Friend Zone and loved The Happy Ever After Playlist, and if you haven't read them you are majorly missing out. I have recommended them to so many people, I don't even know who has my copy of HEAP at this point. 🤷‍♀️

This one follows Vanessa and Adrian, next door neighbors who couldn't be more opposite. Vanessa is a YouTube travel star who lives life like it's her last day on Earth, and Adrian is a workaholic lawyer who needs to loosen up. They both have a ton of baggage with their family and relationship avoidance issues, so when sparks fly between them they both try their hardest to ignore it and be strictly friends. They end up bringing out the best in each other and changing each other's lives. I don't want to give too much away, but I fell in love with both of these characters. Adrian is my new book boyfriend. 😍🔥

There are cameos by Kristen, Josh, Sloan and Jason and it was everything. This book had the same hilarious banter and commentary that the others have and I LOL'D so many times! I also cried. Like, a lot. Abby does a perfect job of tackling serious issues while still keeping the humor. I didn't want this to end. I can't wait for everyone to read this! Abby once again smashed it out of the park.

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Jimenez never fails to tap into emotions that I thought were buried. Is there a word for a book that sucker punches you into feeling? Someone let me know.
I was already a fan. But this might be my new favorite.
Vanessa’s sunny outlook on things, even in the midst of drama. Adrian’s black and white approach to the world. From their very first meeting(swoon), I knew it was going to be a good time. And it was. Filled with laughter, and humor, and pages of highlighted quotes. But it was also a little heavy, dealing with grief and terminal issues.
Overall, Jimenez penned another rom cry hit, sure to grab ahold of you in all the right ways.

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Another great book in the series! It’s been entertaining and solid story with romance and heartbreak mixed it. My only issue was how often the baby was put at the back of the story. There were a couple times where I wondered where she was in this big moment just to find out she was hanging out at the side or with the sitters, seriously not a big deal but with a kid at a similar age it felt off.
Abby Jimenez really does have a gift for stories!

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Well, Abby Jiminez does it again-- Life’s Too Short is an absolute masterpiece. If you haven’t read any of Jiminez’s previous works (The Friend Zone and The Happy Ever After Playlist) you are missing out. Here is what you can expect from everything Jiminez writes: absolute heartbreak (I am talking tissues required--not optional), swoony love stories that will have you walking around with heart eyes, and hilarious side characters that will crack you up. Life’s Too Short delivers all of this and more. This book follows Vanessa, a travel blogger who takes life one day at a time-- and enjoys each one. Vanessa potentially has a life threatening disease with no test to prove she has (or doesn’t have) it and no cure. Vanessa knows she may die by 30 so she lives her life to the absolute fullest-- she travels the world and raises money for research. Adrian Copeland (Josh from the Friend Zone’s cousin!) is her next door neighbor and polar opposite. Stuck in a rut, he works out and works at his law firm. The two form an unlikely friendship that helps them both see life in a new way. There are so many reasons Adrian and Vanessa would be terrible together, but that doesn’t stop them from falling in love. The only question is… is that enough? Life’s Too Short is the perfect blend of realism and sadness and absolutely dream worthy romance. Every now and then you read a book that changes your outlook on life & love-- this is that book. It is perfect for all fans of romance-- go pick up your copy now-- you will not regret it.

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Thank you to Forever and Netgalley for an advanced copy of Life's Too Short by Abby Jimenez.

I absolutely loved The Friend Zone and The Happy Ever After Playlist. There is something about how Abby Jimenez writes such absolutely amazing, hilarious and real romances. While you know there will be a happy ending, she touches on real issues and has you fall in love with the characters and want to be friends with them.

In Life's Too Short we meet Vanessa, who is a famous YouTuber who has decided not to find out if she has the same fatal genetic condition (ALS) as her female relatives. She wants to live her life on her terms and has decided to travel and take advantage of every days she has while using her status to raise money for ALS research. When she takes custody of her infant niece the last thing she expects is help from her neighbor who she has dubbed Jesus's Abs.

Like her previous books there is the best meet cute in the beginning and can we just laugh about the chapter titles for second too. Plus our favorites make a wonderful appearance too!

This book comes out April 6th -- so PRE ORDER IT NOW!

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I adored this book. Abby writes these amazing characters that feel so real that you want them to be your next door neighbor or your friend. I would absolutely love to know Vanessa in real life because she’s this spark that seems to light up the room. She doesn’t like to dwell on the bad, but takes every day as it comes and that includes exploring the world. Her worry about possibly carrying genes that may kill her definitely plague her thoughts, but she does it with such grace that she’s a fictional character I inspire to be like now. She’s hilarious, sassy, witty, and isn’t afraid to show her emotional side. I had a lot of fun reading about her family relationships because it wasn’t what I expected because most authors give their characters a white picket fence family or they’re not really existent. The Price family is here, warts and all, and it’s refreshing.

Now, Adrian. Swoon. He’s a very in control hot shot lawyer that’s afraid to fly. All of Abby’s men are attractive and amazing, but there’s something about Adrian that I.AM.HERE.FOR. Watching his character development through this novel by having someone like Vanessa in his life is like waiting for that rare flower to bloom; worth every moment. I’m not going to give spoilers, but the third act is something special and I couldn’t help but feel emotionally overwhelmed at how wonderful Adrian is.

The two of them feels like lightning in a bottle. It is amazing how the moment these two characters meet you instantly want them to just get married already and live happily ever after. The juxtaposition of the characters is one of my favorite tropes because it allows both characters to grow and grow together. They don’t go on a lot of flashy dates thanks to the infant daughter (who is adorable!) that Vanessa has to raise, but they manage to make spending nights in sounds very appealing. I won’t give spoilers on some of their activities, but get ready for some deliciously tooth achingly sweet moments.

The dual point of view chapters are perfect, this is seriously my favorite kind of writing, because I want to know what is in everyone’s head. This novel is definitely a slow burn romance (just a fair warning), but when they finally get together (definitely not a spoiler, it’s a kissing book, people) break out your fan. You do not need to read the other novels in the series, but there’s fun Easter eggs that you’ll miss if you read this alone, plus they’re amazing. This novel is just so warm and cozy that you’ll want to curl up with your favorite blanket in a comfy chair and just be left alone for a few hours. These characters will make you laugh and they will make you cry (which is a hallmark of an Abby Jimenez novel), but you will definitely do a happy dance once you reach the end.

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This book. It was everything. I knew going in I would enjoy it as I loved The Friend Zone and The Happy Ever After Playlist but I wasn’t expecting to love this one even more. What a beautifully written story that made me laugh, cry, have all the feels, goosebumps and butterflies.

Abbys writing style is so intriguing, it feels like I’m home with a best friend listening to her tell me the story. Her characters have so much depth and I loved the way she intertwined characters from the first two books into this one. I fell in love with Vanessa and Adrian, and I absolutely adored their love and friendship.

I cannot wait to read this one again and am super excited for the audiobook! I don’t normally listen to fiction audiobooks but I loved the first two and know this one will be just as amazing.

All the stars, 5 stars are not enough. I can’t wait to see what else Abby has up those magician sleeves of hers with her next book! Reading Abby’s books revived my love of reading this year, and now this was my 102nd book of 2020!

I was lucky enough to get an ARC from NetGalley. Thank you to Abby Jiminez, Forever and NetGalley. Best early Christmas gift ever!!

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Like all of Abby's books, my heart was slowly ripped into shreds throughout this book, then pieced back together by the end of the epilogue. I binged the book in a day, and could not get enough of Adrian and Vanessa's friends to lovers story. Vanessa is such an inspiring character, her approach to living life after losing so many loved ones to a disease that she may also carry is courageous; she will make you question every excuse for not making your "someday" dreams a reality today.

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5 breathtaking, brilliant, witty, heartwarming, soulful, funny + smart stars to this book! I absolutely adored the first two books in this series: The Friend Zone + Happy Ever After Playlist, and had such high hopes for this one and WOW it didn’t disappoint. I think it’s quickly become my favorite of the series. I was incredibly fortunate to receive the advanced reader copy and read it in one sitting. I laughed and cried and was throughly charmed by both the characters and Abby Jimenez’s writing.

Life’s Too Short follows Vanessa, a famous traveler blogger, who has become the unexpected guardian for a sweet baby girl. Completely out of her comfort zone, Vanessa is trying her best to provide for the little girl and trades in her glamorous jet setting lifestyle for diapers and bottles. Her hot next door neighbor, Adrian, knocks on her door one night after the baby’s incessant crying and somehow manages to charm both the crying baby and Vanessa. A close friendship forms and then eventually love. The chemistry between these two was instant! Both are hesitant to commit to one another after each experiencing heartbreak and loss in their respective families. Because of this, Vanessa lives each day to the fullest and embraces every bit of joy and spontaneity she can find...while Adrian copes by trying to plan and control everything around him. They say opposites attract but can their love last? I throughly adored this novel and the fresh, fun, thoughtful way the author handled some of the sensitive issues presented.

Pre-order your copy now + enjoy the magic of this series with the first two novels already out. Pub day is 4/6/21. Cannot wait for this book to be in the world! Thank you so incredibly much to Forever Publishing + NetGalley for letting me enjoy this ARC!

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Wooooooww! I’m truly deeply and madly in love with this book! Can a person smile from ear to ear and cry like mad woman who was at the edge of ugly nervous breakdown!

This book is not only the best book of Friend Zone series or the most perfectly written Abby Jimenez book, this also deserves a place at my all time favorite romance books list : a book which should be read more than once, a book which makes you feel everything: making you laugh so hard, pushing you think more about incurable diseases with its social awareness passages about ALS, making your tears drop faster than the speed of the light: you smile, you laugh, you cry, you ache, you care, you sigh, you shout and at the end smile spreads wider on your face.

You feel like somebody gently touched your heart, taking away your pain, unnecessary worries, sadness. That’s the power of great books which gives you hope, motivation and proves there’s always another options in your life so be brave, take risk and try again to get your second chances!

Vanessa Price is one of the most adorable heroines you want to give long hugs and wish to be your real life friend. Even though life dealt real shitty hand to her, she is strong enough to deal each curveballs life throws at her. She’s inherited health conditions of her mother side of the family. Every women at the family died before they’re getting thirty. Her mother and her sister were already gone. She’s a ticking bomb. She rejects to get testing and spending the rest of her days in the hospital. She has only one year to become 30 so she wants to spend her probable last days by traveling around the world , drinking more wines, experiencing new things. Actually she’s already doing them: She’s a celebrity with her popular YouTube Vlogs, millions of admirers and followers. She’s honest about herself from the beginning, talking about her illness, raising awareness, conducting fund raising campaigns.

And she spends her money to take care of her damaged family: a hoarder father who has never been getting through the loss of his wife, two step siblings: 19 years old drug addict sister and a jobless young brother who rejects to take responsibility. She financially, mentally support them even though she’s the one who is at the risk to die from fatal illness.

But now her step sister left her baby to her, rejecting to go to rehab. So she’s all alone in her studio apartment, taking care of an infant, losing her last marbles. That’s where she meets his Jesus’s Abs neighbor Adrian Copeland, ultra hot, corporate lawyer who bangs on her door at 4 a.m. and offers her help for putting baby on sleep.

Adrian already has his own family issues, breaking up from his not so loyal girlfriend, living a boring, work oriented, dull life till Vanessa brighten everything with her vivid, joyful, enthusiastic character and change him to be a better person!

I loved Adrian so much: he was dependable, honest, caring, a real good man you can count on! I want to give him millions of hugs as well.

I loved their friendship. I loved their genuine, intimate love! I loved their bittersweet, ultra romantic, tear jerking story!

If I could give entire galaxy stars or name a planet with the title of the book, I would do it without thinking any further!

Special thanks to NetGalley and Forever/ Grand Central Publishing for sharing this amazing digital reviewer copy with me in exchange my honest opinions.

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