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The Imposter

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I loved this book! I loved the suspense, twist, turns for day! I really got invested in the characters and all the back stories between Sibley and her mom Deborah. I highly recommend this book!

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Thank you to the author and NetGalley or sharing this novel with me to review. I haven’t previously read any of her books but i will in the future, I was hooked from the beginning to the end. There were so many twists and turns it was impossible to figure out. Sibley is an brilliant divorce lawyer who is also a alcoholic and gets suspended from her job to go into rehab. Instead she returns to her childhood home and finds her estranged mother suffering from what appears to be mental health problems. Together they try to explain events from the past that have been buried for a long time within the small community where they live. This is a fast paced thriller full of secrets and lies that will keep you guessing to the end. I recommend this for anyone who enjoys a good mystery story.

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Marin Montgomery's The Imposter is a mind-bending, spine-tingling psychological thriller. Utilising not one but two unreliable narrators (Sibley with her alcoholism and Deborah with ?psychosis/substance abuse/dementia), reality is blurred, facts are malleable and the truth maddeningly elusive. A tale of secrets, deception, tragedy and family bonds, this is a fabulous read with plenty of twists and turns to keep the reader guessing right to the end.

Thanks to Netgalley for an advanced reading copy.

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A big thank you to Marin Montgomery and NetGalley for an eARC of The Imposter!

If you’re looking for a super creeeeepy read with a bunch of “say whaaaaaaat???” twists and turns, this book is for you! The Imposter follows mother, Deborah, and daughter, Sibley, and their estranged relationship that is full of lies, deceit, and secrets. The story flips back and forth between the two women, both being unreliable narrators, so you’re left wondering what parts of the story are real and what’s not.

The Imposter kept my interest the entire time and I really enjoyed the author’s writing style, engaging and appropriately descriptive. My only very teeny-tiny gripe is that some parts were a little confusing and I had to go back to make sure I didn’t miss anything. Once you get to the ending all of the pieces start to fall in place. And I should probably stop reading at one am when my brain isn’t functioning at full capacity, I couldn’t put it down!

Content Warning: domestic violence and alcohol abuse

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WOW! Where to even start?
I went into this blind - I hadn't read the blurb before I started. Mother and daughter Deborah and Sibley were long estranged, but unexpectedly reunited. Sibley shows up to try to move on from unresolved family drama going back years. Both women were unreliable narrators that made this read full of twists - but it got a bit confusing occasionally! There were a couple times that I had to re-read a chapter because I couldn't keep things straight. While I didn't really care for Sibley or Deborah, this book did have me hooked, I started this on a Friday night and finished it Saturday afternoon because I couldn't put it down for long. I was dying to know what really happened and why they were both so upset with each other. I kept thinking I had it figured out, and came slightly close. But the final twist - I definitely did NOT see it coming. Thank you so much to Marin Montgomery and NetGalley for my first ever ARC! 3.5, rounding to 4.

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Whew! What a remarkable read to drag me out of my post-election reading slump. I was up at two in the morning, bleary-eyed, trying to finish this one.

The Imposter is told in the alternating points of view of Deborah and Sibley and is a slow burn of suspense, secrets and lies and mysterious goings on that kept me guessing right until I turned the final page.

In the end, this is a book about coming to terms with life’s painful struggles with the powerful reminder that deep-rooted and enduring opinions can’t always be trusted. Indeed, perception often blurs the lines between truth and fiction in life.

The Imposter is at once darkly depressing and reassuringly hopeful. How? You’ll have to read it yourself to find out. I highly recommend this book with a four star rating.

My thanks to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for a complimentary advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you Marin Montgomery and NetGalley for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

The story is told in alternating POV’s between estranged mother Deborah and her “functional alcoholic” daughter Sibley. Sibley Sawyer is a successful attorney, married and lives far from the Midwestern hometown she never looked back on since that tragic night. But when her personal and professional lives take a wild turn, Sibley hesitantly chooses to visit her estranged mother and bury past tensions.

As Sibley reenters the life she left behind, she starts to realize that the town she grew up in is full of lies and deceit and not everyone is who they say they are.

The first few chapters really pull you into the story, it doesn’t take long for you to feel creeped out and wanting to read more. I liked the pace of the book, it was one of those ones where you wanted to read “one more chapter” to see how things would unfold. Both Deborah and Sibley’s characters were so unstable in their own ways. Adding to the suspense, Deborah starts showing signs of a psychological disorder and Sibley deals with her own demons, so throughout the story it's hard to tell who their true identities were. I felt sad for both Deborah and Sibley and the web of lies they were caught up in, I wish that there was more growth/healing with their relationship towards the end. In addition, I would have liked to see more of Holden and Sibley’s relationship and maybe how “it used to be.”

I love that this wasn't a predictable thriller; Marin really leaves you hanging until the last few chapters. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys fast-paced thrillers revolved around families, broken relationships and alternate POV’s.

Content warning: alcoholism, violence

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Holy smokes, this was one very twisty story! The author had it more layered than a fancy dessert trifle in a bourgeois French restaurant! I’m a sucker for the twisty thriller, the more mind-bending, the better. This book definitely satisfied that for me and left me wanting more from this author! Sibley is the perfect anti-heroine, very flawed and tragic, heavily nuanced. I was still confused up until almost the final page! Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for my free arc in exchange for my honest opinion. It was an awesome one, I definitely recommend this book!

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I am grateful to @marinmont18, that I got to read the advanced readers copy of this book. It’s been a wonderful experience. The beginning is a bit slow, as we get to know Sibley, an attorney with drinking and marital problems. She finds herself in some tough luck situation, which makes her take some unexpected steps ... At first it’s hard to like her, but the author shows us all the aspects of her character, as well as some glimpse of her past, and we begin to understand her. Her mother, Deborah, is also a woman with some interesting and difficult past, which seems to be driving her crazy (is it??). I won’t say more, but the longer we read, the more we get to know and understand both of them and their relationship. The past is coming after each of them and it’s creepy. There are thrilling and scary moments in this book that made me feel shiver down my spine and made me wonder, who the imposter is!? Is it one of the main characters, is it someone from the past, is it something supernatural, is it all just in their heads??
I most certainly won’t tell you, you’ll have to read it yourself! ;)
What I loved about this book is that the author takes time to tell the story from different points of view, so that you don’t know who to trust and if you try to guess who the imposter is, you’ll probably be wrong. That’s what makes it worth reading - it’s unpredictable and suspenseful, with many twists, until the end. I definitely recommend it :))

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This book had just the right amout of twists and turns for a perfect mystery novel. I really enjoyed the back and forth between the two perspectives because it added to the mystery. It was a bit confusing at times but once you get to the end, it all comes together and makes sense. I loved the writing style and it wasn't overly detailed at all. Everything was to the point without any added fluff which made it a lot easier to read. You do not really get any back story for the secondary characters but I did not feel that was necessary for this one. It wouldn't have added to the plot at all and it made sense to leave all that out.

I really enjoyed the short chapters as well because it made it a quicker read for me. I did not think there were many slow parts either which also helped! The story kept me interested the whole time and made me really want to get to the ending as quick as possible! I don't think it was very predictable but I had a hunch about one part which is normal for me. I think she did a great job at giving little hints without making it super obvious what the end result would be.

Overall, I really enjoyed this one and would recommend to any mystery lover!

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What a great book! Right from the start, there are a lot of things happening. You are going to encounter numerous guessing/unanswered questions and you would think that it is a never-ending quest for answers.
It`s paced is a bit fast, changing from one speaker to another but you would not get disoriented from their perspective. The story was subtle. Both the speaker`s lives are integrated. You would love the non-stop drama. As they thought that their lives were fine and perfect until they came across the dilemma that would change their career. One is assaulted begging for her life and the other one while suspended needs to go to rehab to save her job and marriage.
The novel—The imposter- had excellent characters. Not just the mother-and-daughter duo but as Characters I mean all of them. Each of their roles plays a big part in each chapter. You would get tousle into different perspectives. Like its title “The Imposter” you would not know who to trust or who is lying between them.
Every aspect of this book is notable from the dilemma of the lead-characters down to the mind-blowing revelations and that is what makes this book very entertaining. A job well done to Marin Montgomery—the Author of this superb book.

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This book was a little hard to get into at first. Then it completely blew me away. I absolutely loved it. I want to read more of this author.

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A must read for those who enjoy a nice thriller with lots of twists and turns. All characters are important to the story and are all part of the end. The main characters, Deborah and Sibley, had me entrapped in their story telling and I did not know who was a reliable witness. Overall, I liked the pacing of the book and how each character and chapter always left me wondering, who is real? who is telling the truth? what next? I usually don’t try to guess “whodunit “, and The Imposter does a great job at never giving it away.

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The Imposter- Marin Montgomery
Publication date - 9th March 2021

Thank you to @netgalley, Thomas & Mercer and @marinmont18 for a advanced readers copy.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, it gripped my from the start, I liked that it not only told the story from two perspectives, but covered different timelines.

I didn’t see the twist at the end coming, normally I atleast have an idea, but I was kept on my toes with this book.

I will be adding the authors other works to my TBR pile.

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Sibley and her mother Deborah have been estranged for many years. Deborah still lives on the farm where Sibley grew up, even though a tragedy that occurred there, made Deborah a pariah in the community, and made Sibley leave and never look back. But all that happened in the distant past, so could it still be controlling these women’s lives?
When we first meet Sibley, she is not having a good day. Her drinking may cost her everything; her career, her marriage, maybe even her life.Rather than checking into a rehab facility, Sibley decides to head home, hoping to uncover the truth about what happened to her father sixteen years ago. Sibley feels that confronting her mother will free her from the past, and perhaps even allow her to heal.
But Sibley isn’t prepared for what she finds. Her childhood home has fallen into disrepair and her once organized mother seems like a different person. Deborah is sure that someone is watching her and wishes her harm. Even though she has few friends, she can’t imagine why anyone would want to hurt her. Then Sibley arrives, and even she seems to have ulterior motives.Soon, these two unreliable narrators won’t even be able to trust each other.
That is all I can safely say about this twisty tale. I liked how the events unfold through Deborah and Sibley’s eyes, though as anyone will tell you, perception can definitely cloud the truth. It is a slow burn tale of secrets and lies, and though I did figure out who the ‘bad guys’ were, I never guessed the whole disturbing truth.

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I was hooked on the story as soon as I read the letter that's in the prologue! I went in pretty blind, knowing pretty much nothing about the plot and enjoyed the twists and turns! I enjoyed the fact that I was unable to trust what was real and what wasn't as the main characters weren't able to trust each other. I found the dialogue to be a little choppy at some points but the story made up for it!

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This was a really twisty and compelling domestic thriller.

I’ve really enjoyed the sorry and the plot and I felt like I just needed to keep reading until I found out what happened.
The secrets and the mystery surrounding the main characters really kept me going and it was really great to see how the family was constructing their future by unburying the secrets of the past.

I loved the reflecting of both of the characters on their life and actions and it was really good to see how the story would unfold throughout the book.

Overall it was a really great read and I would definidores recommend it to fans of domestic thrillers.  

I would like to thank Netgalley and Thomas and Mercer for an advanced digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest and unbiased review

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y’all! i got my first NetGalley ARC this week from @marinmont18 and i thoroughly enjoyed it! i’m pretty much always nervous about reviewing books that someone requests i read because i know how hard every author works to pour their story onto the page and i’d never want to take away from that.

what i’ve learned these past few months on bookstagram is that each book is different for each person and no one interprets a story the same way. personally, i think that makes reading even more beautiful and talking about books way more fun. with that said, onto my review!

the story follows Deborah and Sibley, alternating from each woman’s perspective. all we really know is that something happened sixteen years ago to make Sibley flee her hometown and never come back.. until now.

i read this right after Invisible Girl by Lisa Jewell - a book where the author tried to weave a bunch of stories together that ended up fizzling out at the end. i was worried this might be the same and i’ve never been happier to be proved wrong. Marin was able to take all of these seemingly unconnected storylines and prove me wrong every time i tried to guess what the hell was happening. i secretly hope she has a huge murder board style outline spot in her office where she plots out the intricacies of her books.

i don’t want to reveal too much about the plot because it’s one you just have to dive into blindly. this book is definitely a slow burn but it kept my attention throughout (which y’all know is hard to do) and i will absolutely be reading more by Marin Montgomery!

The Imposter is currently in pre-sales and will be released on March 9, 2021!

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The Imposter by Marin Montgomery will definitely keep your head spinning, but not always in a good way. This thrilled filled with small town family drama took me a while to get into because the first few chapters are all over the place with more twists and turns than I knew what to do with. As the characters develop over the course of the book it became easier to dive into, but the unreliability of what was actually happening versus not was just too much. Overall I liked it enough that it wasn't a waste of time, but I don't think I would recommend. Simplified, this book could have been a hit for me!

Thanks to NetGalley and Marin Montgomery for this ARC copy in return for an honest review.

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This book was just ok. I had a hard time getting past the first few chapters, but it picked up toward the middle. There was a lot of back story to follow along with that kind of muddled the story.

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