Member Reviews

In my eyes Abigail Mann can do no wrong.

Yet another amazing book from this wonderful author, A feel good book that I couldn't put down. This was perfect for some post surgery reading in bed.

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I tried my hardest to get into this book but I simply could not, remaining unconvinced by the main character, her actions and her love interest.

I was intrigued by the opening of this story where Ava learns of a long-lost sister during a live stream. It turns out that this live stream garners a lot of interest so that when she is presented with the opportunity of travelling to a remote part of Scotland to come face-to-face with this long-lost relative, Ava grabs this chance to lie low for a while. Because up in Kilroch, your mobile phone becomes an extravagant clock thanks to poor mobile coverage. Just what Ava needs.

One thing I think Mann does really well is to portray the struggles of Kian’s farm. Ava’s cover at staying in Kilroch is volunteering to help at Kian’s farm, despite knowing next to nothing about what is involved. I thought that Mann’s portrayal of the intense labour involved with constant financial struggles was very vivid. This aspect of farming has gained increasing media coverage over the last few years and I felt that this element of the story was incredibly realistic, leaving me very sympathetic towards Kian and the never-ending troubles he faces.

On the other hand, I thought the story moved very slowly. I never quite got to grips with Ava’s journalistic background because it seemed dominated by her complaints about her mother’s behaviours and how dissatisfied Ava is with home life in general. She clearly doesn’t like her job but doesn’t have the confidence to do anything about it. Instead, she sees this trip to Scotland as a chance to make herself – even if she does not completely agree with the dishonesty that has now come with it. Therefore, when readers get to see the articles sent to Ava’s head office about her attempts at reconnecting with her sister, I didn’t get a true sense of the comedy, drama or intrigue that is taking place. It all fell rather flat.

Ava’s romance felt quite awkward and I was never truly convinced by it. On the other hand, Kian and Moira’s long friendship is cute and I loved the energy that Moira brings to the story. It juxtaposed with the rather sleepy narrative that I felt that Mann creates, as readers and Ava alike stumble around the Scottish highlands. I think I would have liked to have met more of the community of Kilroch, rather than the grumpy stereotypes, because it never felt like I belonged – a bit like Ava, I suppose.

This is my second read by this author and again, it just wasn’t for me. Towards the end of the story, I had really lost interest in the plot and didn’t care much for what happened next to Ava. Having tried twice with this author, I don’t think this is a writer I can get on with.

With thanks to One More Chapter, Harper Collins and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This read had the perfect amount of humor in the mix which made it a great read. It was a heartwarming story that had likable characters and enough witty humor to keep me engaged.

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I must firstly apologise for the amount of time it has taken me to provide a review of this book, my health was rather bad for quite some time, something that had me in hospital on numerous occasions and simply didnt leave me with the time I once had to do what I love most.

Unfortunately that does mean I have missed the archive date for many of these books, so It would feel unjust throwing any review together without being able to pay attention to each novel properly.

However, I am now back to reading as before and look forward to sharing my honest reviews as always going forward. I thank you f0r the patience and understanding throughout x

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"The Sister Surprise" by Abigail Mann is a delightful and heartwarming novel that explores the complexities of family, love, and the unexpected twists that life can throw at us. With a blend of humor, heart, and relatable characters, Mann delivers a story that captivates readers from the very beginning.

The story centers around Ellie, a young woman living a somewhat mundane life in London when her world is turned upside down by an astonishing revelation: she has a sister she never knew existed. This newfound sibling, Jules, is the complete opposite of Ellie - wild, spontaneous, and full of surprises. Ellie's journey to embrace this unexpected addition to her life becomes a heartwarming tale of personal growth and sisterly bonds.

Abigail Mann's writing is both engaging and humorous, with a witty and relatable narrative voice. The dialogues are sharp and full of banter, adding a layer of authenticity to the characters and their relationships. Ellie, as the protagonist, is easy to root for, as she undergoes a journey of self-discovery and learns to navigate the complexities of her newfound family dynamics.

What makes "The Sister Surprise" particularly charming is its portrayal of family relationships. The novel captures the messiness, love, and occasional misunderstandings that come with being a part of a family. Readers will likely find themselves reflecting on their own relationships with siblings and parents while following Ellie's journey.

While the novel is primarily a heartwarming and character-driven story, some may wish for a bit more depth and complexity in certain aspects of the plot. The story leans more towards the lighter side of contemporary fiction, which can be a strength or a limitation depending on individual preferences.

In conclusion, "The Sister Surprise" is a feel-good and engaging novel that explores the transformative power of family, especially the unexpected additions that come into our lives. Abigail Mann's delightful storytelling, relatable characters, and witty humor make this a highly enjoyable read for those seeking a light-hearted, heartwarming story about love, sisterhood, and personal growth. It's a book that leaves a smile on your face and a warm feeling in your heart.

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Such an entertaining story!!! These sisters learn more about each other and themselves when the surprise of a lifetime throws them together. Lots of feel good moments and a few chuckles along the way made this a fun, easy read.

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A little predictable but a cheerful and fun read with just the right amount of family issues thrown in.

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This has been on my NetGalley shelf for over a year, and I still haven’t picked it up. I've tried, but it just isn't for me (right now). I hope other people enjoy it more than I did.

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This is a fun book based on a serious question. What would you do if your DNA test showed an unknown sister? Do you track her down, and what if she’s not interested in another relative?

Of course, this book asks and answers those questions in a funny story. I especially loved that Ava has to do farm work for her room and board. 3.5 stars.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed as in this review are completely my own.

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This is my first book by this author. Ava works for a local social media channel and has agreed to take a DNA test with the results live on air. The results were not what Ava expected creating high ratings on the show. Ava then wants to escape which leads to her going to the location to set up follow up articles regarding the results. The urban person on a family farm will make the reader laugh out loud. The small town full with gossip and creative characters lightens up the writing. The narrative is witty, with some great one liners and many comedic moments. The characters are well developed and likeable. I really got the sense of the small village feel from the imagery and descriptions used The romance is not the main focus of the novel, but it was a lovely addition to the story. There is a whole “will they or won’t they” aspect that I enjoyed. Also, it’s interesting to see how this one test result changed everything in Ava’s life, including Ava. As much as she takes a physical journey from the bustling city of London to the Scottish countryside, her emotional journey is just as significant. Ava learns more about herself, her parents, and her sister and ends up examining what she truly wants in life.

Thanks so much to NetGalley, One More Chapter, and the author for the opportunity.

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The Sister Surprise was a decent and enjoyable read. I found the pacing a bit off though and felt like the book dragged in places.

I enjoyed Mann’s first book more, but I’m looking forward to reading her third book too.

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This book was such delight and honestly just a breath of fresh air. If you need a pick-me-up after a bad day at work, I suggest you dive into this book.

I loved the sister dynamic between Ava and Moira, and really getting to see how they first interact in comparison with the final interactions between them that we get to see. Also, the British HUMOR in this book was top notch!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of this book for an honest review, all thoughts are my own. Ava never knew her father so she takes a DNA ancestry tests and finds way more than she imagined. This book was really fun and enjoyable read - will be looking for more from this author!

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This was such a cute, fun, super quick read! Ava finds out, in a rather embarrassing way, that she has a half sister she never knew about. This prompts her to embark on a journey to find her. In the process she finds herself. I love stories like this! Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the arc.

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i was really excited to read this book, but it archieved and now i cant download it im now planning on buying the book.

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The Sister Surprise was a really fun and light-hearted book that I flew through. I did really enjoy this book and found it quite funny at times. The characters were really fun and I did enjoy them and I also did enjoy the overall storyline.

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The Sister Surprise was such a fun, lighthearted and quick read! Perfect to read on the beach! It’s about Ava, who takes a DNA test and discovers she has a sister. I really liked reading it!

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This was a fun read that hit the spot for a quick read. I enjoyed the charming storyline and adventures after the storyline picked up.

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This was a charming and lighthearted novel, perfect restart er heavy reads. The premise is fun and original although the plot could get a bit convoluted and the pacing sometimes dragged. Overall, an entertaining read.

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Had a hard time connecting with this book. It just seemed to go on and on without much happening, and while I love an immersive read where we become the character through their POV, this one just, for lack of a better word. Just felt like a bit of a slog to get through, like 26% in and the other sister hasn't even appeared on the page, but we've been treated to so many rambles so far in the story. Just failed to capture me, unfortunately

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