Member Reviews

The Sister Surprise by Abigail Mann is a cheerful family novel, if you can imagine Bridget Jones stepping into Cold Comfort Farm or something like that, you wouldn’t be too far off. This is definitely a feel good book for people looking to relax with light reading.

We follow Ava, a bit of a neat freak who at almost 30 still lives with her mum and in fact has a bit of trouble standing on her own with that activist symbole’s shadow over her. She gets bullied about at work too, ending up discovering she has a sister live on second rate reality internet the benefit of her employer. Obviously Ava rushes to know more, who wouldn’t want to know more?

The book is full of good intentions and little funny touches, I think many will enjoy it. It feels genuine and people will relate with the awkward hero. But I admit this is not quite what I expected. The pace was a little strange to me. Maybe I expected more humour, maybe it just was not my humour, things slowed down when I expected them to speed up, the strings were a little too thick for me, the reflections of Ava were too obviously flawed to have me rooting for her. I did not like her choices and that made it hard.

But I think my opinion is not really reflexive of the majority. There is a lot of good intentions in this feel good novel and I’m sure many will find plenty of “aw” moments to warm their hearts.

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A charming story. Witty and humorous. A fast,easy read that will appeal to fans of chik lit. The author executes a familiar trope well and infuses the plot with drama and tension without overshadowing the light hearted feel of the book.

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Surprisingly delightful!!

This is one of those books that toes the line between women's fiction and romance. I think it takes the best elements from both and makes this book an enjoyable read. Romance is definitely not the main part of the book and it is quite unexpected( I couldn't guess love interest). My favorite part is Ava's journey as she goes to Scotland to meet her half-sister who she suddenly learned existed. Moira doesn't know she has a sister. As the sisters get to know each other, there are some side things happening; Ava's job, her mother's secrets, interesting residents of the small Scottish village...

I would recommend this book to all readers who enjoy British women's fiction/ chick-lit books.

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I was so excited to pick up this book. It seemed to have all the makings of a great story for me. I loved the idea of the main character finding out on a live stream that she has a sister, via DNA test, and then having to go find her as an assignment for work. However, this book just didn't hit the mark for me. There were times I wanted to stop reading, but I pushed through hoping that it would get better. It didn't. I wasn't a fan of the humor or the writing style of the author, unfortunately. For those main reasons, this book was a miss for me. However, I could tell that this book would be liked by many people - and based on the reviews I have read, it is well just isn't the book for me!

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Ava has never known much about her father so, when the online magazine she works for gets her to do a heritage DNA test, she is surprised to learn that she has a sister living in a remote little village in Scotland. Keen to develop the story further, her boss sends her off to find out more whilst keeping up a video diary. But Ava has no idea how much her visit is about to change her life!

I really enjoyed the Sister Surprise - especially once the setting moved to Scotland and all the great village characters were introduced. There are some hilarious and heart-warming moments in equal measures as Ava adapts to life on a working farm, makes friends, and finds new skills she didn't know about. The characters and their relationships were fantastic and I was quite sad when the story came to an end! A lovely read to cosy up with on the sofa with a glass of wine!

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One of the things I loved most about this book was that the romance wasn't the central relationship here. In fact, it doesn't make too much impact on the story. Instead, we focus much more on the fledgling relationship between Ava and her sister Moira.

I love found family, long lost sibling stories so this book was always going to be up my street. I loved watching their relationship build from the moment they first meet.

Of course, there are other aspects to this tale. I really enjoyed the farm narrative and seeing Ava come out of her comfort zone. Naturally, travelling to Scotland through this book was a wonderful escapism throughout a pandemic.

Some aspects of the book are a little predictable, but that didn't much dampen my enjoyment.

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Ava unexpectedly finds out that she has a half sister in Scotland and travels there undercover to meet her.
For me a key part of my enjoyment of a book is whether it draws me into the story, this one managed to do this perfectly. It has a slow pace, which might not suit all readers, but this allowed me to enjoy the farm setting and could almost smell the farmyard. I did think that the way the story developed was realistic, Ava is nervous about introducing herself to her sister Moira, who has no idea that she exists. There is also a thread about the farm that Ava is staying at, the owner Kian who took over after his grandfather died, is struggling financially and Ava does what she can to help. There is, of course, some romance involved with some surprises to come.
Overall then this is a book that I really enjoyed from a new to me author and I will really have to go and read her first book that is sitting in my TBR list.
I received an advance copy of this book from the publisher through Netgalley, however this did not influence my review of the book.

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This was a book that I’d never heard of, but when I saw it in an email, I was intrigued. I love books about sibling relationships, so a book about a woman discovering one should have been fun.

Instead, I feel pretty meh about it.

I was granted a free e-book copy of this through One More Chapter and Netgalley, and it was in return for an honest review.

First things first, it felt like it took ages for Ava to actually meet Moira. I thought that would happen pretty early on and it would be made clear from the off that Moira didn’t want a sister. Was happy without one. Instead, it felt like Ava was just making excuses and the author wanted drama. I did actually like Ava and Moira’s friendship. It was sweet, and I’m glad they get along. But it didn’t feel like we got enough of it.

It didn’t feel like we got enough of anything, to be quite honest. The work stuff felt brushed off, the saving the farm could’ve been interesting, but again took too long and the romance felt pointless. Plus, I generally didn’t care for Ross. He was just kind of boring and the hot minister thing doesn’t really do it for me, it turns out.

There was so much I wanted from this book. And yet, it didn’t really feel like I got any of it. I did finish the book, and it was pretty easy to get through. But I’m writing this minutes after finishing it, and I’m already forgetting what happened.

This really wasn’t a book for me and honestly, no one I know either. But if you’re looking for a wild romp on a Scottish farm then maybe check this out.

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I enjoyed reading this book, I love books set in Scotland, and this one, set in Rural Scotland definitely was a great location. With extra points for the Scottish Dialect.
The characters were likeable and this was a nice and easy read. Ava was very much digging herself a big hole that didn't seem that she would easily get out of. I wanted to see what would happen. There was a twist in the story that I wasn't expecting, which is always good.
There could have been a little more character development and possibly a couple of extra chapters or an epilogue. Overall though it was a lighthearted and entertaining read.
Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for my ARC.

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This was a bit slow for me and not my favorite. Cute storyline, but we dont even meet the sister until halfway through. I did love the scottish "slang" and im typically a fan of the secret/long-lost family member trope!

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3.5 stars

The Sister Surprise tells the story of Ava - a woman in search of the truth about her father. After taking a DNA test discovers she has a sister living in a remote town island in Scotland. This information leads to her tracking down her sister upon the request of her boss and that is where the novel starts to get interesting.

This really felt like a book of two halves. The first half I found to be a slow struggle, however the book seemed to shine in the second half. The dialogue in the first half seemed to be a little lacklustre however once she meets her sister it takes a turn for the better.

This humorous read is filled with relatable, likable characters, funny situations and a nice amount of emotion. I found this to be a nice little uplifting read which made me smile. If you like an easy, funny read this could be a book you may enjoy.

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Loved this book so much! The writing style is so easy to follow that it makes the story seem effortless, the chapters just roll on.
Loved the characters and the brief updates that continue through the book to give a better sense of their personality.

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I adored this book!

Ava is such a strong, funny character whose voice lifted my mood and kept me wishing to be reading when I wasn’t!

When Ava finds out she has a secret sister in a remote Scottish town, she decides to take this opportunity to push forward her career and get her long awaited answers about her paternal family.

Volunteering on a farm, she soon realises that this project is anything but simple, especially neither a charming and handsome young Minister catching her eye!

I don’t think I can fault a single word from this book, every single character is rounded, interesting and adds to the story. I loved the romance when it appeared and, owning chickens myself I absolutely related to the evil chicken Babs plot!!

5/5 stars. Will recommend to everyone!

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After getting the results from a DNA kit on a live stream with work Abby finds out that she has a sister she didnt know about. Abby sets off to Scotland find her. Lets just say its not as straight forward as it should have been and thanks to her meddling boss makes things worse.
Really enjoyed it

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At first glance, The Sister Surprise is right up my alley. A live reveal about DNA results goes viral for Ava. She is stunned with the news that she has a half sister in Scotland. Her employer tries to cash in on the news and her trip to tell her sister. I thought the lead up to telling Moira lasted too long. I understand it’s the meaty part of the novel, but I found my interest waning sharply. There are few twists and surprises after news is delivered that are worth hanging around for. I’m always interested in what DNA tests reveal, in both fiction and in real life.

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Heartfelt, hilarious and ultimately uplifting... Abigail Mann is definitely a strong new voice in women's fiction! I loved that the romance wasn't the main plot, but it added that sprinkle of anticipation that made you want to just keep reading. I'll definitely be reading The Lonely Fajita next! Thanks so much to One More Chapter and to Abigail Mann for the advanced copy.

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The Sister Surprise is a heart-warming and humorous story of love, friendship, family, and finding oneself. After Ava learns from a DNA test that she has a sister, she journeys to a small town in the Scottish Highlands to find the sibling she never knew she had. In exchange for a room at a local farm, Ava agrees to works on the farm. As she becomes ingratiated in the charming, small-town, Ava must reevaluate her life, her past, and her goals, all of which have been turned completely upside down.

This is a quick and fun read with many hilarious situations as Ava transitions from city life to farm life. I loved these scenes and, as a city girl myself, could totally put myself in her shoes. There were times throughout the story when I laughed out loud at some of the crazy antics and humorous dialogue. I enjoyed this aspect of the novel, as it offered a bit of levity even in the midst of some more serious situations.

The romance is not the main focus of the novel, but it was a lovely addition to the story. There is a whole “will they or won’t they” aspect that I enjoyed. Also, it’s interesting to see how this one test result changed everything in Ava’s life, including Ava. As much as she takes a physical journey from the bustling city of London to the Scottish countryside, her emotional journey is just as significant. Ava learns more about herself, her parents, and her sister and ends up examining what she truly wants in life.

I really enjoyed this charming story, and though it is the first book I’ve read by Abigail Mann, it won’t be the last. I’m definitely going back to read The Lonely Fajita – it sounds so good! Thanks so much to NetGalley, One More Chapter, and the author for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.

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Abigail Mann was a new author for me but the blurb had ,e hitting that download button.
The book didn’t disappoint! It followed Ava trying to find her secret sister and the situations she gets herself into along the way. There were laugh out loud moments and the story kept flowing nicely. I would have liked to have known what would have happened in say a couple of years with the priest/minister!

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How would you react if you suddenly found out you had a half sister you never knew about?

Me, I would be pretty shocked especially as I am one of 5 siblings already but I don’t think I would have been as shocked as the main character, Ava who believed she was an only child her whole life. To make it worse she finds out during a DNA test reveal on a live online stream in front of thousands of viewers. So, what does she do?

She throws up live infront of the camera and then runs off.

After fearing her reaction has caused her to lose her job she returns only to find the recording was a hit and they want her to run with the story. So…she does, she packs her bags and heads off to Scotland to seek down the elusive long lost sister, Moira. Oh yeah and her mum knows nothing about her search for her family after refusing to ever discuss her father with her..ever!!

I know, I know once again, another book set in Scotland, I promise I don’t plan this but it is always a nice little bonus.

As the story progresses you get an insight into how self sufficient the community is. From the eggs distributed from Kian’s farm to the home baked goods provided by the local cafe. I loved how we were given a nice insight into village life and how everyone has a part to play. Of course the characteristics of the farm animals were both light hearted and hilarious,and it really lightened the tone at times.

This was such a nice cosy, heart warming read. You get to see Ava transform from city girl to working on a farm and getting stuck in with the pigs and cows…oh and the chickens. This is not just a story of rediscovering your family history, it is a tale of love, loss and plenty of drama.

It is funny but also has an sharp emotional edge, the perfect mix of love, laughter and tears.

I will definitely be reading her previous title the lonely fajita soon

This book is out on 25th March. You can preorder now from the link below”

⭐⭐⭐⭐ – a true heart warming tale of love, laughter and family. A great comfort read for the winter.

Have you read any of Abigail Mann’s books? What did you think?

Let me know in the comments below.

Much love 💘

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Disclaimer, Abi is a good friend of mine. I really enjoyed myself with this one. The Archers meets Fleabag, I think I actually preferred the story in this one to The Lonely Fajita, set in the rural Scottish countryside it was just my thing. A light read, which I'm learning I definitely need every now and again, but Abi is really witty, it's nice to read contemporary fiction with a bit of substance to it. More sexy priest though please. Or was he a minister?

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