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Murder Run

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Kyle is very stubborn and he does not take any of his brother’s advice. Well, maybe he should have.

Kyle decided to go to a bar that night instead of going straight home. The next day he woke up with a girl’s decapitated head on his lap. As he tries to piece together the memories of what happened last night, he will also have to run away from the police.

But this is just the beginning of a truly disturbing tale of monsters and guilt. If you think that first chapter is too much, buckle up for an intense, action packed story of a criminal running away and a journey through hell on earth.

A book that will not be for the faint of heart but I do believe fans of Richard Laymon will enjoy.

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Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for this advance copy in exchange for my honest review.
This is a tough one for me to review because the description sounded so up my alley as far as books I love. But I found myself unable to get into it and ended up starting and stopping at least 5 times before I finally finished. I just couldn't fully get into it, mostly because the character development really left a lot lacking. I didn't find myself really caring about any of the characters and that's a must if I'm going to like a book. I also felt the story could have been half as long, it was so slow and I found myself skipping ahead likely missing things that maybe would have made me enjoy this a bit more, who knows. Unfortunately I just couldn't care enough to really get into this one.

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This is a pretty full on read with a lot of dark material. The protagonists are the kind you will love and hate, but there is no denying they are very interesting and get themselves into situations which will keep your knuckles white.

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Many thanks to NetGalley, John Hunt, and Dexter Publishing for a chance to review this book. I was given this book for free in exchange for my fair and honest opinion. I have not felt compelled, in any way, by the author, the publisher, or NetGalley to alter my sincerest thoughts on this book. Every word of this review is solely and completely mine.
This is one of those books that hits close to home, because I had a brother (may he rest in peace) very much like Kyle. Kyle has served time in jail. And on the very day he gets out of jail, instead of going straight home, the way his older brother tells him to do, he goes to a bar and acts on impulses that he should best avoid. He is not certain how he wound up with a decapitated body in his car, but then every situation is exacerbated by behaving in exactly the worst possible way. Kyle has anger management issues, poor impulse control, lack of awareness, fugues, and borderline schizophrenia. The young man is a mess and everywhere he goes, his messes follow.
Trigger warnings: listen, this is an adult horror book heavy on the expletives, blood, and excessive gore. There is cannibalism, date-rape, and other adult themes. I only say this to warn sensitive people to stay away, so that the author’s review rating be unaffected by people’s sensibilities. I like this one a great deal.

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Murder Run is one of those books that the description that does not do it justice. While the description for this book caught my eye and made me what to read it. The actual book ended up being much different and in a great way.

Soon after getting out of Prison Kyle goes on a night of drinking and chasing women. The next day he wakes up in a wooded area to find the woman he was fooling around with dead. In all likely hood, he killed her.

The action quickly gets underway as Kyle is on the run from the police. However, it is not just the police he has to worry about. The girl he killed has friends willing to head into the woods. Unlike the police, these friends don’t want to take Kyle alive.

Without giving away any of the twists there is also someone else in the woods. Someone more dangerous than an ex-con, the cops, or a group of friends seeking vengeance.

Murder Run is a well-written page-turner. The first little bit was slowish but once it got into the story I needed to know what happened next. By about the halfway point I could not put it down. The last few chapters just speed by with action.

As this review started this book was not what I expected. However, it was a great read. I was very happy I picked it up and makes me want to pick up some other books by John Hunt.

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This book did not live up to the reviews I had read. I didn't like any of the characters or the story line. I kept hoping that there was some spectacular turn of events that would change this from an awful story to at the very least a mediocre, no such luck.

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First I would like to take a minute and thank NetGalley and John Hunt for an Ecopy to read and review.
Heart pounding and character driven “Murder Run” is exactly what someone needs if they want something to completely knock their socks off.
Kyle has always gotten himself into trouble his whole life, and everytime his family had been there to bail him out but now his trouble has caught up to him that not even God can bail him out of.
After stopping at a random bar in a podunk town he had never been to he awoke to a decapitated head in his lap. Unaware of what exactly went on the night before unleashes a series of events of bad, to worse, to holy God what the hell are you doing?! What I thought was going to be a sort of man hunt/ murder novel turned into something completely different a little over half way through. When I say it went into a completely different direction I mean it. It was a good twist because I didn’t know how Kyle or any of the characters left in the wake of his carnage were going to end but holy wow. It will leave you wanting more and I expect more hits from John Hunt in the future!
Happy Reading! x

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I just couldn’t get into this book, normally I like this type of novel but I found Murder Run too needlessly violent with no real story nor justice to the antagonist.
I disliked all of the characters, they were all really 2 dimensional and I just couldn’t care about them I’ve way or the other.
The story was slow, with no real explanation on why Kyle was the way he was.
However I enjoyed the back story of the Graysons and it wasn’t badly written or anything, just not really my cup of tea.

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Kyle Houghton is not the kind of man you want to meet. You most probably wouldn’t live through it. It is not that he intends to lose his temper, it’s just that he cannot control his impulses. He gets into a bar fight over a girl, and he beats the guy to the ground and kicks him to death. No control. That is why Kyle is right out of prison after being convicted of manslaughter.
The book begins with Kyle stopping for a beer- just one- but he drinks a pitcher or two. There is a girl in the bar who makes eye contact with Kyle who is a good- looking “Bad Boy” type. The two drive off to a quiet spot which proves fatal to the young lady. Which begins a deadly spree of murders that shock the small Ontario provincial town which is the setting of this exciting novel.
For at least two- thirds of “Murder Run” the story is that of a criminal investigation, with Kyle fleeing through the Ontario Woods’s, and the police cordoning off the area while they pursue him. Adding to this volatile mix is the father of the first murder victim, along with his biker gang buds, has started their own search and kill mission.
The author, John Hart, keeps the story moving swiftly, tightly weaving viewpoint together from the police to Kyle to the bikers as the moose draws tighter. Then, at about the 60% mark in me digital edition, Mr. Hart adds another element: a mysterious isolated house in the woods with a reputation of being haunted, home of a beast who slays any intruders. Police story becomes horror story— but it works very well. The horror beast is real, so real one almost finds oneself rooting for Kyle. Will the vicious human killer slay the inhuman killer?
Well, you just have to read the book to find out. Have fun...
Caution: I do not recall bad language ( but I was having fun reading the developing plot to notice) . Some sexual content. Lots of blood, gore and violence. I hesitated to award a five- sriracha rating, but what the H*** I like the book.
Thanks to Net Galley for the advance reader copy fro “Murder Run”.

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Actual rating: 2.5 out of 5

First off, I'm a big John Hunt fan. I loved Doll House and The Tracker. In this book, the plot was ok, the pace was good and the characters were well-developed. But this book felt like it was written from another author. It seemed amateurish with unnecessary words and scenes. However, I will still read any books written from this author.

Thank you to NetGalley, Dexter Publishing and John Hunt for a copy of "Murder Run" in exchange of an honest review.

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An interesting journey with quite the twist. I enjoyed most of this book and the pace was great. The ending was a bit unsatisfying, which may have been the authors goal. The assault at the beginning of the story is quite disturbing and inspires a feeling of vengeance in the reader. By the end I wanted to main character to face a just end. It felt like a satisfying conclusion to the story was just within reach, until it was torn away. If this was what the author was going for, great job.

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Adrenaline pumping, action packed, not stop thriller with such a surprise ending. WOW this story had me from the first chapter. It felt like the book had two part. The first part is centered on Kyle and the second is centered on Samuel. Together they made for a heart stopping book. Excellent!

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Murder Run by John Hunt  is a horror story.

First, let me thank the author for providing me with a copy of this book (as well as NetGalley) in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

My Synopsis:   (No major reveals, but if concerned, skip to My Opinions)

Kyle thinks he is having a really bad day.  He really can't remember how his date ended up being decapitated, and he really didn't mean to kill any of those other people.  He is just tired, and hungry, and wishes all these people would stop chasing him.  

But everything is about to get a whole lot worse.

My Opinions:   

I have read a number of books by this author, and loved them all.  John Hunt makes you believe in monsters, whether they are human, animal or alien.  His books make you wonder what is around that next corner.  Then he turns things around, and suddenly you are cheering for the monster.  Note that I never really cheered for the human one.

Be aware....this one gets bloody (mind you all John's books get bloody, so....).  The plot is good, the action non-stop, and the pace really fast, all leading to a fast read.   I probably could have done without the attempts at humor, and the ineptitude of the police force, and the ending, but I still loved it.

It's a great, fun, gory read.

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Yesssss this was so thrilling and interesting and GORY!

Kyle just gets lucky over and over again which was making me crazy but I seriously did not expect our little surprise Samuel on the Grayson property. Hearing his backstory and how he became apart of the family was really interesting and a much needed break from the suspense. And then, how the Chief drove away from Kyle with tears rolling down his cheeks... wow. Perfection. I wish we got a little more closure on the deaths of Tommy & Dave but this was overall a great read.

I will definitely be seeking out John Hunt’s other titles!

Thank you to NetGalley & the publisher for an advance reader’s copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I hate leaving such a low review for a book, but I just can't justify rating this one any higher. To be fair, this book is a rather pulpy horror novel, and I'm not really a pulpy horror novel person; I definitely prefer horror that's more literary. I think that there was a decent enough premise behind this, but the writing was too simplistic for me and the constant switching of tenses (sometimes in the middle of a sentence) was beginning to really grate on me. I didn't find any of the characters particularly likeable, either- which can be fine, but there has to be something intensely interesting about the characters or the plot, in that case, and this book had neither of those for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Murder run by John Hunt.
Omg. What a read. This author must have one big vivid imagination. This is the first book I've read from jihn. I couldn't put it down. Sick and gory too. More like a horror. John's mind must be twisted. Please carry on. I hope there is more to come. I don't want this one to end. Kyles character. I really wanted something bad to happen to him. 5*.

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Well this is definitely not a book for those of a nervous disposition, or for anyone who doesn't like blood thirsty scenes ,I did wonder what genre I was reading, it is much more of a horror book than a thriller, with all the blood shed and gory scenes, and then it takes a turn for the strange, although I am not going to give anything away. I did like the pace of the book, and the relentless action, and the author certainly has a vivid imagination.

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Ok, coming from a die hard Stephen King lover and not really read any other murder/thriller books by other authors, I definitely have been thrown into a different world.

Kyle is on the run after killing Grace he met at a bar (wasn’t supposed to) and went on a murderous rampage. Now, I thought this book would just be about Kyle getting caught by the Grace’s dad and his gang, or, by the police. He is on the run in the woods, when he jumps from one house (kills the young boy and father) and then to another house with quite a history. During reading this, I just thought he would break into the house and kill them too, but WAS I WRONG. It took a massive turn and the whole book transformed into an amazing story.

Each chapter is from a different character’s point of view, so for example, Kyle, Hank (Grace’s Dad) , Cheif etc etc. By doing this, the author has really individualised the characters and you learn so much about them. In a very sick way, I kind of felt sorry for Kyle in some parts and caught myself feeling sorry for a serial killer. ( I know, but how the book is wrote, you’ll see why).

John Hunt, I will be buying your books to sell in my shop. These are fantastic and I can see them going a very long way!

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Excellent read, kind of reminded me of one of my favourite films - from dusk till dawn - in the concept that what started out as a catch me if you can story quickly escalates into a second act that I ceetainly never saw coming. Often brutal in parts, John Hunt has written a fast paced story that is highly entertaining and one I thoroughly recommend. Will certainly be checking out his previous novels after this.

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Kyle does not like being told what to do. Going for a beer when he should of gone home is just the start. A murderous rampage ensues but nothing prepares him for what lives in a secluded house deep in the woods. Fast Paced and full of action. Tension and suspense drips from the the pages. Gory, chilling and buckets of blood. A new author for me and WOW now I definitely need to read more from this author. This read ticked all my boxes. Almost five stars and a MUST READ.
Thanks to Dexter Publishing and Netgalley for the ARC in return for giving an honest review.

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