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The Unofficial Disney Parks Cookbook

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What an excellent Cookbook this is for both Disney and non-Disney fans alike! The recipes are wonderful and it is well laid out in the design of the composition of the book, overall. I can see this being a wonderful "gift book" for Christmas because it is sure to bring a smile to many faces! Thank you so much for the opportunity to preview this before the release! I will be referencing this for many meals to come!

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"The Unofficial Disney Parks Cookbook" by Ashley Craft transported me to the happiest place on Earth via a new collection of Disney inspired recipes. I enjoyed this cookbook and was so excited to flip through the pages and see so many familiar iconic Disney staples! From the famous "Turkey Leg" to the delicious "Dole Whip" all of my favorites were included in this book. One of the things that was a little disappointing was that I needed to get some additional equipment in my kitchen in order to follow these recipes. An ice cream machine isn't necessarily something that every person will have on hand in their kitchen. Overall, I enjoyed this cookbook but wish it was a bit more accessible.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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The Unofficial Disney Parks Cookbook is a fun one, starting with a map of the park and a description of the culinary specificities of each area. Not living in America, and therefore not likely to enjoy the rides or the foods there, this is the next best thing for me!

In it you can mainly find snacking foods, savory and sweet, from the most simple 3 ingredient recipes, like the turkey leg, to the most sophisticated multi stepped ones, like the mickey macaron. Those by the way look particularly delicious and I definitely intend to try them out. Some recipes do have many steps and require the skills of a more seasoned cook, but they are well explained. I like making recipes from scratch, so I am fond of that. But a good number of recipes also have shortcuts and require such ingredients as vanilla ice cream, cake mixes, frozen tater tots… which is handy when you want to be quick. Obviously don’t expect healthy meals, that’s not the point, this is the height of party food.

There is a few general American classics that most people will probably have a recipe for already, like churros, caramel pop-corn, clam chowder, funnel cake, sugar cookies. But then again it’s good to have everything in one spot. Those are very much some of the park’s favourites and make sense in the book. What I’m particularly curious about, though, are the very specific recipes and Disney dishes like grey stuff gateau, Lefou’s brew, the Star wars green and blue milk as well as the Avatar Night blossoms. Those are the ones I am most curious about and want to try.

My criticism though, is that there is only about 1 picture for every 4 recipes, and for someone like me who had not been in the original American park it makes it hard to know what the final result should look like, and how to best present the dish. I also think more pictures makes for a more attractive and useful cookbook. I know that I often forget my picture-less book in favour of the ones which show me what I am aiming for. I find pictures more inspiring and I have a better idea as to what I can replace in recipes and how to present it if I do. A Disney cookbook is more of an occasional thing for me, as I’m a pretty health conscious cook, and most of the appeal of the book comes from how pretty the food inside is. I was a little disappointed that there wasn’t a picture for every single recipe.

But apart from that I do think this is a perfect gift for Disney and fairground fans, and I know I can very successfully pick a great birthday party menu for my kids in there. I really look forward to using it.

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OMG LOVE all the recipes from this book! Everything tasted amazing. My family and I are Disney lovers and we made 10 recipes! It felt like we were at the park! Thank you for a copy in exchange for an honest review

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Disney fans will LOVE this cookbook! The recipes didn't appear over-complicated (even to me, and I'm no cook). Recipes were sorted by theme park, and she even gave details on which restaurant you'd find them at. I thought it was a fun twist. If you were needing a specific type of recipe (ex. looking for a dessert recipe), a by park sorting would be less than helpful, but they solved that problem with a great index. My only complaint is that it only had a normal amount of photos and I prefer cookbooks to have an extravagant number of photos. I'll be ordering a copy for our library :)

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Author Ashley Craft's The Unofficial Disney Parks Cookbook gives the history, instructions and clearly written recipes so you can prepare your favorite Disney goodies at home.


Review written after downloading a galley from NetGalley.

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I love everything Disney so this book caught my attention from the start. Like many people, I've been experimenting in the kitchen with the increased time spent at home and the Unofficial Disney Parks Cookbook presented easy-to-follow recipes that would be helpful for cooks and bakers of any age and experience level. My favorite part was the unique history and side stories that the author included at the beginning of some recipes and I wish more were included. Additionally, some of the recipes had pictures but for some of the more complex/multi-step recipes that aren't as common as cookies or smoothies, I wish there had been more pictures for me to use as a reference when attempting the recipe on my own. Considering the variety of food and drink options at both Disney locations in the US, I think the book could have been longer and there doesn't seem to be particular reasoning as to why some recipes were chosen while others were not. The book features recipes from both Walt Disney World and Disneyland so if you have a Disney-lover in your family and want to try for a unique gift, this book would be a good choice.

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After visiting Disney last year, I was overjoyed to find out that there is an unofficial Disney parks cookbook.
However, There are so many pieces of equipment required to make even the basic dishes that I think I will leave it to the experts!
I'll just have to wait until I visit Disney again for my Dole Whip.
The book gives some lovely insights into what goes into the perfect Mickey Pretzel or the fabulous Night Blossom drink but it is tailored towards the American market - hence i'd struggle to find some of the ingredients in the UK.

The book is well written and it splits the food and drinks into relevant parks - so if you were looking for Mickey ice cream sandwiches - you would search for the food in Animal Kingdom.

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This Disney Parks recipes are fantastic. The recipes use simple and easy to find ingredients. The instructions are clear and concise. I made quite a few of these recipes for my family and we all loved them. I definitely recommend this Disney Parks Book Of Recipes.

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This book is everything I ever dreamed! So many of the recipes are not only classic but also new (including from Star WARS!) I did receive this for review as an uncorrected proof and as such the formatting was slightly off. However, there is a wealth of knowledge here.

One of the early chapters has some tools you should have for making these recipes. Many of these items are things I already have in my kitchen (except for the Ice Cream and shaved ice Maker, but I can skip that one).

More than likely I will purchase this in physical form as it's easier to find the recipes I want (my version does not have a working table of contents). Some of the recipes I am most interested in are The Grey Stuff, Dole Whip, Mr. Kamal's Seasoned fries, and Cheshire Cat Tails.

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This is an unofficial Disney parks recipe book written by a mega fan who has been visiting the parks her whole life. I really loved the park info she added throughout the entirety of the book. It was a special touch and I've already learned a few facts I didn't already know.

There are recipes for some classic Disney foods in this book, such as, Dole Whips and Mint Juleps. She's also included some of the newly released Disney treats such as Ronto Wraps from Galaxy's Edge. I'm very excited to try that recipe out!

I think the biggest issue with this book is the major lack of photos. There are some pretty photos of Mickey cupcakes, macarons and pretzels; however, overall there is a serious deficiency of food photos which are expected in recipe/cookbooks. I probably wouldn't' purchase this for myself just from lack of photos. How will I believe the recipes are worthwhile if I can't see their goodness before attempting to make them myself?

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***Thank you to Adams Media and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review***

This book is soooo fun. I love all the recipes. So far I have tried Dole whip (because let's face it, it's basic but amazing). As someone who does not go to Disney often, I loved the explanations of the food.

This book is easy to follow and super fun, I cannot wait to try more recipes

I would highly recommend this book

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This is so awesome! I absolutely loved looking through it and using some of the recipes! This is a really cool book and would definitely recommend it for all you Disney lovers out there!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Adams Media for kindly providing me with a digital copy of this book for review.
I wanted to read this book with my husband in mind. He is a chef by profession and Disney obsessed to boot. We have not yet made it over the pond to visit the Disney Parks but it is definitely on the bucket list. But I do know when we make it there, the food will be what my husband will be most excited about. So I’ve shown him this e-arc and now this book is on his Christmas list- he loved it and really wants to try out many of the recipes.
I personally liked the Disney Parks history that the author included at the beginning of the book and the author’s own connection to the parks.
I’m not sure we have all the equipment to make everything in this book, but will definitely be trying out a few and creating a little bit of Disney magic at home.

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I absolutely love this cookbook! I am a huge fan of Disney Parks and this is great for at home. Especially during this time! The recipes are very detailed and some have pictures. It all looks so yummy!

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I received this book free of charge from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

Let me start by saying I'm not a huge Disney fanatic. It took me until my late 30s before I even stepped foot in a park. And then it was because I was at Disneyland for a work conference. But the this cookbook seemed intriguing.

I'm drawn more to the treats in this book than the regular food items, probably because I like to bake. There are a few that I've bookmarked and hope to try someday. They don't look too difficult.

I do wish there were more pictures in the book. Perhaps a picture for each item? The pictures that are included also need to have some kind of identifying information so you know what you're looking at in case you aren't a Disney aficionado.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review!

This book is as magical as it sounds!
Very nice recipes, perfect to make with kids. Love the Disney vibe and the design of the book is so cute. Definitely recommend to those who love both cooking and disney.

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This book is fantastic! It has all the favorites from the parks! The Gray stuff was indeed delicious! I loved that Craft included the history of the parks in the beginning. I also really liked the fun facts after the recipes. As a huge Disney fan, I thought I knew it all, but this book taught me that there's still plenty to learn! Some other recipes I'm really looking forward to making are bacon Mac and cheese hot dogs, the CHURROS, Cheshire Cat tails, Lefou's Brew, loaded buffalo chicken tots, school bread, and pongu lumpia. They have the recipes separated by park and area. Also, they have recipes up to and including Star Wars Land! This recipe book is a game changer, and I cannot wait to impress all of my friends with my newfound recipes.

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I liked it !

Good points :
- The recipes I tried were good (especially the caramel apples!)
- There was some very original recipes we rarely see in cookbook
- They had fun names that really helped transporting us and making it feel like a special experience
- Touch of Disney magic in the pages (very important element!!)
- Interesting snippets of informations about the parks, the food or just food in general
- Shows a way to make regular meals more fun (much needed during this pandemic)

Cons :
- I would have liked it to be "prettier". Having a black and white version on my Kindle definitely can't convey the finish that a real book would, but I would have loved more decorations on the pages and more picture.
- There were some odd recipes I don't think I'll be attempting, but have I had kids see them they'd beg me for it and I'd be in trouble !!

Thank you for the ARC !

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I’m in California and my kiddo and I are missing the parks during pandemic. As passholders, there are times we absolutely go primarily for the food and shopping with just a ride here and there – and the Disney Parks have some of the best food.

If you’re like us, this book is here to help you solve some of those cravings!

The book is full of some of the best of the Disney meals. Keep in mind the ‘Unofficial’ in the title – these are copycat recipes, but still excellent. For example, Disney recently released the official recipe for their beignets. Their recipe uses buttermilk – the one in this cookbook uses evaporated milk. Still delicious, but just a little different.

It’s also important to keep in mind that you’ll need some equipment if you hope to make everything in this book. For example, the Dole Whip recipe (and others) will require an ice cream maker. The official recipe released by Disney, doesn’t.

While there aren’t pictures of every recipe, fans will already know what these items look like and the pictures that are in the book are so very enticing!

Kiddo and I are having a lot of fun with these – but delicious fun!

*ARC Provided via Net Galley

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