Member Reviews

This book is just absolutely fantastic! I have definitely been gripped by this one and it's a book which has kept me up later than I'd hoped.
I have been completely unable to put this one down. This is completely gripping and unpredictable.
The author really pulls you into the story and as the tension and suspense builds it's just one of those books you have to keep reading. I definitely haven't been able to put this one down.
I have read previous books of this author, however they have been a different genre. The author definitely needs to write more thrillers. This has been my favourite yet!
This has been completely unpredictable and I have loved it. This is definitely one I recommend. Without a doubt a five star read for me.

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Appearances are not always what they seem. Phil and Freya Keegan are the idyllic married couple. They have a nice house with a charming yard befitting Phil's handsome looks and Freya's stunning figure. From all appearances, they have the perfect marriage. But when Phil is involved in an "supposed" accident that nearly costs him his life, we find that their idyllic marriage isn't that idyllic after all; and that perhaps Phill wasn't the best person to be married to.

A Stranger in My Bed is a gripping read with a well developed small cast of characters. The narrative is well executed with plot twists that will keep you on your toes. A must read for fans of psychological thrillers. Four stars. I really liked it.

I received a digital ARC from Bookouture through NetGalley. The review herein is completely my own and contains my honest thoughts and opinions.

This review will post to my blog, Goodreads and Twitter accounts on 11/9/20 with posts to retail sites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble occurring on publication day.

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Thank you to the publishers and Netgalley for this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

The stranger in my bed tells the story of Freya and Phil who have now been married for two years. The marriage has started to take a turn for the worse as Phil has become aggressive and violent towards Freya. After a blazing row, Phil storms out but is then involved in a car crash.

While the book had a good plot and some really good twists and I did finish it in a day I just could not connect with the characters at all. I found that it was very repetitive in some parts without spoiling the book for anyone and this is why I was able to finish the book in one day.

The ending was great I loved how it all came together and everything was revealed. One of the characters mentioned a certain something towards the end of the book which just seemed so out of context that just gave the ending away. I knew exactly what had happened!

3 Stars

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Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for the ARC copy of this book.
I cannot agree that it is an “utterly gripping psychological thriller“ as it is a very slow start, quite obvious early on that Phil has been having an affair and who with , except to Freya. The way it keep you guessing as to which character is the abusive one is quite interesting but it is not a book that made me want to keep reading.
Although it also becomes clear who damaged Phil’s brakes and why the end twist was good.
Will certainly read more from Karen King at some time.

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Interesting concept for a book.
Freya and Phil have been married for 2 years the only problem is Phil can’t remember any of it. He is recovering from a car crash and has lost his memories for the past 2 years.
Freya has been on the point of leaving him when he crashed but has decided to give their marriage another chance. The reader uncovers domestic abuse in their marriage but who is responsible- Phil or Freya?
Complicated story of marriage, family, violence and deceit with lots of surprises and interesting characters on the periphery.
Thanks to Bookouture and Netgalley for allowing me to read this book ahead of publication in return for a fair review.
4 Stars 🌟.

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When I first started the book it began a bit a slow and seemed to be a bit repetitive as the story switched back and forth between the main characters, Freya and Phil. I found the first part of the story to be a bit predictable but I kept reading and I’m glad that I did! The story unfolded and there were still parts where I predicted who was involved and other key plot theories, but I was really rooting for Freya throughout and wanted to see it through. The story centers around an argument between Freya and Phil that leads into a bit of a physical altercation and Phil storming out. It’s here where things start to unravel for the couple where Phil finds himself in an accident that puts him into the hospital where he is deemed to have retrograde amnesia. For Freya, this causes an unrelenting unease in her mind if she should give her marriage another try and for Phil, it’s a terrifying confusion into what he’s been up to for the past two years and what is fact or fiction. It was certainly a story that had me flipping each page to find out the next piece of the puzzle and for this being the first mystery/thriller for the author, Karen King, I thought she did it justice!

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The book starts out with the perfect couple Freya and Phil things are going great and they couldn't be happier. The after a large fight Phil leaves only to get in a terrible car crash leaving him with no memory of their relationship over the past few years. This puts Freya in a weird position. How does she tell him that the man that he knows is long gone. That the happy times have been replaced by violence and grief. So she decides to not mention any of the heartache that they have gone through and only mention the good times. This was a really interesting twist on the typical memory loss novel because you don't often see the loved ones twisting it to suit their own needs and protect the victim from themselves. I really enjoyed this book. The characters were
really well done and I loved the concept of the story. It lets the reader jump into the characters shoes and see what they would go through if they were in the same boat. Will Phil turn back into the perfect husband that Freya always wished he would be or would he fall back into his old ways? I enjoyed this book however there were parts that seemed a little out there for me. I did find it a little hard to get into the characters though because it showed how they were before how they were now and how they wished that they had acted, so it was a little bit much to take in at times. And I found the plot a little predictable. While I wavered through the story jumping back and forth if I liked it or not I come to the conclusion that I didn't mind reading it however it was not my favourite. That being said I won't hesitate to read another book by Karen King, just to see if the next one is up to my liking.

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This was epic ride.. Where do I start amazing characters amazing twist, I want more from this author. I already added this book to our book club list.

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Thank you Bookouture and Netgalley for the provided ARC. Please keep in mind while reading this review that this is an ARC I've read.

The Stranger In My Bed is a title that immediately drew my attention. I absolutely love thrillers and the description of this book made me feel intrigued.

Freya is a young woman whose marriage is on the rocks and she is about to leave her abusive husband when he gets into a serious accident and loses his memory of the last two years. This makes Freya hopeful, perhaps too hopeful, that she and her husband might have a second chance at love. However, not all is as it seems and along the way you start asking yourself, who is the true abuser here and what secrets that have been buried in the mud for quite some time will come uncovered?

I think I would've given this book five stars if I hadn't struggled with the writing style so much. A lot of speech is repetitive, especially in the beginning and at first I felt as if I was reading a children's book. The use of vocabulary, the short sentences, the repetitive speech etc. It got a lot better when the book progressed and when the tension starts building up. I love how the author plays tricks on your mind, you keep second guessing whether Freya is as innocent as she claims to be, whether someone like Phil could be an abuser. At first we only get Freya's POV but later in the book we also get POV from Phil and Daisy. The author has crafted an intricate spiderweb with twists and turns and towards the end of the book there is a big built up with quite the stunning reveal.

I do think it felt a slightly bit rushed towards the end and perhaps with some more elaboration on some chapters it would have felt more wrapped up but I definitely recommend this book for mystery and thriller fans. I think Karin King does a wonderful job of capturing the reader's attention and the book is really engrossing.

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This book has such a unique storyline and the last 15% of the book was wild and amazing but the lead up was quite boring and I had to force myself to get through a lot of it because I knew it had to be going somewhere good. The writing was good and it was easy to follow along but I think the pacing was off which took away the excitement I had.

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This is a great read. The plot twists and turns and keeps you guessing right until the last page. Not only is this an engrossing thriller, but it's a good exploration of what it means to be in a violent relationship: how the main character wrestles with self-doubt and must keep her resolve in an atmosphere of abusive gaslighting.
I will definitely read this author again.

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Thanks to NetGalley and to the publisher for the ARC, which I received in exchange for this honest review.

Overall I did enjoy the book, however I found it took a long time to get going. The first 60% or so of the book I found quite slow and the main character repetitive and a little frustrating. Towards the end of the book it picked up pace a little and overall I found myself enjoying it.

The twists and turns were a little lacking and fairly predictable however I enjoyed the chapters which delved a little deeper into the characters past lives.

The book deals with some difficult and sensitive issues well whilst still staying an easy read with nothing too over the top or distressing for the reader.

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📖Book review 📖

The Stranger in my bed by @karenkingauthor
Publish date 23rd November 2020

Thank you to @netgalley and @bookouture for this advanced readers copy, in an exchange for an honest review.

A new to me author, who I immediately loved and am looking forward to reading all her other books.

This was fantastic, I was so excited reading it and rushed through it in a few hours.

The characters were all so interesting, I enjoyed that we saw the situation from different point of views. The twists kept coming and I didn’t know who or what to believe!

This is the authors first step into psychological thrillers normally writing within the genre of romance. This can not be the last, phenomenal writing!

#netgalley #netgalleyreview #karenking #thestrangerinmybed #bookouture #bookreview #bookcommunity #booksofinstagram #bookstagram

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Thanks to NetGalley and to the publisher for the ARC, which I received in exchange for my honest review. The Stranger in My Bed is a domestic thriller with a very interesting premise. Freya has been married to Phil for two years, when he is involved in a serious auto crash that leaves him with amnesia. During their whirlwind courtship and wedding, Phil seemed to be the perfect man. The reality of marriage proved to be quite different however, as Phil was an adulterous and abusive control freak.

The accident takes place on the night when Freya had finally reached her limit and was intent on leaving her husband. The book poses an interesting question, if an abuser has no memory of their abusive behavior and now seems to be the charming man he once was, should you give him a second chance? Spoiler alert, water always seeks its own level.

The book is repetitive at times and some readers may become frustrated with Freya's indecision. Having done some legal work for abused wives, I found Freya's mixed feelings of hope, guilt and determination to be very authentic. It is easy to say that you would leave someone after they hit you but the reality is that women stay for many reasons.

I was very satisfied with the conclusion of the story and I feel that everyone got what they deserved in a manner of speaking. Be sure and read the author's note at the end of the book for more information on seeking assistance if you are in an abusive relationship.

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What is the man that tormented you the man that made your life a living hell lost his memory would you use it to get revenge? Amazing book based on this premise. I highly recommend.

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Freya and Phil had a whirlwind romance and became married. They had a tumultuous marriage and Phil had a horrible car accident the night Freya had enough of Phil's abuse and decided to leave him, Then there was a terrible turn to Freya's situation, What should she do now? Should she stay or leave? I'm not sure what I would have done but I couldn't read fast enough to see what unfolds. There are twists that will leave you wondering what is really going on? Who can you believe? Everyone in the book has something to hide and it all ties together with one shocking twist at the end! I enjoyed this book and I look forward to reading the authors other work.

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Thanks NetGalley for this read.

This book suspenseful. It was pretty fast to finish. I enjoyed the book. The characters were great to get to know.
It wasn't bad..... Just wasn't what I thought it would be.
Overall pretty good.

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What would you do? Freya is desperate to leave her marriage. Phil was the perfect husband at the beginning: attentive, loving, thoughtful. But the mask slipped and Phil showed the angry, aggressive side of his nature – meaning Freya is going. As she leaves, she’s told by police that her husband has been in a car crash, and she quickly realises that he doesn’t remember anything about the last two years, since their honeymoon. Freya knows it’s a gamble to give him another chance but Phil does appear a changed man. But is it safe to do so? I liked the mini plots that stemmed from the lead story, and thought it was a tense, taut read.

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Psychological thriller this isn't. I found this a very lame attempt at a thriller. There was no on the edge of your seat reading that was needed. 
The opening of the synopsis says ‘We have a patient who has been involved in a serious accident. We believe he’s your husband.’ That doesn't happen, the police know exactly who he is!
None of the characters were at all likeable, Freya especially. I have no idea how many times the author used "vulnerable" in the book, but it was her word of the work. 
I have no doubt there are men like Phil, all charm and everyone thinks he is wonderful, but Freya was an educated woman in her thirties with a good job.
It was fairly obvious where all this was heading and the ending was as predictable as it was disappointing.

Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for my ARC in return for an honest review.

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I wanted to read The Stranger in My Bed as soon I saw the amazing blurb but I’m left feeling upset with how predictable this was. There’s some great twists that could and should have happened!

Don’t get me wrong, the writing is fantastic and the characters as well. I just like a few surprises in a thriller and to be this felt more like a drama. Extra points for the great ending!

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