Cover Image: The Stranger in My Bed

The Stranger in My Bed

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Thank you to NetGalley and Karen King for my review copy! This one is a bit of a slower domestic drama that has you trying to figure out who is lying and who is being genuine. The ending tied it all together nicely and while there weren’t many surprises, overall it kept my attention and was a good read. I give this one 3/5

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This book has to be my favourite read of this year, hands down! I couldn’t put it down to the point I read this in less than 24 hours. I was not stopping until I knew the whole story!

The mystery person leaving notes - would never have guess who that was at all and I kept changing my mind throughout the book to who it was!

The story starts with a car accident where a husband Phil loses his memories and Freya, the wife, is there to support him and help him gain them back. You find out pretty early on that not everything is perfect and there’s a lot that happens behind closed doors.

There was so many spins to this story and each chapter had my second guessing my theories and I loved the fact that I did not know the whole story until the end chapters!

Currently shopping for more books written by Karen King because this was amazing!

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I enjoyed this very creative plot.
Freya and Phil have a tumultuous marriage. After an argument regarding a last minute trip to Dubai, Phil storms out of the house and drives away. A few moments later Phil crashes into a lorry - and remains in a coma for a few days. Upon waking, Phil believes he and Freya have just returned from their honeymoon, thus missing his last two years of memories.
This story is told from several perspectives - Freya provides current details as well as insight into the last two years of her marriage. Phil proved himself to be quite a narcissist - this latest argument only cementing Freya's conviction she must leave her abusive marriage. Yet she remains torn - as Phil is struggling to adapt to life outside of the hospital. The question remains - can people change?
Phil allows for an interesting perspective as he struggles to reclaim his memories. Can he trust Freya? Who tampered with his brakes? What could he have done to warrant the menacing notes left on his study desk?
The person who tampered with Phil's breaks also lends a voice, creepy and threatening; enhancing the mystery surrounding Phil's behavior and conveniently missing memories.
Finally Daisy - she had an affair with Phil, who of course has no memory of using his charm, claiming Freya was abusive and granting some excitement in her average life.
At times, I struggled to remember what perspective spoke in the chapters. Though some chapters are named with the character, I struggled occasionally to carry over the detail.
I enjoyed this story - again very creative. The different perspectives allowed for an in-depth reflection and character building.

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I found the title of this book intriguing and couldn’t wait to read. We meet Freya and Phil, following Phil’s car accident in which he loses 2 years of memories. Waking up in a hospital bed he believes he’s just returned from a wonderful honeymoon, whereas Freya leads us to believe the marriage has been far from perfect and on the night of the accident she was leaving him. Who is telling the truth?
I didn’t love this story, at times I felt it dragged and was a little too repetitive in descriptions, however I did want to finish and find out the truth behind this marriage.
I’ve given it 3 stars because it wasn’t altogether a bad book but it wasn’t brilliant. I understand this is the 1st psychological thriller this author has written so I’m looking forward to seeing how she develops in this genre. There is great potential in my opinion and I will be keeping an eye out for future books
Thanks go to Netgalley for the opportunity to read

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OK, lets begin with the positives. The writing is really really good. This is King's first thriller, as she typically writes novels that fit more in the romance genre, but you can definitely tell she is a confident and assured writer who knows how to engage an audience. I mean, I was gripped from the very beginning, as it has a very intriguing prologue that leaves you full of questions. I did personally struggle with some of the scenes involving domestic violence, as it was almost too well described - it made for uncomfortable reading at times, especially the more psychological abuse. But again, this exemplifies how well written the book was, so another positive.

My only issue with this book is the fact that for me, it was quite predictable. The big, jaw on the floor twist referenced in the synopsis? Unfortunately, it was actually quite easy to see coming, and so I did feel a tad underwhelmed. But if it hadn't been described as a book with a great twist, I wouldn't have been disappointed, so part of that was lazy marketing on behalf of the publisher - newsflash, you don't have to over emphasise a twist in order to get us to engage with a book!

All in all, an ok read. For a first attempt at a thriller, it's pretty good. However, I'm not sure I would recommend this book, purely because the twist is a bit obvious and there's not enough tension being built up to keep you gripped - it's not one you want to devour in one sitting, instead more one that you dip in and out of, purely because the plot is quite predictable. However, the writing was very strong, and I can only see King improving with time, so she is definitely an author who I would read again.

Disclaimer - I was fortunate enough to be provided with an advance reading copy of this book by NetGalley. This has not affected my review in any way, and all opinions are my own.

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The Stranger in My Bed reminded me a lot of Sometimes I Lie, by Alice Feeney, in that one of the main characters has suffered from an accident and cannot figure who is telling the truth. Unfortunately, that is where the similarities end. While this book did keep me turning the pages, eager to find out who was telling the truth and who was lying, I found the style of writing clunky, especially in the last few chapters when dialogue did a lot of the "telling" instead of showing. I also found the ending predictable - I had pretty much guessed where most things were headed. I kept waiting for a big twist, like was promised on the cover, and rather it was more of a slight turn in the road. I did enjoy the different moments that King presented, with both Freya and Phil questioning what they remembered and how far they could trust each other. As a reader, I was certainly questioning which version of the truth was correct. The Stranger in My Bed felt like a Harlequin romance for psychological thrillers: quick, easy to digest, and lots of suspense. Thank you to Bookoutre and NetGalley for the Advanced Readers' Copy!

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i so enjoyed this very addictive .Freya s husband Phil is seriously injured in a car accident .and when he wakes up has forgotten the last 2 years he thinks they have just got married . but that night Freya was going to leave him . she tells her sister Daisy that he is abusive her sister is shocked . but Daisy has a secret that she does not want anyone to find out but the police say it was not an accident someone wanted him died the twists in this book so good

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Let me start by saying, wow! What a fantastic story. Freya and her husband Phil are married for several years. After Phil is in a car accident, he loses his memory of the past two years. Phil knows he is married to Freya, but he has no recollection of what he was like before the accident. He wonders if Freya was abusing him. Little

Told from alternating voices of Freya and Phil, this technique builds up tension. I t is revealed that there is domestic violence within the marriage, but it isn't clear until the end, who is the abuser.

This book kept me on the edge of my seat until the final twist. This story has it all, lies, family drama, love, and mystery.

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Wow what a brilliant book, domestic psychological thrillers are my favourite read and this was so well written. It was brilliantly addictive and had me on the edge of my seat from the very first page until the end, and what a great ending it was.

All the characters were good and so well described I just have nothing negative to say about this brilliant book, another new author for me to follow.

Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for giving me the opportunity to read this great book.

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When Freya first met Phil she thought he was the man of her dreams. But over time the dream had become a violent nightmare. Now Freya is packing her bags, knowing it's time she escaped their increasingly broken marriage. But then Freya gets a visit from the police. Phil's been in a horrific car crash. When Phil eventually comes round, it's clear he remembers nothing since their honeymoon two years ago. Freya kno giving him another chance could be dangerous.

This is a real slow burner. It was about 60% before the pace picked up. The story covers domestic abuse and infidelity. It also shows how the abuser uses coercion. I didnt like any of the characters. It was also quite a predictable and a little repetitive. The story did help my attention. There were a few twists. Overall, it was an interesting read.

I would like to thank #NetGalley, #Bookouture and the author #KarenKing for my ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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*I was given an ARC of this book by Netgalley in exchange for a fair and honest review*

Freya and Phil have been married just over two years, but they're long past the newlywed stage and their relationship has taken a turn for the worst.

With Phil becoming increasingly more violent toward Freya, she finally decides to pack her bags and plans to leave. Before she manages to do so, Phil storms out and is involved in a car crash. The accident spares him his life, but leaves him with extensive amounts of brain damage and when he wakes up, he is suffering from retrograde amnesia to the extent he can't remember large chunks of their marriage.

I found this an enjoyable, short read and I liked that I couldn't 100% predict all the twists.

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Wow I really enjoyed this book , harrowing with the domestic abuse . Great psychological thriller and well researched on the subject of gaslighting. I didn’t predict the end which is unusual for me . I would recommend this book , can’t wait to read more from this author

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I received this copy from netgalley. I loved this book was a great story. I can't wait to read more from this author. I liked the character's and the story line and the title and the cover.

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Think about your douchebag husband you plan to leave who has real anger management issues nearly dies at a car accident, opening his eyes with an erased memory, giving you angelic looks as if your volatile arguments and screaming matches have never been happened!

Would you decide to leave his sorry ass because once a controlling abuser is always an abuser even though he suffers from short term memory loss or would you give it a chance to your marriage to have a fresh start?
I actually choose the first option. But our heroine Freya does the opposite by putting herself in risk to live with absentminded abuser. Poor Freya, you shouldn’t be so kind, forgiving, nice because as I continue to read the flashback parts of your relationship, i clenched my fists and I wanted to beat the sh*t of your aggressive husband!

I always support the romance author’s decision to write a book in a different genre. And this is solid, well-written, riveting story. I like to read more thrillers of the author in near future.

But the book’s ending and perpetrator were so obvious from the beginning. Without using my spidey spider senses which I sent to a vacation as soon as I found who cut the brakes of the car, I can think a few chapters further and I know what’s gonna happen next which me feel like a clairvoyant!

No surprise, no twist and so foreseeable conclusion made me cut my points! I’m giving my three fair, mediocre, definitely not bad and promising stars! It was easy to read and it helped me to clear my head by focusing the story. It never bored me. But I’m so sure the author is so talented and she will give us better thrillers. This one is just her first try and results are still good enough!

So much thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for sharing this digital reviewer copy with me in exchange my honest opinions.

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I definitely recommend this book for mystery and thriller fans. I think Karin King does a wonderful job of capturing the reader's attention and the book is really engrossing!

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I really enjoyed this domestic thriller about a marriage gone wrong. At times the pacing was a little slow, but the alternating POV's helped move the story along. There were lots of twists and turns and I would definitely read this author again.

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The stranger in my bed is a domestic thriller that tackles infidelity, domestic abuse and brain injury! Initially I found this book quite slow and kept waiting for the twist/ surprise and then all of a sudden it was a rushed type of ending!
Freya and Phil have been married for a couple of years and on the outside they have a lovely house cars on the drive and good jobs, but all is not as it seems! Phil has a life changing car accident one day and during his recovery things are brought to a head with several discoveries, what follows is a dark tale of domestic abuse showing how the abuser uses control, lies, coercion and blame resulting in a slightly predictable ending.
Thank you netgalley for this early read.

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The Stranger in My Bed is a slow burner that smoulders to the last 15-20% of the book.

It held my attention enough to finish the book but it lacked that WOW factor and I didn't find it as gripping as the tagline promised.

A lot of the book is repetitive and the characters aren't very likeable but the ending tied everything up nicely so I have given this book 3 stars.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Married for only 2 years, Freya and Phil have had their share of rows. Having been brought up by a father who dominated her mum; Freya swore she would NEVER let that happen to her...

Phil - not doing his "share" and taking responsibility, Freya felt stifled with her husband. Freya decides to leave Phil. This, after the latest row when she threw a vase. It broke, leaving Freya.'s arm bloody. As Philis leaving the house, he says "I can't stand this anymore". Then he leaves in his car. Freya's car is already packed in an effort to leave Phil.

And then...Bad brakes and a lorry change everything...

WOW! A truly superb read! Honestly :I could not put this one down!!! One of the year's best!

Many Thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for the ability to read and review!

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Thank you Bookouture, Karen King and Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Freya is leaving her Husband after two years in an abusive marriage. She is walking out the door with her suitcases when she learns her Husband has been in a terrible car accident. She rushes to the hospital where she learns he has forgotten the last two years of her life. Does she stay? Does she go?

However, not all is as it seems. All along this thrill ride of a Novel, the Reader questions what he/she thinks is going to happen as it is never what it seems to be. There is infidelity, abuse, lies and even a question of whether Freya is the abuser and who is actually telling the truth.

I loved the premise of this book. The abuser has amnesia. The wife about to leave him decides to give him a second chance. Brilliant! The ending of the book tied everything up quite nicely. Karen King has done a fantastic job with this and I can't wait to read her other Novels!

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