Cover Image: Why I Held Your Hand

Why I Held Your Hand

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I adored this. I went off the cover and two lines of the blurb and it paid off.

Laura hires a big marketing firm to help boost her little town's appeal and she gets so caught up with witty and handsome David she almost doesn't notice Spence and his immediate awe of her.

Reilly did one of my favorite things in books: dropping innocent lines and dialogue that come back to hit you like a bag of bricks toward the end. And I never saw it coming, made me want to reread it as soon as I finished to pick up those clues.

Initially I was worried about the pacing, Laura and David moved way too fast: their words, their actions, their banter felt like it was all they had. And maybe I'm right and maybe it did all serve a purpose to contrast with her interactions with Spence, but till the end it bugged me how fast they moved. The moment with Spence and the tie I was hooked and by the end I was so full of anticipation and joy that I had tears welling up.
And I really appreciate that Reilly did not make it a super obvious choice for Laura, she didn't pit the two men evilly against each other. she didn't write one or the other as the obvious "bad" option, she made Laura's choice real and believable, even relatable.

Sometimes the banter between characters was too witty, too funny, too perfect, bordering on unbelievable but the rest of the book was great. I would definitely reread this, recommend to my friends, buy a copy for my shelves.

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I really did not enjoy this book. It looks and sounds like it's going to be a cute small town romance centered around the restoration of a little town looking to stay economically afloat while surrounded by major, more modern tourist attractions. Um... it is pretty much not that. Where do I even begin?

For starters, I find our main protagonist wildly unlikeable and unrealistic. She owns a knitting shop - in this economy? Honey, please. Yet she has her own place, her own car, and is financially independent. And she has plenty of time to volunteer to be on a town council making plans to revitalize the city. If this were real life, she would be driving Uber or hawking Etsy creations every night to make ends meet. Also, she's instantly loved by every man she meets, and no one can stop talking about how beautiful she is. ALSO, she makes some very poor choices, including gaslighting her boyfriend for MONTHS and cheating on him several times. Yikes. Call me old fashioned, but this isn't the cute small town romance that I'm here for.

Aside from the awful characters in this book, the plot is practically nonexistent, time is a flexible concept, the romance does not work whatsoever, and this book basically just exists to deliver such cringe-worthy sex scenes that my eyes wanted to crawl out of their sockets and go hide underneath my coffee table until it was all over. Overall, let me reiterate: WOOF.

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Thank you Get Red PR and Netgalley for a copy of this novel.

Why I Held Your Hand is a fun and fierce love triangle romance about one woman and two men. Laura is trying to save her small mountain town by renewing tourism interest. Enter David and Spence, two adversaries for the marketing team who will brighten the town’s chances of bringing in new tourism. And of course, feelings start flying between all three of them.

Cute! I loved this small town romance with a flare. The writing was funny and sweet with such great characters falling head over heels for one another. The cover suggests a tame and cute holiday read, but this one has some STEAM. Quick, romantic, dramatic, and fun.

3.5 stars (rounded to 4 stars)

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So, full confession I saw this cover and thought from both the cozy cover and the cute description that it was going to be a cozy Christmas read.

NEWS ALERT: deceptively sweet and innocent cover.
Reality: enough steam to melt the cozy Dickenson-esque snow-covered streets.

I enjoyed the premise of Laura’s existence, as well as David and Spence’s. The sweet connections between each character was great. From the hilarious opening scene (who wakes up with their feet out a window??) to the secret hot springs sunset, all moments to find beauty in our lives. David checks all the boxes, as does Spence, even if they are almost polar opposites in most every area (except their love of Laura). Spence was my favorite not just because he was different, but because he listens so well. That's important, ya know?

My least favorite: Laura’s choices. I don’t feel like they were cozy Christmas at all. This story line has so much potential for her to be a strong female making smart choices, but I feel she chose easy and chose recklessly.

This would make a great series, with Laura’s future after her choices!

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It’s been a long time since I’ve read a romance with a love triangle. Officially a fan! I really liked all of the characters, and the small town storyline. There was a bit of a Gilmore Girls vibe for me in that respect, with a cantankerous town councilperson, emphasis on small business, rehabbing a historic building, and of course, a town festival.

I did struggle a bit with the way Laura handled her decisions, mainly because there is no bad guy in this story. As much as I liked all of the characters, it was hard to see a good guy get hurt. A true case of the heart wants what it wants! As for the romance, this is a NSFW, open door story so, know that from the start. Overall, I enjoyed this so much that I immediately reached out to the author asking if there will be a sequel!

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This was a really fun holiday romantic comedy read. It is just what is needed in these very serious scary times. Laura lives in a quaint small town desperately in need of a makeover as it has been losing its tourism business to the surrounding towns. She hires a big time powerful marketing company to help to reinvigorate their town and all of its businesses. Through this venture she meets David Harper, her ideal man. She has found her “unicorn” and only has to keep things under wraps until their ad campaign is complete. Then she meets Spense only to discover that he too may be her ‘unicorn” What is a woman to do when she is surrounded by two men who make her heart smile, sing and makes her tingle all over? It’s a funny quick read that will have you hoping this author has something new on the horizon.

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Why I Held Your Hand is a romantic small-town romance. Augusta Reilly gives readers easy to love characters, a picturesque town, and even a love triangle.

Laura is a kind woman that loves her town. She wants more people to fall in love with her town of North Powell so she hires a marketing firm to help tourists see it as a must-see spot. She meets a handsome man named David who is part of the marketing firm. They have chemistry and agree to keep their dating secret.

Things get more complicated when she works closely with Spence. He is coming up with ideas like a festival to get more people to visit the town. They didn't hit it off at first but are beginning to feel an attraction as they got to know each other.

I give Why I Held Your Hand 4 stars. It was a sweet and spicy romance that romance readers will enjoy. I loved the small-town setting and really fit with the story. Yes, there is a love triangle but I was pleased with how it all turned out.

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This was interesting ! It was more explicit than I was expecting because all of the interactions were super sweet and then this steamy scene would just be thrown in and it felt off. Also, there was definitely an issue because (I presume) a UK author was trying to write in a US mountain setting. Since I live in the mountains, there was definitely a disconnect in the author trying to accurately describe the US. That being said, I did enjoy this.

Why I Held Your Hand came out earlier this month on October 23, 2020, and you can purchase HERE. This was different, but good!

It was the night we hiked to the hot springs. You were watching the sunset. I was looking at you, and all of a sudden I thought you were the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen, and that I could never lover anyone or anything more than you.

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Lauren, in an attempt to bring business and life back into her small town, hires a marketing team to come up with a plan. What she doesn't expect is to fall for one of the team members, David Harper, but fall she does & she falls hard. Their relationship is everything anyone would want, and it seems to be progressing in the right direction, when she happens to look at another member of the team, a member she sees weekly and works closely with, and sees him in a whole new light. Can she turn off these sudden feelings for Spence? Or is there something simmering between them under the surface?

"After months and months of uncertainty, there was no longer a shred of doubt in her mind. She was madly, ecstatically, and rapturously in love with..."

I have been reading so many thrillers lately, because October 💁🏻‍♀️, that I needed to switch it up. This book was a perfect change of pace. It had me from the first page. It was witty and had all the makings of a great romcom. I enjoyed seeing David and Lauren's relationship develop, and I was worried when she began to realize she was falling for Spence. It left me wondering what I would do in her situation. And the steam! If steam is your thing, order this book ASAP. My only issue with the book actually had to do with the steam aspect. It seemed like Lauren made her decisions based on how turned on she was and that was just an eye roll for me. Instead of having any real meaningful conversations, she relied on "Tell me your favorite fantasy of me." There was nothing of substance to go by. That could just be me looking for more of the "rom" in this romcom. But if you are in the mood for a steamy read, this will not disappoint.

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rating: 2.5/5

I’d like to start off by saying that I liked this book and the romance. I loved the longing and the slow burn.

HOWEVER!!!! IT’S A CHEATING BOOK ☹️ and cheating books just make me feel so gross. I honestly believe that it could’ve been written without the cheating storyline, and I’d be more inclined to give it 3-4 stars.

but no. I cannot consciously give it a positive rating.

thank you to Netgalley and Rhapsodic Press for providing this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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2.5 Stars

I think this book cemented the fact that I just do not like love triangles. I also learned from reading this book that I really do not like cheating, especially when it's unnecessary to the plot and is tried to be justified.

I was really hoping that the author would be able to write a more balanced love triangle and that she would not fall into the trap of preferring one guy (or girl) over the other. While she constantly told us that the main character, Laura, was equally infatuated with both men, through Laura constantly thinking/telling us so, there is a clear bias for Spence. Laura basically has sex with David for like a few chapters and we spend most of the book seeing Spence and Laura together. This is despite the fact that Spence and Laura only technically see each other every Mondays and that, purportedly, David and Laura spend more time with each other. The author also falls into the trap of telling and not showing when it comes to David and Laura's relationship. We basically skip over the development of their relationship with almost no scenes with them actually being together and building a relationship.

As for the cheating, it could have been avoided. And I genuinely did not know how it affects the plot other than the fact that it reflects poorly on Laura's AND Spence's character. I find myself not trusting the characters to keep their promises to each other because I know they are capable of poor judgement, to put it lightly. Also when Laura attempted to justify being duplicitous, meaning having an emotional affair with Spence, even before they had sex, by saying that she did not want to hurt David by breaking up with him because he, like her, has very few people he loves. Does she not realise that by breaking her promise to be faithful to him she is doing exactly that. It was just such a piss poor excuse. And she was basically blatantly flirting with Spence and put herself in the position for feeling between them to develop to more than just friendship.

Nonetheless, I think the author is actually a really good romance author in the sense that I really enjoyed her writing style. I find that with most romance authors, I tend to get second hand embarrassment because of really cringy dialogue. There was some of that here, not to mention that some of the jokes were just not that funny, but the cringy dialogue was at the minimum.

Also Reilly can write a really good sex scene. I would put her almost on par with Talia Hibbert and Helen Hoang. And there were a lot of sweet moments between Spence and Laura that I also really enjoyed, besides the part when they finally boned.

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I really enjoyed this book. Yes there were parts where the decisions of the MC made me shake my head. Yes, I didn't agree with them, but it's a story. And we all make mistakes or handle things poorly sometimes.

I loved Spence though. And was happy with the way the book ended. Whenever he wasn't in the scene I found myself wishing he was.

I also didn't understand Laura and David's relationship much. Outside of the first few weeks they barely showed them together. So naturally I felt more attached to Spence's character.

This was a lovely read that I devoured in one sitting.

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This book was different from what I've read before.

Firstly, I haven't quite read books that start out with the heroine hanging out of a car.

This started out so funny, the introduction to Laura's quirky character hooked me immediately into this. Then the other characters began adding their own colors to the whole page and it was getting more and more enjoyable as time went on. The author's descriptions of the small town made me want to attend that Dicken's festival and just settle down!

David was a nice character, seemingly perfect and having the perfect replies to Laura's quips, but Spencer, in this book, took my heart. He was sweet in his own way, and his love for Laura was almost tangible in approach. In fact, I would've gone as far as to say that David probably was just settling down, while Spencer was throwing himself in the deep end here.

The only thing that got me, that I didn't quite expect, was the infidelity. There were patches throughout the book that had me thinking I missed a page, and going back to make sure, and then coupled with the emotional infidelity, there was the ending which just wasn't my thing.

All in all, it was a nice book!

CW: Cheating

[This book was provided to me by NetGalley and Rhapsodic Press in exchange for an honest review.]

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Definitely for fans of Hallmark romances and those looking for a wintertime cozy (and quick) read. There's a little bit of an insta-love going on in the love triangle, that I wasn't personally a fan of, but may be your cup of tea. Overall, the story is enjoyable, but nothing too fancy.

I will admit there were certain lines (particularly when discussing the main character's body) that I wouldn't have been surprised if the author was a man. Some of the declarations of love came across as awfully outdated.

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his is an enjoyable small town romance between one woman and two men. Laura loves her town, but it can't compete against the neighboring towns that have more to offer. That's where David and Spencer (and James) come in. They work for a marketing firm who is going to help the town of North Powell.

Laura meets David in the opening scene and it is just about the most memorable meet ever! Pretty funny. They soon start dating (secretly) and fall in love. David is a good guy. Cute, smart, and funny. They fall in love. But, while they are in secret (since she is his agency's client), Laura has been working closely with Spencer every week on the marketing campaign. She begins to feel things for him, too. What to do?

I felt for Laura in this book. She is a genuinely nice woman who has met her soulmate while dating a man she loves. She's in a dilemma and doesn't want to hurt either man. I was worried about the conclusion of this story, but it ended up working for me. I really love how the title of the book is worked into the end.

Warning: The cover on this book is not accurate. This is not a cutesy, holiday read. It is not a closed door romance, either. In fact, this is a very open door and spicy romance. (lots of steam,)

Thank you to NetGalley, Get Red PR, and the author for an advanced readers copy in exchange for my honest review.

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This is a true winter/holiday read! I loved reading this book so much and it is such a cozy and perfect read for the holiday season. It incapsulates the magic and beauty of Christmas and I truly enjoyed reading it; it put me into the holiday spirit and mood instantly! The writing of this book is gorgeous and I love the lush descriptions and cozy feeling this book offers.

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Honestly, I have mixed feelings about this book. I loved the opening scene -- it was a very unexpected meet cute between the heroine, Laura Delaney, and the hero, David Harper. I loved the dialogue! The author, AugustaReilly, has a talent for writing witty dialogue that made me chuckle again and again. It's one of the reasons I kept turning the pages on this book, because I couldn't wait to read the banter, especially between the two main characters.

The story had an interesting plot too. It focused on Laura's effects to revitalize her hometown, a small community named North Powell with a picturesque Victorian street, wonderful hiking trails in the nearby hills, and hidden hot springs only known to the community. She convinces the mayor to hire KPS Marketing, a company renown for developing the tourist trade in many small and medium towns like North Powell. That's how she meets David, who is the project manager with the marketing firm, and Spence, the creative director.

Laura and David are immediately attracted to each other, but KPS' policies prohibit David from dating clients. So they sneakily go on dates, a possibility because KPS was located in a larger city and he could sneak away to North Powell for evening rendez-vous and, as their relationship progressed, weekend sleepovers at her home in North Powell. Because of this, no one at his work suspected that they were in a relationship.

In the book, Laura tells us that shes in love with David and he's the perfect man for her, because of their similar lifestyles. I really liked David; he was an overall nice guy who really tried to cherish her and treat her like she was someone special.

The problem was another man. Spence, the creative manager, spent every Monday with her in North Powell, working with her on the tourism plan. The more time she spent with him, the more she fought her attraction for him.

I tried to be sympathetic to her plight -- sometimes when knows two perfect men, each who seem to fulfill different needs, it's hard to make a decision and determine which man would make the best lifelong partner. But some of the things she started doing really started to irritate and anger me. She seemed rather immature at these times. For example, she would put herself into tempting situations with Spence, even though she claimed that she was content and happy with David. Or one time she wore a revealing swimsuit (bought for her by David and supposedly for David's eyes only) when she was with Spence. Sometimes her flirting was too seductive for a woman who was supposedly 100 percent in love with her boyfriend.

I don't mind temptation in a book, but I like to see that the main character becomes a stronger and better person because she overcomes the momentary temptations. But Laura seemed to become weaker because she cheated with Spence.. David obviously adored her, so I felt very sad for him. Perhaps I was even more heartbroken for David than Laura was, because she seemed to blow off the relationship rather lightly. Which confused me, because she kept telling the reader that he was the perfect man for her! I wanted to shake Laura and say, "If you aren't sure, break it off with David and then see if there's anything solid in a relationship with Spence. But don't keep leading David on like he's your "one and only!"

I thought Reilly used a clever technique at the end to keep us guessing whether Laura chose David or Spence. That and the banter were the best parts of this book.

I'll definitely read more of Reilly's books because she's a talented writer with a unique voice. I just wish that she had developed Laura's character into a stronger person who overcame the temptation to cheat. I guess I'm a bit traditional, but it seems to me that a relationship isn't perfect if it starts with cheating. It's tarnished and will never shine as brightly as a relationship built on fidelity, honesty and trust.

Thank you to Netgalley and Rhapsodic Press for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for a fair review.

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This was a fun, quick read. The cute cover makes the book look like a holiday romance but it really covers from June to New Years Eve. Laura Delaney wants to save her small village town of North Powell. She is the volunteer Economic Developer and helps the city hire a PR company to market the town. Laura seems fun, witty and very clever with banter.

David Harper is the Project Manager and there is instant attraction and they begin dating. In the mean time Spencer Markham meets weekly with Laura on creating an event and advertising to bring attention to North Powell.

This love triangle is unique from other romances I have read. Usually someone is "on a break" or a person from the past returns. But this is the exception. Laura becomes involved with both and has to make a choice. And the guys are good guys, no obvious villains. I would have marked the book down for cheating except Laura realizes it and has to deal with her decisions.

Over all I enjoyed the story, especially the first half. It engaged me enough to read it all in one evening. It is on the high end of my steaminess tolerance, so be warned. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC ebook in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a strange book that in a lot of ways feels like it was written awhile back. It’s ahistorical, in a way.

So here’s the thing with choosing between two men stories: for me, there can’t be actual cheating. And there’s cheating in this book. So as much as Laura made the right choice for her, she was still conducting first an emotional and then a physical affair. And that doesn’t make her a bad person in real life, but it’s not what I’m looking for in a romance. Because it’s a plot decide; the book’s not actually concerned with the spurned runner-up. He’s quickly discarded with. So really, it makes it hard to root for any of the characters.

The book is well-written and the plot sips along. But in a “choosing between two men” story, I need to feel emotionally drawn to the characters, and I wasn’t here.

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This book was great. The setting was perfect. I hated the main character Lauren. I feel like she was annoying and always turned on. Like girl can you keep your stuff in your pants. I didn't like what she did and how she handled the situation. She was such a killer to the vibe I wanted. Everything else was great and it kept me turning the pages. Just Lauren man. I couldn't stand her lol. David should have dumped her and Spence should have walked away. To me she wasn't worth all the trouble.

The town was cute and it deserved a pick me up in business. It would have been nice to include some more townspeople so i could maybe have seen Lauren in a different light. I wanted to like her and she almost had me but than she just got a little too much. Eye roll!!

The sex scenes were awesome and well done but Lauren needed to go lol.

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