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Cry Wolf

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I give Charlie Adhara a lot of credit, especially considering how lukewarm I was about this series in the beginning, for showing tremendous growth in her MCs and their relationship. Cooper and Park are solid as a rock now. For the first time in five books, I wasn't afraid that Cooper was going to screw something up with his now fiancé Park. In fact, several times they reached peak #RelationshipGoals by demonstrating trust, love, and even (gasp) honesty. They've come a long way from the start when it took Cooper an entire book (view spoiler) to tell Park that he was in love with him.

The mystery case du jour features numerous dead bodies and several blasts from the past, but again just when I expected some jealousy I was pleasantly surprised to see that the dynamics were very different. An intriguing secondary character from Thrown to the Wolves has an important part to play in this book and I would not be surprised to see him headlining his own series someday. And although we already knew about Cooper's unusual talent that makes his relationship with Park so special, there are new dimensions uncovered that might take Cooper's standing with the wolf community to a new level (deliberately being vague to avoid spoilers).

From a man of action who would rather be knocked unconscious than admit to having feelings in The Wolf at the Door to someone who can easily tell Park that how much he has enriched his life (and admit that he has been helped by therapy!), Cooper has undergone more emotional growth than almost any series character I can recall. If I were reading all five books in a row, I might have seen the brilliant arc that Adhara had sketched out for this unique MC, but taking them a year at a time, I admit I missed the point until now. I'd like to reread the entire series, with the knowledge that my strong desire to slap Cooper will eventually abate, to be replaced by admiration and respect for the person that Park helps him to become. Brava Ms. Adhara, you were one step ahead of me the whole time.

ARC received from Net Galley in exchange for objective review.

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Due to the fact that I rushed through the first books in the Big Bad Wolf series throughout december, I was SO happy that I received an eARC of "Cry Wolf" by Charlie Adhara (out on January the 18th). It's the fifth book in the series, but definitely number one in my own personal ranking and my heart. 😭💜
This was SO good, I don't even know how to write a review about it, because I actually only want to scream and cry and be like jfodkdkkd. That's how great it was. 😭
But let's pretend I can do this without revealing the emotional mess that I am after this perfect, perfect, perfect book. 🤓

So this series is probably one of the series with the best written characters. There's so much depth to them, so much detail, so much knowledge about what they love and what hurts them, that they feel so real and raw.
And not only that, but the character development is so on point. Cooper and Park have grown so much, without losing who they are at the core. They learn about themselves and each other and really... I cried so many happy tears in this one. 😅 It's my absolute favorite regarding their relationship and my heart melted every freakin time they talked with or looked at each other. It's perfection. 😭😭😭

In my opinion Cry Wolf was, besides book 2, the most thrilling one in the series. It was almost unputdownable, I had no clue what was going on and got surprised a few times, though I'm usually a good detective.
We got a bit more insight into the werwolf world and I feel like there are so many possibilities to make this series like 20 books long... Please. 😬
Not including the Eli spin-off, because he basically SCREAMS "I need my own 15 books as well." Loved him since the first time we met him and love him more with every word. Baby needs his own series.

What can I say, I highly recommend this.
It's a thrilling, emotional rollercoaster of a series with the best characters, great development and a complex, refreshing werewolf world. Though I adore all the books, Cry Wolf is my favorite. Love it with my whole heart and I already miss the characters so much. 😭 What more can I say: READ AND ENJOY!

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Cry Wolf was, by far, my favorite book in the series. The writing was so so so good and it hooked me right from the beginning. Something I’d struggled with in the previous novels was the relationship development between Cooper and Park, but in book 4 and this installment everything was addressed in such a way that made me fall more and more in love with their story.

The banter between Cooper and Park was the source of so many laughs for me. I loved how their relationship progressed throughout the series and to finally read about them reaching their wedding was so lovely. Cooper had grown so much as a character and I was so proud of him and so happy for him and Park.

The relationship was just super sweet! There were quite a few steamy scenes as well that added depth to the love Cooper and Park have for each other. It was really intriguing that Adhara decided to bring their exes into focus in this installment, but it was like it was the final thing they needed to smooth out before getting their happy… beginning! I also found myself loving Eli! 😀

The mystery plot and the investigation were also so well done! I had no idea what was going on and it was so much fun to read about everything unraveling as Cooper and Park put the puzzle pieces together. I really liked how every wrapped up and the bits of wolf lore that became relevant to the story and to Cooper and Park’s future.

Cry Wolf was a fantastic read and I cannot wait to see where the rest of the series will take Cooper and Park!

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Avant de démarrer la lecture de ce dernier tome, j'ai pu relire tous les tomes précédents, comme à chaque fois en fait. C'est un réel bonheur de me plonger dans cette série. Je pense que j'aime un peu plus ces livres à chaque relecture.

Suite aux événements du tome précédent, Cooper s'entretient avec le personnage dont il est question et ce dernier le prévient d'une chose bien précise. Le temps passe, et finalement les annonces de ce personnages sont plus ou moins prises pour des provocations.
Eli, l'ex d'Oliver, refait surface et demande de l'aide à Cooper... Cooper et Oliver se retrouvent alors mêlés à une nouvelle affaire...

Difficile d'en dire plus concernant ce qui se déroule dans ce tome. Il n'y a aucun temps mort de la première à la dernière page, tellement d'émotion... Je ne sais même pas par où commencer dans mon avis en fait ^^

J'ai beaucoup apprécié revoir le personnage d'Eli et en apprendre plus sur lui, sur ses capacités bien particulières mentionnées vaguement précédemment, son histoire et sa rencontre avec Oliver. J'aime son côté charmeur et taquin. J'adore ses interactions avec Cooper aussi dont une en particulier qui arrive plutôt à la fin ^^
Nous faisons la connaissance aussi de bien d'autres personnages dans ce tome, tous vraiment intéressants.

L'intrigue est vraiment bien menée, comme à chaque fois ! Cette fois, Charlie Adhara nous emmène dans un zoo, où se passe d'ailleurs la plus grande majorité du roman.
J'ai beaucoup aimé ce qu'elle a fait de cette histoire de quotient alpha, sans en dire plus ^^ J'avoue que cela m'avait paru too much à ma première lecture du tome précédent, mais en fait non, tout se tient. J'aime sa façon de se réapproprier tout le folklore qui tourne autour des loups-garous. Et c'est ce qui est génial de relire aussi les romans, on a vraiment une vision encore plus globale de cette histoire !

Cooper et Oliver... J'aime tellement ces personnages... Cooper, un homme qui ne se serait jamais vu en couple, encore moins prêt à se marier, avec un loup-garou qui plus est, et pas n'importe lequel non, un des plus puissants. Oliver, lui ce loup-garou craint et redouté de tous, qui a trouvé en Cooper, un humain, son meilleur ami, son alpha, l'amour de sa vie, sa meute, son tout.
J'adore chacune de leurs interactions, rien de s'essouffle au bout de ce cinquième tome, très loin de là. Ils apprennent encore et toujours, mais ce qui est sûr et certain, c'est qu'ils savent qu'ils forment un tout à eux deux. Les mots me manquent, je les adore... J'adore toute cette saga et l’atmosphère qui s'y dégage, c'est encore une fois là où je suis frustrée de ne pas pouvoir m'exprimer clairement sur mes sentiments...

J'ai aimé voir chacun des deux évoluer encore et toujours auprès de leurs familles respectives. C'était chouette de voir Cooper interagir avec son papa notamment. L'auteur avait déjà exploré leur relations dans le tome 2, mais là, ils sont plus ouverts et honnêtes librement l'un avec l'autre ^^

L'action est au rendez-vous, c'est prenant... Moi je dévore à chaque fois ces romans, et on peut dire que ce tome-ci est à la hauteur des précédents ! L'émotion est là bien sûr, la psychologie des personnages est toujours aussi bien développée et travaillée, l'auteur va toujours plus loin avec eux.

On pourrait croire que mes avis sont biaisés avec cette saga, car je l'adore et j'aime d'amour les personnages. Peut-être, mais franchement, je ne crois pas... Je ne sais pas si ce tome est le dernier, mais s'il l'est, il clôture très bien la série. Charlie Adhara nous offre un joli épilogue d'ailleurs ! Même si nous avons les réponses aux nombreuses questions que l'on se pose depuis le début, l'histoire n'est pas terminée, on aurait encore plein de choses à dire et à raconter, j'espère pouvoir retrouver les personnages dans un prochain roman, j'espère vraiment...

Mon seul regret ici, c'est de ne pas pouvoir avoir entre mes mains les paperbacks. J'aimerais tellement que Carina Press les édite (comme certains autres livres d'ailleurs de cette maison d'édition). On est vraiment dans un cas où j'ai un besoin d'avoir ces livres physiques, de les voir, de les tenir...

Merci Madame Adhara pour cette série absolument géniale !

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This was the sweetest book of the series. Cooper being all huggy and cuddley made my heart happy. The mystery was intriguing and I didn't guess all the twists and turns, not even when it was clear who did it. The plot had many different storylines and I loved all of them. It has all the potential to have an amazing 6th book. Will that be the last one? I kind of hope to have Cooper and Oliver in my life forever but I also don't want anything bad happening to them.
They are danger magnets!!

The story was so funny, I laughed out loud many many times!! And it was emotional and romantic! I got all the feelings!! And they finally TALKED! I hate miscommunication and in the first books they kept many things for themselves. We don't have fights nor real misunderstandings in this book because they communicate well and I loved it! It's so important in a relationship, and they're engaged so they need to be open!

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5* What an ending to a great series... but is it? Threads left loose for a possible spinoff!!

This is a series where you really do need to read all the tales to be able to keep up to date with what's happening, as they feature the same couple whose relationship grows over time as more and more secrets are revealed. This book both feels like the final one in the series - and yet not, as there are hints of a possible spinoff series with Eli and possibly even with the kids of a side character who, until this book, had remained rather under the radar.

There's a plot involving Park's family's past, people in their present, and Cooper's family fits into it seamlessly, which I enjoyed. There's a lot of love and teasing here, but also some frank and needed conversations about their upcoming marriage and when it'll happen, how, where, etc. and I totally loved the ending. It was on their terms, without upsetting anyone, yet not turning something that meant so much to both Cooper and Park equally, into a circus. It was surprisingly romantic and sexy with the frank conversations that sometimes felt forced out of them due to the danger they found themselves in, as well as the emotional reveals. The mystery was well done and I hadn't clocked the baddie/s at all; the author masked one particularly well and gave the other a pretty solid alibi that fell apart beautifully at the end. A-Team style, when a plan comes together.

Everything feels complete for the leads, but at the same time, there are a few loose strings that could easily be woven into spinoff tales. Eli deserves one of his own, and Cola's family sound pretty intriguing, especially with her wolf-human kids and handsome husband that has our heroes swooning briefly.

ARC courtesy of Carina Press and NetGalley, for my reading pleasure.

Thank you, and kind regards

Rita Roberts

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An excellent addition to this excellent paranormal series.
I had a lot fun and found it entertaining and gripping.
The plot is complex, full of twists and turns, and the solution came as a surprise.
I was happy to catch up with Cooper and Park, learn more about Cooper’s past and enjoyed their happy relationship.
The character development is very good and I found the new characters interesting.
I cannot wait to read the next installment, this one is strongly recommended
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this arc, all opinions are mine

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This is another great installment in the series and I loved everything about it - the romantic relationship, the suspense, the new insights we got into the wolf world.

The book covers Cooper and Park getting for their wedding which any married person will tell is stressful in itself but add a murder investigation and things really hectic. I loved how much they cared for each other and wanted to be their best and to do their best to make their partner happy. It's really relationship goals for me. At the same time both of them continue to work through the traumas of their past and this is not easy for either of them.

The mystery plot was intricate and engaging. I liked how it brought the past, present and future together. The mystery felt overwhelming at times, like a puzzle with too many pieces but in the the end I found its resolution fitting and satisfying.

We see more of Cooper's family and it was great, both his father and his brother are shown in a new light and it all reflects on Cooper, making him re-evaluate a lot of things about himself. We also meet more werewolves and the world around Park and Cooper just grows richer and fuller.

Overall this is well written story, great romance and suspense plot, great side characters, great HEA. That said, I am curious how the series will continue. This doesn't read like the final book but more like a set for more stories in this world inhabited by humans and werewolves, at the same time the romantic relationship feels complete to me. I am wondering if another couple might take center stage in next installments (if there will be any).

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Wow. Another addition to this series with a unique plot and new surprises yet the devotion Cooper and Park have for each other remains constant.

Thank you Carina Press and NetGalley for the ARC!

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I love Cooper and Oliver, and the evolution of their relationship over the course of the past 5 books is nothing short of marvelous. When Cry Wolf kicks off, Cooper is fretting over his wedding to Oliver. If you recall, at the end of Wolf in Sheep's Clothing he realized that not only is he ready to move into a new place with Oliver (and stop living in the dump they call home), he wants to be married to him! Yes! Fist pump! He proposed, and Oliver - because he's the best person/werewolf on earth and is madly in love with Cooper, said yes. But since marriage isn't really a thing in the werewolf community, he left it to Cooper to plan the wedding. Um. So there's that.

As per usual, Cooper is flipping out on the details - big wedding? Small wedding? Who to invite? Where to have the wedding? Wedding rings? - and although his family is eager to be a part of his love story, he pushes them away because he doesn't know how to deal with their affection/care/love. Oh prickly, porcupiney Cooper. Never change. Fortunately, they’re used to his antics and find a way to help/support him anyway. The Drapers are the bomb.

Meanwhile, a former nemesis (who is recently incarcerated), has made some very specific references to Cooper's life being in danger. She’s offered to spill the beans and share what she knows in exchange for a cushy deal that gets her out of the big house. Cooper and Oliver decide to ignore her - no deal, but then Eli, Oliver's ex, shows up asking for help, too. And then Cooper’s ex - partner and lover - also makes an appearance, and people start dying. Okey dokey. It’s a lot. Eventually these people and these investigations overlap, and the final sequence threads the plotlines into one “OH NO YOU DIDN’T,” big reveal and it’s all VERY VERY clever.

So, obviously I’m not going to tell you anything about the case. If I did, you might figure things out too early and we can’t have that. Suffice it to say, I was jumping at shadows, falling for every red herring, and wishing the author would never stop writing about these two. So, it’s good. And you will enjoy it. And it maybe earns 4.5/5 stars IF there weren’t so many vague clues another book is in the future. Moving on.

Look, I love this pairing. Cooper is wholly aware that his love for Oliver is something that will never end, and he doesn’t lie to him. Ever. It’s wonderful. Oliver, whose POV is sadly lacking, is obviously head over heels for Cooper, too, and he does everything he can to protect him and let him know he loves him, too. They are super in sync with each other as partners and lovers, emotionally and physically. Like the earlier books, Adhara crafts steamy, sizzling, sexy interludes that satisfy but leaves the reader wanting more. (Confession time: I ALWAYS WANT MORE.)

Weird side-note time:
I’m uncomfortable with the slut/whore role play. I think this started in the last book, and it strikes an odd note for me every time Adhara works this into a ‘love’ scene. When Oliver teases Cooper that "he’ll be down on his knees begging like a whore," I can’t help asking 'what whore begs for sex?' It’s sex work, not pleasure...and this role play pulls me out of the story. Everytime.


Great, clever mystery. Nicely creepy evil secondary characters, and a surprise delightful turn from Eli (hoping we see him again! in the next series I know is coming??!!), and sweet, charming scenes with Cooper’s family make for a wonderful binge read. I enjoyed it, and I’m looking forward to the re-read a few months from now. Clear your day and sit down with this one. It’s a terrific way to spend your day.

Random aside on the grade:
If this book is anything like the ones that come before it, I'll probably feel differently the next time I read Cry Wolf. My Big Bad Wolf reviews always GO UP on re-reads. I'm less preoccupied with 'solving the mystery,' the second and/or third time out, and more able to simply enjoy the story and this couple, FWIW.


Oh, hey there! You spotted that 'cliffhanger' tag, didn't you? Well, don't get all hot and bothered. Yet. Let me make my case.

Cry Wolf is purported to be the final book in the Big Bad Wolf series, and it opens with Cooper freaking about the wedding he's supposed to be planning (and if you know this author, you know she likes to introduce a major RELATIONSHIP ISSUE at the start of each novel/chapter of this love story and then circle back to it for closure as the novel concludes).

(The Wolf at the Door) AKA Discovering Your Partner is a Werewolf and DIGGING It;

(The Wolf at Bay) AKA Doubting you are the Right partner for Your Werewolf with whom You're Crazily, Madly in Love and also Waffling over Whether You Should Tell Your Family Werewolves Are a THING and BTW You're Dating One. Surprise!?;

(Thrown to the Wolves) AKA Meeting Your Werewolf's Disapproving and Uber Powerful Werewolf Family/Pack and Finding Out Secret-y Secrets, Too;

(Wolf in Sheep's Clothing) AKA Finding a Place to Live Happily Ever After Together and Avoiding Your Doubts Because Your Name is Cooper;

and finally,

Cry Wolf, AKA We're Getting Married and It Was My Idea in the First Place So Should I Freak Out Now?

But... there are some very major LOOSE ends here - not wedding related, and this veteran romance reader suspects (hopes?) it's the set-up/kick-off for a new series featuring and/or including our favorite opposites attract, human/werewolf partners in life/work/love, Cooper and Oliver. BUT I AM JUST GUESSING THIS and it is in no way based on any inside info (or outside info FTM).

I'm 100% guessing.

Because of said 'loose ends,' Cry Wolf feels unfinished and doesn't manage to squeak into the 4.5/5 star range.

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4.25 stars

Well, well, I think Cry Wolf , book #5 of Adhara's Big Bad Wolf series is my favorite book so far. Everything seems to fall into place in this one - while still giving 'clues' on further development for the life of Cooper Dayton and Oliver Park. And I DIGGED THAT. I dig that a LOT.

While still anxieting about his upcoming wedding to Park -- because this IS Cooper we're talking about, neurotic porcupine Cooper -- Cooper decides to help Park's ex, Eli, who confesses to Cooper that he is being blackmailed.

Of course, things are never easy for them, aren't they?

Instead, Cooper (and Park) is involved with a couple of dead bodies... well, dead werewolves stuck in their in-between shapes. It seems that someone is reviving the old werewolf fairy-tale about powerful being, called Moon, that will rise again to bring changes to the community...

I love that Cooper is getting more comfortable about his relationship with Park. They are very solid here, and there are even some romantic moments that make my heart go pitter-patter. It's always wonderful to see Park being protective towards Cooper but at the same time accepting Cooper as his Alpha. Park's trying to follow human tradition, being wedded to Cooper, put huge smile to my face. And Cooper's family members are LOVELY.

That legend about Moon is VERY interesting, indeed. I can see it being the arc that ties everything together. Can't write more because that will be a spoiler, and long-time fan of this series should discover this themselves 😉

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This series from Charlie Adhara is one of my all-time favourites in any genre.

It’s clever, it has a fresh look at werewolves and gives them a fascinating culture which fits perfectly into the urban fantasy world she’s created.

It’s firmly rooted in “our reality” as well, so it has an anchoring feel of the familiar and it has Cooper Dayton, a truly complex character whose evolvement from book one through to this installment, has been utterly enthralling.

I love Coop. I love how much he’s grown as a person while still staying true to his basic character traits of honesty and a lack of artifice, and his fumbling attempts to tell Oliver Park, his werewolf partner in both The Trust and life, how much he means to him are utterly endearing.

Coop is such an enigma, he’s human, but Park’s alpha and yet he submits to Oliver in their intimate moments and oh boy are they seriously good. They are powerfully emotional, scorching hot and just a little bit dirty.

The case they end up involved investigating in Cry Wolf is possibly the best one yet in this series, I had no clue where it was heading and I’m still not sure on some elements of the longer term series long narrative arc which are revealed here.

Ultimately though, it’s a superbly paced, deeply complex one which examines wolf folklore and the differences between the three types of werewolf society more than any of the previous books before.

it involves the packs, the Wolf Independence Party and the Rebels, it pulls in Eli, Oliver’s ex and a former rebel, it gives Coop a role he’s not remotely prepared for, whether he believes it’s true or not, and it – finally – gives the reader a truly joyous relationship development between the two men which had me smiling so much my face hurt.

I am so pleased Charlie went back to this series, there are so many aspects of wolf society still left unexplored and villains galore to continue investigating. I really hope it continues on and on!

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I enjoyed every minute of this book. It was one of my better reads of 2020.

I liked this book so much, that I am keeping this review as high level and general as possible, so as not to interfere with the readers’ enjoyment.

It’s book 5 in the series. You can start with this one, but it’s much more enjoyable if you have read the earlier books.

Everything is just as good as in the earlier books. We see more of the MCs being themselves. We see the progress and deepening of the MCs’ relationships, between each other, and with their wider universe. As the latter develops, we can see seeding of future plots, which is absolutely fine with me. There is no sense of repetition or stumbling over boring old ground.

As readers we see a broader picture than the protagonists, which deepens our enjoyment, which is pretty quietly sophisticated writing.

Thanks to Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I love this series. In the latest addition, Cooper is coming to terms with having purposed to Oliver & driving himself nuts with wedding planning. Here I had thought that he overcame is insecurities in the last book, but he is still so insecure & thinks that Oliver is going to figure out that he could do better. So Cooper runs into Eli, Oliver's ex, at the zoo. It so happens that Eli is being blackmailed & he is trying to find evidence to clear his name. Turns out he isn't the only one that is being blackmailed. Also, we get some background on Eli as well as Oliver's Mom. Even though there is so much going on, the one constant is the love for each other. You never once doubt that Cooper & Oliver are deeply in love & would do anything for each other. I can't wait for more.

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I have my first favorite book of 2021 and the new year hasn’t even started yet! I have had many mixed emotions while reading this series. I have enjoyed every book but I have always felt lukewarm about Park. I can finally say I adore Park! This book blew away every single doubt I had about him. I often wondered if I had been able to read his POV if I would understand him more but in this one book, without his POV, I now understand him completely and he has won me over!

This book has a great storyline with a mystery that ties in with each book beforehand. There is something brewing and it includes Cooper and his ties to the wolf community. Cooper doesn’t understand yet what his tie is and he totally denies it but it doesn’t seem to be a coincidence that he is involved in so many huge incidents. There are a few wolves, and humans, that want to pin murders on him and it opens up a folklore in the wolf community that Cooper doesn’t think can be true.

During the case Cooper and Oliver are solving there are so many beautiful moments between these two that solidify their love and commitment to each other. I was melting at what these men were saying to each other. Both Cooper and Oliver have been through so much and since meeting each other they have developed a connection that many may not understand, but they just fit together. They need the other to be complete and I feel like their relationship is like a puzzle and with each book more pieces slot together.

This is my favorite book of this series so far and I cannot wait to see what happens next. It seems everything is coming to a head and when things explode there will be trouble coming from all sides for both Cooper and Oliver. I actually want to go back and re-read each book after reading this one. This is a shifter series like no other.

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I feel like this series gets better and better as the characters continue to grow and live and love.

Cooper, in particular, has had such massive character growth. It has been a real joy watching him learn to trust and love Oliver. And Oliver is such his perfect match and a great joy in his own right.

This book! A mystery tied in the series AND a pending marriage. Sold.

More please. All the recommendations in the world for this series.

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I want to start off by saying this author is a fantastic writer. It's so enjoyable to read her books.

No spoilers and no details of the book. Just my gushing about it.

In this book/story, we get a good mystery as well as further insight into Cooper and Oliver's relationship. I love how much they love each other and take care of each other.

I was under the impression this might be the final book in this series but now I don't believe that could be possible. So much more needs to be disclosed about Cooper and his "alpha-ness." LOL! I need details STAT.

And what I consider to be the highest compliment I can give, after 5 books, I'm no where near tired of this couple! The cases are interesting and the evolution of the relationship is so satisfying.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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I continue to absolutely adore this series, so so much.

I absolutely love Cooper and Park, they just make me all happy and gooey inside. They are the pair that keeps this story going.

I honestly wonder if we'll ever get Park's maybe a full on book in his POV? Or even just a chapter? I mean this series is written so well that we don't <i>need</i> it to love Park and understand him and fall for him as a character overall, but I still <i>want</i> it so bad. I mean I didn't think about it too much as by this point I don't expect it, but there were a few times here and there where I just wanted to know what Park was thinking, what was he doing when Cooper was on his own, etc. Maybe some extras in his POV could be a thing one day, who knows...*nudge nudge wink wink*

Ahem...anyway, I fucking love this series. This author is so good and thinking of new, fresh ideas for the plot to make each book exciting in it's own right, but to keep connective threads throughout the books to make it feel like one continual story and less episodic - which wouldn't be a bad thing, per se, but the connective story is so good.

The author also thinks of new ways to challenge our main couple, in a fun and exciting way. In the last book, it was Cooper getting past his issues so they can move in together, and in this one...marriage, baby! And of course Cooper is Cooper about it all, endlessly awkward about emotions and expressing them, but also unable to help the all encompassing love he has for his fiance and well, he's <i>trying</i>, damn it ;) he's going to therapy and everything!

Aside from the wonderful Cooper and Park happenings in this book, there's also some murder afoot, and they're not exactly assigned to solve the murders...but by god, they are going to anyway, of course. (The two agents officially assigned to the case only show up like...once lol. Why weren't they doing their jobs?! lol)

When Eli, Park's ex that we met in book 3, shows up at the zoo Cooper is at with his family, things the mystery kicks off, especially when Eli asks Cooper to help him as he's being blackmailed...and that's only the beginning.

As a dead body shows up not long after Cooper starts investigating the guy blackmailing Eli, things get a hell of a lot more interesting...and dangerous, as someone seems to be targeting Cooper specifically.

To add on to all of that, Cooper kinda-sorta ex, Neil shows up, also his ex-partner at the FBI who he worked with in undercover. He's there apparently investigating financial fraud stuff, but not all is as it seems.

Through it all, though, Cooper and Park's love shined through and I absolutely loved every single second I was reading this book. It was such a fun, exciting, romantic read. I couldn't put it down.

Five books in and this series is still going strong, in my opinion, and I just love love loVE these two so much, and I already can't wait for the next book in this series.

I highly, HIGHLY recommend this book. It is a winner for sure. If you've been reading and loving this series, and love Cooper and Park, definitely pick this one up, it's definitely worth it.

Two MASSIVE thumbs up from me!👍👍

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I went into Cry Wolf thinking it was last in the Big Bad Wolf series but someone must be going around spreading lies because there is NO way this is the final book and looking up at the synopsis it doesn't claim to be lol

Anyways I absolutely loved Cry Wolf it gave me that little bit more that I had been looking for from the previous books. I'm not going to go into the books plot more than the synopsis' does because ::spoilers:: and I don't want to be that person but the mystery kept me fully engaged and trying to figure it out along the way. I was just as stunned as Cooper at the end of it. The story leaves you with a few open plot lines with multiple possibilities on the horizon and I can't wait to see where the story goes from here.

Cooper is the same sarcastic but surprisingly tender and emotional grump that I've loved since the beginning. Park continues to expand on the vulnerability he began showing in the past few books. Throughout Cry Wolf there's the perfect combination of witty banter, passionate intimacy, and sweet tender heartfelt moments that left me sighing. No lie half my highlights of the book are swoon worthy words from Cooper that made me melt. 💕

If you haven't started this series, what are you waiting for? Get on it!

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So, wait, is this not the finale of the series? Because that did not feel like one. And if it is.. how rUDE. I have so many questions. So, yeah, no, it's not over. Nope.

"<i>Is everyone you've ever dated an asshole?</i>"
"<b>Maybe I have a type.</b>"

Coming back to the Big Bad Wolf world was such a delight. I was entertained pretty much from page one and this particular mystery was a strange doozy. I had no idea where anything was going until we were all finally looped in. But that was fine because all along the way we had plenty of Cooper and Park banter, hijinks, and steeeeam. Hoo boy, hi. I've definitely been away from romance for a while and now read two steamers back to back. Delicious.

"<i>You know, it's never too late to call off this engagement. You're a catch, you'll find someone.</i>"
"<b>I was cursed by an old witch to find him charming.</b>"
"<i>That's some dark magic.</i>"

What I constantly enjoy, and seem to mention in all my reviews, is how every book evolves this world. Not in that "oh look suddenly this is happening" feeling where something comes out of left field for a purely convenient reason but in this organic unspooling of a culture, a world, a people. And it actually gets called out in this installment in the best of ways, as if to acknowledge it for the readers, but in a perfectly fitting way for the characters, too. It keeps you wanting to read more, not just for more of the characters, but in order to discover more and what might be awaiting both readers and characters alike.

"<i>Yes, we've met.</i>"
"<b>A technically true statement, if characteristically lacking in flair. Antony and Cleopatra met. Romeo and Juliet met. It's what happened after that's become the stuff of legends.</b>"
"<i>This day is certainly shaping up to be a tragedy, so maybe you're on to someting.</i>"

There's really not much to say about a book this far into a sequel, even if it isn't the finale, so suffice it to say if you're needing a paranormal romance/urban fantasy in your life and particularly a queer one? You absolutely need to give this one a go. It's funny, it's fresh, and the characters are complex and yet self-aware, or self-improving, and these two leads are made of wonky edges that fit together so beautifully.

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