Cover Image: The Break-Up Book Club

The Break-Up Book Club

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The Break-Up Book Club by Wendy Wax is a delightful and uplifting read that is perfect for fans of heartwarming stories about the power of female friendship, self-discovery, and the joy of finding one's own happily-ever-after, especially those who enjoy lighthearted and humorous tales with a strong focus on relationships and personal growth.

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This was a fun, cute, summery read that makes me want to revamp my book club, stat! Thank you, NetGalley, for the ARC!

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What a hoot! And wow what a slew of bad break up scenarios! This one really made me miss my old book club!

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I adored this one so much! I loved the friendship between the men and women in the book club. I feel like I would love a book about Chaz, he was such a fun character. I loved this. The writing was great and the characters were the best. It felt like a story that truly could have happened. I loved how diverse the ages of the characters were and the personalities.

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I loved this book! It is a fun story of women and men who are going through some challenges in their lives and come to their book club for support and to figure out what to do next. The relationships between the book club members warmed my heart. They weren’t all friends outside of book club, but they were always in each other’s corner. I’ve been a Wendy Wax fan for a long time and she did not disappoint with this one. It comes out next Tuesday, May 18 so go get on your library’s hold list or preorder it!

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This was a sweet book with a bit of romance thrown in. The book follows four women from different circumstances that meet at a book club. They each suffer a loss of some sort and they support one another through the friendships forged through the book club. This was a heartwarming book good for all ages. Love books about friendships.

Rating: 3.5 stars (rounded up to 4).

Thank you, NetGalley and Berkley Pub, for the eARC in exchange for my honest review!

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One of my favorite things about Women’s Fiction is the themes of friendship and love that the genre usually brings, and THE BREAK UP BOOK CLUB was everything I hoped it to be.

Told from multiple POVS, Jazmine, Erin, Sara and Judith, these were strong women influences that are in a book club together and each character was well developed, each with their own messy lives and delightfully relatable.

From the drama to the friendships and love of books, this was a fun read that I devoured!

*many thanks to Berkley/Netgalley for the gifted copy for review

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A great, light summer read! I've said it in many, many reviews on here before, but it's impossible to resist a book about books (or book lovers).

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4.5 stars rounded up: The Break-Up Book Club is a story of several women, four main characters, who have all had difficulties in their lives involving men. Erin's baseball playing fiancé dumps her a week before the wedding, Jazmine is a widow with a teenage daughter, Judith was in an unhappy marriage who is now single and an empty nester and Sara finds out her husband has a second family in the city where he presently works. All these women and more come together in a book club at the local bookstore and not only become friends, but support each other, encourage each other and cheer each other on.

I loved all the characters in this book. The story is told from the POV of the four main characters, but there are several secondary characters that had their own stories. I liked that they were of different ages, backgrounds and phases of their lives. There is someone in this story that most readers will be able to identify with. I found the characters relatable and realistic. Friendship is front and centre in this book. I didn't like every character at the beginning of this book, but as As secrets and back stories were revealed and we get to know the characters more, I changed my mind about several of them. The setting of the book club brings these diverse personalities together, giving them a place to share and be open with others, thus being honest with themselves. There was some humour, heartbreak, angst and happiness throughout this story. Themes include strong women and friendship, as well as dealing with tragedies and heartbreak, self-reflection to determine what you really want out of life and moving forward. I loved how Wendy Wax brought all the various stories together to a wonderful ending. I would love to read a sequel to see where they are now. A book I recommend to anyone who enjoys Women's Fiction, Friendship, and moving forward.

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I really enjoyed this book! I thought it was a perfect summer read for me. The story moved along quickly and was very fun.

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Break-up Book Club is the story of Jazmine, Judith, Erin and Sara and a bookstore that provides a safe space, and a book club that is so much more then a book club. I have to say that it took me a little bit to get pulled into this book, and also it took me a while to get each of their storyline figured out. After, I got pulled into this book I could not put it down. They all go through so much, and there is a lot of drama in this book. This book is well written, and all the storylines are really well done. I really enjoyed this book.

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I wanted this to give me the same vibes as the Bromance Book Club, but it never took off for me. I enjoyed the cover.

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This was a sweet story with characters that are hard not to love! I thought this was such an interesting premise, and loved the book club element very much!

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This was a cute and quirky story with its of heart. I loved the development of relationships and friendships and people. How characters developed because of their experiences and were therefore able to connect with others.

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For as much as I wanted to love this book, I just couldn't get into it. It may have just been the timing in my life when I chose to read the book, but I didn't bond with the characters at all.

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I absolutely loved this book! I was so engrossed by the characters right off the bat. Wendy Wax's writing is out of this world, if you've been in a reading slump this is a great place to start, it absolutely blew me away!

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The Break-Up Book Club is all the proof you need that books make everything better!

There are a LOT of characters in this one, but you never have a hard time keeping track of who is who, and it's crafted really well, so it's easy to follow each woman's story. And the men are pretty easy to keep track of also... because they all kinda of just... leave. Death, cheating, break ups ... the relationships do not fare well in the start of this story.

The characters were super well-developed and you find yourself finding things relatable in all of them - even though they are all so different. But that's the beauty of book club right? Different faces and spaces and stories and lives... all uniting together for maybe the only one thing they have in common - their love of books.

Will book club help these ladies get their mojo back? Possibly.

But they may just find that the greatest relationship at all - actually IS book club.

And I may or may not have added yet more books to my TBR after reading this! So there's that added bonus too!

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My BOOKISH friend, @bryantparkbooks warned me I would cry, and Wendy wrecked me by page two, and proceeded to give me a book that spoke to my heart throughout with entertaining characters, and a book that felt like a friend.

This book made me SO much more excited to have in person book clubs again, and trying hard to convince mine that we should consider this title to kick in person meetings off! If the pandemic has really gotten you down, this one will give you one of the best cathartic cries I've had in a long time, highly recommend reading it if you're a reader who loves a good book about books.

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From the blurb: “Former tennis star Jazmine is a top sports agent balancing a career and single motherhood. Judith is an empty nester questioning her marriage and the supporting role she chose. Erin’s high school sweetheart and fiancé develops a bad case of cold feet, and Sara’s husband takes a job out of town saddling Sara with a difficult mother-in-law who believes her son could have done better – not exactly the roommate most women dream of. On paper, Jazmine, Judith, Erin and Sara have little in common – they’re very different people leading very different lives. And yet at book club meetings in an historic carriage house turned bookstore, they bond over a shared love of reading (and more than a little wine) as well as the growing realization that their lives are not turning out like they expected.”

I’ve been on such a romance kick lately, and I know I’m missing out on books from other genres. The Break-Up Book Club reminded me how much I love Women’s Fiction. This was just a good book! I also have a soft spot for books about books, and the book club storyline played into that. The audiobook was really well done - it was narrated by four different women. You should definitely check this out.

Thanks to @NetGalley and Berkley for my ARC!

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I enjoyed this but found the end to drag, and ultimately lost interest. I enjoyed the stories of the women, but ultimately found that it fizzled out and I lost interest.

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