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The Perfect Daughter

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From beginning to end, this book held my attention, and at most times I was riveted! Clearly the front-runner of all of D.J./Daniel Palmer's novels (and I loved them all!), the characters come to life and you are instantly invested. I won't give any plot information, as the book has not been published yet, but suffice it to say, if you don't have to wait to get a copy, don't!! Bravo, D.J.; Bravo!

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This book is a solid 5-star read. It is not only enjoyable, but also worthwhile as a learning activity because of its topic.

DJ Palmer has been one of my favorite writers for the last several years. His previous books Saving Megan and The New Husband are two of the best thrillers I’ve ever read. Palmer has previously previously written under the name Daniel Palmer; he is the son of the late Michael Palmer.

One of the things I like most about DJ Palmer’s writing is the structure of his novels. He has somehow latched onto the perfect technique for advancing a plot at just the right pace and in an easily-followed sequence of events. In this book, The Perfect Daughter, he has used two different point-of-view approaches. Most chapters are presented in the usual third person omniscient point of view; but some chapters are written using first and second person narration of a brother speaking to his troubled sister, the perfect daughter. It is a highly effective way to present the action of the plot along with emphasizing the emotional impact of mental illness on an entire family.

The topic of dissociative identity disorder (DID) is of almost universal fascination, and there has been much distortion of the condition presented through the years in books and movies on the topic. Palmer’s treatment of the topic seems realistic and grips the reader’s emotions and imagination.

I read at least 200 books per year, and I am inclined to skip portions of descriptive narration and lengthy dialogue as I read. I was aware that I did very little of that while reading this novel. I wanted to read every word. The story is engrossing; I highly recommend this book to fellow readers who enjoy psychological thrillers and mystery novels as well as those who love to read about relationship development.

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The Perfect Daughter is an engaging mystery, with a teenager, Penny who is accused of murdering her biological mother, Rachel. It is hard to be sure, but the killer might be Penny or Eve or Chloe or Ruby since Grace Francone's adopted daughter has dissociative identity disorder. A condition many people fail to believe is real. Grace has to trust Penny's psychiatrist, Dr. McHugh to help her daughter and save her from a life behind bars.
Grace knows that her sweet Penny could not have killed Rachel, and if an alter is responsible, Penny needs help, not to spend her life in jail. Grace starts to question if her daughter is even the killer, as more than one person had a motive to kill Rachel. With the truth locked somewhere inside Penny, Grace will do whatever it takes to uncover the truth.
A ton of revelations kept me furiously flipping pages. By about the 60% mark, I was sure I had figured out whodunnit and why. Yep, my smug self was so sure of the outcome, and I was 100% wrong. The reveal was a shocker, and I never looked twice at this character.
DJ Palmer, if I ever get the chance to interact with you, I would like to share my truly flawed theory. You would probably laugh, but who knows, perhaps I would find out that it was a scenario you considered. Anyhow, a well-played hand by the author. Great characters, a twisty plot, an illness that may or may not be real, and an OMG ending. I loved it!

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Wow!! What a first-rate, superbly written psychological thriller that is a "can't put down" page turner filler with twists, turns and what's next. The characters and story line are amazing. Having read all of Palmer's previous books, this might just be the best one yet!

The story deals with Penny Francone, who suffers from DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) and has been accused and arrested for her biological Mother's murder. It is told from three perspectives, Grace Francone, her adopted Mother; Jack, the brother and Mitch McHugh, the Doctor at Edgewater State Hospital where Penny has been hospitalized since her arrest. Throughout the story we meet several "alters" of Penny's (Eve, Ruby, Chloe), each giving rise to new "hints" of the murder...until the final meeting and the true identity of the murderer is revealed.

An Outstanding book! Thank You...NetGalley and D.J. Palmer!

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Wow! Amazing read! What can I say about this book? I don’t want to give away any spoilers so...... You never really know what is going on in someone’s life/family and then when you go to someone for help, you don’t know who you are really getting. You may receive something that you never imagined. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and highly recommend it. I did receive an advance reader copy of this book but that had no effect whatsoever on my opinion of this book.

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I really enjoyed this book. It’s a different story than the same old themes that you see over and over again. It kept me turning the pages and really drew me in. I didn’t guess the villain of the story, and was quite surprised at who it ended up being. It just didn’t seem to make sense, and I was a little disappointed, but it didn’t spoil the book. All in all, a really good read.

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D.J. Palmer has written another masterpiece! The book was unique in its premise, and there was a lot of suspense throughout. I didn't see the ending coming, which is always a good thing. I rate the book 4.5 to 5 stars.

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This thriller kept me turning the pages because I wanted to find out the truth behind the murder, the main character’s possible Dissociative Identity Disorder, and so many plot twists and character motives. Personally, this one didn’t thrill me as much as The New Husband, but I liked this take on a mental illness and I think many readers are going to enjoy this book.

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Started and finished The Perfect Daughter in one day as it’s a page turning suspenseful read. A police detective comes to Grace’s house one evening to let her know her daughter, 17 yr old Penny, is in custody for the brutal murder of her birth mother. Adopted by Grace, her husband, and two boys when Penny was abandoned in a playground at 5 years old this is not the first time Penny’s been in trouble with the law. At 10 she developed multiple personality disorder and this has led to many problems. Months earlier Navarro, a man, accidentally ran into the back of Grace’s car, became a friend and is an excellent attorney. He helps, agreeing to take the case, as does Dr. Mitch Penny’s doctor at Edgewater hospital.
The ending is, of course, a huge twist that you don’t see coming, although in hindsight I felt I should have because of what the author doesn’t write. I know that’s cryptic but to say anymore is giving the plot away.
A fast paced great suspense read.

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I really, really liked this! I have read all 3 D.J. Palmer books and I think this one is my favorite. Things I liked best- storyline, obviously. I have no way to verify, but I felt like the author did a lot of research on DID and that the aspect of how all involved dealt with the fallout felt real. Characterization. I felt all the main characters had enough background information that you could sympathize with them and understand motivations. Plot twist!! GREAT one!! Did not see that one coming, and I read a LOT of these sort of books. THANK YOU! Thing I liked least, and it's a VERY small one- I felt the word "seethed" was overused. Sorry, I'm weird like that! Overall, time well spent with this one! Highly recommend!

Thank you to NetGalley, D.J. Palmer and St. Martins Press for this much appreciated ARC!

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Wow just wow. This was a story I could not put down! Loved how the story was told from different points of view. I loved how Grace advocated for her daughter Penny. The mystery of trying to find out what really happened had me thinking overtime. Well written story and several unexpected twists and turns.
Thank you to Net galley for complimentary copy. The thoughts and opinions are my own.

If you like psychological thrillers and untangling of stories you will enjoy this one.

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I was given this book by NetGalley for an honest review - -
I swear Palmers books get better and better! What a read and who would have thought the ending!!!
Penny is found abandon. Grace and Arthur adopt her not knowing what her previous life was. And when Penny is accused of murdering her real mother - life becomes a whirlwind of unknown characters. Who is the real Penny?
You definitely don't want to miss this book!!

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HOLY CRAP! While I have read and loved his previous books, the Author has really outdid himself with this one. The subject matter (DID) fascinated me. The story starts with a little girl (4 years old) found alone in a park. She is fostered and then adopted by Grace and her husband. There is also 2 sons in the family. Penny is 12 when her first alter appears. At 16 she is a resident of a psychiatric hospital awaiting trial for murder. That is all I will say. Read the book. You will not be disappointed. Many thanks to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press and the Author for allowing me to read and review this fabulous book.

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What a thrilling read from start to finish. The several different personalities of Grace’s daughter were magnificently written and believable. Grace’s family has been through a lot and continues to be challenged throughout the book. You won’t be disappointed with this thriller.

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Thank you Netgalley, the publisher, and the author for allowing me to read this ARC. I loved D.J. Palmer's other books and this was no exception! It pulled me in from the beginning and never let up! I lingered in bed finishing it up this morning and the ending, OMG the ending.! The characters were well-written, even though I did get them confused a couple of times. The story was inventive and I feel like i learned a lot about DID. Mr. Palmer's writing was wonderful, as usual! If you like a fast-paced book that keeps you guessing, this is the book for you!

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The Perfect Daughter starts off with a bang! Murder, psychiatric hospital/prison, multiple personalities, a family in turmoil, an exhausted psychiatrist searching for the truth .....OH MY!! The descriptions are vivid and the emotions were palpable as Grace learns her teenage daughter Penny has been arrested for murder. This was a highly addictive story. I had a hard time putting it down because each chapter left me with anticipation for the next one. It’s a story with multiple narrators who complement and share differing perspectives of the story. I LOVED it! The suspense, twists, and descriptive scenes had me right there with them. The ending was awesome and full of excitement! Touching epilogue too with real life issues being addressed, which I remember follows suit with the epilogue from The New Husband as well. I can’t wait to for more from D.J. Palmer!

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D.J. Palmer is one of my favorite authors, so I was thrilled to receive an ARC of The Perfect Daughter from NetGalley. I've never read anything quite like The Perfect's a fascinating look at mental illness, and it kept me guessing until the very end. I liked that the story was told from the perspectives of a few different characters...they were all incredibly well-written, and I found it easy to empathize with them. Palmer never disappoints, and I'm so grateful to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for giving me the opportunity to read this book a few months before it's released. If you're looking for an unforgettable book you won't be able to put down, you can't go wrong with The Perfect Daughter! : )

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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! No spoilers. Beyond amazing I enjoyed this book so very much. The characters and storyline were fantastic. The ending I did not see coming Could not put down nor did I want to. Truly Amazing and appreciated the whole story. This is going to be a must read for many many readers. Maybe even a book club pick.

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Ho-oh-oh-oh-oh-ly cow!

This book is brilliant, just brilliant.

Crammed full of secrets, surprises, twist and misdirection it just ramps and ramps and ramps to a spectacular conclusion.

I have always been a D.J. Palmer fan but this may be his best.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press for giving me a widget. It was my pleasure to write an honest review.

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I loved The Perfect Daughter! I picked this book because I enjoyed The New Husband, also by D.J. Palmer. The book is about Penny's multiple personality disorder. Penny is accused of killing her birth mother and put into a psychiatric hospital. Penny was found in a park all alone as a young child and Grace finds her when she takes her son to the park to play. Grace has wanted a daughter and she helps nurse Penny back to health. Grace advocates and eventually brings Penny into their family through adoption.

Much of the book is about Penny and her personalities time in the psychiatric ward. Grace, her aunt Anne, her brothers, her lawyer, and psychiatrist Dr. Mitch all play a big part in this book. The book has bad guys that you clearly don't like but the main people are likable and I was invested in their stories. Grace spends most of her time trying to keep Penny out of prison for a murder she does not believe Penny committed.

The book does have secretes that are eventually revealed. The book is a stand alone book and does tie up the storyline in the end. I ended up being really interested in Dr. Mitch's relationship with his drug addicted son which was a side story that caught my attention.

Thank you to #NetGalley and #StMartinsPress for an advanced copy of #ThePerfectDaughter. I would also like to thank the author, #DJPalmer, for another five star book!

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