Member Reviews

Windsor Horne Lockwood III, known to everyone as Win, has featured in a number of Harlan Coben’s books as a sidekick (Watson to Marlon Bolitar’s Holmes as he is described at one point). In this book he takes centre stage. Win is a philosophical guy, exemplified by this first person narrative explaining his rationales for each of his actions. He is also extremely skilled in all branches of the martial arts, addicted to violent confrontation, somewhat addicted to no commitment consensual sex, committed to righting (read that as punishing) what he perceives as wrongs that the justice system cannot resolve. And he is unbelievably rich, old money, family estate, private planes, private helicopters, contacts of every persuasion – you get the picture.
Talking of pictures, two famous paintings, a Vermeer and a Picasso, which the family had leant to a College, had been stolen in a robbery. Eight months later, Win’s uncle, Aldrich, had been shot dead during a botched robbery at his home and his cousin, Patricia, had been kidnapped. She had been allowed to take a small, but very distinctive, suitcase of clothes (to give hope, perhaps). Five months later she turned up having been held prisoner and raped in “The Hut of Horrors.” DNA evidence suggested that nine missing girls had been previously held there. There were no suspects identified for either of these crimes and no obvious connection. This book begins twenty four years later, with the discovery of a dead recluse whose apartment, full of assorted rubbish, contained both the Vermeer and the suitcase. The recluse is identified as Ry Strauss, the leader of an anti (Vietnam) war bunch of young people known as the Jane Street Six, because their fire bombing of premises there had resulted in a number of unintentional deaths. Win sets out to find the other five, with the intention of solving the thefts, the kidnapping and the murder.
The story twists and turns in sometimes unexpected ways but, nevertheless, proceeds at a fast pace leading to a series of revelations and a complex but satisfying ending, some of which is genuinely surprising. The character of Win is fully drawn and all of his actions are entirely consistent with his background, abilities and philosophy. I thoroughly enjoyed the trip.
I would like to thank NetGalley, the publishers and the author for providing me with a draft proof copy for the purpose of this review.

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“There is no bond like love but there is no compound as volatile either”

This remark made by Windsor Horne Lockwood III as he becomes entangled in a cold case that has outwitted the FBI for many years is strikingly astute about families in general. For this suspenseful thriller’s roots are embedded in Lockwood family history encompassing an art heist and abduction of a family member as well as an act of domestic terrorism. This latest development, in which a Vermeer painting, stolen from the family estate twenty years ago finally turns up in an apartment whose occupant has been found murdered is a crucial piece of evidence in understanding past events that have haunted this family for far too long. As too is the discovery of a suitcase bearing the Lockwood family crest and the initials WHL3 but how has it ended up in the possession of a recluse known only as the Hermit? The web of intrigue is immediately flung far and wide but ultimately this is personal to the Lockwood family and Windsor or Win as he is commonly known is going to make it his mission to uncover the truth and seek justice,vigilante style. Fast paced, action packed and populated by dark and dangerous characters this is one thriller you don’t want to miss out on!

It is unnecessary and pointless to divulge the specifics of the plot line which is brutally violent (at times) complex, intriguing and completely riveting. Why is it so riveting? Well that’s down to Win himself, the antihero to beat all antiheroes. Thanks to this fascinating and death defying character, the narrative is driven forward with such force you will find it impossible not to be enthralled every step of the way as this lone wolf goes on the prowl, eliciting information from those involved in these past crimes in his own inimitable style. Watch out, Win is armed, mad, bad and dangerous, operating outside the normal confines of the law but nevertheless he is almost certainly guaranteed to discover the answers that have previously eluded all others. I’ve never met a character of his calibre, one who actively seeks violence for ‘fun’ and is a law unto himself yet manages to retain a certain charisma, making him appealing to the opposite sex (in my eyes anyway!). As a super rich and privileged man born into such a prestigious family he exudes an arrogance and a belief he is untouchable that takes your breath away. Win is so cool and detached, emotionally lacking on every level, engaging with others only when satisfying his most primal, animalistic urges whether that be for sex or violence yet I loved his voice and the way he talks directly to the reader drawing you into his inner circle. But few can crack his hardened exterior so Win is very much a closed book, preferring a solitary life, reliant on no one save his trusted assistant Kabir. Really this man is more like a well oiled finely tuned machine rather than a human being and with his precision and meticulousness in certain aspects of his life you can assume Win’s character lies somewhere on the spectrum. But my goodness ,despite the fact Win exhibits so many traits that would normally mean you wouldn’t touch him with a barge pole, this man is SO alluring!! My brain was sending me warning signals to say I should thoroughly dislike him but I couldn’t. Whilst this man seems beyond the reaches of the law everyone has an Achilles heel, but what is Win’s? Perhaps his only downfall, for which we will have to wait and see, is his biological daughter Ema whose appearance in this book only serves to highlight how alike they are irrespective of their limited contact. The apple never falls far from the tree!

I’m embarrassed to admit this is the first book I’ve read by Harlen Coben but what a brilliant way to introduce myself to an author whose reputation as a master storyteller precedes him. Having galloped through the pages, mesmerised by a character who definitely plays by his own set of rules I quickly realised when it comes to suspense and truly surprising twists no other author can come close. Although I was initially unsure if this would be my kind of read, after the first couple of pages I was hooked, relishing every twist and turn that feels natural and in no way forced. It’s the kind of thriller that if you don’t have time set aside to gobble it up whole, you’ll find yourself reading surreptitiously at any opportune moment. Win is someone I hope to become better acquainted with over time and I’m not ashamed to admit to falling a little bit in love him however dangerous and unpredictable he may be. He has that je ne sais quoi quality about him that sets him apart from the few other antiheroes I’ve come across making this a series I will HAVE to follow. Even if you think this type of thriller is outside your comfort zone, think again because Win will convert you to this author’s writing quicker than a bullet out of a gun. My thanks as always to the publisher and Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read.

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In 2012 I read my first Myron Bolitar book, Promise Me, (which was published in 2007) and commented in my review that surely his slightly psychotic friend Win deserved his own series. Well here it finally is! I subsequently read Deal Breaker and did intend to continue the series, but you know how it is... however I didn’t have any problem jumping in here - it is clearly the start of a spin-off series, and you get all relevant back-story. I was however gutted to finally start it, only to discover that it’s all told in first person present: I can’t believe even the great Coben has succumbed to this horrible trend. Apart from this, it’s a great read, although Win’s arrogant & obnoxious personality will deter some readers!

Windsor “call me Win” Horne Lockwood III is a forty-something year old billionaire, whose secret hobby is dispensing his own brand of violent vigilante justice to those he feels deserve it. The FBI have summoned him to a New York penthouse apartment containing the body of an elderly hoarder, a priceless painting stolen from his family decades earlier, and a monogrammed suitcase given to Win by his grandmother when he was fourteen. Win realises this links the case to the brutal kidnapping and rape of his favourite cousin when she was 18 and a notorious unsolved domestic terrorism attack from the early 1970s. Asked to investigate “off the books” by his former FBI mentor, Win will flirt with, bully, bribe or threaten the few witnesses who are still alive to get to the truth, uncovering a shocking secret at the heart of his family.

Whether you’ve met Win before or not, the key to enjoying this is don’t expect to like him: he goes on and on about how rich, skilled, attractive and clever he is, name-drops luxury products, disparages people outside of his social sphere and views beautiful women as entertainment. He’s a complete thug - freely admitting to us that he loves violence (as long as he’s inflicting it) and deliberately avoiding personal relationships as far as possible. There are a few references to and anecdotes from his childhood which hint at what made him this way.
He’s not a Good Guy but somehow you’re still on his side, and when he talks about Myron or his daughter Ema we get glimpses of his well-hidden heart and I liked his sarcasm and deadpan wit.

The cold case mystery here was well done and while a lot of characters are mentioned and events from various decades all get mixed up, it all made sense and I didn’t predict any of the twists or reveals. Win also has to deal with the fallout of his latest vigilante mission and the attention of sinister gangsters with an interest in the outcome of his investigation, so there was a lot going on but it didn’t hold up the pace and I charged through this in a day. I liked this enough to tolerate the present tense narration but pretty please Mr Coben could you go back to past tense for the rest of the series 🙂
Thanks to NetGalley and Random House for the ARC which allowed me to give an honest review. Win is published on March 18th.

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Win - Harlan Coben

A fast paced book with plenty of twists and turns to keep the reader on their toes - however I struggled to rate it any higher as I really disliked the main character Win. I understand that the way he is written is maybe supposed to get my back up but instead of enjoying this fact it really did unfortunately irritate me. Trying not to let this shadow my review... it was a complex thriller, with aspects to keep you on the edge of your seat and a good unexpected ending. Many thanks to NetGalley and Random House UK for allowing me the chance to read and review this book.

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Although I’ve watched a couple of Harlan Coban’s shows on Netflix, this was my first delve into his writing. It wasn’t as fast paced as I liked, however, it was pretty damn clever. When I watched his shows, I spent a lot of time wondering what the absolute f*** was going on and I felt like that with Win too. I couldn’t connect any of the dots so the plot twist reveals got a big thumbs up from me.

My one gripe with this was the main character, Win. *Clears throat.*

Win, I appreciate that you get shit done. I also get that you’re ridiculously wealthy. But why did you feel the need to connect every single event and action to your wealth. Sometimes, subtlety wins, ya know? You’re rich. We get it, Win. You don’t need to keep reminding us.

My other issue with you was your need to over explain everything. For example, you went on for about half a page about how you train everyday & have worked with some of the best fighting instructors in the world. You then proceeded to let me know you were alone in your PRIVATE gym so you decided to train in your underwear. TMI, dude. Also, I’m married. Did you stop there though? No. Then you told me you were training in a boxer brief hybrid. Did I ask you what type of underwear you were wearing? No. But am I now wondering what a boxer brief hybrid is? Yes. Damn you and your over-explaining, Win.

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Windsor Horne Lockwood III (Win for short) is not an easy character to warm to and until now was only seen as the best friend and fighting partner of Myron Bolitar in the wonderful and aptly named Myron Bolitar series. Does the difficulty to warm to the character make this a hard book to read and get into? The answer is no. Harlan Coben has written a great story with lots of twists and subplots and family intrigue that the reader will be entertained to the end..
A note to the reader Myron does not appear in the book but his name is dropped a number of times,
For a first solo novel for the character it is a good start and I will be interested in seeing how and if Harlan Coben goes forward with the character. I would definitely read any further books in a series.

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You know you are in for a treat when you pick up a Harlan Coben book, and this one doesn’t disappoint. A clever storyline filled with twists and turns, it flows well and is quite fast paced. The story is from the point of view of the main character, Win (Windsor) and is written as if he is talking to you. I enjoy this style of writing, it draws you in from the start. I really enjoyed this book and definitely recommend it. Thank you #netgalley

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A straightforward tale of an every-day, maniac, vigilante named Win who is into violence and sex or, maybe, sex and violence, Either way round makes for an entertaining story whether one agrees with Win's Modus Vivendi or not.

The tale speeds along, a bit like Win's driving, until it almost reaches the end where it moves into précis mode to provide what seems like a one page summary of all that went before for the benefit of some of the characters. Still a worthwhile read and I will be watching out for Mr C's next book.

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Win is a character from this author's Myron Bolitar series, which is a series I have yet to devour so I am going into this blind with regard to the main character. I don't think this matters to be honest as his backstory is adequately explained, as are his relationships to certain other family members and other crossover characters that pop up.
Win is an acquired taste, one that I haven't quite reached yet but I think, as the series unfolds, he will grow on me. I have this feeling... The story in which we meet him here is personal. He is called to the scene of a death by the FBI as there are things there that connect to his family, specifically his cousin Patricia who was abducted during a robbery and held captive for months. This new evidence allows the authorities leads in both Patricia's case but also that of another cold case linking back to the dead man.
And so begins a rather convoluted but expertly plotted tale spanning the decades and containing secrets, lies and duplicitous behaviour aplenty as it meanders along at a fair pace before reaching a rather explosive and, although not expected, wholly satisfying conclusion.
A tale that held me rapt throughout my time with the book. One that had me hankering to rejoin whenever life dictated I put it down. One that I thoroughly enjoyed despite my misgivings with the MC (we will get there, it'll just take time). I could list my reservations but I think you need to form your own opinions rather than read about mine.
All in all, a cracking opener to a series I will be keeping my eye on. My thanks go to the Publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book.

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Fans of Harlan Coben have been waiting for the publication of Win with great anticipation. Win stands for Windsor Horne Lockwood III, a featured character in Coben’s popular Myron Bolitar series. Loyal friend Win now has his own series and it looks like it will be another winner (pardon the pun.) Win is a great anti-hero. He’s a billionaire with a unique moral compass. If you’ve read the Bolitar series, you already have lots of information on Win but if you’re new to the character, it is just fine learning about him with this new and very good book.

While the storyline is serious, there is a lot of clever and witty dialogue and commentary made by Win directly to the reader – who knows he’s not the most likeable character as he makes plenty of questionable decisions and lifestyle choices. And he couldn't care less if you like him or not.

This book offers enough twists and turns to make it a compelling mystery/thriller but the true appeal is the character of Win, a quirky, often amoral, incredibly wealthy man who likes violence a bit too much and relates to women in his own way. I look forward to seeing where Coben takes this character.

Rated 4.25 stars.

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Win - WIndsor Horne Lockwood III - can generally be found as the yin to Myron Bolitar's yang in the series featuring the mild-mannered former basketball star/sports agent from a blue-collar family. He has lived a life of privilege and wealth and, although his unfailing loyalty to his best friend is commendable, there’s not a lot else to him that is - in my eyes at least. So I was a little dubious how I would feel reading an entire book based on him.

My fears were unfounded. Yes, Win is as smug and entitled as always but he’s also blind-sided enough for us to realise that he is human after all. Not that he particularly lets that diminish his own views of his infallibility. This fast-paced story involves missing art, kidnapped girls, 60s radicals and family skeletons. And it’s a pretty good one.

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Windsor Horne Lockwood the 3rd, or Win, if you recognise this name from previous of the authors books you may know what character you are letting yourself in for ( he was Bolitar’s best friend )
I didn’t and so was VERY unprepared for the most insidious, heavy handed, narcissistic, know it all in literay history, harsh?, maybe but honestly he’s a nightmare, if he’s not bragging re his sexual prowess he is showing off how rich he is
Although some like him so am told
I didn’t, at all, he irritated and ‘got on my nerves’ from the minute he started telling me how great he was, he ‘talks’ to you throughout the book ( in a ‘Miranda’ way if you’ve seen it ) in a condescending, slimy, more than annoying manner
So that’s him, the story then took a bit of a back seat tbh, it wasn’t bad, Coben is a wonderful writer and so even with my distaste for ‘Win’ I saw it through, I mean the author did his job and did it well, he got a reaction
But I wont be reading the next in the series!

3 Stars

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This is somehow the first book written by Harlan Coben that I have read. I have heard such great things about his works for years, yet this is the first time I have actually read one for myself. So weird that I haven’t before now!

Right away I picked up on the unique writing style. It is very different than the flow I am used to, it is more direct and precise rather than the fluid and descriptive style that I am used to. It is not a bad thing, just different, and takes a little to get used to, certainly not an easy or quick read. As I was reading, I envisioned it as a script for a TV series, one that I would happily watch and enjoy with my husband.

Publication Date: March 18, 2021

#BookReview #Win #NetGalley

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I devoured this book! I loved the character of Win, I really enjoyed the first person writing. The book was fast paced and full on.

The web of crimes was complex and just when I thought I had a handle on it another angle was thrown in!

Great writing and I will definitely be reading more.

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A suspenseful thriller, however in places I found the story hard to follow.

This was my first Harlan Coben read, and I felt I lacked some background knowledge, especially with the character Myron Bolitar who was frequently mentioned.

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I’m a big fan of Harlan Coben’s Myron Bolitar series. I was really excited to read this book as it’s told from the POV of Win, Myron’s best friend and sidekick. It was great to get inside Win’s head and see his perspective on things but I would of still liked to of had more of the duo, rather than just Win.

As for the plot: Exactly what you would expect from a Harlan Coben book - great characterisation, witty humour and twists and turns aplenty. Although this can be read as a stand-alone, I think fans of the series will enjoy this book more.

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Oh Yes, Oh yes, OH YES. The book Win is most definitely a winner.

Im happy to say that this is the first in a new series of books by Coben.. Phew, so happy its not a standalone.

Windsor Horne Lockwood the third is in his forties a good friend to Myron Bolitar...

Win maybe a hard character to love he is white, spoilt, reeks of a privileged life and is definitely a narcissist.

Win is called to an apartment block, to the scene of a murder. It so happens that in the apartment is an expensive painting that once belonged to Wins family home until it was stolen.

This painting leads to a time when his family was under threat and without revealing anything, Win wants to solve the murder at all costs.

Complex tale, arrogant and outspoken we see some great characters and great writing.

Cant wait for the next one.

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I usually enjoy books by this author but I was left disappointed by this one. By a third of the way through, I began to lose interest in the plot, although there were some touches of humour, which we have come to expect from this author. I failed to connect with Win, the lead character as he was such an arrogant and moody person. The plot just failed to deliver for me sadly and overall, it just lacked pace and suspense. I think I may be in the minority with my opinion but it was just an ok read. Thanks to Net Galley for my ARC.

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I loved Safe and this was as good and I can’t wait for it to be dramatised. Modern and enthralling story and totally believable characters so truthful I think I know them....

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3.5 stars rounded up to 4. I have read all of this authors books including his Myron bolitar series and loved them all. It was great to have a book dedicated to Win although he is so arrogant and self centred it’s hard not to like him and he is a great character. My only issue was I felt it went on a bit too much and I got confused with all the different names of people they were investigating. I enjoyed it however and look forward to the next in the series.

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