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Love at First

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This is the second book I read by the author back to back and knew what to expect. It is once again a love story, and the leads are from different professions than the last time around. In the previous book, I liked the female lead's job, which carried the entire book for me. In this love story, I enjoyed the relationships that the lead pair had with everyone else! That is not to say the lead pair were not suited enough for me, just that the other people were way more entertaining. These interactions were the ones that had me tearing up the few times that I did during the read.
Nora and Will have crossed paths before, but only one knows of it. Nora is now the caretaker of the close-knit community of the apartment building. Will may prove to be an unwelcome addition, and she prepares to drive him out. The reverse (obviously) happens, and there is evidently a happily ever after beyond all those treacherous hurdles.
I laughed a little and felt sad in parts, and although it was a more generic storyline than the previous book, I liked it. The storyline was improved by the short entries of all the random people; their peculiar personal traits made the whole thing very colourful to watch unfold.

I received an ARC thanks to NetGalley and the publishers, but the review is entirely based on my own reading experience.

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This was a charming book.
So many interesting sentences that were phrased just so and delighted me. I really enjoy that in Kate Clayborn's writing style.

I liked how Nora had to learn to live outside the building and her Nonna's memory while Will needed to let the building into his life to grow and move forward.
I loved the quirky family Nora built for herself in her Nonna's condo building.
Did anyone else picture William Daniels as Gerald Abraham while reading this?

*I received an advance copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher and I am required to disclose that in my review in compliance with federal law.*

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I really liked this book. It was the first I've read from this author. Will was very sweet, at times I wish he tried harder but overall he was a good character. Nora was very cute. I really liked their chemistry and all the side characters were very funny and interesting. Really enjoyed this book. No ow/om drama.

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Thanks to the publisher & Netgalley for the complimentary ARC. All opinions provided are my own.

It’s been about a month since I read & reel-ed about Kate Clayborn’s Love at First & its shine has not diminished. I LOVE THIS BOOK, its leads, its small moments of care that also feel like big moments of care, how it made me feel.

This is a true stunner & I highly highly recommend it & her other works if you haven’t read it yet.

As a teen Will Sterling first hears & sees the girl he later realizes to be Nora Clarke standing on a balcony of an apartment in Chicago. Before he can see hi his life is blown off its hinges & he doesn’t see her again for years & years.

Doesn’t recognize it’s her until he also realizes they’re on opposite sides of a battle to determine the future of the apartment building they’ve both inherited parts of. In essence, as the book makes it clear, the apartment building is a source of joyful memories for her & the most painful for him.

THIS BOOK IS SO SPECIAL & now I’m just going to throw some moments out there I love in an effort to entice you to read it if you haven’t already:

—It’s so sexy & tender. By the end of it my feelings (and my thoughts about life!) were so soft & loving.

—Some gentle enemies to lovers hijinx.

—Will wears glasses & Nora sometimes has to adjust them for him.

—Will’s use of the endearment “baby.” I L O V E how sweet it is & their mutual awareness of the fact that he used the word!

—She’s sick & he takes care of her. She takes care of him w/ her homemade spaghetti sauce.

—Hero leaning!

—Nora says “well!” when someone does something discourteous while driving. (I think that’s adorable.)

—Found family

—Will actually sometimes rubs his chest in emotional response to Nora. Ahhhh.

—There’s poetry, I LOLed in at least one moment, enough steam to fog up my glasses, & a freaking romantic declaration of love.

5 HUGE ⭐️ from this Kate Clayborn superfan. Love at First is available now.

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❤️❤️❤️❤️ out of 5
This book was the dose of cute, sweet and angst free that I needed in my life right now. Not only were the main characters great but the secondary characters made it feel like an actual family of friends and gave me all the warm fuzzies.

Our hero inherited a (slightly old) unit from an uncle he never really knew and upon checking it out he gets thrown into this building of quirky souls and one woman that gets his pulse racing. His first thought is to sell, but when stipulations in the will says it has to be lived in he decided to renovate and rent. Let’s just say the buildings occupants are not happy about this and led by the heroine get up to all kind of mischief to make his life a little more complicated.

This is a real journey of hero and heroine into not only a relationship between the two but also a journey for each other, learning and growing from their pasts. The main driver of the plot is purely the romance and the two main characters without too much of an outside influence. I thought this would annoy me more but it turns out it was the perfect bit of light hearted that I needed.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and the author, for an ARC of this book, in exchange for an honest review.
The synopsis of this book sounded intriguing to me so I requested a copy to read.
Unfortunately, I have tried reading this book on 2 separate occasions and during that 2nd attempt, I have only managed to make it halfway through so I'd rather stop here and state that this book just wasn't for me.
I wish the author, publisher and all those promoting the book much success and connections with the right readers.

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I had seen this author before on Instagram and I am so glad I’ve read one of her books! It’s an adorable, light read that I enjoyed so much! Will and Nora were a perfect match and I loved this book so much!

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Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for an honest review!

This is my second Kate Clayborn but I must admit that I enjoyed the first one more. This novel features star crossed lovers, friendship, and neighbors that become family. Will and Nora may be opposites, but, their chemistry is undeniable. As much as I wanted to LOVE this book, it fell a little flat for me. A fun easy read, just not a zinger!

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Thank to NetGalley for providing an Arc in exchange for my honest review.
Love at First is a sweet slow burn enemies to lovers story. Nora and her colorful neighbors live in a run down but homey apartment complex. Nora and her neighbors are like family; they all practically helped raise her. Enter Will, the new owner of the bottom floor unit. We find out that the previous tenant was his uncle who basically had disowned both him and his parents many year ago. Will wants to drastically change the complex’s familial dynamic so Nora sets out to disrupt his plans and put obstacles in his way. Somewhere along the line the change from enemies to lovers and then the real problems start.
Overall, this was a sweet story, albeit slow, with colorful lovable neighbors and a happily ever after. 3.5 stars.

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I was so excited to read this book. It sounded super cute and right up alley. However, I struggled with this book. I could not connect with the characters at all, and I have found that I have already forgotten everything about it. I found the female main character completely annoying and that out me off. I will try other books from this author, but this one just wasn't my cup of tea.

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A delightful romance with a quirky cast of characters. Enemies to lovers. Found family. Complicated childhood.

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Nora und Will finden sich trotz gegensetiger Anziehung ungeplant auf verschiedenen Seiten einer Sache wieder und können so zunächst wenig miteinander anfangen. Sie werden aber aufgrund von Wills Plänen und der räumlichen Gemeinsamkeit immer wieder vor Konfrontationen gestellt. Ein Enemies to Lovers Plot.
Die Entwicklung ihrer Beziehung ist glaubhaft und reich an außergewöhnlichen Momenten.

Zahlreiche sympathische Nebenfiguren bereichern die Geschichte und treiben die Entwicklungen voran. Das glückliche Ende kann überzeugen.

Wills Problemen damit, sich auf die Liebe zu Nora einzulassen, konnte ich nicht ganz folgen, daher die Abzüge bei den Punkten.

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This book is like a nice warm cup of hot chocolate and a hug on a cold winter evening. It is so romantic that it made my heart full and happy reading about it. I adore Nora and Will and the wonderful side characters. It is a story that just makes you happy and content. I highly recommend this adorable and quirky romance.

I received this ARC from NetGalley and the publisher for an honest review*

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I love Kate Clayborn and I adored this book! I loved Love Lettering and wasn't sure she could top it but she did! I highly recommend this one!

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This is my first Kate Clayborn book. There are pieces of this one I really enjoyed, but I will admit it was a struggle for these characters to keep my attention. If you're a big fan of this author, you may really love this one. This is a good book about community, grief, and relationships.

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Love at first by Kate Clayborn is my second book by the author and I must admit that I enjoyed it much more than the first one.
A second chance at love between two cross stars lovers, a beautiful friendship that blooms into something more beautiful, a love story that has a bit of everything. From mending their own past to the butterflies of a real romance, Will and Nora are a great couple that will overcome any obstacles to make it to their happily ever after.
There are a few things that I didn’t agree with or just couldn’t relate to, but that didn’t deter me to enjoy this book.

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This book was exactly what the doctor ordered. My romance loving heart was extremely happy. It gave me that exact giddy feeling I had when I had my first crush, and yes that includes the abundance of butterflies. I was left with a permanent smile on my face, the kind of smile that left my cheeks hurting but I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

Can I just say that if there was an award for doorframe leaning then Dr. Will Sterling would take top honors. Honestly, my swoon-o-meter was at high level I was so smitten with him.

I can’t even begin to tell you how much I adored Nora and Will. They’re both navigating through their own personal grief and both brought the emotions which only made my heart ache for them. Their story didn’t start off on the right foot, but slowly they started to open up to one another and a friendship bloomed which then turned to something more. It’s a fact that that Nora and Will had my heart hiccuping at max level.

I loved everything about this book. The story and characters touched my heart and filled it with joy. I loved that this story centered around connections be it family, friendship and love. And at the heart of it all it doesn’t matter if you aren’t blood related, family is what you make it and of that special bond you form.

Love at First was a heartwarming, lighthearted, and heartfelt romance. Filled with laughs, lovable characters, witty banter, and tender moments. My heart is overflowing and still basking in the feel-good happy feelings this book gave me. I highly recommend this book.

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Love at First has us meeting Will at 16 when he overhears his mom tell an uncle he didn't even know existed that they needed help. The uncle wouldn't help then but leaves his Chicago apartment to Will 16 years later when he passes. On that fateful day right before the bomb drops when he overhears his mom from standing outside he also hears Nora the upstairs neighbor yell at some squirrels will that was enough for Will to have some pretty strong feelings for her and low and behold she is still the upper apartment all these years later. Will wants to sell the apartment but can't for a whole year so he wants to rent it out but Nora and the other crazy neighbors do all they can so he can't rent it. The neighbors added quite a bit to the story in my opinion. This was a very slow burn and kind of a slow read for me so maybe I'm in a funk and had a few bad days trying to read it, I think that many people will really enjoy this book.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC to read for a an honest review.

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I enjoyed Love at First by Kate Clayborn. Definitely a slow burn, but I loved Nora and Will's backstory! And there was KITTENS!!

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This was everything I needed to get me out of a reading slump, Will and Nora's love as like poetry and I am so thankful to have witness their love story, I am excited to read more books by this author.

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