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The Watcher Girl

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De primeiro momento eu não entendi toda a obsessão de Grace, lógico que durante a leitura você vai começando a ficar com um pé atrás com Sutton, mas a verdade é que nesse livro ninguém é confiável. Além de a gente acompanhar Grace e com Sutton e sua família, a gente também acompanha ela com sua família e todas as revelações que ela faz.

Esse livro tinha uma premissa que me chamou muita atenção, mas a verdade é que a história demorou muito para me prender, entre as revelações da família dela e da família de Sutton o livro não fluía muito e só depois dos 50% que ele ficou realmente bom.

O plot mesmo sendo algo que eu imaginei logo de início, ainda assim foi algo que a autora conseguiu levar por um bom tempo, mas o verdadeiro plot do livro não foi só sobre Sutton e sim sobre a própria família de Grace.

Esse é aquele livro de suspense que a gente lê e enxerga um filme muito bom nele, mesmo com a leitura não sendo o que eu esperava ainda é um livro que se um dia virar filme eu com certeza voou querer assistir.

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I really enjoy reading Minka Kent! Her stories are interesting and keep you guessing throughout the entire thing. I will be honest, I had no idea what was happening until right when the author tells you what is happening and was like WHAT?! There were definitely clues, but it felt as if it could go in several different ways.

The book kept my attention and I liked how everything played out, other than the fact it seemed a bit rushed at the end. I definitely give this 4 outta 5 stars and will be on the next lookout from this AWESOME author!

PS: Thank you to Minka Kent for allowing me an advanced copy of the book to read and review honestly!

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First of all thanks to the author #minkakentauthor & #netgalley for sending me this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This book is the sequel to The Memory Watcher (which btw I haven’t read yet) but both books can be read as a stand-alone.
We follow the story of Grace who returns to her hometown after having discovered that her ex-boyfriend has married a lookalike and named his child after Grace!
Determined to give him the closure he obviously needs, by apologising for the abrupt way she ended their story all those years ago, she tries to contact him but finds herself befriending his abused wife, instead!

This started really good! It was giving me strong Behind Her Eyes vibes. But I felt the story was being dragged out a little too much without any ‘Aha’ moments to liven the plot! I had it all figured out rather early on but was ready to enjoy the wild ride.
Turns out the ride was on a slow steam train with many stops along the way and when I finally arrived at the destination I noticed I’d missed my stop! The anticlimactic ending left me wanting more and the villain just wasn’t deranged enough!
That being said I thought the character development perfect and the writing was excellent.

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Wow did not see this book playing out like that. Love how Mike Kent took these characters and made them realistic.

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Minka Kent had me on the edge of my seat yet again! Thrilling and oh so addicting with such uniqueness in story and character building.
Minka had me hooked right away through the main character Grace’s telling of her story. Her childhood being so sadly complexed then one can imagine. I felt for her right away. After such tragedy strikes, having to live separately from her family to leaving one man she had ever loved. Worried he is not ok after many years, a decision to go back home to make things right is one she may deeply regret. Is he the same man she once knew or is there something more sinister going on?
So much more to this story, many twists and turns you’ll be conflicted for pages and pages! Until the end, you’ll see why I love reading Minka Kent!!!

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This book pulled me in and kept me wrapped up in the story until the very end. It kept me on my toes as to what was real and what wasn't. I didn't know until the end what the truth was, don't peek though. Fantastic suspense about a woman that has emotional baggage and she also has guilt about a past love that she thinks she broke when she left him. She is determined to make things right for him and his family. When she accidentally meets his wife things completely change. She is determined to help this woman to escape from the man Sutton has become because of her. There is family drama from years past, there is mysteries to try to be solved, there are secrets that may never come out and there is an obsession that turns dangerous. Great read.

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Someone's Always Watching

Minka has done it again - written another amazing novel! Grace is a tortured soul that watches people online and in person, but she's not the only one. The ending just might surprise you. I received an advanced copy, this is my honest and voluntary review.

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This is the first book by this author that I have read and although I hadn’t read the previous book I would like to when I get time. I still found this story very interesting and enjoyable, a touch different, which I liked too.

Grace is the lead character who has had a traumatic past and upbringing but has gone on to become a successfully employed researcher or ‘Watcher’ and this is how she found out that her ex-boyfriend, Sutton, was living in her home town, married to her look-alike and with a daughter, they’d named—Grace! 😳 I would be spooked by this too if I was her character too but she really had a lot of guts and so much more confidence than I would have had, she did admit to being more confident behind a computer screen. 😄 Even so, I didn’t really gel with her that much. I will also admit though, that she is very honest about herself and I liked that aspect.

The story has quite a lot of twists and turns that completely changes things up, especially for Grace. I always like it when a story isn’t completely predictable, in fact, it’s the fact that Grace finds things happening that she didn’t see coming that makes the story because it is more realistic. The icing on the cake has to be the ending though, good twist.

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This is a suspenseful read with lots of secrets. The Protagonist is a bit of a different character. She has a darker side, but not in an evil way. She has the best of intentions in pretty much everything she does, but others may not always see that. She returns home after many years to try to help her ex get some closure and to make sure he is mentally ok, after discovering some eerie facts about him and his life since their breakup. Once their though, she finds out he is a totally different person than the man she left all those years ago. This is a follow up/spin off of a previous book 'The Memory Watcher' and a lot of the stuff that took place in that book is mentioned in this one, though you can read this as a stand alone without and troubles following along. You may decide to go back and read that book as well afterwards though. Secrets are discovered and things aren't what they appear to be. Some a little more surprising than others. While most of the book is written in a monotone type of setting, there are a few more lively bits here and there. It is a clean read. No sexual content and no violence, though there is a gun involved at one point. It is written from one POV.

*I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley.

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What A Ride!!!

I received this book as an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I absolutely Loved this book! Full of suspense and edge of your seat moments! I must admit I kept guessing up until the very end. This was an amazing read that I could not put down.

No spoilers with my review. If you have not purchased this book you need to. You will not be disappointed!

I am a huge fan of Minka Kent! She never disappoints! Overall I give this book 5 golden stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Wow! This Story Has You On The Edge Of Your Seat Throughout. Grace McMullen Returns Home Eight Years After Disappearing In The Hopes Of Helping Her Ex-Boyfriend Get Some Closure And Move On. Plagued By Darkness, She Had Left Him & Her Family Behind. The Past Is A Mystery; Several Events Are Pivotal But Unclear. The Story Is Written In Shades Of Grey, Not In Black & White.

The story opens in early June. It takes place in Monarch Falls, New Jersey.

Grace McMullen, thirty, enjoys travelling the world, moving whenever she has the itch for something new. She is currently living in Portland, but wonders if her next stop might bring her to the East Coast, maybe Charlotte. She can work from home wherever she is, so there is nothing tying her down. She is an internet sanitizer, removing things that clients don’t want online. Her part-time college job for a search engine led to a full-time job working on private assignments for Watchers and Guardians. Her online moniker is Watcher Girl. She sees the dark underbelly of the internet, things so ugly it makes her sick. Her boss, Jonah, sends her assignments and the pay is good, allowing her to maintain her lifestyle and independence.

Her mother is locked away in prison where she has been for twenty years. It has been ten years since Grace visited her, and there was nothing warm and fuzzy about that visit. The publication of a true crime novel titled Domestic Illusions: The Daphne McMullen Story had her mother’s fingerprints all over it, even though the book was written by a best-selling author. Although much of the book was self-serving, it was only with its publication that Grace, and the world, had finally learned some important pieces of the past. Grace’s biggest fear in life is that she might become like her mother. That she might destroy everything in a moment of uncontrolled outrage, that in her desperation to hold on she might blow everything up.

Now divorced, her father continues to cycle through women, sort of like Grace changes zip codes. Graham McMullen lives his life almost untouched by the past. It disgusts Grace. Marnie Gotlieb had not been the first woman that her father had strayed with, but his philandering ways had finally pushed the otherwise perfect Daphne over the edge.

Bliss Diamond, forty-six, is his current girlfriend. She is a psychotherapist, a Princeton grad, and an author, but currently makes her living as a social media influencer. She is into meditation and new age hippie things. She is hard to dislike, but there is something mysterious about her. Grace’s research can’t find anything on her beyond the last eighteen years.

Grace has two younger siblings. Sebastian is in law school and is on the road to success. Her sister Rose is just three years younger, but the girls are worlds apart. Rose is her mother’s spitting image, perfect in every way. She is an influencer. She makes her money on her overpriced perfect image. Grace could overlook all that, but it is Rose’s staunch support of Daphne that keeps her guarded. Rose is lovely and kind, and she grew up shadowing Grace. It would be wonderful if they could be closer, if Grace could have a confidant. But Grace has always felt like an outsider.

Sarah Thomas may have had some issues, but the former nanny had been the only one to make Grace feel special growing up. Grace still has mixed feelings about how that all went down. There are lingering questions about Autumn Carpenter that Sarah may be able to answer, but years of looking for her have turned up nothing.

Returning to her father’s house on Magnolia Drive after eight years of absence is sure to trigger a few questions. Grace walked away from her family after her senior year of college, never to look back. Her mother never knew how to handle her growing up, and her siblings were always perfect. Grace always felt like the outsider she really was. Even after her mother went to prison, things at home had been difficult. Nana Greta had moved in to help out, but ten year old Grace soon found herself sent to live with Grandma Janet down in Florida. While Sebastian and Rose enjoyed a privileged life in New Jersey, Grace shared her grandmother’s condo and worked a minimum wage job. Even with Daphne in prison, Grace couldn’t avoid feeling like she didn’t really belong.

But Grace isn’t back for a family reunion. She is there on a mission. Sutton Whitlock was a casualty of Grace’s decision to walk away from everything eight years ago. They had almost four years together in college. Sutton was perfect, and he would have provided her with the perfect life. But Grace ruins everything that is perfect. She cannot help herself once she gets that dark urge. So to save him from being ruined by her, she spared him further damage. But in discovering what had become of Sutton since she left, she felt plagued by guilt. Her return home is a mission – to help Sutton move on and let go.

As it turns out, Sutton had gotten a job in Grace’s hometown, thirty miles from where they went to school together at Rutgers. He bought a house on Lakemont Street, just three blocks from Grace’s childhood home. He went on to marry a woman that looks strikingly similar to Grace. And he named his young daughter Grace. Grace is home to help him, but when she ends up meeting his wife, Campbell, the mission is upended.

Wow! This story has you on the edge of your seat throughout. The past is a mystery. There are several events that are pivotal but unclear. There is the issue of Daphne losing it after one too many indiscretions by Graham. It isn’t clear if that is settled history or if it plays into other events. There is the issue of Sarah Thomas and her obsession with the family. Her involvement may have strictly been a symptom of her mental illness, but her connection to Autumn Carpenter opens a new can of worms. Nobody knows what happened to her, and the father of her baby remains a mystery. Again, whether that plays into other issues or is simply settled history remains unclear. How Graham could have allowed for Grace to be sent away for essentially nearly half of her childhood is almost unfathomable to consider. But after all the rejection that Grace felt her entire life, that she spent four wonderful years in love with Sutton is a mystery in itself. It almost sounds like she had turned out alright, which begs the question: was there an event that triggered Grace’s disappearance? Finally, the issue of Sutton and his life since Grace left remains concerning. That he would marry Grace’s doppelganger and move three blocks from her childhood home – knowing all her deepest secrets and the memories associated with that home – and then name his daughter after her, makes him sound more than a little obsessed.

But as the story progresses, everything begins to blur. Graham is detestable, yet somehow he begins to come across as soft and caring. Sutton had been caring and selfless, hoping to offer Grace the world, but in meeting Campbell, Grace learns that the man she once loved is nothing like that man he is today. Grace had hoped to spare him, but in leaving she had done more damage than she understood. She knows the change in him is her responsibility. His wife Campbell comes across as naïve and average, but when she and Grace cross paths and form a quick friendship, it becomes clear that Campbell is hiding things, too. Grace herself is the first to admit her faults. She destroys things. Yet as the story unfolds there are hints of a broken girl testing her limits, a girl that just wants to be loved. She pushes everyone away to protect them, but also to protect herself. It is hard to know who is the villain and who is the victim at times. Questions such as whether the chicken or the egg comes first come to mind. A moment’s reaction can change the course of many lives. Actions have consequences.

Grace McMullen returns home eight years after disappearing in the hopes of helping her ex-boyfriend get some closure and move on. Plagued by darkness, she had left him and her family behind because it was simply better for everyone. Her childhood had not been a happy one, and leaving had been liberating. It was an escape from worry. She isn’t good with people, so a solitary life gives her the freedom she craves. Grace’s story is far from simple, and helping Sutton move on proves to be more complicated than she had anticipated. The story is beautifully written and masterfully woven. The plot is very complex. Each layer of the story unfolds only to leave more questions in its wake. The characters are well-developed and steeped with mystery. There is so much going on that it is difficult to predict just what will be uncovered and who is involved. This story is written in shades of grey, not in black and white. It is written in first person in Grace’s POV. I rate this book 4.5 stars.

I received an advance copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.

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The Watcher Girl by M. Kent, published by Thomas & Mercer is an absolutely gripping thriller, unputdownable.
TWG tells the story of an triangle, Grace, Sutton and Campbell. This psychological thriller is a high energy, multilayered story that plays masterfully with all my emotions and mind. An incredible read that let me guessing till the last page.
I loved reading this intense story and wish there were a sequel.
TWG is a spin-off from the Memory Watcher, but can easily be read as a stand-alone.
I recommend this outstanding book, 5 stars.

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You might be surprised to discover that this established author of thrillers and suspense novels is actually also one of my favorite romance writers. Winter Renshaw is a fantastic romance author, known for her unpredictable, twisty storylines and complex characters. That talent translates perfectly to the thriller genre; she still writes about relationships... they're just sometimes the ones that have gone wrong, lol.

In this instance, the story follows Grace, a woman who believes herself to be too broken to be in a healthy relationship. While she had a boyfriend for years in college, Grace left Sutton before she could ruin him. Or so she thought. When Grace looks up Sutton years later to see how he's doing, his social media paints a scary picture. He's living in her hometown, married to a woman who looks just like her, and his daughter has her name. That sounds terrifying and not at all like the man she once knew, so Grace does some investigating to see what's going on.

Just like when she's writing as Renshaw, I find the author's style to be bingeable and easy to read in one sitting. The storyline is highly unpredictable; I thought I knew where it was going more than once, and then it would pivot and head in another direction. The characters are intriguing and it was more out of curiosity than anything that I kept reading so quickly. There are several references to the story that precedes this, and while I think it would be beneficial to read that first, it's certainly not a requirement. This stands on its own and remains pretty light for a thriller - it's not dark or gritty, there's nothing gruesome, and it doesn't get particularly heavy. This is much more about figuring out what's going on, and the appeal is in the puzzle. I received an early copy via NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving a review of this thriller.

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The Watcher Girl
By Minka Kent
Main Characters: Sutton and Grace
I voluntarily and honestly reviewed this book without bias or persuasion from the author.
4.5 out of 5 stars
This book was nothing like I expected. When I thought the author was going one way, nope she went another. The ending took me completely by surprise. Grace was anti-social, not a hugger, and much more of a loner. She broke her college boyfriend's heart and 8 years later is feeling the need to apologize. She happens to be a deep cleaner of internet problems and has the ability to locate Sutton and how the story unfolds is amazing. Sutton's marriage doesn't appear to be a happy one. He is very controlling and maybe physically and psychologically abusing his wife Campbell. So, where Grace starts thinking one way quickly turns into thinking a complete turn about. Loved the book.

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Good, suspense filled book. Twists and turns from page one keep you wondering what’s coming next! Grace certainly is in the situation of not knowing what is true. She’s seeing things one way, but is that the truth? Or us something else the truth. Campbell is definitely an interesting character. The ending was good. Would have liked a little more closure, but overall not a bad end.

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This can absolutely be read as a standalone however this is a follow-up to The Memory Watcher. If you have read TMW, TWG takes place just over 20 years later and features Grace at age 30. Suspense stories aren’t the primary genre I read but I have really enjoyed the books from Minka Kent/Sunday Tomassetti. Just when you think you have it figured out...there’s a twist you don’t see coming. I hope to read more of these stories in the future.

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A very engaging thriller., with a realistic balance of self-awareness and blinds pots in the protagonist. We get to know Grace, who takes a trip home to "help" an ex get over her, but things don't go exactly to plan. Along the way, despite herself and her emotional armor, Grace puts some pieces of herself back together (though she would never admit there was a problem).

I really liked that there were threads from one of the author's previous books, The Memory Watcher. Not so much that you need to have read it (though I recommend it) but enough for glimpses of recognition by those who have.

I could not put this down once I started, and like its predecessor, this story takes turns you don't see coming. The twists fit in with the story and never feel contrived. This was an excellent book that keeps the reader connected to the characters and in suspense to the end. Recommended!

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I'm on my third book by this author in ONE month! I don't usually read mystery or suspense novels, but I find Minka Kent's novels compelling. She creates characters that I love to hate! It's a page-turner to see what these characters will do next! The characters aren't always likable, but Kent leaves me wanting to know more. I find that I'm sympathetic to a character, only to suddenly be appalled by their next move. Each book has portrayed dating/marriage and parent/child relationships that are fractured.

The Watcher Girl introduced me to new ideas... "it was like you’d erased every piece of your existence from the internet." The narrator refers to InstaFace, the Dark Web and dark activities, concepts that I view differently now!

My first book by Kent was when a member of my local book club recommended The Stillwater Girls, I found that I had gotten it as a part of Amazon Reads. I read it and wrote an extremely brief review -- "A surprising read.... There’s not much to say without including a spoiler. This was just the book I needed — the author was able to create unbelievable characters in a believable way!"

Two weeks later, a member of my OTHER book group gave a very favorable review of Stillwater Girls without knowledge of the other review! These reviews encouraged me to pass the word and purchase more of Kent's books.

I did some research and contacted the author to be an ARC reader of The Watcher Girl (to be published in May 2021.) I'm excited to see the birth of a brand new novel! My toughest decision is which of her books I will purchase next ;-)

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Thanks to one of my favorite authors Minka Kent!!!! I have read a couple of her previous books and they never disappoint! Neither did her newest novel!
So thank you Minka for this advance readers copy!

This was such a quick read and I was sad when it ended! If you enjoy a good suspense read grab this book! Kent did an outstanding job and I can't wait till this hits the shelves so I can get a physical copy!

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The Watcher Girl
A sequel to The Memory Watcher
Minka Kent, author

This is Grace's story. Adopted by the McMullen's as a child. Then her adoptive mom committed a hideous crime and was sent to prison for life... Now a young woman of thirty,, Grace is still trying to find peace and happiness. She can't love herself, let alone love others. She had loved once, but ended things. Feeling guilty for the way she ended the relationship, she wants to explain her actions and reasons. However, Sutton is married with a baby girl. And the baby is named after her. What is this all about? Is Grace headed into a web so dark, she'll find it difficult to return?

I quite enjoyed returning to the McMullen's. I was also pleased that this storyline was not as dark as the first story was. Grace, dubbed difficult as a child suffers from detachment. Thus, doesn't allow anyone to get close to her. As an adult, she even works in the dark web. The story has it's typical twists and turns, but comes full circle in the end. For me, this was a story of a young woman learning how to love and accept love from others. A freeing experience. Ms. Kent expressed the element of tenderness in this story that is not normally seen in her thrillers. Simply put, I loved it.

I was gifted an advanced reader copy from Netgalley, the publisher and the author. I choose to leave this review of my own volition.

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