Cover Image: Bookshop by the Sea

Bookshop by the Sea

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Such a sweet and charming romance about two people who fell in love, but learned the hard way about leaving, trusting, and loving! As two young kids who fell in love, it’s no surprise when life leads them in different directions, but when it steers them back onto the same path, it forces them to make decisions about what they want and how bad they want it! A charming love story that’s Hallmark Channel worthy!

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I have been a big fan of author Denise Hunter and I have always been excited to read her books. This one fell flat for me. I could not relate with either of the main characters and I thought the plot was unrealistic. It also didn’t seem to have the author’s signature inspirational thread in the story, it seemed to be written for a secular audience.

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I enjoyed Bookshop by the Sea. It's a good, clean second chance romance that had me pulling for the characters throughout. I liked Sophie Lawson and Aiden Maddox, and wanted things to turn out well for them. They both had growing to do, and that aspect of the story moved at a good, steady pace. I think there's a good lesson about selflessness in this book: How easy it is for truly selfless people to be taken advantage of, and the importance of guarding against that. I also think we can learn a lot about trust from Aiden, especially. There were several moments in the book where I could feel the sadness of the moment, which indicates I was emotionally involved in the story. There's a spiritual element in the story that I particularly liked. Overall, I think you'll find Bookshop by the Sea satisfying, and you'll love the setting. I received a complimentary copy through NetGalley, but I have pre-ordered a copy to add to my ever-growing Denise Hunter collection. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Thomas Nelson, I was given a free copy of Denise Hunter's newest release, Bookshop by the Sea, in exchange for my honest opinion. What a delightful book! Denise Hunter is a new-to-me author, so my expectations were wide open, although the gorgeous cover and sweet title promised a story that would be right up my alley. I started it one night before bed and ended up completely sucked into the story! I read until I couldn't hold my eyes open then anxiously finished it the next day!

I loved the character development in the protagonist Sophie. Without sharing any spoilers, she matured in her faith and grew into a self-possessed woman with an open heart after surviving being stranded with the man who had broken her heart. Thank God for the hurricane and sprained ankle that forced these two to spend time together!!! I also loved the characters in Piper's Cove and can see the opportunity for several spin-off novels set in this perfect little beach town!

This would be a perfect beach read for your summer vacation! I give it five sand dollars- errr..... I mean stars!

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Oh my, author Denise Hunter has taken all my favorite things and compiled them into one book (happy sigh!) The salty scent of the briny sea air permeated my senses—as did the odor of new books, and the sweet fragrance of love in 'Bookshop By the Sea'. What an aromatic combination!

Sophie Lawson is such a sweet heroine and she loves books! what's not to like about her? I simply couldn't abide the way her family takes advantage of her giving nature, causing her to put aside her dreams. Enter hunky, Aiden Maddox, who left Sophie brokenhearted years earlier and still has plenty of issues to work out.

Hunter intertwines feelings of abandonment, fear, and lack of self create an angsty, dramatic, contemporary romance. Readers everywhere will love the small, quaint beachside town of Piper's Cove with its amiable community!

"But when you give fear a voice, it’s louder than logic or reality. It overshadows everything you know to be true, and all you can hear are the lies you fear most.” (Quote from Bookshop by the Sea)

**I received a complimentary copy of this novel from Thomas Nelson via NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion. All opinions expressed are my own and I received no monetary compensation.**

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A nice light romance that really hits the spot!

Sophie Lawson has sacrificed a lot of her life for her mother and siblings. When her father walked out on their family, Sophie put her college plans on hold to take care of her sick mother and care for her brother Seth and sister, Jenna!

Sophie is trying to get her bookshop up and running in Piper's Cove, North Carolina - the beach town she visited as a child with her family. Things are going well for Sophie but when she is reunited with her high school sweetheart, Aiden, at her sister's wedding, she is reminded of how he hurt her and walked away without looking back.

After the wedding, Aiden is stranded in Piper's Cove by a hurricane, he has to say with Sophie as everything else is booked. This makes things interesting as both Sophie and Aiden feel that "pull” towards each other.

I said it before and I will say it again, romance books are all about the journey. This journey was nice, sweet, and made me happy. I'm glad that this wasn't a frenemy to lovers book. This was about relationships, forgiveness, starting over, family, forgiveness, and love. I enjoyed both characters and even though, it was obvious what was going to happen, I enjoyed the journey.

This book proved to be a fast and delightful read. Spending time with Sophie and Aiden in Piper's Cove put a smile on my face. This book was a nice way to escape the world for a while. This was a pure enjoyment read. This is not a bodice ripper but a nice light romance with substance. I love mixing romance books in with my other favorite genres which tend to be heavier and darker. Who does not love a book that leaves you feeling better?

Bookshop by the Sea is the first book I have read by Denise Hunter and I look forward to reading more of her books.

Thank you to Thomas Nelson and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This is a very sweet, clean second chance romance. I originally was pulled in by the books description, as I love stories of entrepreneur women, especially book shop owners! While the overall story was pleasant, everything was quite surface level. There were really serious issues and problems to discuss and work through with family, etc but everything seemed to work out just with one conversation. I also think since there was a forced proximity the characters were never really alone enough to think through their feelings apart from the other. If you like quick, clean, sweet romances you may enjoy this one.

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I have only recently started reading Denise Hunter books and I have not been disappointed, yet. Bookshop by the Sea is a perfect summer read or really any time of year read. The setting in the book is so beautifully described that I wanted to visit the shore and stop in every store along the coast! Sophie's struggles with your family are very relatable and I could not help but be on "team Aiden" as their relationship developed. Even though this is a stand alone novel, I loved the cameo appearance of a couple of characters from a previous series. I highly recommend Bookshop by the Sea for anyone who wants to slip away from the cares of the world and enjoy a great story!

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I really wanted to fall into this book. but I just couldn't.
Everyone needs to grow up.
Sophie's role as the family pleaser was too over the top. Her brother and sister need a good talking to. The whole book is working up to it. I was waiting for the big event/blowup. Instead, it was very low-key and dull. Aiden doesn't endear himself to me.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Bookshop by the Sea by Denise Hunter is a light ‘Christian’ romance set in a small town. A second chance trope revolving around Sophie Lawson and Aiden Maddox. It is a predictable and hopeful read.

The story starts with the wedding of Jenna, Sophie’s little sister with Grant, Aiden’s best friend. Sophie and Aiden have a history of love and a painful breakup. And yet seeing him after seven years, Sophie realizes she still has feelings for him.

Sophie has had a tough life. Her mother’s ill health forces her to drop out of school. She becomes the care-giver not only to her mother, but even to her siblings after their Dad abandons them. It is only after the death of her mother; Sophie works on her dream of owing a bookshop.

Circumstances bring Sophie and Aiden together again, kindling sparks and igniting passion. But there are obstacles the duo has to cross before they can be together.

What I liked
1. The cover–yes, it’s absolutely gorgeous! I fell in love with the cover at first sight.
2. I like stories based on books/ bookshops
3. The setting and the descriptions are well written. After reading this, I too wish to own a bookshop by the sea!

What did not work for me
1. Sophie’s characterization as a family pleaser, going out of the way to take care of her family, bordered on unrealistic.
2. The reason for Sophie’s anger towards Aiden after their first break up was slightly kiddish. I understand it upset her he chose his passion over her, but somehow it didn’t come out as a strong enough reason to hold a grudge for seven years.
3. It had little content to keep me glued.
4. Too many minor characters to keep track of.
5. The chemistry between the principal characters is a little dull.

Perfect book if you are looking for a breezy light romance. It’s a sweet romance, unfortunately too sweet for my tastes!

I received a free ARC eBook from Net Galley and the publisher in exchange for my honest opinions.

I have shared a review on my personal blog-

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Loved it. A second chance at romance. Family issues. Bookstore grand opening. Small town. Adorable dog. Sweet, clean romance.

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Bookshop by the Sea is the perfect light, summer, beach read to kick off your summer reading.
This is a Christian based story which I found quite refreshing. Sometimes you need a clean novel to delve into♥️
Sophie and Aiden are the main characters in the story. Watching their second chance relationship blossom was endearing.
Loved the small town aspect along with Sophie opening the only bookstore in town.
I definitely would recommend Bookstore by the Sea to anyone looking for a heartfelt read. This is a good book to sit back and relax with.
Thanks to NetGalley, Thomas Nelson Publishing and author, Denise Hunter, for allowing me to read the arc of Bookshop by the Sea. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I love Denise Hunter's books - they always hit the spot! They are clean modern romances with an integral Christian influence, and this one was no exception. Sophie and Aiden had a hurtful split back at the end of high school. Seven years later, after Sophie had nursed her mother through a LONG drawn-out chronic illness alone until she passed on, also being the only parent to her siblings through it all, Aiden shows back up as the best man for the wedding of her sister. Sparks still fly, but feelings are still hurt. I really loved how they each had to work through the pain of their own histories to be able to understand the pain of the other before they could finally make things work out between them. The hurricane and an injury provide the needed juncture for some of the healing to take place. I loved that they each gave God the credit as the orchestrator of their opportunities and their healing. There were a few times when I wanted to box a few folks - every character took their turn needing it - then again, every character took their turn repenting of their deficiencies/lapses as well, and that was part of the satisfaction. It was a beautiful, and very satisfying love story!

Thank you, NetGalley for this prerelease copy from one of my favorite authors!

#BookshopbytheSea #NetGalley

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A lovely second chance romance. Sophie is finally about to breathe. She's spent years taking care of her mother and serving as a parent for her sister Jenna and her twin Seth. Now, at long last, she's about to see her dream- and her mother's dream- come true with the opening of a bookshop in their small town of Piper's Cove. And then Aiden, her high school love. comes back to town and they find themselves spending time together when he bunks with her while a hurricane rages. Why did Aiden leave all those years ago? Fans of the genre know there's more to Aiden's story than Sophie knew and that both of them need to overcome their reluctance to open up. I liked these characters and if the plot is a little trope-y, well, that's ok because it's a satisfying read. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. A good one.

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Denise Hunter masterfully tells the second chance story of Aiden and Sophie. They each experienced family losses in their childhood which altered their view of love. They gave up on each other as teenagers and now her sister is marrying his best friend so they'll see each other for the first time in 7 years.

A series of unfortunate circumstances throw them together as a hurricane hits and his flight is cancelled, keeping him stuck in Pipers Cove after the wedding. Can they move forward, learning from their mistakes, or are they doomed to repeat past actions? It's worth a read to find out.

If you read the Bluebell Inn series you'll recognize Nate and Molly, and I love how they were integrated in this story.

I received a free ARC eBook from Net Galley and the publisher in exchange for my honest opinions.

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“Aiden tossed his head back, laughing with abandon. He looked much the same, just a little less boy and a little more man. His shoulders were broader, and he sported a five o’clock shadow. “

Aiden and Sophie were high school sweethearts whose relationship did not end well. They both have baggage and issues which they carry with them. They meet again at Sophie’s sister Jenna’s wedding in Bookshop by the Sea. Through a hurricane, family issues, and the opening of a bookshop we discover the story of Sophie and Aiden’s second chance at a future together.

“His arms went around her, drawing her closer until his heart beat against hers. “

Denise Hunter is an expert storyteller, and the master of romance. Bookshop by the Sea does not disappoint. She creates excellent romantic tension with Sophie and Aiden’s story. It was a pleasure to watch both characters learn to grow deeper in their faith, their own self-awareness, and mature into people we respect and love by the end of the book.

I really enjoyed Bookshop by the Sea, and recommend it.

This book was given to me by the publisher and I was not required to write a positive review.

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Thank you to the publisher and Net Galley for the opportunity to read this book for an honest review. Sophie and Aiden were high school sweethearts until Aiden left town and broke Sophie's heart. Now her little sister is getting married to Aiden's good friend and they are finally able to discuss what happened 7 years ago. Sophie just wants to move on with her life and open a bookshop in town, Aiden just wants to run his adventure business in another state - however when a hurricane forces them to spend some time sheltered together, they have the chance to both open up about what happened and where to go from there. Loved this book and the characters - you cannot go wrong with Denise Hunter's books!

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I love stories about bookshops and will read them any chance I can. I was so happy to receive this book from NetGalley and a big thank you to the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book!

Sophie is the rock that holds her family together and takes care of everyone. She gets her heart broken by the love of her life Aiden when he is offered an opportunity that he can't refuse. Sophie's mom is terminally ill, and after her dad leaves her and her siblings, it's up to Sophie to take care of her family.

Fast forward 7 years later and Sophie's sister is getting married. Her husband's best man is none other than Aiden. As fate would have it, with a hurricane, no electricity and no other lodging available, they are stuck together under the same roof.

This is a wonderful story about forgiveness, second chances and learning to stand up for yourself. I love how Sophie is so kind hearted and generous, but unfortunately she gets taken advantage of. Sophie learns to take care of her and her needs while enabling her siblings to stand on their own two feet.

Will recommend this to anyone that enjoys a sweet romantic story.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

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First, thank you to the author and publisher for providing me with a digital ARC of this title via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
I was not familiar with this author or title before finding this on NetGalley. I am ready for summer and this cover and title screamed beach read to me. I am a big bibliophile and can’t resist books set around libraries or bookshops. While this storyline doesn’t fully take place around the bookshop, it plays a nice part in the story. I found this title to be sweet and charming even if it was a little predictable. Sometimes you just want the Hallmark fairytale ending.

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Anything with books and the beach will catch my attention - this is such an appealing cover. I mean, who would not want to escape with a book to the sea? So if you are after a light, sweet story with romance then reading this book is sure to fit the bill.

Readers must note that this is a ‘Christian’ read and there are references to Church, prayer and God - not overly so - yet it does set the tone. A light romance centring around a second chance at love with themes of hope and fortitude. The read will be predictable, as books of this genre often are.

Whilst I found the read light and easy I did struggle to connect with the leads of Sophie and Aiden. Without enough real background detail of their first time round, I found the great resentment to be overwrought, the anger unwarranted and therefore fell a bit flat in my opinion. I also felt the relationship Sophie had with her father and siblings - whilst highly likely for some people in certain circumstances - was a little too over the top with how far she went to accommodate them. In many ways it proved rather frustrating.

So if you are in the mood for a quick read with a book store set up (about halfway into it) and a love reconnection romance, this might be the one for you.

“I’ve always been an avid reader, and I worked at a library in Raleigh. I love how books can transport you to another place. You get caught up in the characters’ lives, and they become your friends. I guess I want to share my love of reading with others.”

This review is based on a complimentary copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. The quoted material may have changed in the final release.

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