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My Ride or Die

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My Ride or Die by Leslie Cohen is a delightful and humorous read that is perfect for fans of lighthearted, feel-good romance and women's fiction, particularly those who enjoy stories about strong female friendships, self-discovery, and the exploration of non-traditional relationships and lifestyles.

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I DNFed this book. I just couldn’t get into this one. I wasn’t a fan of the writing style. I will probably be in the minority on this one. All opinions are my own. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of the arc in return for an honest review!

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This sounded fun and I kinda hoped it’d end up being a sapphic romance even though i do love friendship stories. Ended up just not being for me

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The book just wasn’t for me. I didn’t like the characters and while the premise was great, I just felt it missed the mark. For me.

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I almost DNFed this one. Maybe it was because I wasn't in the mood to read it, but at points I found it boring. I may pick it up again at some point and try again.

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Have you ever thought your best friend was your one and only? Your true soulmate. Or thought, why am I wasting my time dating when I’m really fine to just be hanging with my BFF? In “Ride or Die,” that fantasy comes to life. Stacy and Mila are tired of dating. Tired of making relationships work because the alternative is to be alone. They make a pact with each other that they're not going to date, that they are all each other needs. Of course the universe has other plans.

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I was most excited about MY RIDE OR DIE when I saw that it featured two best friends. I love a book with strong female friendships!

However, I didn’t connect to Amanda or Sophie, and was frustrated with the miscommunication between them.

*many thanks to William Morrow and Custom House/Netgalley for the gifted copy for review

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This book had a very intriguing premise, two best friends swear off romance and decide they were going to be platonic soulmates. It's been a while since I've read a book that focused on friendship rather than romance so I was very interesting but unfortunately this fell a little short for me. Unfortunately, since the beginning of the book both girls just came off as self absorbed and catty, like they were better than everyone this instantly just made me disliked them.

I would have loved the book had I felt a connection of some sort to either main characters. Sophie in particular was really annoying and eventually I started to feel the same way towards Amanda.

Overall, a quick read that just didn't connect with me but may connect with you.

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This book is about two best friends and their romantic adventures. There were less friendship, a lot of miscommunication between the characters, and more on their romantic lives. Still a cute and light read.

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I love books that feature strong female friendships. I did think that both Amanda and Sophie were a little harsh when it came to making the best decisions for themselves. I didn't think Amanda should have had to keep such a big secret. Overall, this was a quick read about friendships

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Sadly this was just not the book for me.

A huge thank you to William Morrow Books, NetGalley and the author for my advanced copy.

I missed the pub date on My Ride or Die so as per usual I listened on audio.
The narrators of this book did a fantastic job.

I expected something different going into this book. The synopsis / concept had me hooked. The delivery - not so much. I expected an amazing friendship and unforgettable characters.
The friendship was weird. They were super dependent upon each other and it affected the way the made major life decisions. It was unhealthy.

Amanda and Sophie were not relatable. In any way. I could not connect with these characters on any level. I tried. I did.

The pacing of the romance in this story was off for me.

It was a complete miss.

I am not trying to offend the author or any reader that has read and enjoyed this book. =)

Overall- thankful to have been gifted this book but could have done without it.

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I really enjoyed this light hearted romance about two best friends searching for love. The plot didn’t initially go where I thought it would but I still enjoyed it immensely. Sophie is the kind of Boho chic I aspire to be and she’s always going on wild adventures to exotic places. As I said earlier the plot didn’t go where I thought it was going so the ending was very unexpected and kind of sudden. I genuinely thought this was a friends to lovers story 😅😂. 3 1/2⭐️’s from me.

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I liked the idea of this book more than the actual finished product. For a book that purports to be about the importance of friendship, it’s mostly focused on romantic entanglements. I never really felt the closeness that Amanda & Sophie were supposed to have. Their actions never quite lined up with what we the readers were being told. Time also passes very strangely in this book. Things that logically would take a long time (like a massive home renovation) seem to happen almost instantaneously. Overall it was fine, but didn’t provide what was promised.

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This is a super fun read. I really enjoyed this one!

Many thanks to the author, the publisher, and Netgalley for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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This one had such a good premise, but it didn't quite pull me in. I was drawn to the Sex in the City vibes, but I felt like it never really got its footing. It went in a lot of difference directions without any real conclusions.

With that said, the writing was very engaging and I love Cohen's ability to craft characters you can really connect with.

I received this copy from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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A fun premise about two best friends who decide to live together and focus on their friendship rather than men. This story wasn't as hilarious as advertised (more serious than anything) and there was too much lying. However, I always appreciate a story with different viewpoints, so I enjoyed reading alternating chapters from both Sophie and Amanda.

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I’ve tried to read this one three times now. I really want to like it but it just isn’t drawing me in. I keep getting distracted and can’t seem to make myself get through it so I had to DNF. Maybe it’s just not for me.

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This one had a ton of potential. I adore my female friends and the idea of two women promising to be there for one another and focus on themselves and their friendship instead of men sounded GREAT! Unfortunately, I never really connected with either character. Sophie was nearly impossible to get behind, and eventually even Amanda became neutral for me.

I really dislike when books about adults play too heavily on miscommunication, especially when they're best friends who have known one another for years.. In the end the promise of hilarious moments (there were some but they often weren't happy funny and came off as a little slapsticky when they were. Maybe it was my high expectations, but this one let me down a bit.

In no way a "bad" book. It was a quick read. I just didn't end up connecting with it the way I hoped to.

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A sweet story of friendship in the shell of a romcom, My Ride or Die was an enjoyable read. The pacing is awkward how we, with moments that could be really fun and/or deepen the story skipped through in a sentence or two and confusing timelines. Cute, but not as strong as I'd hoped.

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Amanda and Sophie decide to move in with each other, travel, and put each other as priority, while putting men off to the side (where they belong). They believe that life should not be completely revolved around marriage and men after having a series of bad luck. It’s very refreshing to have a book with this type plot but I didn’t love it as much as I thought I would.

Obviously a romance was going to happen where they would question their decisions but I wish it was dealt with in a different way as it comes off a little catty and dramatic. I would’ve liked them to have found a balance with finding love in a romantic sense but also with friendship and their own personal goals. I did really enjoy Amanda and Sophie’s friendship - it reminded me of my own best friend and my relationship with her.

More books with female friendships please! Thank you to Netgalley and to William Morrow & Custom house for the advanced copy of this book.

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