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The Soulmate Equation

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Am I a grown adult with daily commitments and an early bedtime that I completely ignored in order to finish this book? Yes. Worth it? 100%. I would do it again. 10/10 would recommend. The Soulmate Equation is the best CLo book I have read in a while. That's not to say they aren't all good, but this one just took it up a notch. A single-mom, a brooding scientist, and a cast of meddling secondary characters make this nerdy love story one of my top romance reads this year.

We've all heard of or have used the dating sites that are out there, but handsome River and his team have created GenitcAlly, a dating app that pairs you with your DNA's best matches. Jess has no time or desire for romance in her life, but a bad day and a run in with the grumpy Americano, who she now knows is River, has her spitting in a test tube for her match. The single-mom sets her match pairing to the highest, not expecting to hear anything, but then she gets called to the matchmaking service's offices. She's got a match. Not just any match, though. A diamond match, 98%, to none other than Americano, or rather Dr. River Pena. With a monetary offer she can't refuse, a load of press commitments, and a crush she won't admit to, Jess agrees to test the match with River for three months.

The cute factor of this novel is just BEYOND. It's a unique, and silly, romance that has chemistry that is off the charts. Jess is such a classic young single-mom who is consumed by work, motherhood, and worries. She treats herself like she's ancient, beyond dating, but thank goodness for her best friend Fizzy and her belief that Jess is deserving and capable of more. Reading Jess' journey into dating and opening up again is just beautiful. She's somehow both cheesy and sultry all at once, while broody Americano unveils a thoughtful, nervous side of himself that pairs perfectly with her. The two are literally a perfect match, even when they have to acknowledge that science may not know it all.

If you're a fan of Christina Lauren and/or love stories, The Soulmate Equation is the romance I recommend you absolutely put at the top of your TBR pile. It's funny, heartwarming, and completely impossible to put down.

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The Soulmate Equation was a funny and sweet story and a fascinating topic. It's about a single mom who signs up for a dating site that matches you through your DNA. My first thoughts were that this sounds similar to The One, but Christina Lauren are in an entirely different genre than John Marrs! And this is an entirely different story although equally compelling.

The plot and characters really ticked all the boxes for me, The main character Jess is a single mom of an adorably smart and quirky 7 year old who has really close connections to her grandparents and friends. Her best friend Felicity, nicknamed Fizzy, writes romance novels which sound hilarious, and can be found in a coffee shop or lurking over Zoom, hurriedly typing out all of Jess's awkward dating experiences to write into a future plot line. Jess works with statistics and data and is given an unbelievably high % match with the handsome but slightly geeky founder of the DNA dating company, Dr. River Peña, who I liked as soon as I realized he was really just shy and not as stuck-up or stubborn as he initially seemed.

I really enjoyed the humour, character development and story told in this book, and would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a lighthearted, entertaining read.

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OK so I've read a lot of Christina Lauren's A LOT. Several of them have been 5 star reads. That being said, this might be my favorite Christina Lauren book of all time!!! Single mom meets sexy and broody scientist, they can't stand each other but can't stay away from each other either...HELLO sign me up! It's got fantastic characters (lead and supporting), an interesting storyline you've never read before, smart and witty dialog, chemistry that burns up the pages and just the right amount of drama to keep you flipping pages, dying to find out how it all plays out. In this era of digital dating, is finding your soulmate actually a scientific matter of compatible DNA sequences? Could it be that simple, or actually that complicated? You'll have to read this story to find out ;-) 5 enthusiastic stars for me!

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Thank you to Gallery Books, Christina Lauren and Netgalley for the e-ARC of The Soulmate Equation!

Jess and River just might be my new favorite CLo couple! And River is right up there with the Rookie, Jonah and Rowan in my list of favorite book boyfriends.

I loved how relatable Jess was as a character. She wasn’t like some of the romcom trope-y heroines who have ridiculous careers. Instead she was a single mom struggling to support her kid and grandparents and live a little too. Who can’t relate to that on some level?

SYNOPSIS Jess is a single mom who just doesn’t have time to date. So when her best friend Fizzy convinces her to try a new dating service where you submit a DNA sample to be genetically matched with your soulmate. When Jess gets her results back she’s shocked because she already knows her match...the moody man at the coffee shop they call Americano aka Dr. River Pena. And on top of that Jess and River aren’t only a match… they’re a “Diamond Match” with a 98% compatibility rating, the highest in the company's history. GeneticAlly makes Jess an offer, get to know River and help with the company’s publicity before it goes public and we’ll pay you. As Jess and River spend more time together, they begin to wonder if the science behind their match just might have something to it after all.

The Soulmate Equation is out today!


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There’s not much I can say without being spoilery except that:
I adore Jess and Juno and SWOONY LOVE RIVER!
Omg and I love Fizzy! She was hysterical and her and Jess’s friendship was beautifully supportive and caring!
I loved the intriguing aspect of finding your soulmate via your DNA and even though I understood virtually none of the science, I was utterly fascinated and found it very believable!
I just loved absolutely everything about this story and will be recommending it to all my romance loving friends!

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The Soulmate Equation by author duo Christina Lauren is a quick, heart warming, humorous read that is perfect for summer!

When I started reading the book I found the premise and the characters to be very silly. The premise seemed a little more far fetched than I have come to expect from the authors and some of the characters even had comical names. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't pulled into this one to the point of wanting to stay up late to finish it.

This is for readers who are looking for a light, swoon worthy read that will put a smile on their faces.

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I've read and enjoyed a few books by Christina Lauren over the last few years, and the synopsis of The Soulmate Equation immediately attracted me. - Soulmates discovered through DNA? Tell me more.

Single mom Jess Davis is a skeptic, but her author best friend buys her a test kit. During a particularly low moment, she spits in the vial despite her doubts. When she matches, at an unheard of 98%, with the DNA matchmaking company's super hot founder Dr. River Pena, the statistician in Jess cannot ignore it. The woman in Jess cannot ignore Dr. Pena when his company pays her to fake date him ahead of the company's launch.

Fake dating, single-parent romance? Sign me up. This is a funny, warm, easy read that I definitely recommend.

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Happy release day to The Soulmate Equation by Christina Lauren and thank you so much to Gallery Books and Netgalley for letting me read an eARC of it! I am a huge Christina Lauren fan and I have loved all of their books so much, so there should be no surprises here when I say that I absolutely loved The Soulmate Equation!

The Soulmate Equation 5/5 Stars

Summary from Goodreads:

Single mom Jess Davis is a data and statistics wizard, but no amount of number crunching can convince her to step back into the dating world. Raised by her grandparents--who now help raise her seven-year-old daughter, Juno--Jess has been left behind too often to feel comfortable letting anyone in. After all, her father's never been around, her hard-partying mother disappeared when she was six, and her ex decided he wasn't "father material" before Juno was even born. Jess holds her loved ones close, but working constantly to stay afloat is hard...and lonely.
But then Jess hears about GeneticAlly, a buzzy new DNA-based matchmaking company that's predicted to change dating forever. Finding a soulmate through DNA? The reliability of numbers: This Jess understands. At least she thought she did, until her test shows an unheard-of 98% compatibility with another subject in the database: GeneticAlly's founder, Dr. River Pena. This is one number she can't wrap her head around, because she already knows Dr. Pena. The stuck-up, stubborn man is without a doubt not her soulmate. But GeneticAlly has a proposition: Get to know him and we'll pay you. Jess--who is barely making ends meet--is in no position to turn it down, despite her skepticism about the project and her dislike for River. As the pair are dragged from one event to the next as the "Diamond" pairing that could make GeneticAlly a mint in stock prices, Jess begins to realize that there might be more to the scientist--and the science behind a soulmate--than she thought.
Funny, warm, and full of heart, The Soulmate Equation proves that the delicate balance between fate and choice can never be calculated.

I loved everything about this book. From Jess to Juno to River and OMG Fizzy, who was arguably my favorite, we had such a great cast of characters to fall in love with. And the whole concept behind River's company, GeneticAlly, was so interesting! What if we were genetically predisposed to be better matched with someone based on how well our DNA matches up to someone else's? I mean, sure definitely doesn't take all of the hard work out of relationships, but it makes you think. I really liked the way Jess thought about things and how Christina Lauren honed in on how hard it can be to be a single mom and how it takes a village, but sometimes you don't want to be dependent on your village and how hard that balance can be. The way they built Jess and River's relationship was so cute and I loved how great River was with Juno. And Juno was so incredibly cute and such a great 7 year old! I also really liked Nana Jo and Pops- they seemed like really solid influences on both Jess and Juno and as someone who really values family relationships, I loved how strong theirs was. And Fizzy, OMG Fizzy. She was so fun and loyal and I loved how she got inspiration for her romance novels everywhere and she pushed Jess to take more chances and be more adventurous. Everyone needs a good friend like Fizzy. Even the plot twist that caused the big conflict in the book was so well executed and the way that the ensuing fallout was handled was so real and really highlighted one of the key tenets of any relationship (98% match or not). I especially loved the epilogue at the end, but I won't tell y'all anything about that, so you'll just have to get the book and read it to find out what it's about. Overall, this has probably overtaken In a Holidaze as my favorite Christina Lauren book and I cannot wait for y'all to read it (and to read what they put out next)!

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A huge thank you to Netgalley, Christina Lauren, and Gallery Books for the ebook ARC of this beauty! And Happy Pub Day!

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – reading a Christina Lauren book feels like going home. I binge read so many of them this fall, that it just felt right. I adore them all, especially this one. These authors are so talented; their stories are funny, sweet and interesting.

This book found me when I’ve been in a bit of a slump, so to speak. Have I been reading? Yes. But everything has felt forced; I’ve been reading books that finally came through on a my library app, and none of them have been necessarily enjoyable. So, this insta-love, mostly happy, sweet sweet book was just what I needed. While My Favorite Half-Night Stand will forever be my favorite CLo book, I did enjoy this one very much. I thought Fizzy was hilarious, and some of the early dialogue with Jess and River had me laughing out loud. I also loved the premise; wouldn’t you give it a try if you were supposedly genetically perfect for someone?

If you’re a CLo fan, this one is absolutely worth reading!

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Christina Lauren books are auto-reads for me so when The Soulmate Equation came across my NetGalley, I didn't even bother to read the synopsis! When I found out the premise - two people connect through a matchmaking service based on DNA compatibility - admittedly, I was skeptical. The plot sounded very similar to John Marrs' The One and I was worried that this wouldn't be unique enough from that to hold my interest. Boy was I wrong!!

Jess is a thirty-year old single mom to the amazing Juno. She's put dating (and herself) on hold for the past seven years to focus on her daughter. When she and her BFF Fizzy meet River at their local coffee shop, they are intrigued by his line of work and his proposition to stop by and learn more about GeneticALLY. Fizzy is a romance author and a matchmaking service based on DNA is just the kind of material she could use in an upcoming novel. What Jess doesn't bargain for when she spits into the cup is the rare and elusive Diamond Match... with none other than the creator of GeneticALLY himself, Dr. River Pena. But her and River have felt nothing but animosity toward each other since they met - is the match legit or can they fake it until they make it to help River's IPO?

For fans of enemies to lovers, this one is right up your alley. I didn't feel the enemies trope was too overplayed and even though the love story seemed to unfold fairly fast, it was pretty natural, given the circumstances. There were many instances where River seemed too good to be true, but sometimes we need that in a fun romcom!

I loved the characters and really connected with most of them. Jess seemed like such a devoted and caring mother and her backstory was developed enough to help the reader understand her quirks and insecurities. River was a bit more mysterious but his ugly duckling past and overbearing sisters made him more relatable and charming. I also loved the relationships between Jess and her grandparents and between Jess and Fizzy. We all have (or want) that best friend that we can count on no matter what and I loved that theirs seemed to be a healthy, supportive female friendship.

I will say this one differed quite a bit from The One, so if that's a reservation for you as well, I wouldn't let it hold you back from reading this. GeneticALLY's approach to the DNA match felt more realistic to me and actually quite plausible. It was basically an online dating platform that instead of matching you based on how you answered questions to their tests, it matched you based on your genetic compatibility. The users weren't restricted from dating people that weren't their "soulmates," they were just given statistics of compatibility which I found super fascinating. But even with all the DNA and science talk, the novel wasn't stuffy at all or hard to follow. Christina Lauren did an excellent job of presenting the facts and information in an easy to understand, enjoyable way.

Overall this was a really fun and cute read. It's definitely one I recommend if you're a fan of romance and/or a fan of Christina Lauren.

Thank you to Gallery Books and NetGalley for a copy of this novel.

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Jess and her friend Fizzy spend everyday working at the same coffee shop. And every day, a man comes in at the same time they’ve affectionately nicknamed “Americano”. After striking up a conversation with him, they learn that Americano, Dr. River Pena, has developed a new DNA matchmaking platform called GeneticAlly. As a data and statistics wiz, Jess understands numbers. That’s why when she is matched with River at 98% compatibility she knows it cannot be true. River is NOT her type, nor her soulmate. But, to help bolster the company’s launch, they offer Jess an offer she cannot refuse to explore the match while promote GeneticAlly.
Through a series of dates and publicity events, Jess realizes there might be more to River than meets the eye.

I have read a ton of CLo and hate to say most of their recent books have fallen flat for me. I was hesitant to request their newest, but I am glad I did. This was great, I thoroughly enjoyed The Soulmate Equation. Though a tad predictable and cheesy, it reminded me of a lot of their previous work that made me fall in love with them.
The plot was both really unique and interesting in itself. It posed me to think about and question the idea of soulmates. Could we determine compatibility based on DNA as suggested by GeneticAlly? Would it be an attraction based on results or by true love—which is also what River and Jess were exploring during the course of their agreement.
Such an interesting idea and I really enjoyed the exploration of it in this story.
My only real complaint is that lot of the scientific jargon had me skimming sections. Thankfully that was just a tiny portion of the book.
Also, as always, the secondary characters created by CLo were *chefs kiss*. They provided a lot of humor and heart, and definitely helped make the story.
Fizzy NEEDS her own story and I will demand nothing less!


Thank you to @netgalley, @christinalauren, and @gallerybooks for this eARC in exchange for my honest review

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Another Christina Lauren book I loved, surprise surprise! This one was different than any other romance novel I have read, and I loved every minute of it!

I loved the nerdy science background, that Jess was a single mom, and her relationships with River, her parents, Juno, and Fizzy. If you are looking for another great Christina Lauren book, look no further!

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3.5 rounded up. This is not my usual genre at all but it was a good, lighter read from my usual heavy, deep and sometimes darker books. It was a bit slow in parts and I did find myself skimming more than once. The overall the concept and development was very far-fetched - keeping my rating from being higher. Jess is a single mom that doesn't ever date. River is a scientist developing a matchmaking app based on DNA. Jess submits a sample once pressured by her friend Fizzy (best character in the book). And here we go - Jess and River are a 98% match - highest ever. Overall, it is a fun, silly, sexy romp that provided entertainment for the two days I was reading it. I will definitely reach for this author duo again when I need a light, fun palette cleanser selection. Thank you to NetGalley and Gallery Books for the advance copy in exchange for my honest opinion. The Soulmate Equation is now available.

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This story starts off really slow for me but thank goodness it picks up. I really enjoyed the characters in this book. Not just Jessica and River but their friends as well.

This is a great single parent romance book.

This book goes well with how the authors are writing now. It’s not like their earlier work if you’re looking for BB or Wild Things. Think more of Hazel and Josh and The Unhoneymooners.

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Thank you @gallerybooks @netgalley for my review copy!

Happy pub day! I loved this book so much! It reminded me a lot of some other contemporary romances I love like The Unhoneymooners and Well Met. I loved the characters and the chemistry between Jess and River was 🔥

I equal parts swooned and laughed out loud. If you’re a fan of romcoms, I highly recommend you pick this one up. You won’t be disappointed! My favorite Christina Lauren to date!

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Title: The Soulmate Equation
Author: Christina Lauren
Publisher: Gallery Books
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Four
"The Soulmate Equation" by Christina Lauren

What will single mom Jess do to make money and her friend Fizzy wanting her to get back into the dating game? What will happen when she enters a 'DNA matchmaking company' with the CEO of a dating company [River]? It was enjoyable seeing this enemy-to-lover storyline, the female friendship, some loving grandparents, and a loveable daughter, Juno. The bantering between Juno and Fizzy had me laughing out loud, which added some dimension to the story.

"The Soulmate Equation" had a unique concept of a story that will keep you turning the pages as the perspective of the story being of science/romance and seeing if it brings these two adults together. And after all, is said and done, it was interesting seeing if they would stay together in the end after it all comes out about this DNA matchmaking company.

Thank you to NetGalley and Gallery Books for an ARC of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review!

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While I haven’t read all of their books, this may be my favorite. Jess Davis is a single Mom and can’t find the energy to date. Her and her best friend are thrown into a chance to have their DNA tested to find their soulmate. Is this a hoax when Jess is matched up with the founder River with their highest scored match ever? As a statistician she is skeptical, but with a chance to earn some much needed cash, she is willing to test their compatibility.

Does this book reinvent the rom com genre? No, but it stays within its lane perfectly and even adds in some emotional moments. I really did like the DNA plot. I’ve read a few books in the last year trying to do matches based on DNA, but this is my first romance. The plot is usually used in Sci Fi and thrillers. And the authors briefly describe the math behind it, to make it seem possible.

The authors do a good job of making Jess and her cutie pie daughter, Juno, relatable and you just hope for good things to happen to them. You feel for them through their struggles in the book and keep hoping Jess warms to River.

And even the supporting characters are well developed and lovable. I wish I knew Jess’ BFF Fizzy and had Nana and Pops in my corner. My grandparents died before I was an adult, and their storyline made me yearn for them.

I think this is a great romance to start off the summer beach read season. I’d definitely add it to your TBR list.

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I loved this book! This was such an original idea, adding elements we are used to seeing in paranormal or urban fantasy romance into a contemporary. Fated mates, but make it romcom. Magic, but make it science. I rooted for this couple from jump, and the pacing of the romance was masterful. It kept me wanting more the whole time. All the characters felt lived-in. Even characters we spent little time with seemed fully realized and familiar. The science parts were perfect - I felt like the characters were believably talking about statistics and genetics, and I didn't need to completely understand it to contextualize it and understand it in the story. I liked that some of it went over my head, because it made me believe the characters were very smart and good at their jobs.

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My Review:⭐️⭐⭐⭐ / 5 stars

Jess Davis is a single mom of a precocious young daughter, Juno, living in San Diego. She makes ends meet working as a statistics/data analyst, hanging out with her best friend Fizzy at their local coffee shop. She is used to being abandoned by the ones she cares about - including her own mother and her ex, Alec. She kept her guard up around new people she dated to protect her little family. After tagging along with Fizzy to GeneticAlly - a dna match making /dating company, she finds out she is a 98% match, a diamond match to the company’s founder, Dr. River Pena. The company’s marketing team wants them to date to prove if their technology is legit and for marketing purposes before they IPO - and Jess is reluctant because River is basically a science nerd version of Darcy, minus the romantic words. After spending more time with him due to their arrangement, she finds there might be more to him than meets the eye.

I really loved this romance - it was very cute! It had the perfect funny banter, chemistry, and I always love a Darcy-like character. However, I wish there was a bit more in between when he was indifferent to when he was suddenly a puppy dog. I thought I missed something pivotal that had shifted his feelings. Other than that, totally loved it and highly recommend it!

Thank you to Gallery Books and Netgalley for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review! US Pub date : May 18, 2021!

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Being a geneticist working in cancer diagnostic company, this book was a captivating read with a dazzling combination of nerdy genetic lingo and a sizzling hot chemistry of soulmates!!

Thank you @gallerybooks and @netgalley for the complimentary galley in exchange of my honest review!

This was my first Christina Lauren read and I was blown away by the concept of this book. She is a genius and very witty storyteller! The concept of finding your soulmate through DNA genetic testing is very unique. Reading about all the scientific reasoning and explanation behind this theory made it sound very very realistic!!

Jess, a single mom is a statistic wizard living in San Diego. She gets her DNA tested for compatibility score at GeneticAlly, a DNA matchmaking company. To her utter surprise she has a whooping 98% compatibility with the very first client in the database, who is none other than the very elusive founder of GeneticAlly Dr. River Pena!

It was amusing to read Dr Pena and Jess’s reaction to there Diamond level match (score of above 90) and their slow building relationship! This book was my instant favorite as it speaks my language of DNA genetic testing!

The Soulmate Equation release on May 18 and I would highly recommend this book to all you nerdy romantics out there! I was completely hooked from the get go.

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