Member Reviews

It’s no secret that I loved my first visit to Dorcalon back in June earlier this year. So, as you can imagine, I was excited to read the news that the author would be releasing the follow up later in the year. I think my emotional equilibrium had just about returned to normal when I picked up WINV, but not for long... *snorts*

Quick side note – WITV completely works as a standalone, but to gain the full reader experience I’d recommend reading HITV first if you’re like me and want to know everything!

It was as if I’d never been away *sighs*. I immediately picked up from where I left off. You just can’t forget some characters, and, in this case, it was a whole village of them. I’ll admit I have my favourites...

What was that?

Oh, which were my favourite? Well, that would be telling *winks*.

Violet may be the main focus in WITV (and, oi, what a journey!), but I love all the secondary storylines that run parallel and how they interconnect.

I know I’m at risk of repeating myself, but can I admit something? *winces* I ran the full gamut of emotions – again! The Mommy had a few remarks to make about the faces I was pulling as I was reading. Pfft! That will teach me to keep her company when I’m engrossed in a book.

*shrugs* Who am I kidding? That’s an everyday occurrence around here, lol.

I laughed, cried, sappy smiled, raged (translation: swore *blushes*) and worried about how it was all going to turn out. Have a stock of tissues handy!

Francesca Capaldi (and the characters she creates) is one of the reasons that I have fallen in love with saga historical romance fiction. Quite simply, she taps into your heart and makes you care.


Whaaa? You’re not gonna let up, are you?

Okay, okay, *wags finger* I’ll give you a hint and a hint only about one of my favourites. I’m keeping everything crossed there is a Book 3 because I want this character to have a HEA.

Nope, that’s it!

Bye for now.

Note: Review written November 2020

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It was alright i guess? the story went on and things happen but it didn`t feel like anything important. The character were ok, but not anything interesting. Plus there were many character jumping in and out of the story making me confused.

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Family saga and world war rolled into kne, these are my types of books, enjoyable sad,laughs everything tilled into one

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July 1916. Young mother, Violet Jones, lives a tough life in the Rhymney Valley, caring for 4-year-old Clarice and baby Benjy on her own while soldier husband Charlie fights on the Front Line. But when tragedy strikes, Violet’s life becomes even harder.While they may be far from the battlefields, the effects of WW1 take their toll on the small mining community of Dorcalon, with food becoming scarce and more and more of their young men losing their lives.With very little money coming in, and two babies to care for, Violet takes in a relative to help make ends meet.But far from easing her burden, it might turn out to be the worst decision she’s made.As the Great War takes its toll on the nation, Violet faces her own battle. All alone in the world, can she protect her children, and herself? And will she ever find joy out of the depths of despair?The Pals battalions of WWI were specially constituted battalions of the British Army comprising men who had enlisted together in local recruiting drives,with the promise that they would be able to serve alongside their friends, neighbours and colleagues, rather than being arbitrarily allocated to battalions.Rhondda Valley is a former coalmining area in South Wales, previously in Glamorgan.It embraces 2 valleys – the larger Rhondda Fawr valley (mawr) and the smaller Rhondda Fach valley (bach).It is most noted for its historical coalmining industry, which peaked between 1840 and 1925.Miners' institutes,aka Workingmen's institute, are large institutional buildings that were typically built during the height of the industrial period as a meeting and educational venue.In Britain, they were owned by miner groups who gave a proportion of their wage into a communal fund to pay for the construction and running of the building.As WWI went on,German submarines targeted commercial shipping and Britain's reliance on imported food led to shortages.There was no way to meet demand and prices rose, which disproportionately affected the poorest.For those not fighting,media and politics made it clear that their patriotic duty was to secure Britain’s food supply through allotments.

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This was an excellent WWI novel that took place in Wales. I learned much about the country while reading this historical fiction. The writing is atmospheric and I felt to be a part of the story. Violet is such a strong character and does what is best for her family as she tries to hold them together.
Many thanks to Hera Books and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I adored the first book in this series – Heartbreak In The Valleys – so I couldn’t wait to start reading the second instalment.

The story transports you back in time to Rhymney Valley in Wales, to the little village of Dorcalon.

Throughout this story you get a true sense of how difficult life must have been for all of those living throughout WW1. As most of the men had gone to fight for their country, the Women of the village were left having to try and fulfil what was seen as the men’s jobs, as well as continue to take care of their families. They had to take care of the mining, and still ensure they were making ends meet for their own families sake.

Violet is a young mother who’s husband has been drafted off to war. I truly felt for her, as she had so many difficult issues to face throughout an already troublesome time. One of these difficulties was her Mother-in-law. She was so overwhelming and over bearing. She is a character that you dislike instantly, and find yourself cheering Violet on as she faces her troubles.

A lot of drama begins to unfold throughout the village too, and i really did find myself so engrossed in these little twists wondering if the characters would get away with their actions or not. The sense of friendship throughout this book is beautiful, along with the community spirit that the author so perfectly brings to life. The way the characters rally around one another during an impossible time in their lives was incredibly heart-warming.

This story is full of wonderful characters that you feel connected to, and you feel truly invested in their own individual stories as the book moves forward. It captivated me right from the start, and on the rare occasions I put the book down I found myself drifting back into the story in my mind. It was heart breaking and heart warming all at once. I loved it, and would recommend it to anyone who loves Historical Fiction.

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I am becoming a big fan of this author. Cracking read Francesca! You certainly know how to work my emotions - keep going!

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Historical drama set during the war.Vividly describes life in the valley,the hardships and traumas faced by its inhabitants,their struggles with Greig and poverty. Characters well portrayed.

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This book is a real treat to read. A lover of World War historical fiction will truly enjoy this book.

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Francesca Capaldi writes with plenty of grit, guts and heart and she is back with a stirring, emotional and dramatic saga that makes for perfect autumnal reading: War in the Valleys.

Times are tough for everyone in wartime and young mother Violet Jones knows this only too well. With her soldier husband doing his duty for king and country fighting on the front line, Violet is left to look after their two children and life is anything but easy for her. With money being scarce and food being in short supply, every day is a struggle for Violet and her children. However, when a horrible tragedy shakes the foundations of her entire life, poor Violet’s life takes a turn for the worse. More alone than ever and with nobody to turn to, how will Violet survive? With all these obstacles standing in her way, Violet thinks that letting a relative move in will help ease the burden and make things easier for her little family. Only, this might well turn out to be the biggest mistake she has ever made. With everything stacked against her, will Violet ever find peace of mind and a measure of happiness? Or is she destined for a lifetime of hardship and pain?

The small mining community of Dorcalon might be worlds apart from the bloody battlefields of France, but the repercussions of the war have started to be felt even in this little town. With news reaching the community that their young men – alongside millions of others across the world – are losing their lives, trepidation and apprehension have become regular companions to the people of Dorcalon. Every day, young Violet feels as if she is sinking deeper and deeper into the mire of despair and as the whole world begins to reel from the impact of the First World War, she cannot help but wonder whether she will be able to look after her little family when she is all alone in the world. Will she able to protect her beloved children? Or will Violet and her little family end up as another casualty of this cruel and unforgiving war?

An emotionally satisfying saga that aims for the heart and will have readers reaching for their tissues on many an occasion, Francesca Capaldi’s War in the Valleys is a beautifully written tale of survival, resilience, courage and hope aficionados of the genre are sure to enjoy. An engaging and atmospheric tale that astutely evokes the pain and suffering endured by so many during the First World War, War in the Valleys is the story of a strong, determined and courageous heroine readers cannot help but empathize with. Violet is a brilliantly nuanced character who despite of all the obstacles standing in her way remains resolute, loyal and determined to do her best for her family.

A poignant and atmospheric historical saga, Francesca Capaldi’s War in the Valleys is a superb tale fans of Cathy Sharp and Gracie Hart will love.

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Another author new to me .. how did I miss her debut novel?

Whilst her husband, Charlie, is fighting on the front in France, Violet remains at home in Wales looking after their two young children. Struggling to make ends meet, she is left in dire straits when unwelcome news arrives. More than ever she needs her friends but what she gets is a relative who makes it harder than ever to keep those relationships going. Will Violet manage to continue on and work through the despair she feels?

I'm disappointed in myself that I missed this author's debut novel; until I completed this one I had no idea that it was a sequel. This one is a superb read - it caught my attention very quickly and I couldn't read fast enough; in fact, I read on long after I should have been in the land of nod. The author has a real skill at language - somehow I managed to read it all in a Welsh accent! A really solid story, beautifully told and, best of all, it only reveals events of the past to explain those of the present. An absolutely riveting read and a total delight to read. If you enjoy a saga with a strong family base then this is one for you. Highly recommended and, in my opinion, worth a glowing five stars!

My thanks to the publisher for my copy and to Book On The Bright Side for my spot on this tour; this is - as always - my honest, original and unbiased review.

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I haven’t read the earlier book Heartbreak in the Valley, but War In The Valleys reads well as a stand alone book.

I really enjoyed learning about the mining community in Wales during World War 1. The book had me involved right from the start. The insights into how this community coped with the loss of life from the dangerous mines as well as the war. Hunger and hardship were part of their daily life and yet they show strength of character. How Violet manages with the loss of her husband in the war and tries to make ends meet makes a very emotional read. Her friends supporting her despite their own hardships is heartening.

The use of Welsh phrases and the whole story showed that the author had thoroughly researched mining and the First World War and its effects on people in Wales.

I liked the author’s style of characterization and creation of atmosphere and very vivid storytelling.

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I read, reviewed and loved the first book in ‘The Valleys’ series which was called ‘Heartbreak In The Valleys’ and it was released earlier this year. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on a copy of the second book in the series. Well ladies and gents, the wait is over because the second book in ‘The Valleys’ series is called ‘War In The Valleys’ and it has just been released. It is another corker in the series and I thoroughly enjoyed every single minute of it but more about that in a bit.
As soon as I read the first word on the first page, that was it. I was back in ‘The Valleys’ and I found that I just couldn’t put the book down. My Kindle wasn’t exactly glued to my hand but it might as well have been because it travelled everywhere with me. I couldn’t bear to miss a single second of the story. I had taken to the main character of Violet Jones that well that I just had to keep reading to find out what life had in store for her. I cared about her and about what happened to her. I couldn’t turn the pages quick enough as I seemed to race through the story. I managed to read the book in just under a day, which is pretty good going for me. For me, ‘War In The Valleys’ was a gripping, tense and emotional read that kept my attention throughout and had me on the edge of my seat.
‘War In The Valleys’ is extremely well written. The author knows how to grab your attention from the start and draw you into what proves to be an emotional story. I found that I went through every emotion that Violet went through. Francesca describes the pit village so vividly and realistically that I felt as though I had been transported back in time to when the pit villages were at their busiest and the pits were open. In a way through Francesca’s work, I felt a connection with my ancestors. Fair enough my ancestors weren’t working in Welsh mines but they were working in most of the pit villages of the North East Of England, so by reading books such as this I felt that I had a greater understanding of what they had to live through and the conditions that they had to endure. Francesca has clearly done a lot of research into coal mining and the First World War and this shines through in her writing. I felt as though I was part of the story and that’s all thanks to Francesca’s very vivid and realistic storytelling.
In short, I thoroughly enjoyed reading ‘War In The Valleys’ and I would definitely recommend this book to other readers. I will be reading much more of Francesca’s work in the future. The score on the Ginger Book Geek board is a very well deserved 5* out of 5*.

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I loved this story - it has everything I look for in a book in this genre - it was well written, the characters were excellent and very well developed and the setting was perfect - Francesca did a marvellous job at bringing it all to life.

The plot is clearly well researched and well planned out and I loved being taken back in time. The pages are filled with emotion and you really do feel as though you are with them as you turn the pages of the book. This is one of my favourite periods on history and I have read a lot of non fiction and fiction books in the period and this is one of the best I have read.

The story pulled on my heartstrings, took me though a range of emotions and I genuinely felt a little bereft when it was all over - it is 5 stars from me for this one, it is wonderful story and one I very highly recommend!

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We can never under estimate the poignancy of a community shattered when those who signed up as part of the PALS battalions failed to return home. Whole communities suffered the loss of a generation of young men who left their homes and loved ones behind to fight with boyhood friends in what they thought would be an adventure of a lifetime.

For the small Welsh valley community of Dorcalon, the newly appointed telegram boy is a regular sight as he delivers cream coloured envelopes to unsuspecting households, and for people like Violet Jones life will never be the same again for her and her two small children. However, it’s not just Violet who must learn to cope with life alone, there are others in this small Welsh mining village who are also finding life difficult, money is scarce and jobs hard to find.

Beautifully written, with a heartbreaking poignancy, War in the Valleys brings this war time era into stark focus and describes a dark time when life, for most people, was a real struggle. Violet does what she must to survive and then realises she has to live with the consequences, not just battling through her grief but also finding the strength to go on when someone around her seems hellbent on overpowering her natural good nature.

The other characters who flit into and out of the story are again typical of their time and social class, they pull together in tragedy and yet remain naturally wary of those whom they consider to be their betters. They’re not all likeable, there some are baddies amongst the community who deserve to get their comeuppance whilst others go above and beyond duty and that’s what makes the story so interesting.

Stalwart, stoical and steadfast the people of the Rhymney Valley are well portrayed in a story which tugs away at your heartstrings and which brings the place, people and time to life in a historical saga which captivates from first page to last.

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Back in June 2020, I shared my review for the debut novel by Francesca Capaldi, Heartbreak in the Valley ( War in the Valleys takes us back to Dorcalon in Rhymney Valley, starting a couple of months later.

I enjoyed returning to meet the characters, to find out what had happened after the explosion in the mine and the police investigation into racketeering. The primary focus of the first book was Anwen, in this book we find out more about Violet, one of her best friends.

Violet has to deal with loss and a lack of money. Sadly, someone who claims to be ready to help her, is actually trying to undermine her and is making her life more difficult. Violet needs her friends more than ever, but they are also busy dealing with an unexpected addition to the family and working long shifts in a munitions factory.

The losses of local men on the battlefields and down the mine, the lack of food and the poverty could make this a depressing read, but the story is full of community spirit and some humorous moments. I must admit that this was my favourite book of the series, possibly because I knew the characters better by the end.

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A large cast of characters, many of whom we have met before, battle hardship and loss in First World War Wales in this second instalment of the series. It's a small village community but that doesn't stop it having more than its fair share of crime, vindictiveness, romance and drama. Elizabeth meets a potential suitor, Anwen finally marries, and big decisions about the fate of an abandoned baby bring family discord. This is largely Violet's story however, as she copes with widowhood, young children, food shortages, working in the mine, and an unwanted visitor who makes her life unbearable but won't go away. As Violet's feelings for Anwen's uncle Hywel begin to grow, under her mother in law's watchful eye, and at the mercy of her vicious tongue, can they ever become more than just friends? Well researched and authentic. A not always comfortable read but an absorbing one.

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Wow, I chose this because I had read the first one but this one really is a compelling read. I loved all the factual information relating to the war and all the welsh terminology used. No I didn’t know what they meant but the way in which the story was written put across the loving endearments and names used. Read it in quick time as I was dying to find out what happened and no can’t say I took to Olsen. Loved the other characters. When you get a good book from an author it just makes you greedy and long for the next one. Francesca please take note.

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War in the Valleys is a a Soul-stirring and openhearted Drama that will definitely keep you turning the pages! The book is full of wonderful characters, but the main storyline character seems to be Violet. Her husband volunteered to go fight on the frontline even though he was exempt because he worked in the mine. He perished in the war which left Violet bereft at his loss, but more importantly she now was the only one responsible for her children and their welfare. Plus she had other overwhelming conflicting thoughts and then pressures from family.
Violet and the community don’t realize how much of an impact the War and the deaths are going to be of importance!

The author is so expressive by showing the emotional aspects of a war torn community and those left behind. People who are used and abused. Workers that are not compensated for there work and the conditions are beyond tolerable! The food rations are not always doled out fairly and some people are starving! How sad a country doesn’t protect those who are helping the protectors, but if you have nothing to protect?

This was at first a little slow, but once you really start reading you truly get into what the author is doing and I would recommend this book.

I received an advanced copy from NetGalley and these are my willingly given thoughts and opinions.

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War in the Valleys by Francesca Capaldi is a great historical fiction novel about Wales during WWI.

War in the Valley is set in Dorcalan, a small mining community in Wales. Violet is struggling at home while her husband is fighting in the war. Violet has two young children.

War in the Valleys is very emotional. Violet has so many struggles at home and it seems like everyone is making it worse. Violet has to deal with her nosy mother-in-law, working, raising children, struggles with her friends, and less support than she would like from her parents. Violet and the community are also struggling with the effects from war. There is little money, a shortage of food, and loss of family members and friends.

Violet is the main character in War in the Valleys, but her friends are a big part of the story. They are dealing with their own struggles. Violet is dealing with disappointing her friends.

I really enjoyed the characters in War in the Valleys. Violet is always trying to do what is best for her family. Her kids are her number one priority all the time. Sometimes she makes decisions to try to protect them that ends up alienating her friends.

There is so much drama in this small town. Everyone is paying attention to everyone else. There are many gossips. Lying, cheating, stealing, and going to jail are all present in this novel.

War in the Valleys is the second book in the series. I didn’t read the first book and didn’t realize this was from a series until I read the acknowledgements. I didn’t feel like there was anything I didn’t understand by not reading the first book.

I recommend War in the Valleys to fans of WWI historical fiction.

Thank you NetGalley and Hera books for War in the Valleys.

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