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Dark Roads

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I received a copy of this ARC from #netgalley,thank you. I thoroughly enjoy this book. I have read all of Chevy Steven's novels and have loved them all. Being a Canadian, I have heard the stories of women found murdered along a highway in BC, it is a horrifying thing and makes ones heart break. This story does the same and is a thrilling mystery. It is very well written and I highly recommend it.

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Thanks to the publisher for my advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

I have read several books b Chevy Stevens. Each one has kept me on the edge of my seat and I devour the novel within a day or two. I went into Dark Roads with the expectation for the same. At about 20% in, the book just fell apart for me. All of a sudden, it felt like I was reading a YA novel, and I cannot stand YA. Also, the role that the main character took on, trying to face off with her aunt's "big bad cop" was just unbelievable and a bit silly. I cannot stand books where there is a teenager playing detective. I was so annoyed with the characters in this book and I just cannot recommend it to any of my reading buddies. Such a disappointment.

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Thank you to #NetGalley for this ARC
Dark Roads by Chevy Stevens was a very good, tense, murder mystery/thriller. There were so many times I was on the edge of my seat while reading this!!!

Girls and woman have been going missing from Cold Creek Highway for decades.

When Hailey unexpectedly loses her father, and had to move in with her aunt and her aunt's overbearing and abusive cop husband, Vaughn, she thinks the highway might be the perfect way to get out of the bad situation at home. Amber is new to town and she and Hailey instantly connect, but when Amber is found murdered it's her sister, Beth, who comes looking for answers.

It's a bit difficult to write this review without giving anything away but I'm gonna do my darnedest! There were quite a few twists and turns that I didn't see coming and wasn't sure where the author was taking us. I really enjoyed the story and couldn't wait to get into bed and read it each night! Very suspenseful and exciting!!
I applaud Stevens for (although fictionally) bringing attention to the crimes that disproportionately affect Native women, and the Highway of Tears. My only complaint (and maybe this will be fixed before the book is actually released 🤞) is the transitions we're terrible! One minute Hailey and Jonny would be at his garage and then the next sentence they were at the lake. So many of these instances throughout the book, where it felt like the author should've started a new paragraph. Again, I'm hoping that's fixed before wide release because it was very distracting and made it a bit difficult to keep the flow of the story going. Other than that, I really loved this book!


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This story didn’t grab me right away, and right as I was getting into it (at around 40%) there is a major narrator switch to a new character. I understand why this had to happen, but personally, it made me put the book down for the night. Plus, I feel like the novel sort of centers around a romance that wasn’t.. even.. a romance. If you can call meeting at the lake and kissing once a romance, then sure. I also think some events were a bit unrealistic. For example, Hailey runs away yet stays in the same town in a cabin... and no one finds her for over a year. Yet, Beth goes wondering aimlessly in the woods and happens upon her. Not likely. Beth also may be the most accident prone character I've read about. Every time she went in the woods, I thought, here we go again! This book also has the alcoholic, pill popping female lead which is overdone in my opinion. Can we please normalize emotionally and mentally healthy females in thrillers?

With that said, the last 30% or so is nail biting and suspenseful. I didn’t see the ending coming so that’s a plus. In the end, Wolf, who is a dog, is the sole reason you should read this book as he’s the best and smartest character in the whole thing. Overall, I didn’t love it and I didn’t hate it. This was my first book from Chevy Stevens and I'd like to explore more from this author. Would still recommend!

Thank you to Net Galley and St. Martin's for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion!

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Wow, this kept me up reading steadily until after midnight. I had to know if the bad guy was going to get caught and stopped. Surprise twist at the end. I rarely read a book in one day, but I did it yesterday. It had me from the first page. I planned to just read the first chapter for a preview and get back to my other responsibilities and read the whole book later. I couldn't do it. After several chapters I just gave up and got comfortable on the couch and dived it. As I said, it was 12:30 when I turned the last page.

In addition to keeping me captivated I learned a lot. I knew nothing about dirt bikes or how much of an asshole at home a cop can be. I hope that not all police officers are as much of a jerk as this cop was AND there was a good-guy cop to balance it out.

In the end I think justice was served, unfortunately some lives were lost. The book was modeled after some real life happenings on some similar locations although they were fictionalized locations in the book.

I recommend this book if you like thrillers that keep you on the edge of your seat.

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Dark, twisty, psychological...what more could you ask for from Chevy Stevens?! This may very well be her best novel yet. Thankful to NetGalley for allowing me to read this title.

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Recently, I have been reading a lot of true crime fiction based on numerous notorious true crime stories. This story is based on Highway of Tears in Canada where Indigenous women were murdered or went missing. In this small US town, girls started to go missing. Soon, police was able to find a body. Nothing was going to be the same after that point...

Hailey lost her father and her aunt decided to give her a home. Hailey's uncle was a senior officer in the police force; however, this fact was not making her trust him more. There was something off about him that gave Hailey creeps, but she couldn't put her finger on it until she broke into his office. She found the most damning evidence, but how can you call police on police?

Hailey's friend Amber was also gone missing. She could not let this thing go longer. She decided to do one thing that all of us would do when there is no justice and no one to go to: take matter into her own hands. She devised a plan to catch creepy uncle on the job. But I doubt she could not imagine what she would recover during the process... When system fails to protect women, women protect one another.

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When I received an ARC of this book I was really excited because this is one of my favorite authors. So I want to thank the author, the publisher and #netgalley. (this did not impact my review).

In many ways, this felt a little different for a Chevy Stevens book. Usually there is one character that I really identify with. In this case, I really liked both main characters - really all 3, but I didn't feel that emotional connection.

This is almost 2 books. Just when I am really getting into Amb's story, it's now years later and we have Beth. I truly enjoyed both stories and how they merged together though. I just kept turning page after page - I had to know what happened next!

So far - the record stands. Chevy Stevens has not let me down yet.

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I loved this book! I have heard so many wonderful things about Chevy Steven’s books, I was worried that it was too hyped up at first, but Steven’s delivered for sure! I devoured this book over the weekend. Thankyou so much Netgalley for the advanced copy!

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Gah! I devoured this book in about 36 hours. And now I’m mad at myself. I didn’t want it to end but needed to know what happened.

I am so thankful to NetGalley for this advanced readers copy. When I saw I got this one I did a happy dance! I have been waiting for Chevy Stevens to write another book. It’s been far too long.

Dark Roads - when I read the premise of the book I truly thought this was going to be a serial killer hunting the long stretch of road. But this story was far more than I bargained for. Just reading the prologue sucked me in immediately.

Main character Hailey just lost her dad in a car accident and being only 17 is sent to live with her aunt, and her aunts husband who happens to be a police officer. Some strange things begin to happen and she ends up running away into the woods.

Meet Beth who comes to Cold Creek to find out more about her sister who was killed here.

There are many layers to these characters and also the plot. I did not guess the killer until the end when it was revealed. But this book is about much more than a serial killer. It exposes plenty of sickness in the small town.

I thought this book was suspenseful, and couldn’t put it down.

Best character in the book - Wolf the dog!

Easily a 5 star read. And Ms. Stevens please don’t make me wait so long for your next novel!

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First off, I LOVE every single one of Chevy Stevens books, so I went in with high expectations and I was not disappointed.

This book was told from two POV, both strong, resilient woman who take no crap from no one and were inspiring all around. I read this book in 2.5 days and when I wasn’t reading, I was thinking about it. It had the twists, the darkness and the depth that I look forward to in a Chevy book. The story was realistic, and I didn’t feel there were any plot holes. I like there was no extra details where wasn’t necessary and made for a quick, enjoyable read. It will be a hit come August and I look forward to hearing everyone’s thoughts.

5/5- ⭐️

My only real dislike, I didn’t love the epilogue. I think the book was finished and didn’t need the little extra at the end.

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I'm a big fan of Chevy Stevens and I feel like it's been forever since she released a new book, so I was pumped when I saw this was coming out. I was hooked at the beginning but I felt like the middle got a little slow for me. I was surprised by the reveal of the culprit, so kudos there because I did not see that one coming. Not my favorite of hers but still good!

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My thanks to Net Galley for allowing me to review this book.

Haley McBride lives with her Aunt Lana, Uncle Vaughn, and cousin Cash after the death of her father. She works at a diner, and has a good friend Johnny. Uncle Vaughn is a cop that is very controlling in wanting to protect Hayley against the Cold Creek Killer who murders girls when their cars break down on dark roads. Amber Chevalier was a waitress and friend of Hayley who was a victim of the killer. Hayley discovers something horrid in her home, runs away, and goes to live in the wild to escape. Beth Chevalier, Amber's sister, comes to town, and gets a job in the diner to try to find out who killed her sister and joins forces with Hailey.

Book was just ok for me. I was surprised at the twist with the identity of the killer. My only issue is that it started off as a really good murder mystery, then it felt like Call of the Wild .

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Wow. This book was so good. Lots of twists. Very dark. Highly recommend for those thriller lovers out there.

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I want to start off by saying I really liked the writing style and flow of the story. There were times I could not put the book down, despite the story being predictable. This is the first book I have read by this author, whom I had heard rave reviews about. I had high hopes reading it and again the story was captivating despite being predictable, I just expected more.

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I enjoyed this story of suspense and survival. Love the dog. ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair review.

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I have missed Chevy Stevens so much! I was so excited to see that I was approved for this title! I think this might be my favorite Chevy Stevens book. I loved the story and I love how it was written. It was a little different then what I have come to expect from her and I think that is what made me love it even more.

This book is could be called a pyschological mystery but to be honest, I didn't even try to figure out what was going in the book, because I LOVED the story and just went along with the ride of the book. I dont want to summarize the book because that you can read anywhere. However, I don't want to spoil the book, since its not out yet.

However, as I said before, this is my favorite book of hers to date. She took such a chance on this book and you can tell she stepped outside her comfort zone by the characters alone. Everything she did worked. When I say I didn't want to put this book down., I mean it. I stayed up past midnight (huge deal for me) to finish the book.

Thank you St. Martin's Press and #Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review. I truly truly loved this book!

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This is my first read by Chevy Stevens, and I’m very impressed. I have to think a bit and process this one before writing a full review but overall, I’m really impressed.

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The last book I read by Chevy Stevens was, "Still Missing," and I thought it was excellent, so I was very excited to get my hands on, "Dark Roads." There is a lot to like about this book, especially the similar story of a true life event of girls over the years that have just disappeared along a highway and never seen again.

The story starts with, Hailey, a 17 year old girl who's mother has been deceased for a long time, and now her father has just died in a horrible automobile accident, so being under 18 she has gone to live with her only living relative, her Aunt Lana, her 5 young son Cash and Vaughn her husband. Vaughn is more than a bit overbearing and I thought the writer did a fabulous job in describing his character. I can see him plain as day, and he is seriously scary too. Hailey is a bit out of sorts and when she meets Amber who works in the diner and they become infatuated with each other. Soon Hailey gets tired of Vaughn trying to rule her life and she becomes afraid of him and decides that she is going to run away and everyone will just think she is yet another victim of the, "Highway Killer," who killed all those other girls. Hailey's friend Jonny (a male) are the best of friends and he helps her to hide away until she is 18.

Almost a year later Beth arrives in the town to attend a memorial for her deceased sister who was killed by the, Highway Killer. She is trying to figure out who killed her. Beth though has a bunch of challenges of her own, mainly popping Xanax and drinking bottles of vodka and then because she has no money she is sleeping in her car (that barely works) in a semi-park/camping area. WTH!? I found Beth to be annoying to say the least, but she is tenacious. She keeps trying while putting herself in situations that you can see are not safe situations. She seems like the perfect candidate for the, Highway Killer, because she is not comprehending the risk she is taking.

Overall I thought the book was very good but no where near her previous novel, Still Missing.

I want to thank Netgalley for allowing me to read a not yet released book for an honest review.

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I've been a huge fan of Chevy Stevens for a very long time. I can't remember when I first discovered her books, but it didn't take me long to figure out that in an oversaturated genre, she is an absolute standout. Her newest novel, Dark Roads, is a chilling, complex and brilliant story with the dangerous Cold Creek Highway at its center. For decades, women have disappeared from this highway, some discovered dead and brutalized on the side of the road, and some just never found at all.

I feel it's best to go in without a synopsis beyond what the publisher has provided except to say that the opening Prologue was one of the most disquieting I've ever read and perfectly sets the tone for the rest of the book, and also, that I completely fell in love with Wolf, one of the most endearing fictional dogs ever. Notably, the author was inspired by the real Highway of Tears in Northern British Columbia to write this novel.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for providing me with an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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