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Good Company

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I was given the opportunity to read and review this book through Net Galley and I am so glad! The story sucked you in and you'll find yourself thinking about the characters long after you finish the book. Can't wait to read more by this author!!

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I enjoyed this book immensely. It caught my eye because I had previously enjoyed The Nest. For anyone looking for a light, humorous read, I would highly recommend this book.

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-i don’t think this book will be for everyone. it’s not an action-packed drama that has you hanging on the edge of your seat. that said, i did enjoy this book and found it mostly keeping my attention (definitely a few parts that dragged). i love books that focus on relationships (whether romantic or platonic) and the complexities that come, and this book had that in spades
-as a theatre nerd, i loved that the main characters were involved with theatre in different capacities. whenever books reference into the woods or wicked or even chekhov, my heart sings hehe
-i do feel like this book was trying to be much more transformative and thought-provoking than it ended up being. the character margot especially was hard to empathize with, and i found myself wondering what her place in the relationships was—she seemed to be there more to provide wealth and *things* to the other characters, and i found that i really didn’t care for her by the end
-the ending wasn’t my favorite. i certainly wasn’t expecting a big romantic, life-changing ending. but i didn’t feel like we saw enough of flora and julian talking about their relationship (most of the conversations were only touched on after the fact)

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This story starts when Flora finds her husband’s first wedding ring that he supposedly “lost” in a lake over a decade ago. Her past is now questionable. Her future is at a turning point. Can she trust her husband? Can she trust her best friend?

It’s a book about life, love, friendship, marriage and secrets.

Though I overall enjoy the story and the depth of the the characters, the plot ran a bit mundane and flat.

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The book started out slow but once I got familiar with the characters I get involved with their lives and activities.

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Book Review for Good Company by Cynthia D’Aprix Sweeney
Full review for this title can be found at: @fyebooks on Instagram!

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“The Nest” by Cynthia D’Aprix Sweeney immediately became one of my most loved and most often recommended books when I finished it, and I was ecstatic to see that she was publishing a second book. And she did NOT disappoint. Some of the most relatable characters and storylines I’ve ever read, “Good Company” somehow finds the humor and lightheartedness in the face of a heartbreaking discovery and a painful decision.

Flora and Julian have been married for years, and have a teenaged daughter. But when Flora discovers Julian’s wedding ring that he claims to have lost a decade ago, she has more questions than answers, both for him, and for her best friend Margot, who may or may not have known the truth this whole time.

Set against the backdrop of Hollywood and theatrical New York City, this is the story of a non-traditional family, and the challenges they face. You’re never too old to grow up, or to change your life.

I highly recommend this book.

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I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion. I was very excited to receive this book as I loved The Nest which was written by Cynthia D'Aprix Sweeney. I thought the book was good - not great. At times, I wasn't sure I wanted to finish it as it was a bit slow for me. I will say I was glad to get to the end and realize it was a good story. When friends ask me for good reads, I am not sure this will be at the top of my list.

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I read an advance copy from NetGalley, overall I enjoyed the book. It was incredibly readable and all of the characters were interesting. Not particularly plot driven but I didn’t mind. I didn’t love the ending scenes and occasionally the shift in which character was the focus could be confusing, but I loved reading a book set in the theater world.

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Great read! I really enjoyed the characters and the complex relationship between Flora, Margot and Julian. Examination of how deception tests the bonds of marriage and friendship. What will the outcome be? Choose forgiveness or sever ties?

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Good Company is a thought provoking and interesting novel that delves deeply into marriage, parenthood and friendship. Theatre life and New York City play the backdrop for this novel that takes us back and forth from the present to the past and back again.

Sometimes the people you trust most are the ones that can hurt you the most. Through multiple points of view we are told this clever story. Flora and Julian had been married for more than 20 years, theirs was the kind of marriage that everyone thought of as “the real deal” giving Flora a false sense of security. Finally at a point in their lives where they were comfortable, not too many financial difficulties and teenage daughter is just getting ready to leave home for college, Flora finds Julian's wedding ring that he had supposedly lost years ago tucked in the back of a cabinet drawer. Flora begins to understand that not all in her marriage was as perfect as she believed. Margot and David are the best friends. Ruby is Julian and Flora’s only daughter. In a winding tale we are given an intimate gaze into the thoughts of these 5 characters. Sometimes friends sometimes keep the truth from you, is it right, is it wrong? That’s a tough call and through the author’s writings we come to understand that nothing is cut and dry in marriage and in friendship and Flora needs to work out for herself how to move forward with her new knowledge.

I liked this story and felt that the characters, flaws and all could be very real. It was a read that kept me interested and wondering right to the end how the story would conclude.
Thank you Netgalley and Harper Collins for an Arc of this thought provoking book in exchange for my honest review.

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GOOD COMPANY by Cynthia D’Aprix Sweeney is an absorbing novel about Flora and her relationships with her husband, daughter and best friend. This book was definitely engaging as I read it quite quickly in two days but in the end I guess I was expecting more either from the plot or more profound change from the characters. It was all very one note and none of the dramatic parts were very high or low. I would still be interested to continue reading books by this author as I enjoyed The Nest.
Thank you to Ecco Books via NetGalley for my advance review copy!

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This book reminded me a little of the relationships in the book Firefly Lane. The theater aspects weren't interesting to me, but the other aspects were well written. Exploring relationships and how a secret can affect multiple people.

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Good Company, a theatrical troupe, is performing Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard this summer. The play’s characters face a major social upheaval, reflecting the changes occurring in the lives of this work’s principal characters, a family of five: three actors, a doctor and a college freshman. The reappearance of an alleged lost wedding ring has brought about potential break-ups and a dying tree seems symbolic of the tenuous family bonds. Relationships are being evaluated; careers are being altered and decisions are being made. Cynthia D’Aprix Sweeney’s characters take themselves too seriously, expecting much more from life than what they’ve experienced. Despite their self-absorption, they work through themes of loyalty, friendship and, lastly, family, coming to terms with who truly provides the “good company” most of us seek.

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I enjoyed Good Company! It has been a few years since I read The Nest, so who knows, maybe I would like it better now? It seems like most people are the other way around, but I liked Good Company more.

This book was really a deep look at relationships, especially romantic ones, and what happens when something that was taken for granted is maybe not as solid as it appeared. Flora’s relationship turns into something entirely unexpected when she finds her husband’s “lost” right, clearly not lost. She deals with a lot of “what now?” kind of questions about her family and her marriage.

Meanwhile, Flora’s best friend, Margot, is facing a different kind of marriage question. Her husband suffered an early stroke, turning him into a man she’s not sure she recognizes anymore.

I thought this was a wonderful deep dive into relationships, parenthood, family, and friendships. If you like a lot of action happening in your books, this one might not be for you. If you enjoy largely character-driven stories about love and marriage, you’ll probably like Good Company.

The book had some great insight into love and relationships and how they evolve that I enjoyed, so I gave it a solid 3.5 (rounded up to 4) stars.

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A story that is character driven. This is not a deep book, but one that is meant to be enjoyed for what it is; a notch above a beach read. I liked the narrator, which is hugely important for an audiobook. If you liked “The Nest”, you will enjoy this. Thanks to NetGalley for a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for my honest review. I received both the kindle and audio versions.

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Two roommates, and soon-to-be best friends, begin their acting careers in NYC at the same time. Margot invites Flora to a party, which brings Julian into Flora's life & they quickly fall in love. He is starting a production called Good Company with his theater friends, including Flora and Margot. The new couple begins a life together and have a daughter, Ruby.

Margot is finding quick success in TV which leads to her move to L.A., while Flora is discovering her love for musical theater. In a better attempt to make money for her family, Flora moves onto voice-acting which leads to their move out West to join Margot and her husband in L.A.

Flash forward to the day of Ruby's high-school graduation, and Flora finds the long forgotten wedding ring her husband had "lost" during one of the many summers the family spent doing a Good Company retreat. What could this mean for Flora and her family? Why was this hidden from her for so long?

We both read this in a couple short days! ⭐⭐⭐⭐️ 4 stars. Alicia didn't want to put it down and stayed up late to finish. Chelsea, a Grey's Anatomy fan, loved how Sweeney drew parallels to shows like it. All of the characters are engaging, yet sometimes enraging.

Thanks to NetGalley for providing the eARC on Kindle. Good Company will be available on April 6, 2021.

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I read the Nest from this author as well and enjoyed both of these novels thoroughly. Her writing is impeccable and you get so caught up in the families that you feel like you know them. I cannot wait to read her next novel!

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Thank you NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review. Good Company gives you an in-depth view of friends and their relationship over the years, the theater world, and how to handle hidden infidelity found out years after it happened. It all starts when Flora finds her husbands wedding ring, that was lost many years ago. This story follows Flora and her husband and their best friends navigating life. Flora must come to terms with her feelings about infidelity. There was a lot of character development in this book, which really brought the characters to life for me. I was very invested in what happened to each of them. This was a good read! This will be released on April 6, 2021!

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The cover of this book is gorgeous and I hate to say I judge a book by its cover, but that is definitely what intrigued me about this book. I read The Nest and wasn’t the biggest fan, but I wanted to give this a try. I just don’t think I’m a fit for D’Aprix Sweeney’s books because I ended up not finishing this book at 25% in because I could not connect with it. Though it wasn’t for me, I can definitely see others enjoying it.

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