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The Silent Suspect

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This was such an interesting concept with a hearing impaired interpreter helping to solve mysteries. It’s very rare that stories delve into this subject matter and it makes for a well written story.

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I really enjoyed the author's previous two novels in the series, so I was looking forward to reading this book.

I think having the main character with a disability is an original touch and has worked in the previous novels.

However, I feel that this book did not live up to the previous two and I struggled to get into this book.

That said, once I was invested in the book, I did really start to enjoy it and found myself entertained and intrigued.

However, the first two books in this series were definitely better.

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I really enjoyed The Silent Suspect by Nell Pattison!

Pros: Deaf representation, good storyline, twists & turns, and likeable characters. Cons: some confusing storylines, I found out later this was the third book in a series (I thought it was easy to follow even though I missed the first two which was nice), and some spots that could have been shortened

Overall I would recommend and look forward to reading future Pattison books.

3.5 rounded up

Thank you to the author, Avon Books UK and NetGalley for providing a copy to review!

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4.5 stars.
This is the third in the Paige Northwood series and I enjoyed it just as much as the first two books.

Paige is working as a sign language interpreter for Sasha, a deaf social worker, when one of her clients calls Paige in a panic when his house is set on fire with his wife inside.
The story goes in lots of directions regarding the fire, murder and then on to drugs. I raced through this book as the story grabbed my attention and I wanted to find out what happened in the end. There were good twists throughout and I would definitely recommend this book and the whole series.
Thank you to Netgalley for an early copy for an honest review.

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I have fallen for the series with the opening book and the author continues the excellent writing into the third book. All aspects of the story like the plot, characters, suspense are awesome. The minor glitch is the romantic part in the conclusion which felt immature. One of the best series.

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Paige is BSL interpreter. She helps clients that need sign language to understand what is being said to them and what they need to say.
Paige has just arrived at the home of her client when she discovers the house burning. As she tries to understand what has happened she is immersed in a mysterious chain of events.
This book was given to me to read and review by the publisher through Netgalley.
It is very interesting and exciting to read. You also learn a lot about people who are hearing impaired. Their challenges are real.
Great read!

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I have read the books before The Silent Suspect and I have liked them all. This book is my least favourite of the series purely because it stepped into the realms of silliness due to the behaviour of Paige, Sasha (the social worker) and the million rules Paige’s friend (who is investigating the murder) broke. I will still look forward to the next book, but I Was a little disappointed by this one.

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Read the galley in Jan and Feb 2021.

Disclaimer: I went into this book not realizing that it was part of a series. I found myself annoyed at vague references to major plot points in some character’s history. It left me wondering why the author never delved into those stories. Now I realize that those stories are almost certainly covered in the first two books of the series. Instead of providing critical feedback on the vague references, I would like to applaud the author for not taking up the reader’s time by rehashing major plot lines that fans will already know.

The Silent Suspect is a fresh take on the age-old tale of an overeager sleuth getting in over her head. There were some inconsistencies that made it a bit of a bumpy read (is it Rav or is it Singh?! Pick one!!) and some ramblings (Paige’s repeated and anxious inner monologues), but overall the book is enjoyable.
I don’t think I am interested in picking up the series. The author’s attempts to help the reader understand Paige’s emotional state were repetitious and prolonged. In the latter half of the book, I started skipping Paige’s inner monologue, as it was no longer adding value or enjoyment to the story. While the book was at times engaging, overall the story wasn’t coherent enough to capture my attention for more than a chapter or two. I think a lot of folks will enjoy this read but it’s just not well suited for me.

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I was really looking forward to reading this book after loving the second in the series. I was slightly let down because it just wasn't quite as good. I did really enjoy the case in this story though and I think that it was just as full of creative information as the case in the previous book. Pattison has a really creative way of making everything link up and flow well.
I think that the story worked so well when Paige was able to work with the police in the previous book. The fact that she was doing everything on her own in this book (including putting herself in some pretty dangerous situations) made me feel really uncomfortable. She still did this to some extent in the previous book but because she was working with the police, it made more sense. In this one, she just seemed as if she was making a mess of the investigation and it made me a little stressed.
I will say that the mystery itself was very well planned out. Pattison has a great way of revealing information and I was kept guessing for most of the novel. I know that this was partly due to the fact that Paige wasn't working with the police so I guess it did work in that respect.
I am still very much looking forward to reading the next book in the series because I have become very invested in Paige's story and I would love to hear more from her. I really like how independent she is but also that she isn't perfect and has her own issues, essentially she feels human.

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The third instalment of Paige Northwood mystery completes the trilogy perfectly. I read this one at a slower pace compared to the rest but it didn't disappoint and I could pick up exactly where I left off. Nell does a fantastic job at writing a story which is fast paced and interesting, without making the conclusion obvious. I love her books and I hope there's a new one coming up with a new character completely!

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My first time reading this author. Enjoyed the character of Paige and the insight into the world of signing. A good pace to the plot; did not guess who did it!

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I really enjoyed Silent Night so was pleased to read this to see the continuation in Paige’s story. This was just as enjoyable with some really interesting characters and an intriguing plot involving both Paige’s working life and personal life in some cases with some blurring of the lines between the two. This is quite thought provoking in terms of how things affect the deaf community in ways which we don’t really consider but it’s told in an excellent manner so that the focus is the story. I loved how this ended and really hope to find out how things go for Paige next.

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This was a really good book! It kept me guessing, mostly. Excellent character development of most important characters, and just enough on the others to get the point across.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC of this book.

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I enjoyed this thriller form start to finish! However, I did think there were two many other clues and people it could be and the ending was very sudden with who it was. I wish their was more elaboration during the ending on the motive.

Thanks to Avon Books UK and NetGalley for a copy to honestly review.

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This book is the third in the series, and each book has had me hooked highly recommend if you enjoy this genre

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The first quarter of this book had me hooked and I really wanted to know what the outcome would be. However as I moved further through the book the plot started to seem a bit dull. There wasn't much other detail in the characters lives either, I felt like they all needed way more depth.
Overall a good premise but not enough detail or interesting events to keep me interested.

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This is the third in a series, in which I read the first book but somehow missed the second one. Paige is a sign language interpreter who works with a local social worker. One of the social worker's deaf clients calls Paige to help him when his house catches fire and is then arrested for the murder of his wife, but he won't communicate with anyone, even in his own defense. I don't think I will read any more from this series. It is just frustrating, the degree to which Paige gets involved in these things that should be left to the police. She wasn't even working with the police this time and was, in fact, a witness. She should not have been investigating with Sasha. It's too frustrating to read, thinking over and over, "What are you doing?!" Two stars.

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THE SILENT SUSPECT by Nell Pattison follows BSL interpreter, Paige Northwood as she tries to uncover the truth behind a murder, a series of strange fires, and what she wants out of the relationships in her life.

While this is the third book in the Paige Northwood series (I haven’t read any of the others), I found that this could be read as a standalone. From the first page, I was immediately hooked because I have never read a book that features people who are profoundly deaf! To have most of the dialogue recited in British Sign Language was really cool, and I found myself learning so much and seeing things in a new light!

However, apart from that aspect of this book, I found the writing to be rather dull. The same statements are repeated over and over and I found myself rolling my eyes at points. In addition to that, the main character, Paige, is extremely annoying and is all “woe is me” for most of the book when IT ISN’T ABOUT HER. She’s so self-centered and makes poor decisions, and I’m curious to know if that’s how she’s portrayed in the rest of the series because it is TIRING. The whodunit at the end also had me questioning a lot of things. It didn’t feel realistic and also came on very rushed after a very slow and arduously drawn out lead-up.

Despite those qualms, the overall story had some intrigue to it, which made me feel confident in giving this book three stars.

*** special thanks to NetGalley and Avon Books for an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review ***

PUB DATE: April 29, 2021

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Loved this book. I have read all the books in the series and they are so well written. I am hooked straight away and this one definitely didn't disappoint. I really hope there's another one in the pipe line. I love the fact that these books are your typical books/stories, im intrigued by the deaf community through these stories and have learnt so much from them already. Keep them coming

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Paige Northwood is now working as a freelance sign language interpretor for the police and three days a week assisting a social worker Sasha.
From the word go the reader is thrown straight into the action, Paige gets a call from one of Sasha`s deaf clients, Lukas, telling her his house is on fire.
Paige rushes to the scene, Lukas is frantically looking for his wife Nadia,it is only when the firefighters get the blaze under control that they find her dead body inside the house.
An autopsy proves that she was murdered before the fire was set.
Lukas seems to be the only suspect the police are considering and when his refusal to answer any questions result in the police not actively considering anyone else Paige and Sasha decide to begin their own investigation.
Why won`t Lukas try to clear his name, could he be guilty or is he scared of something or someone?
Then Paige is attacked.
Is she getting to close to discovering the truth?
Even putting herself in potential danger wont stop Paige from finding the true killers identity
This one kept me guessing through all the twists and turns, another great read.
Look forward to more in the Paige Northwood series.
Thanks to Netgalley and Avon Books for the chance to read this as an ARC.

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