Cover Image: Christmas at Lock Keeper's Cottage

Christmas at Lock Keeper's Cottage

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The beginning of the book is a bit slow for me and it took me awhile to fully get into the book. I was not sure if this book would just be a tale of small village happenings but then things started to fully move along. There are things in the plot that I really did not see coming. And that makes the book interesting and the ending happy and cozy.

The characters in this book are great. I would love to experience this type of small village life where everybody looks out for each other and are like family. I think the characters truly make the story in this case.

I enjoyed listening to the narrator. Their voice is clear and quite pleasant to listen to and they made the experience as good as it could be

*ARC received from publisher via NetGalley

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I didn't realise that was an audio book or I wouldn't have requested it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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This was an enjoyable audio book. Perfectly fitting in with our current snowy weather. The narration was good, lots of changes in tone to reflect different characters and situations.

I enjoyed the story and it delivered everything that I expected. It was a nice tale of romance and families coming together and overcoming past divisions. There is no great depth to the tale, it delivers everything you would expect from the cover, but we don't always want something to think about, sometimes it is just nice to hear a jolly tale which doesn't need to be over thought, and can help you relax at the end of the day - this is exactly what this delivered.

I would definitely listen to more audio books by this author/narrator combination.

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Ufff. I hated this one. We just didn't get along so much.
I start with a narration. It wasn’t annoying, but it was so boring. I just listened to the book and I didn’t do anything, but I was so bored of it that I didn’t understand half the story because I just couldn’t pay attention to it… Though I didn’t do anything at all. This has never happened to me.
I was also terribly bored with the story. Simply nothing meaningful happened. Either Immi was thinking about something or talking to someone. That was the book.
I couldn't follow the characters either. I wasn't sure who was who. It was simply a lot because none of them was interesting. Almost all the characters were antipathetic for me...
I trusted in its atmosphere because I love the small-town atmosphere. Especially in Cotswolds… I didn't like that either…
I felt like we were completely hitting each other with the book. All confusion, nothing I liked, I was completely bored.

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After a number of years reading Christmas books, I had got a bit fed up of more or less the same story, just with different names, occupations and locations. They all seemed to be about a woman with a broken heart, moving to a new location, discovering she's brilliant at her new career choice, getting off on the wrong foot with the local hunk, but they fall for each other in the end. I gave "Christmas books" a break for a couple of years, but I felt in the mood to get festive while preparing for Christmas this year (there being no Christmas parties and so on), and the blurb about Christmas at Lock Keeper’s Cottage suggested it would be a bit different from the usual fare. And it is. For a start Gray, the love interest, is already around at the beginning of the story and he doesn’t appear to be a rat! How refreshing!

The action is set in a canal-side community, where the residents are more or less all friends and they support each other well. There are a lot of characters and I did get them a bit confused sometimes.

The main characters, Immi, Gray and Tollie (Immi’s grandfather) are involved in running pre-Christmas boat rides with Santa along the canal during the run-up to Christmas. I enjoyed the brief stories about some of the children and families who took the trips.

What I wasn’t so keen on was Immi’s constant navel-gazing about practically everything that came her way. I also found most of the dialogue quite unrealistic – I was re-writing it in my head much of the time.

This was my first venture into audiobooks. I can’t say I’ll be moving from the written word to audiobooks any time soon. Whilst it was handy to listen while I was doing my pre-Christmas cleaning and food prep, I found myself frequently thinking “I wouldn’t have put the emphasis on that word”, which I found distracting and a bit annoying.

A nice enough festive read, but, for me, not one to write home about.

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My thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for my audio copy of Christmas at Lock Cottage. The only time I enjoy a romantic story is at Christmas when I store up a pile of Christmas romances for one big indulgent read over the holidays. I'm afraid that this time I was disappointed even though I so wanted to enjoy this book.

I think I would have done better with the written word because although the narrator had a beautiful voice and she read the story well I felt that her's was the wrong voice for the characters she represented. I also struggled with the fact that it was such a wholesome, heartwarming storyline so obviously the fault lay with me and this book will be enjoyed by others.

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Christmas at Lock Keeper’s Cottage - Lucy Coleman

I was given a copy of this book in exchange for a fair review thanks to Boldwood Books and Netgalley.

Imogen Tolliman never knew her mother. And when an accident robs Immi of her father too, she goes to live with her grandfather, Tollie, in his picturesque lock-keeper’s cottage by the Aysbury marina.

Tollie is the star of the Santa Ahoy Special each Christmas – a festive boat ride along the canal that enthralls both children and adults alike. And as Immi grows up, she starts to appreciate the magical community she is lucky enough to live in

A slow paced book, perfect to curl up with and switch off over the holiday season. A well written book including; family, friendships, community spirit and secrets, just what I needed as an escape after the year we have all had.

Rating: 4/5

A festive read, complete with a white Christmas.

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I really wanted to enjoy this book but struggled to connect to the characters. I reviewed this as an audiobook and this may have been due to that. The number of characters didn't help. A good story but perhaps better to read than listen?

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Imogen Tolliman never knew her mother. And when an accident robs Immi of her father too, she goes to live with her grandfather, Tollie, in his picturesque lock-keeper’s cottage by the Aysbury marina.

Tollie is the star of the Santa Ahoy Special each Christmas – a festive boat ride along the canal that enthralls both children and adults alike. And as Immi grows up, she starts to appreciate the magical community she is lucky enough to live in.

When Immi meets Gray Adams, she instantly realises he’s someone special. And as their relationship gets serious, they start to plan for the Christmas to beat all Christmases.

But as the day approaches, and the romantic snow showers turn into blizzards, their dream of a Christmas to remember, looks set to be one they’ll never forget - for all the wrong reasons. Can they salvage the festivities, or will old secrets that are finally uncovered turn Immi’s life upside down forever?

I unfortunately could not get in to this audiobook and I think that I may read the actual print version of this book as from the description I thought that I would enjoy it.

I do not know if I enjoyed listening to the narration of this I need not feel that the voice caught my attention.

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Lovely little Christmas read with not much happening, very "hallmark" Christmas movie style which is nice.

Probably not very memorable and a good story to listen to in the background.

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This was a very Hallmark kind of Christmas story that took a minute to get into. The characters were charming and I could feel the Christmas cheer. The narrators were great and a good fit for the story.

Nothing really deep, just fun festive christmasy stuff going on. There was some mystery, love and Santa.

If you’re looking for a break from all the stress of life and want to visit this adorable little place then I recommend it.
Thanks Boldwood Books UK via Netgalley for this audiobook in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you to the publishers of this book for allowing me to listen to this little gem of a book.

It’s the perfect little listen to get into the Christmas spirit with its lovely characters and story. It’s rare to find a book that is just heartwarming with no hate and drama but this book is just that. Heartwarming and even with the twist at the end, all turns out well.

Fabulous writing and amazing narrator. Can’t wait to read more by Lucy Coleman in the future.

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I must be reading too many mystery and thrillers because the whole of the way through this book I was awaiting death or twists or bombshells, but no, this was just a nice everyday Christmas romance. Following the lives of a tight-knit community at Christmas time.
I think, unlike me, readers should go into this book fully prepared for what they are getting, nothing of any importance happens. This is a light and warm fluffy book with the most minimal peril imaginable. That is not to say i didn't like it... I did love it.
I enjoyed the voice of the main character (although I have no idea what she looked like or how old she was) and the found family feel, as well as the small-town relationships. Unusually, the main couple in the story are already in a loving relationship, I am not sure if this is a series and the start of there relationship can be found in earlier books or not, but it was refreshing to read a romance where half the book isn't angst.
If you are looking for a beautiful romance set in a snowy English village with no consequences and a happy ending this is your book!

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This was a really nice and refreshing read ready for Christmas! A nice festive book and would recommend.

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I picked this story to listen to on audio as we go up the buildup of Christmas. It is an easy, heart warming story. The narrator reads in a calming tone but not monotone as some can be!

I will be buying this as a gift for family members as soon as possible.

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Christmas at Lock Keeper's Cottage - Lucy Coleman

I enjoyed this one as an Audiobook, and thought the narration was very good. The story itself is a steady progression of Immi and Gray's relationship and their past history with both sets of parents. A very nice gentle Christmas read, including all the festive treats that you would expect - plus a good twist at the end.

Many thanks to NetGalley and publishers for allowing me the chance to enjoy and review this story

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This book was sadly not for me. But if anyone equates ‘uplifting’ with sweet, they will enjoy it. Though Imogen and people in her close-knit community had not sailed through life without obstacles, quite the opposite actually, it is mostly mentioned in their back stories. Meanwhile, the book starts when things are already on the mend or somehow coming together and everyone is caring and understanding. This slice of life is moreover conveyed via Imogen’s eyes and her being an emotional and easily moved person, it sets the tone for all encounters.

Personally, had Imogen used some self-reflection ideally combined with humour, I might have liked her more. But this can be an appealing Christmas story for someone not bothered by overtly picturesque setting and affectionate people in it.

* I voluntarily reviewed this audiobook via NetGalley and I thank Boldwood Books UK for the opportunity

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I am a person who generally judges a book by its cover, and this one is beautiful. It is a slow but gentle story about family, friendship and life in a rural community. The main character Immie, has been raised by her grandfather Tollie who is such a lovely soul and described just as a grandpa should be. He stepped into care for her after her mother left, and her father passed away, Her relationship with him made the book for me. Throw in a splash or romance with her boyfriend Grey and it is a lovely festive read. Who wouldn't want to visit the picturesque village of Aysbury and it's wonderful inhabitants who seem to step up and help out whenever it is needed.

I was lucky enough to be given a copy of the audiobook, the narrator was lovely but the problem I have with using my iPhone due to a software issue spoils the enjoyment of the book somewhat and it is something NetGalley seriously need to look at. I am having to stop and re-start the app after the end of every chapter.

Thank you to NetGalley, Boldwood Books UK Audio and Lucy Coleman for giving me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This book is a simple heart warming tale for Christmas. It is 'sugar sweet', a bit like listening to an extended woman's magerzine story. I must admit I found myself longing for the life of Imi, especially as we are in lockdown as I listened to this and just wanted to be part of her life and community. Pure escapism for Christmas!

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I started listening to this after
Discovering I loved audio books.I was unable to stop listening and would listen in the car,before bed and at school because quite simply it made me smile and was an easy listen but little did I know there were twists and turns on the way that made the book even more endearing.
An enjoyable,relaxing but riveting read!

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