Member Reviews

I would like to thank the authors and the Netgalley website for allowing me to read this book.

We find Luna Graves who thinks that monsters do not exist, but they believe in her.

She is a tattoo artist specializing in dark and disturbing drawings. The monsters she invents or are they real? When her father dies, she has to reevaluate everything she knew about the world. She learns that she must be the monsters' doctor. Between her life as a human and her new job, she'll have to learn about a secret world hidden from everyone. Except that an ancient evil is coming whose purpose is to release the black plague. Luna will have to defend humans and non-humans alike. Will she be able to defeat this disease before Los Angeles is destroyed?

I read this book in one sitting and I was immediately hooked on the story, which is so gripping, captivating, addictive, full of intrigue, suspense and twists and turns with very endearing characters. I can't wait to read the rest of the book because I love the authors' addictive writing style.

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The plot of this book was good. One major thing that was hard for me to word with the different creature names. I understand that the authors were trying to set up this shadowkind world but in the process went just too far. I am not the kind of read that wants to stop multiple times in one chapter to check the glossary to figure out what this creature is. The middle of the book was too muddy and slow for me. I will give the author props on the ending. The way that they brought it all together was amazing.
Thank you Netgalley for ARC of this book. #GravesAnatomy #NetGalley

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I don't know what it was, but this is a DNF for for me. Sadly, I was looking forward to it based on the blurb, but something fell flat and I just couldn't keep reading. Maybe it was too wordy, maybe it was slow. I honestly don't know exactly what it was, but it just wasn't for me.

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Thank you Netgalley for the chance to read Grave's anatomy by Jace Anderson & Adam Gierasch. This was an imaginative and riveting story. Luna Graves is a tattoo artist who specializes in dark and foreboding designs. The creatures are a product of her imagination…or are they? When her estranged father dies, Luna must re-evaluate everything she thinks she knows about the world. It’s her destiny, she learns, to be a doctor to monster.
I enjoyed the character of Luna as she tried to figure this new world she was thrust into. The monsters were unusual (and for me unproncunable) but the story was fast paced, and kept me reading late into the night. I hope there is a 2nd book because this would make a great series!!

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Unfortunately this was a DNF for me at 30%. Although the idea seemed interesting and the world was original the writing style turned me off. The sentences were either short and choppy or too verbose. The overuse of onomatopoeia made it feel like it was targeted toward younger readers. Finally the transitions between scenes were odd, along with the introduction of characters. With a good editor I think this could be really good.

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