Member Reviews

This is one of the worst books about space I have ever seen. I don't even understand how it got published. This is a young woman explaining space to the cool kids. The constant swearing and slang and hip hop style speech makes it really difficult to learn anything. The writing is so irritating that I couldn't finish.

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I think everyone grows up thinking space is really cool and for many of us, that never goes away. Kate Howells perfect captures that feeling and has delivered a perfect book for those of us who might not "know" a ton, but love it just the same.

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I’m a big enthusiast and lover of anything related to space, astronomy, astro-physics, etc. And I have to say that Space Is Cool as F*ck by Kate Howells as just… a blast!

I loved how much you can learn from this in an extremely fun and hilarious way!

Doesn’t matter if you’re someone with profound knowledge or just a person with an interest in looking up at the stars, this will teach you so much in a simple, easy and laughable way.

And don’t even get me started about the interview with Bill Nye, because that had me laughing and crying hysterically! It was amazing and fun.

I listened to this on audiobook along with the book, which I recommend doing because the audiobook references a lot of fantastic photos and images that you don’t get to fully understand if you’re simply listening to the audio format.

It was a fun learning experience and I definitely recommend this to everyone.

Obviously have to point out the use of some… well, cursing language (as the title suggests), though it’s used in a lighthearted way and I didn’t find it offensive. You might want to be a bit more reserved with younger audiences, but it’s a perfectly safe and good book.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher Andrews McMeel Publishing / Andrews McMeel Audio for allowing me to listen and read this book in exchange for my review and honest opinion.

#SpaceisCoolasFck #NetGalley #Audiobook #Space #NonFiction #BookReview #AndrewsMcMeelAudio

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Space is Cool as F*uck is a coffee table book that is both fun and facinating! You don't have to be a scientist to enjoy the space facts, and this is an easy and enjoyable read.

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Educational with a healthy sense of fun and also f*cking wonder at the awesomeness of the universe. I love this for slightly older kids who think science is dry, and also for cool as f*ck adults like me. Naturally.

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This is a really fun table book! Lots of great space facts presented in a fun way. Very sweary. Would not recommend it for young kids but teenagers and up should love it. Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this. I'm definitely going to be purchasing this book for my bookshelf.

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This is a fun, interesting, and sweary little book about space. It doesn't cover everything there is to know about the universe, but it covers a lot. I wasn't sure how I'd feel about the sweary aspect, but it felt natural rather than forced, and honestly, I do talk like this, so I felt right at home. I don't recommend this for kids necessarily, unless you don't mind them getting in trouble at school for swearing, and I certainly don't recommend this for people who clutch their pearls a lot, but if you're reading this review, you'll prolly be just fine. Rather than photos of space stuff, this book has some trippy weird cool lowbrow pop surrealistic art throughout, and I quite enjoyed it! Pick this book up when you want a non-run-of-the-mill book about space to dive into.

#SpaceIsCoolasFck #NetGalley

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This book does exactly what it says on the tin! It is a foul mouthed look at the beauty and wonder of space, told in bitesized chunks that I really enjoyed. It is also full of gorgeous artwork, from photos of the planets to great cartoons. Dealing with a wide range of fascinating topics, the book never feels like it is talking down to the reader and assumes a certain level of intelligence, without ever straying too far into jargon or territory that a layperson can't get to grips with. Overall, I thought this was a great book and I just wish it were a bit longer!
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Thanks to Netgalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for access to this arc.

I requested this book because of the great cover and the fact that the title reached out and grabbed me. But despite the attention catching way it’s written – with obvious enthusiasm – I began to get worried on the first page when the author admitted to the fact that

“We are not experts but simply enthusiasts—we want to give you a little taste of the glorious reality you inhabit by providing an introduction to some of the incredible stuff out there, told plainly in the tongue of the common people.”

Not experts? Then what do they know? Well, they fucking paraphrased a lot of of scientists and then basically fucking admitted that some things just aren’t known, our experiments and attempts to understand it might never work but “fuck it. We might as well try.”

There’s lots of (many times irrelevant) artwork included but – to borrow something they say a lot – “fuck it” why not use more actual images from space telescopes? After all, space is cool as fuck and we have tons of pictures of it. Many pages have little inserts inviting us to “Check This Shit Out” which turn out to be little more than regurgitated facts. Where I finally lost it – and it didn’t take fucking long – was when a person who isn’t a physicist but is “an ordinary dude who likes to drink beer with friends” is invited to lecture to us. So … why should I fucking listen to him? Oh, and the many, many pages with white font on a black background began to hurt my eyes way before the book ended.

They are boisterous and enthusiastic. There is a lot of information in the book. There are a lot of graphics. But it’s not for everyone. Not by any fucking means. If they’d dropped the over-the-top profanity and stuck to the cool information – because space really is cool – it would probably have worked better for me. But no, it fucking didn’t. DNF

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Space Is Cool as F*ck by Kate Howells is an adult nonfiction book. It is currently scheduled for release on February 16 2021. From astrophysics to rocket science to the future of space exploration, it explains everything you thought you’d never understand about the universe in plain-old filthy English. We’re talking Big Bang, aliens, black holes, time travel, degenerate astronomers, and all the fundamental things you take for granted until you stop and think (like matter—what is this sh*t, really?). Alongside the knowledge bombs are 100 wild illustrations, photographs, and original artwork from 40 young international artists curated by Brooklyn designer Cynthia Larenas. Space is awesome, space is absolutely bananas, and space is for everyone.

Space Is Cool as F*ck is a guide to the fundamentals of space, and the building blocks of it all, written by and for regular people that just like space and learning a bit about it. If swearing bothers you, and the title was not enough warning for you, than you might want to skip the read. There is swearing on every page, and it reads like a conversation with someone that uses expletives for adjectives and punctuation. Back in my bar band days I have had many an intelligent and/or philosophical discussion- and recently had conversations about the current state of, well everything, with the same tone. So, it does not bother me but I do know it bothers others. I liked the honest, frank, and plain language approach to explaining the fundamentals of physics and space, and while I have read a great deal on the subject, I feel like I was better able to understand and retain the information than I have in more traditional books on the matter. I really enjoyed the read, and felt like I was entertained and educated in equal measure. I think the only thing I would have wanted was a section of suggested resources for further reading, but I always want that so it is not an unexpected gripe from me, and perhaps that is in the finished product.

Space Is Cool as F*ck is a frank and swear filled exploration of space, and the building blocks of our universe.

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Title: Space is Cool as F*ck
Author: Katie Howells
Genre: Non-Fiction
Pages: 178
Publication Date: 2/16/2021

Space is Cool as Fuck is written by Canadian astronomer, Katie Howells. She presents information about space in small bite-sizes that are easy to digest (usually about a page long). Some of the topics covered include gravity, antimatter, atmosphere, and the moon. These short essays have beautiful art between them.

What I loved:
•I loved the bite-sized essays that covered complicated topics. I am a science nerd but never got to take a class on space in school. Most of what I’ve learned is from reading science-fiction and from my nerdy husband. It was great to finally have a grasp of what some of these concepts are.
•The conversational tone made the material very approachable.
•The artwork was gorgeous.
•I loved learning about the planets like Jupiter and Venus.
•The story about Tycho Brahe was fascinating and I enjoyed it a lot!

What I did not like:
•While I thought the artwork was gorgeous, it did not feel like it matched the text. Space is so beautiful. I’m unclear why they didn’t pair the essays with actual photographs or illustrations of space.
•There was a long essay on climate change by Bill Nye. I’m unclear why this was included. The author never related it to the other concepts (and I’m such a newbie that I couldn’t make the connection).
•I really wish the author had covered all the planets in our galaxy. I also would have loved for her to cover what the different types of stars are like dwarf and supernova etc.
•I am disappointed that this book is not optimized for the eBook experience. It took me a long time to read because of the changing margins, changing the number of columns, and having to zoom in and out. I have a visual impairment that means I need to be able to enlarge text and have good lighting – which is possible on my eBook or on my phone. It feels like aesthetics were prioritized over accessibility which is incredibly disappointing especially for a book that is trying to expand people’s horizons.

I would recommend this book to anyone wanting to expand their knowledge about space and astronomy.

ARC provided to me by Andrews McMeel Publishing, via Net Galley, in exchange for an honest review.

#SpaceIsCoolasFck #NetGalley

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pretty interestng. alot more words than i had expected but it was pretty easy to understand and follow along with

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This was an absolute joy to read. I loved how easy and approachable it was to read, and it was so hilarious that I was cackling to myself on almost every page. It's also beautifully illustrated throughout and would make a wonderful gift or coffee table book too.

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Topics of astronomy and astrophysics told in a cool, casual writing style with just gorgeous art? That is my jam. That is what I am about. Give me space. Show me the expanse of our galaxy and let's talk about celestial bodies in a way that rejects academic tone for just cool vibes.

I love space, but I was not gifted with a science brain. However, I did date and hang out with many physics majors. This book is what it was like to be on the roof of the campus science building in the middle of the night with the physics majors-- who were just cool dudes who love space, video games, and playing guitar-- taking turns using the telescope and laughing way too loud.

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Back in college I took an Astronomy class. I love space and I thought, how could I go wrong by taking this class. It’s a no-brainer! Welp…I was half right - I had no brain left after each lecture and I actually hated the class! It was boring, the professor was monotonous and we just did lots of math. Where was all the cool space stuff?

Space Is Cool as F*ck is actually a really fun book! Warning alert – this is not for children! There is cussing on EVERY page. And while I actually laughed out loud at some of the phrasing, our little ones should probably just skip right on past this book until they are a little older. It sure does make for a fun read though.

I’m not a brilliant rocket scientist so there was a ton of new information for me in this book that I could actually understand (and some that I couldn’t understand without thinking really, really hard). There was also really cool abstract art and drawings as well. This is not a standard space picture book. It is utterly unique – both interesting and fun.

If you have a big collection of books on space or are considering buying a present for someone who is a fan of all things space related, definitely pick this up as there really isn’t anything else like it out there. But I really think to enjoy it to it’s full potential, a sense of humor is a must. Oh, and if you like Bill Nye, there is a pretty fun interview with him as well.

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Space is Cool as F*ck was such a fun read! I never read nonfiction books because they always feel like textbooks to me and I never get through them. BUT, this book made me laugh out loud at least once on every page.

This isn’t a book for the faint of heart, by that I mean if you don’t like swear words stay the f*ck away from this because it’s full of them. With that being said, this may not be the best book for the youngsters. If you don’t mind swearing, pick this book up!! You will not regret it!

I absolutely loved every part of this book, the writing was amazing and funny. The facts about space were very cool and interesting. I honestly have never had so much learning! Another thing I never thought I would say is that I couldn’t put down a nonfiction book, but due to how fun this book was I flew through it. This book is also full of pages with unique art and it added to this book in the best way. The art pages were a joy to see themselves and it also broke up the pages between the writing which I really enjoyed.

This is a great book to pick up if you have any interest in space. It’s hilarious, beautiful, and full of great facts! I cannot wait for this book to come out because I will be buying a hard copy immediately! Also there’s an interview with Bill Nye (if that doesn’t sell you, I don’t know what will)!!

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This book attempts to explain “everything you thought you’d never understand about the universe…”. An admirable aspiration and timely given we have recently passed the 50th anniversary of man walking on the moon. More recently there have been some great advances in the Space industry with successful and spectacular collaborations between commercial and government organisations. Alongside these events we have seen a multitude of Space-related material published via books, movies, podcasts and other media outlets.

This book does a very good job filling a knowledge gap for many non-specialist readers who have an interest in Space; albeit with a superficial although mostly adequate explanation of many aspects. The text language is colourful and initially somewhat appealing. However after a while, the abundant use of F-bombs does tend to loose impact. I suspect this book is aimed at a young-adult audience rather than an older audience seeking more information on all-things Space related. Nevertheless, I enjoyed reading this book.

In particular I enjoyed the wide-ranging and very comprehensive topics covered. From the Big Bang, right up to present day activity and pretty much everything in-between. The layout of the topics make sense. Complex Scientific and Space concepts are explained with clarity and simplicity. A great achievement and exactly what I was expecting from this book. I learnt a lot but would have liked more in some areas. For example the Apollo missions probably deserved more coverage. Although I understand a book on everything Space-related needs to be concise if everything is to included. Perhaps a better balance between text, photographs and illustrations could have resulted in an even more successful book.

The photographs and illustrations are loosely related to the text. While the photographs are in general appealing, the illustrations are too often a distraction, irrelevant and just seem out of place in a book purporting to be somewhat educational. Also somewhat out of place is the lengthy chapter on Climate Change that suddenly appears half-way through the book. I get that all these things are related but I would have thought most readers have ample opportunities to engage with Climate Change (and perhaps a more balanced view of solutions) via the social and other media outlets that inundate us in our daily lives.

This book has strong competition in attracting a wide readership. The contents ultimate disappoint. Expanded text, fewer and more judicious selection of photos and figures may have helped to make this book more successful. As would Selected Reference or Further Reading recommendations. Readers, with an interest in Space will probably enjoy this book; younger adults possibly more so. I suspect many will still be left wanting more; which is a good thing, given the abundant Space material available.

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This is a really fun and informative book for people interested in all things space and don’t mind a bit of swearing. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and would love to have a copy sitting on my coffee table. It has really vibrant pictures and easy to follow explanations.
It covers a wide range of topics relating to space and astrophysics, and gives a really good beginners overview.
A few random examples of sections include: Exoplanets, Dark Matter & Dark Energy, The Moon, an interview with Bill Nye, Radiowaves, How Rockets Work, Living Off-Planet, Black Holes, and Multiverse. There are 34 sections in total and all are really well researching and informative, plus they have cool pictures to match.

This would be a great present for anyone obsessed with space (like me), or someone who wants to learn more about space and wants something that is easy to read.
Be prepared for a lot of swearing, I really enjoyed this. It gave the content a really enthusiastic energy and made it sound more like your friendly theoretical astrophysicist friend getting excited about space and telling you all about it.

Thank you to the author, publishery, and Netgalley for the eARC copy of this book I received in exchange for an honest review

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I just finished Space is Cool as Fuck and I have one thing to say: This book is cool as fuck. I mean, I don’t think there is a more perfect book for me anywhere in the universe. Let me tell you why:

1) I love swears
2) I love space
3) I swear when I talk about space because I am *excited*
4) I am excited about this book. It's fucking cool.

There are rad fact about our universe, beautiful artwork, some weird-ass illustrations, and an interview with Bill Nye. I learned things. I laughed. I fell for the voice. And, yeah, like the title of the book says: space is cool as fuck.

Thank you for the review e-copy! I'll definitely recommend this onward.

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My review feels almost hypocritical, but there really is a time and place for the overuse of cuss words apparently. I never thought I’d find myself thinking that the word “f***k” drew from content, but in this book it really did. Which sucks, because the material was presented well for just about anyone to read.

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