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The Layover

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This has been such a strange experience for me. I think this is the first book that I really enjoyed in spite of the fact that I really didn't like the main character. It's a breezy summer read, quick and light hearted and perfect to read by the pool or at the beach.

What worked: Waldon's clear and smooth writing style and a fun cast (Ava aside) made this a nice read. The cover evokes the tropical setting as well. I'm a sucker for pretty cover art.

What didn't work (for me). I didn't like Ava. I found her cringey and mean for no reason. It's not until halfway through the book that we get any insight why Jack is the target of her ire. There's no way he would (or should) put up with that for any length of time just because he had to "find out what was so great about a girl who was lovely to everyone but him." I also had to go reread the synopsis, because this book wasn't exactly what I was expecting. It sounded like a straightforward enemies to lovers plot. There's no mention that Ava's actually engaged to someone else. This is a huge part of the narrative. Finally, I wished Belize itself was a little more fleshed out. The setting felt like it could be anywhere tropical.

But the problems I had were mostly subjective, and so even though the pros/cons look a little unbalanced up there, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this to rom-com fans and I'll definitely be on the lookout for more from this author.

Thank you to NetGalley and Putnam Books/Penguin for granting me this ARC in exchange for a review.

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Based on the premise of this book, I thought I was going to adore it. The enemies-to-lovers trope is definitely my jam. Ultimately, I thought that it was alright, but I didn't love it like I thought I would.

One of the issues I had was the fact that the MC is engaged and in a seemingly good relationship with a guy before she goes to Belize. It left me a little hesitant towards the relationship between Ava and Jack that I knew the book was actually working towards. It was also strange that the MC's fiancé didn't directly start talking down to her until now. I mean, yeah, he's a workaholic and expected the MC to be his support throughout, but hadn't the relationship always been that way? Wasn't that the type of marriage that she was expecting? I guess it bothers me that the fiancé was all of a sudden painted as a not-so-great guy only when the MC gets stranded in Belize with another potential love interest. I also think that it's strange that after Ava assumes that her engagement is over (by a phone call of all ways) that she gives little thought to Alexander when she begins flirting/getting more physical with Jack.

On the flip side, I loved the build up of the relationship between Ava and Jack because it is so misunderstood. It was fun to watch their characters unravel their takes on the same events that took place when Ava was cheated on.

Altogether, I thought that this book was a light pick-me-up read that I wouldn't necessarily remember in the future, but was enjoyable nonetheless.

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Thank you so much to the author for a copy of the book. I love a good enemies to lovers trope but this one was a miss for me. Without giving the book away, there’s a big reason why she is giving up being a flight attendant and I felt that how the event ended was so abrupt. I liked Jack and how playful he was and Ava was mean to him. It was hard for me to buy into their attraction over the weekend and how much self discovery Ava had over a stick layover.

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2.5 stars

When I first saw the vibrant illustrated cover and read the blurb for The Layover, I thought I was going to be reading a fun enemies to lovers romcom. While it is an entertaining read featuring that trope, the larger part of the story is about Ava's personal journey to understand and accept who she truly is. There was a bit too much emphasis on the enemies part of the trope, however, and it ended up coming across as petty and mean. Unfortunately, I never felt the "something" between Ava and Jack that was referenced so often. The romance between them felt forced and seemed to be more about lust than true connection. I found the overall pacing slow and the story never quite pulled me in, which made the book feel overly long. One of my favorite parts of the book though was learning all the little details and secrets regarding flight attendants and their procedures. That behind the scenes was fascinating. The secondary characters were also a lot of fun, especially Gen.

I think many readers will enjoy this story about living your life true to yourself, but I do wish that I had known that one of the main characters was engaged to be married prior to starting this book. Unfortunately, this detail really colored my perception of all the interactions between the main characters and it made the engaged character pretty unlikeable to me (even though it was clear that their relationship was doomed from page 1). I think there was enough going on with both characters and their pasts that that additional drama was unnecessary.

CW: cheating, mentions of alcoholism, slut shaming, fear of parental abandonment, strained parental relationships, death of family member (cancer)

*I voluntarily read an advance review copy of this book*

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Nothing like having your last flight as a stewardess scheduled to work with a guy you absolutely cannot stand. It happens to Ava. Jack is about to change everything she thinks she knows in this truly fun and engaging novel.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thank you NetGalley, Penguin Group Putnam and Lacie Waldon for gifting me an advance copy of his book in exchange for my honest review!
HOLY. COW. I’m feeling so lucky right now. I’ve been on a reading rampage and I’ve read soooo many amazing romances this month! I expected to like this one, I ended up LOVING it. At around 8:30 last night I sat down on the living room floor next to my gaming guy, expecting to only be there for a little bit before the tv sounds distracted me enough to leave. I was so so wrong. At 1:45 this morning I finally finished the book and looked up for what felt like the first time in hours. I was now the only one awake and way past my bedtime. I was completely sucked into Ava and Jack’s story. I’ve read so many romances but Lacie Waldon still managed to write something that felt fresh. I laughed so many times while reading, some of the times embarrassingly loud (two words: skinnydip orgy). I just loved this book. The characters, all of them, were so funny and likeable, even Ava who I admittedly wanted to punch at the beginning. She was a biiiiit much but Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. And Jack. Ugh. He was dreamy and handled Ava’s attitude so well. I also loved Gen and Pete and I’m a little sad we didn’t get to see more of them because they both were so cute and Gen is a gem!
I got The Unhoneymooners vibe from this except where I wanted more from the plot in TU, I felt like Lacie Waldon managed to pack in so much for a few days without making it all seem unbelievable. As a wanderer myself, I loved the spontaneous parts of their time in Belize. I am a firm believer the best parts of life are the ones we never planned or saw coming. This entire book is a love story to that idea. The steam level was pretty PG13 but Ava and Jack never lacked in the chemistry department. The ONLY issue I see people having is the idea of ‘emotional cheating’. For some people any kind of plot involving any kind of infidelity is a no, but it was such a non-issue for me off the bat. #TeamJack all the way.
You know those books you read and love and then find out it’s the author's debut? Lacie Waldon, where have you been hiding?! I can’t wait to see what comes next from this author and I’ll be buying a copy of this for my personal library ASAP and I highly suggest you do the same!

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I am super excited about this excellent summery read. The cover alone makes me want to hop on a flight and go on an adventure.

So, this book had some "tropes" in it that I don't normally like, but this author did them REALLY well and definitely won me over! Usually, when a romance book starts off with the main character in the wrong relationship I find it hard to understand how they didn't previously see it. In this book, we come to understand Ava's choices rather slowly. Pieces of her story unfold to the reader as Ava is beginning to understand them herself. The enemies-to-lovers tension in this book is STELLAR! I would say fans of Sally Thorne's The Hating Game will love that aspect of this book. I haven't read an enemies-to-lovers this well done in a long time!

I liked the pace. I was consistently surprised and found so many sections and side characters to be delightful and unpredictable in the best way!

I can't wait to chat with my book club about this one!

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I was so excited for this book, the enemies to lovers romance to come, but lo and behold the first chapter is about the main character and a completely different man than this enemy to come. This man is her fiance. There's just no world where cheating is okay with me and I figured it was best to call it quits right now than angry read the rest.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Putnam for the ARC in exchange for an honest review

CW: cheating (past and present), family tensions, slut-shaming

This will be spoilery so if you don't want to know anything stop here.

I really wanted to like this one but unfortunately, this wasn't the book for me. I have to start off by saying this one is fiction with a romance subplot. This is Ava's story of trying to figure out what she wants from her life when she goes on what she believes to be her last trip as an airline stewardess.

I have never read a book where the MC is an airline stewardess, and the expertise and clear ease that the author knows this world made it effortless and fun, being dropped right in. This one takes place over a short time period which can be difficult to do and I did feel like it dragged at times.

This book takes a very strong stance on cheating which felt ironic because at best Ava is emotionally cheating at worst she actually cheated. The book clearly sets up Alexander as not the right guy for her and never even pretends to show why Ava truly liked about him as a person other than the stability he would bring. There was never a chance she was going to choose him and it felt like it dragged on her belief she was going to marry him. Jack seemed like a great guy, but I never felt the chemistry between them, the enemies/rivalry was very immature and almost mean at times.

Ava is clearly flawed and going through something and is not a perfect person but she places blame on everyone else rather than looking internally at herself. I would have loved to see more growth with her character.

Rating: 2
Steam: 1

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2.5 Stars

I went into this book excited about an enemies to lovers romance, in a tropical setting with some forced proximity. And unfortunately, I feel like I got something very different.

Because this book has not been released yet, I will refrain from spoiling anything. The biggest turn off for me in the book is our flight attendant heroine, Ava. She makes some questionable and irrational decisions regarding her engagement and I feel like she was very unfair to her loving fiancé. Also, the reasons behind her hate for Jack are extremely underwhelming and based off of rumors and hearsay and I got really annoyed by that. I thought it was so childish and unnecessarily dramatic. I just couldn’t get into her character...

On the other hand, Jack was a decent hero and for the most part I enjoyed him. Ava and Jack had good banter in the beginning and in the second half the chemistry was there. But their relationship didn’t feel genuine and I had a hard time believing their romance.

The pacing was a little different I felt like there was added filler. The ending was lack luster, the secondary characters were just okay. Maybe if I had Jack POV it would have read differently.

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This book was an absolute joy to read and a perfect pick for those of us itching to travel this summer. It's a true beach read. While lite in the steam (g rated) the amazing banter between Jack and Ava beyond made up for it. Its a single POV book with nothing that I could see as a trigger warning. I'll be reccomending this to everyone to enjoy by the beach or pool!

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This book is the perfect escape that transports you into the beauty that is Belize and you never want to leave. Though this book started off slow and hard to connect with because I felt a disconnect with Ava, but once she was in her element, letting go of all her inhibitions, she became more relatable through her flaws. The writer has a style that sucks you in once preconceived notions were erased and the characters became more exposed. There’s a depth to the story that continually pulled me in and I never wanted to leave.

The interactions between Jack and Ava were amazing. The author really captures their chemistry through their snarky exchanges and snide comments. Any interaction between them lit up the pages and made my heart race. There were moments where it felt as if I couldn’t breathe while reading a delightful scene because the chemistry is so good. It was the type of tension makes your heart skip and I was just waiting on the edge of your seat waiting for that first kiss. It left me wanting more and never wanting this book to end.

My only qualms with the book overall is how her relationship was portrayed in the beginning. Initially, it was nice and normal. There was no indication of problems that were deal breakers in a relationship with Alexander. I think it would have preferred her to be single than in what seemed like a loving relationship. It’s not until half way through the reader understands the flawed relationship and issues that arise, I just wish it was addressed a bit sooner.

Overall, this is a fun, fast-paced read. Though the timing of everything seemed a bit rushed, it wasn’t lacking in chemistry or angst. The description in scenery made me feel as if I was there along with the characters soaking up the tropical weather and provided much of a needed escape from the PNW weather. Thank you to NetGalley and Putman for this ARC

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The synopsis sounded god. But when I read the first few pages and realized the main character had a fiancee, I knew this was king to go downhill quickly for me. I hate when the story plays out like this. It feels wrong to me and starts me off on th wrong foot.

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The Layover was so adorable and was filled to the brim with so much summer fun. Ava was such a solid character. I loved getting to know her from the beginning and learning how much she truly loved her job! Being a flight attendant is one of those jobs that is always highly glamorized in movies and such, but Ava let us see the not-so-great parts and how it all added up in her love for it.

From the get-go, Alexander left a bad taste in my mouth. When a partner wants their significant other to change some important pieces of who they are - that's always a huge red flag! But Jack, on the other hand, complimented her so well! You could tell that he always had Ava's wants in high consideration, even if they didn't include him.

This book was so adorable and has little-to-no steam for those who aren't fans of it! Either way, it's such a fun and bright book that will have you wanting to run to Belize ASAP!

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This was a solid beachy, sort of enemies-to-lovers, force-proximity romance novel. It was an extremely quick read and I enjoyed it.

I liked the dynamic between the two main leads, they had good chemistry and a fun banter, but I think their development was a little rushed because the whole book was about a long weekend's length of time. I think if it took place between a longer period of time where we can see their interactions more and have time in between their meetings, it would have made a more profound romance.

Also, the premise of the book was definitely not what I was expecting from the synopsis, so I think that affected my rating and reading experience a little, because I was expecting an Unhoneymooners vibe because of the tropical setting and the book cover. The book really only took place in Belize for about 20 percent of the book and the rest was in an airplane or hotels. This book was more of a travel story than a vacation-esque story. Nonetheless, it was very fun and quick.

I think my favorite part of the book was the side characters, Gen and Pilot Paul. They are the epitome of opposites attract and they are so charming and cute together. I think I would have rather read about their story. It would have been a very cute and quirky rom com type of book.

Thank you, Penguin Group Putnam and NetGalley, for providing me with this ARC (Advanced Reader's Copy) in exchange for an honest review.

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The Layover gives us a familiar enemies to lovers story with a unique setting and context. Ava is a flight attendant on her last planned flight. The nuances of flight life and the vibrant setting of Belize, where the crew’s layover is extended, make for a great back drop to a complicated reading experience.

While the dynamic between Ava and Jack is fun to follow, some readers may find the detail that she is actually engaged for much of the story problematic. We don’t necessarily see why the relationship with her fiancé wasn’t a positive one, we are told it in bits and pieces from Ava’s perspective and we’re not entirely sure she’s a reliable narrator – then again, who is more reliable in interpreting one’s situation and feelings than themselves. Ava and Jack are both complicated characters – in fact, Alexander, Ava’s fiancé is, too, prone to self-sabotage.

They may not be loveable, necessarily but they’re fun to read about and I found myself rooting for Jack, especially.

I enjoyed this book, especially if I don’t think too hard about the problematic elements. The writing is solid and believable.

I don’t recommend for readers who are deeply distracted or put off by cheating/emotional cheating plot lines, complicated characters, etc. but if you loved Meet Me in Paradise, Twice Shy, Shipped, and Float Plan, you may enjoy this one!

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It's always exciting to read a book that's nailed plot set-up, pacing and technique, to the point where you don't mind how some scenes play out--if you're looking for something on the steamier, graphic side, this isn't it. (And it's not like some books which have sexual tension build to a point where you expect something to happen and then it pulls its punches.) Also, enemies-to-lovers is my kink.

Ava has a lot of baggage, and that might turn off some (as some reviewers here have suggested), but to me she was likeable despite it. I guess my own personal experiences with instahate shows my immaturity compared to some reviewers here. People have taken issue with her hiding her engagement from everyone, and while it's not excusable, it's understandable. She has never connected with anyone long enough to keep lasting friendships and therefore reveal details about herself, and this has been since childhood, not just because of her career. But, she also she knew deep down her impending marriage wasn't going to work. It was what Alexander represented that she wanted, not necessarily him and how he thought was the best way to provide stability. (Although, point out Ava's hypocrisy all you want; I would've loved a scene where she chewed him out big time.)

I thought the tension between her and Jack was just right (although why dudes love some women who are forever hurling jabs at them, I'll never know). I don't know why Gen still had a job as a flight attendant given her unprofessionalism. Overall, I loved this book.

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Enemies to lovers trope that was a slow and steady pace. I enjoyed the witty banter between the two main characters. Although, I would have preferred Ava to have warmed up sooner to Jack than she did. Ava’s impression of Jack was unsubstantiated and during their interactions he seemed to be a really nice guy.

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Flirtatious behavior happens with the The lead MC and another man that is not her fiancée in the first 20 percent of the book the hero in this book is not her fiancée. Jack, the pilot is the other man. I just can’t get on board with a romance that has cheating and begins to justify the cheating because her finance is not nice. Unfortunately, this was a miss or me and i couldn’t continue reading this one.

If this does not bother you then I would say go ahead and give this book a read. It had its moments of learning the ins and outs of being a flight attendant and the inner workings of the crew on board a plane. It is a light hearted romance that I can see being enjoying during the summer time.

***Thank you to Net-Galley & Putnam for an ARC of this book in exchange for my review **

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If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

After reading Lacie Waldon's "The Layover", I think the best part of being a flight attendant might just be the chance to try out whatever answer you can think of! Ava has been flying for a decade and has a plethora of experiences under her belt and her last hurrah before getting married is going to take her to Belize!

Unfortunately for Ava, she's got a grouchy stick-in-the-mud pilot, an overly zealous co-worker, and one of the flight attendants she hates the most, along with her for the trip. What she doesn't know is just how much this "one last trip" will change her life and the lessons she'll learn about herself.

I loved the growth Ava experienced on the trip and the friendship her co-workers provided. I loved the different people she met along the way that helped her on some amazing adventures as well.

On the flip side, I hated Alexander. He's one of those guys who's great on paper but a real arrogant jerk up close... Thankfully, one of the most important things she learned on the trip is that Alexander is NOT her future... I also have to admit that if I had been in love-interest-Jack's shoes, I'd have given up chasing Ava long ago, but I'm also not a man. And I'm thankful he didn't because he really stole my heart as well as Ava's.

When I first read this book, I was turned off and found it not especially funny. Wanting to love it, I gave it a second try and I'm beyond grateful that I did. Clearly my mood was off that first time because this time around I read a somewhat deep, funny, loving adventure. The one thing I agreed on between both readings was how much I love the behind the scenes view of the life of a flight attendant. I hope the author provides more of this in her future novels!

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