Member Reviews

Excellent look at social eugenics and racism. Told in dual voices of two lack students at a otherwise all white elite prep school. Devon and Chiamaka led a pretty normal high school career until senior year when they began to get haressed, abused, and blackmailed. Once they realized they were the only two students that this was happening to and set out to stop it.
Relatable characters. Addresses many different issues

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Ace of Spades is filled with twists and turns, and I was left with my mouth open on multiple occasions, whether that was from horror or shock. Àbíké-Íyímídé is truly a genius, and has woven topics such as generational wealth, social capital, incarceration, anti-Black racism, homophobia, and intersectionality into this phenomenal tale. Ace of Spades is what dark academia should be at it’s very core: an exploration of academia, and how much of a role white supremacy, microaggressions and systemic oppression play in our everyday life.

As Chiamaka struggles with maintaining her spot as Niveus’ most popular girl, talented musician Devon’s simply trying to stay under the radar, and make it out alive. After all, they’re in their senior year — how difficult could it be? Quite difficult, it turns out, when they suddenly find themselves targeted by Aces. Whoever Aces is, they’re trying to make Chiamaka and Devon’s lives a living hell by sharing some of their deepest secrets. It’s up to Chiamaka and Devon to team up, and figure out who is behind all of this, before it’s too late.

Ace of Spades is told in alternating POVs; one following Chiamaka, and one following Devon. In the realm of the high school social hierarchy, Chiamaka and Devon are as different as two people can be, making them the perfect foil for one another, and allowing us to truly see the true effect Aces has on their lives. First, we have seemingly perfect Chiamaka, whose parents are rich, and her only “flaw” is her best friend’s lack of interest in her, and can only truly lose two things — her perfect academic record and her social standing. Then, we have scholarship kid Devon, whose only friend is Jack and the music teacher at school. His one ticket to a better life for him and his family is dependent on his acceptance to Julliard. Àbíké-Íyímídé has crafted such fascinating characters, and I found myself really rooting for Chiamaka and Devon very early on.

If nothing else, Ace of Spades is gripping, powerful, terrifying, and intriguing. I was hooked from the first page, curious to know who was behind Aces, why they were doing so, why they were targeting Chiamaka and Devon specifically, and what would happen next. But what truly captivated me was the way Ace of Spades calls out white supremacy in academia. Every aspect of Chiamaka and Devon’s school lives were controlled by rules that supported their white peers, whether spoken or inferred. Rules about their hairstyle, social norms, what was - or wasn’t - acceptable, and conversations about how their rich white counterparts had it much easier.

There were moments where I had to put the book down, pace around my room, process, and then return. While I’m not much of a thriller reader, Ace of Spades may have changed that forever. Everything unraveled slowly, so slowly that you might not even realize it at the time, until the very end, where I was left staring at a mess and just being in shock.

Àbíké-Íyímídé’s writing is immersive, rich and descriptive, leaving readers hooked onto every page. I also must give a honorary shoutout to the epilogue, because I am still thinking about it, weeks later after finishing my ARC. Ace of Spades truly goes out with a bang, one last adrenaline rush, that ensures that you’ll be thinking about it forever.

Ace of Spades is one of the most clever, twisted, shocking and genius books I’ve ever read, and I cannot wait for its June release! Many thanks to Netgalley and Macmillan Children’s/Feiwel and Friends for providing me with an eARC.

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I adored this book. This is what I desire in a mystery/thriller.
Where to even begin.
The pacing was phenomenal. Every chapter left me wanting more. With many mysteries I read it slows down or drags but this one only grew.
I loved our central characters and how they felt human and I was really rooting for them to find Aces.
At the moment. I'm still in awe of this book and don't know what to say. This is an amazing debut. I will be recommending this to many people.

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Touted as Gossip Girl meets Get Out, this book is all that and more. It does give off a Pretty Little Liars vibe, especially in the beginning, and readers are taken on a thrilling ride. Issues like racism and white privilege and supremacy are presented. It's a book that will give its readers a lot of food for thought, and I can just imagine the discussions this will rightly inspire. Definitely a book worthy of a place in any collection.

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Ace of Spades by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé has been described at Get Out meets Gossip Girl and I cannot think of a better description. The dark academia books opens up to Niveus Private Academy, where we meet our main characters Devon and Chiamaka, two seniors just trying to finish their last year of high school until they can leave for bigger and better things at university: Devon is a Julliard-hopeful for music and Chiamaka definitely wants to go Ivy League. But it all goes awry when everyone at school starts getting messages from "Aces" that reveals Devon and Chiamaka's personal secrets. But is something even more sinister afoot?

Àbíké-Íyímídé takes on some big themes of race and sexuality as the story unfolds. Devon and Chiamaka both give you reasons to love them and you find your heart breaking right along with them as the secrets are revealed. The attitudes and actions of the various other characters have you constantly guessing who Aces may be.

I really wish Devon and Chiamaka could have gotten more redemption by the conclusion. The ending felt rushed and I wanted more depth to the resolution. However, I really enjoyed this writing from Àbíké-Íyímídé. It was a fun read; out of my normal realm as it has been awhile since I have read a book classified as Young Adult. It was action packed and I devoured it in a matter of days.

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Fun read that handled serious, systemic problems well. Would definitely put it in a hands of a teen, even if I didn't love it.

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Devon is a scholarship student just keeping his head down until he gets into Juilliard. Chiamaka is the ice queen who rules the hallways with an iron fist. All they have in common is that they are the only Black kids at the exclusive Niveus Academy. When they are targeted by the cyberbully Ace of Spades, they reluctantly team up to take down Aces before their lives are entirely shredded. Neither is prepared for the brutality of the fight ahead of them. Compelling characters, a devastating depiction of racism and homophobia, and a stupendous gut-punch of a twist.

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Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Rating: ★★★★★ stars

“Why?" I whisper. "Why are you doing this?"

[Their] face morphs, [their] expression confused. Like the answer is so obvious, and I can't see it. [They] lean back against the oak doorframe.

"Because I can.”

✍️ One Sentence Synopsis: Two students navigate their senior year at a prestigious academy while being targeting by an anonymous bully called "Aces."

💭 Overall Thoughts: It's early in the year, I know, but I'm calling this as my favorite debut of 2021. This was such a gripping and brilliant read. This book had me reeling in shock afterwards, and it will do the same to you, too. I can't say this loud enough but: (PRE)ORDER THIS BOOK.

“I think anyone can be nice, but it’s not about being nice. You can’t escape a history like that and not be affected.”

What I Liked:
👍 Social relevance: This was an absolute strong point in Ace of Spades. Faridah brings real-world experiences/fears to the page that will undoubtedly resonate heavily with readers. This book hits on several manifestations of racism and dives into other aspects such as class disparity, homophobia, and the generational impact of white privilege. I also loved the inclusion of social media in the fight for justice.
👍 Characters: Faridah's use of foil characters was a highlight for me. While Chiamaka comes from money and seeks the spotlight, Devon attends the academy on scholarship and prefers solitude while making music. Another instance of this was Devon having assurance in his sexuality, while Chi was still discovering hers. Faridah created such wonderfully complex main characters for readers to connect to with ease.
👍 The plot: I was hooked within the first 25% of this book, and that's all due to Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé's masterful storytelling skills. I loved the way secrets slowly unraveled as the story went on, and it kept me on my toes throughout the whole reading experience. I went into this book knowing it was described as a mixture of Gossip Girl and Get Out, so I tried to keep rapt attention on anything and everything suspicious. Even with this sharp attention, there were still several jaw-dropping moments for me.
👍 The writing: Tying into the jaw-dropping moments-- this is wholly due to Faridah's fantastic writing abilities. I was on edge for this whole novel (in the best way possible, of course), while also getting into the sweet moments like ones between Devon and his mother.

What I Didn’t Like:
👎 ...I have nothing to say here.

"By fire, By force."

💞 Read this if you liked: Gossip Girl and Get Out is a spot-on descriptor for this book!

⚠️ Content Warnings: racism, racial slurs, physical violence, drug mentions, suicide mentions, graphic descriptions of bodily injuries

Dreaming is dangerous. But I allow myself to this time.

I think we deserve a happy ending.

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Ace of Spades was a well-written and thrilling YA novel. Given that it was marketed as a cross between Get Out and Gossip Girl, I should have seen the twists and turns coming, but I didn't.
Chiamaka and Devon are driven students, each on the path to success. They're even names prefects at the beginning of their senior year. But just as things are going well, anonymous text messages start getting sent to the entire student body. Each message revealing students' carefully guarded secrets. But the anonymous sender, Aces, is only targeting Chiamaka and Devon. It's the twenty-first century, so it can't be because they're the only Black students at the prestigious, but primarily white Niveus Academy...
I will absolutely be recommending this book.

~I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.~

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Devon and Chiamaka are both students at the prestigious Nievus Academy. They couldn’t be more different. She is popular, he is not. She wants to be a doctor, he wants to be a musician. She lives on “the good neighborhood, he does not. The only thing they have in common is being Black. Until they both start receiving threatening text messages from someone going by the name “Aces”. Slowly, Ace starts revealing all of their most intimate secrets, so they come together to figure out exactly who is behind “Aces” and bring him down.
Honestly, this is one of the most disturbing books I have ever read. The character development, pacing, and story are all strong enough that the reader also feels desperate to discover who “Aces” is. When the mystery is finally solved, the answer is so shocking that it’s bound to stay with you for a very long time. Until recently, the reveal might have seemed entirely implausible, but these days, not so much. I’m guessing the content will cause this book to end up on both recommended and title and banned books lists, which is usually the sign of a truly great book.

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I wanted to love this book, but I think I'm not in the right space (or age range) to enjoy 'Gossip Girl' style mean girls, queen bee machinations, and that overall tone/subgenre anymore. I very much appreciate how this novel injected some very much needed race commentary (and POC representation) into the subgenre, and I loved how she mixed it with other subgenres and created a newer fusion that was very thrilling and horrifying. However, the main characters' voices didn't draw me in as much as I wanted/needed, so the book didn't read as quickly as the plot engine would otherwise almost require.

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I received an ebook ARC of Ace of Spades from Netgalley.

When I requested Ace of Spades I had no clue what to expect. It was described as Gossip Girl meets Get Out. Having never seen Get Out, I wasn’t sure I’d make the connection. At first I was getting GG meets Pretty Little Liars but as I read more I started to see the Get Out connection (never seen the movie but know the premise). This book took me on a ride & I wasn’t ready to get off until it forced me to by ending.

Devon & Chiamaka are targets of an anonymous “prank” at the hands of Aces. But it quickly takes a turn for the worst when secrets are revealed. Chiamaka, a queen bee, who is not used to people turning against her. Devon, a shy kid just trying to make it under the radar until graduation. Together try to figure what is the connection that has them as the sole targets. Privilege. Racism. LGBTQ+. The book offers commentary on it all.

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ACE OF SPADES is a quiet thriller, slowly gaining momentum until you are rapt in your reading and loathe to move away until you are sure that Chiamaka and Devon are safe. This creeping thriller is terrifying and sadly all too realistic in its' plot, creating an even greater fear that rests within you afterwards. If you enjoy GET OUT, stories about private schools, or YA thrillers, you will adore ACE OF SPADES.

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What a ride! The plain language and characters that start out almost stock—the overachiever, the closeted gay black teen—are the first trick the author plays on the readers, because quickly the characters deepen into real people with real problems who find themselves in an increasingly tense and horrifying web of more than just deceit. This book taps into so much for how fast-paced it is, but to delve into it would be giving all of it away.

This is a thriller so pulse-pounding I had to spoil myself on Goodreads just to calm myself down enough to get to the satisfying end.

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I usually don't put too much stock into a publisher's description of a book, but in this case it is spot on. This YA thriller really does feel like a combination of Gossip Girl and Get Out which totally made for a fascinating read.

Devon Richards and Chiamaka Adebayo are students at Niveus Private Academy. They have been selected as senior class prefects and are in the running for valedictorian. Someone going by the name Aces starts sending anonymous text messages revealing secrets about Devon and Chiamaka. With their futures in jeopardy, the two students vow to take Aces down. On the surface the text messages might seem like a silly prank but deep down the truth is horrifying.

The mystery of Aces and why the two Black students were being targeted easily held my interest. Devon was a character I felt invested in from the start as he's kinda in that underdog type role and you feel protective over him. Chiamaka on the other hand reads like a caricature at first but eventually the author finds a good groove with her and I began to understand and appreciate the character more. At some point I ended up switching gears and became more interested in her scenes rather than the ones only involving Devon.

The big reveal for the mystery is something that I have been contemplating since I read this book a few weeks ago and I just have mixed feelings. I'm trying not to venture into spoiler territory but the direction the story takes is a lot but at the same time it is not enough. I would have loved it if the big reveal took place earlier on so the rest of the novel could have explored the author's ideas more in depth.

I recommend this book to anyone who appreciates diverse and thought-provoking reads.

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Absolutely loved this one. Such a good YA thriller. There is this creeping sense of dread and then when it starts to become clear what's happening, it just takes your breath away. I get that this is kind of a Gossip Girl x Get Out, but I saw it more of a Pretty Little Liars x Dear White People. I felt like Chiamaka was who Coco Conners was in high school, and I loved her character so much. As thrilling as it is, I loved the triumphant end, top to bottom a very satisfying read.

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Wow, what a book, but one that I found to be flooded with real messages that our society needs to definitely get! Well written and intense, to the point it was almost scary, but definitely was chilling! Character development was phenomenal, as was the unique storyline! I think that not only will thriller lovers get some amazing tense moments, thrills, chills, twist and turns, and shocks, but also some great knowledge that many lack today! I would highly recommend( when to those who are not into thrillers, but love stories with underlying social themes! Not one to miss!

Will make sure to buzz around and use low Amazon reviewer number!

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I liked this book a lot! The characters were super fun and relatable and I thought the plot was extremely interesting! I hope there will be a sequel!

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Thank you to Fierce Reads & NetGalley for sending me this eARC!!
I recommend this book to absolutely EVERYONE, but ESPECIALLY if you love Gossip Girl, the movie Get Out, and dark academia. It has some of the best social commentary I've ever read. It is extremely well-paced and easy to follow. It's hard to say much about the plot itself without spoilers, but basically there's this anonymous entity called Aces who sends mass texts to the student body about our main characters' deepest darkest secrets (hence, Gossip Girl). The part that relates to Get Out, however, you're going to have to read to find out. The reveals are so well done, and they had me shocked, gasping, screaming, and utterly shook throughout the entire novel. This one is DEFINITELY going to be in my top 10 of 2021, hands down.

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I don't even know if I can write proper words about how amazing this book was without sounding like a mess. I didn't want to put the book down! I haven't been this scared and stressed while reading a book in a very long time (if ever!). Everything about this from the characters to the plot to the social commentary was phenomenal!

This is one book I don't think I'll stop thinking about for a while. I actually was yelling at the book especially when things started to come together and the plot went from normal creepy to insane levels of stress for these two characters. I truly just don't even have words to describe what a wild and intense and fast paced ride this was.

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