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Certain Dark Things

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A novel that combines noir and fantastical elements of the vampire lore. Set in Mexico City, a place where the existence of supernatural creatures is acknowledged but vampires are banned, the story centers around Domingo, a street kid who collects garbage for a living. His life takes a dangerous turn when he meets Atl, a descendant of Aztec blood drinkers. Atl is on the run from a rival vampire clan and also the law, looking to escape to South America. As their lives intertwine, Domingo becomes infatuated with Atl and is drawn into her dark world of ancient rivalries, blood feuds, and vampire subcultures. The novel explores themes of predation and survival, and contrasts different vampire species, each with their own unique histories and characteristics rooted in diverse cultural mythologies. Certain Dark Things delves into the dark underside of Mexico City, exposing the intersection of the criminal underworld with the supernatural, all set against a backdrop of modern urban decay.

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As a massive fan of Silvia Moreno-Garcia, I had to read Certain Dark Things, her vampire-induced horror. Absolutely thrilling, this novel was filled with unique vamps, a little romance, and lots of action.

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I picked up this novel. Moreno-Garcia is a brilliant writer who always surprises readers by jumping into different genres. I never knew what to expect from her stories, constantly entering them with awe because I knew this story would not be predictable.

And that remains true with Certain Dark Things. This is a multiple-POV novel, with Atl and Domingo being the central points of view that drive the story forward. Each is haunted by the ghosts of their mistakes, but together, battling rival vampire gangs, they find peace with one another.

Atl begins the story on the run, disillusioned and angry at the mistakes that cost her her family’s lives. She was hot-headed, and now she has to live with that for the rest of her life. Then, she meets sweet Domingo.

Oh my god, Domingo is the sweetest human being in the world. He is honest but also tries to see the silver lining, fascinated with vampires. He sometimes seemed like a child in how he fangirled over Atl. Still, his brightness and levity make the story and the relationship that grows between them gut-wrenching.

I loved the story’s pacing; it flitted between the characters to give the world more structure. Moreno-Garcia really delved into the neo-noir setting of the story. We see the mechanics of the gangs, how vampire species differ, and how the police can work in the partially corrupt system.

The world-building was fantastic because it felt gritty, raw, and violent. Certain Dark Things is about feuding vampire gangs; you can bet it is violent.

Final Thoughts
Absolutely fantastic, Certain Dark Things is absolutely thrilling. It is action-packed, and Moreno-Garcia does not lose that emotional element, creating such a wonderful dynamic between Atl and Domingo. Reader, be warned, it is a bittersweet ending that tugs on the heartstrings.

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I'm a huge fan of Silvia Moreno-Garcia -- she always writes horror with a feminist, diverse twist. I'm glad I had the opportunity to read this because I missed it upon its initial release. I'm not much of a horror reader but I will always pick up one of her books.

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"Certain Dark Things" by Silvia Moreno-Garcia is a mesmerizing and inventive take on the vampire mythos that transports readers to a richly imagined world filled with danger, intrigue, and supernatural thrills. Set in Mexico City, the novel follows Domingo, a homeless street kid, and Atl, a vampire princess on the run from rival clans.

Moreno-Garcia's world-building is exceptional, seamlessly blending elements of Mexican folklore and urban fantasy to create a vibrant and immersive setting. From the bustling streets of Mexico City to the hidden depths of the vampire underworld, the author brings each location to life with vivid detail and atmosphere.

The characters are equally compelling, each with their own distinct personalities and motivations. Domingo is a sympathetic protagonist, his innocence and naivety providing a stark contrast to the darkness that surrounds him. Atl is a fierce and enigmatic figure, haunted by her past and driven by a fierce desire for survival.

At its core, "Certain Dark Things" is a gripping tale of survival and sacrifice, as Domingo and Atl navigate the treacherous world of vampires while facing threats from both within and without. The novel is filled with pulse-pounding action sequences and heart-stopping twists that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

Moreno-Garcia's prose is lyrical and evocative, drawing readers into the story with its rich imagery and powerful storytelling. The novel also explores themes of identity, prejudice, and the consequences of violence, adding depth and complexity to the narrative.

Overall, "Certain Dark Things" is a masterfully crafted novel that breathes new life into the vampire genre. With its compelling characters, immersive world-building, and thrilling plot, it's a must-read for fans of dark fantasy and supernatural fiction. Silvia Moreno-Garcia has once again proven herself to be a master storyteller, delivering a tale that is both chilling and captivating from start to finish.

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Silvia Moreno-Garcia's "Certain Dark Things" is a captivating urban fantasy novel that breathes new life into the vampire genre. Set in a richly imagined world where different vampire species coexist with humans, Moreno-Garcia weaves a complex storyline filled with intrigue, danger, and unexpected alliances.

Moreno-Garcia expertly crafts a gritty and atmospheric urban landscape that serves as the perfect backdrop for the novel's supernatural elements. From the bustling streets of Mexico City to the seedy underbelly of the vampire world, the setting is vividly rendered and adds depth to the story. The standout aspect of the novel is the character development, with each character brought to life with depth and nuance. From the enigmatic Atl to the fierce Ana, there is a diverse cast of characters whose motivations and conflicts drive the narrative forward.

The plot will keep readers guessing until the very end, while the level of horror is just enough to keep the tension high without overwhelming the story. Moreno-Garcia's writing style is elegant and evocative, with prose that is both lyrical and atmospheric, drawing readers in from the very first page.

Overall, "Certain Dark Things" is an entertaining read with a compelling storyline, rich atmosphere, well-developed characters, and an immersive writing style,

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*Thank you Netgalley for giving me a ARC of Certain Dark Things in exchange for an honest review.

Now, I’m not a big vampire fan. :o They are pretty played out and I’m just kind of over the lot of them. But, I have really enjoyed everything I’ve read so far by this author. If anyone could get me to go TEAM VAMP, I felt like Silvia could do it.

First thing first though….. Let’s talk about this cover art!! :o Holy blood sucking bat is it beautiful!! The layout design, the color contrast… it’s perfect. Atl and her doggo are just too cute. :) I know you shouldn’t judge a book by the cover but man is this cover eye catching.

Ok, to the review!

I loved the background lore of all the different kinds of vampires in the universe of this novel. What a great way to freshen up vampires. I actually wanted to see more of the vampires. :o I was just so curious about all the different factions.

The main characters, Domingo and Atl (plus her dog!), are so likable. I felt so sad for Domingo. Geez, what a rough life he has had. He is such a sympathetic character, I wanted him to have it all- love, friends, money, a new life! I was his cheerleader through the whole book!

Now, I’ve seen a lot of people complain about Atl. That she was mean and nasty person that treated Domingo like trash even though he was nothing but nice to her. Atl is a complex character. She wasn’t mean to just be mean though. She didn’t know how to have friends, and she was scared to get close to anyone. Everyone she ever loved was killed. She didn’t know how to handle that. She was harsh, but sympathetic too. She made choices and now she had to deal with them. :/ So lonely….

The plot is a fast paced neo-noir horror thriller. Vampire narcos, sketchy humans, Shady under belly of Mexico City… Certain Dark Things is an excellent modern crime noir. The ending is so sad but so happy too. I almost cried happy tears at the very end… The dog lives! :D YAY!

Even though vampires are not my favorite horror creature, I felt memorized by the author’s vampire world. Once again Silvia proves she is at the top when it comes to a griping modern noir crime novel. The characters give you all the feels you could want and I couldn’t help but want them to succeed. Plus, DOGGO! <3 I’m really looking forward to this authors next novel. 🙂

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this books was alright and my first book by this author. i enjoyed the plot of the story, but the outcome and reveal wasn't my favorite. i may try other books by this author eventually.

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I really love Moreno-Garcia’s other novels so much. But this one wasn’t a favorite. Her other novels have an atmospheric quality to them that is palpable and for some reason this one fell short for me. I enjoyed it to an extent, but wasn’t my favorite of hers for sure. I did really love how she was able to combine so many different vampire ideas and stories into a cohesive background for this novel.

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I’ve heard a lot of great things about Moreno-Garcia, and I’m thrilled to start exploring her work with this Mexico City vampire story.

And this was a strong introduction to her work. I really loved the intensity of the story. We immediately understand the stakes in this world, and the character of Domingo as our introduction to the vampire world perfectly allowed for the opportunities of world building to not seem like info dumps. I did want a lot more worldbuilding, but I think that speaks well for Moreno-Garcia’s incorporation of Mayan mythology into her vampires.

One of the things I didn’t like though was the pacing. The story from chapter one is so breakneck. Everything is happening so quickly, it felt like there was no time to breathe. We didn’t get a lot of character depth because so much is going on. And this also resulted in the ending feeling very abrupt for me. While it did feel rushed to me, I did appreciate how not everything got tied up in a neat little bow. The openness of the epilogue really fit the tone, and also leaves the world open to a possible sequel.

Moreno-Garcia really sold this story, and I can’t wait to explore more of her work.

Thanks to NetGalley and Macmillan Publishing for this arc.

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I’m a huge Silvia fan, I collect all of her Goldsboro editions. While I loved this book the beginning was hard for me to get into but after the first chapter I couldn’t stop reading. I love the vampire legend and the culture Silvia weaved into the story. I don’t believe the is book should be classified as YA, it’s an adult book and Silvia makes that known on goodreads. I’m glad to see Silvia get the attention she deserves and that her books are being reprinted because I missed them the first time.

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Silvia Moreno-Garcia can really do no wrong. The file format of this never downloaded correctly to my device, so I wasn't able to read the arc. Just read the print copy and loved it! Fantastic world building, fantastic characters--just a great urban fantasy.

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A Thrilling Reimagining of Vampires and Noir

Silvia Moreno-Garcia's "Certain Dark Things" takes readers on a mesmerizing journey through the streets of Mexico City, offering a unique and captivating take on vampire lore. In this neo-noir novel, Moreno-Garcia masterfully weaves together a gritty urban setting with a fresh perspective on vampires, creating a pulse-pounding tale that keeps you engaged from start to finish.

The story introduces us to Domingo, a lonely street kid just trying to survive the dangerous streets of Mexico City, and Atl, a jaded vampire with Aztec blood flowing through her veins. Their unexpected and complex relationship forms the heart of the narrative, drawing readers into a world where vampires, humans, crime bosses, and law enforcement clash in a battle for survival.

Moreno-Garcia's prose is both evocative and vivid, immersing the reader in the richly detailed setting of Mexico City. The story's pacing is skillfully handled, allowing for the gradual development of characters and relationships while still maintaining a sense of urgency. The tension between Atl's need to escape her pursuers and her growing connection with Domingo adds layers of intrigue that keep you invested in their fates.

As the narrative unfolds, the intertwining of various perspectives and motivations adds depth to the story, showcasing the complexity of this vampire-infested world. The exploration of different vampire clans and their dynamics adds an additional layer of depth to the narrative, enriching the lore.

While "Certain Dark Things" is undoubtedly a gripping and innovative take on vampire fiction, some readers might find themselves craving a more thorough exploration of certain elements of the world-building. Additionally, a few plot developments might feel slightly rushed, leaving the reader yearning for more context and depth.

Overall, "Certain Dark Things" is a refreshing and enthralling addition to vampire literature. Moreno-Garcia's masterful storytelling, combined with a unique setting and a cast of intriguing characters, makes for a read that's both thrilling and thought-provoking. If you're seeking a vampire tale with a noir twist and a richly drawn backdrop, this novel is definitely worth sinking your teeth into.

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I'm hoping that with the rise in popularity of vampire novels this one will be picked up by readers as well. I loved the backdrop of Mexico City. This is definitely an Adult book and not YA. Sure there is a POV that is from a 17 year old but the other four are adults. I loved the way the author wove the myths of their culture and other cultures vampire myths into the novel. It had call backs to the time of the Aztecs. And who doesn't love a good vampire novel? The novel was past-based and the Neo-noir was done so well. Highly recommend.

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Domingo, a street kid, is just trying to survive when he meets Atl, a vampire on the run. While Atl hadn’t included Domingo in her plans of escaping the city, he grows on her. But will they even manage to make it out of the city alive?

Certain Dark Things was a lot of fun! It wasn’t perfect, it had a few too many lulls and then ramped into a lot of action, and I would have liked if it were paced a little differently to even that out. But all in all, the story was interesting and made up for any lulls that occurred. I enjoyed the characters, although at times I found Domingo a little one dimensional, but I did enjoy his character growth. Atl was definitely the highlight of the book though, especially as she warms on Domingo joining her.

I haven’t read Mexican Gothic, so I thankfully didn’t have any expectations going into this one because I know I’ve seen a lot of people who were disappointed. I think this is a book you have to go in with no expectations, especially now that I’ve read other Moreno-Garcia books, I don’t think she sticks to any one genre. The other thing is to not expect a typical vampire book with this one. I appreciated that because I find the genre has been over done, and often we get similar stories told time and again. Certain Dark Things was a new take on it while still using some pre-existing lore.

I would definitely recommend Certain Dark Things for readers who want some more vampires in their lives, and definitely for those that are a little sick of vampires and want a fresh look at them. It’s fun, a little gory, and reasonably action packed.

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Slow to start but that’s typical with noir. I loved the authors world building and the extensive way she built out vampire lore. I love unlikeable characters so every POV in this book was a fun one. It was interesting to see a vampire suffer when injury like limb loss, it doesn’t happen often in other vampire stories

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This book had great vibes and interesting characters. I enjoyed the action and the vampire lore as well.

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Wonderful! Passionately written and just felt like someone laid their heart on the page. Wonderful! Passionately written and just felt like someone laid their heart on the page. Wonderful! Passionately written and just felt like someone laid their heart on the page.

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Mexico City has resolved the vampire issues with regular, systematic sweeps. Despite that, Atl has made her way to Mexico City and kept a low profile; however, she is being hunted and the rival vamps, cartel, and police force are beginning to zero in on her identity and location. She recruits the help of a garbage-collecting street kid named Domingo who is only too happy to help. So begins Atl's flight to leave Mexico City before capture.
This is a re-release from 2016 and is a great vampy noir novel that brings readers into a fictional Mexico City. The POV follows Atl, Domingo, Nick (who is perusing Atl for vengeance), and Anna (the detective with vampire-slaying experience). This is a spin on vampire lore that is action-packed from start to finish. Because of the various POVs and so much action, it was hard to get attached to any of the characters - there were moments where I wanted to learn more about a character's situation or background but the following chapter would switch (particularly with Anna's character). Overall, a quick read with a dark, mysterious setting.

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Many thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the advanced copy!

Unfortunately, this was not for me. I was unable to get past the first few chapters. I believe this is just an issue of my taste not aligning with the story. I recommend others try it!

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VAMPIRES IN MEXICO? I love this so much! I'd heard about this originally a few years ago, before it was purchased and republished, and I was devastated that it seemed impossible to buy a copy. Once I found out it was getting a new edition, I was SO happy and couldn't wait to get my hands on it. I love this so, so much -- the worldbuilding, the tone, the way this feels both similar and completely unique to other vampire-y books that I've read. Stunning!

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