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It Happened One Summer

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Absolutely delightful! Tessa Bailey continues to deliver such fun stories with the perfect amount of steam.

Piper was such a refreshing FMC in this story. I loved that she was deemed incapable to 0nly turn around and shine as being really capable.

Brendan was such a delightful hero. Absolutely grumpy as can be but also utterly delightful.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for my copy of It Happened One Summer by Tessa Bailey. All opinions are my own.

I'm a newly-found Tessa Bailey fan, so I was really excited to get my hands on this- even more so when I read the synopsis where it compares this book to Schitt's Creek. That description truly couldn't be more accurate. This is a hilarious romcom that also pulls at your heart, breaks it a little and then puts it back together. The character depth and development alone make this a read that I will recommend to romcom lovers.

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I couldn't get into this book as much as I would have liked. I found it to be quite average, and I found myself zoning out more than in. I might give it another shot if borrowing a physical copy from the library to see if that experience might have affected my reading, but I doubt it. I've heard good things about this book and Bailey's other books of Fix Her Up and so forth. If you're interested in women's fiction, chick-lit, and thensome, this might be up your alley! It just wasn't up mine.

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Soooooo I’m not sure how I feel about Piper & Brendans relationship, something just doesn’t sit right with me. I feel like they didn’t really have much going for themselves aside from their sexual chemistry and they kinda made me uncomfy. Don’t get me wrong, this book was steamy, but the dialog was so cringey to me🥴🥴 Somebody please tell me I’m not the only one who felt like that. The way that they talked to each other was cringey. Every time he called her honey or baby I cringed. Maybe it’s just me, but I did not like that aspect at all. Aside from that, I did like the story & I liked Piper. I loved Piper & Hannah’s relationship & how they complimented each other. I liked the small town vibes & I liked how that town had so much history for the sisters & that they were able to learn so much about their dad. Even with all the things I did enjoy, overall, this book was still hard for me to finish.

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I had not read a Tessa Bailey book in a while, so I was really looking forward to this one, especially after I read all the great things being said about it. IDK why, but I went into this story thinking it was an "enemies-to-lovers" romance, which for me means some flirty banter and good natured bickering that would lead to a deep connection between the characters.

Unfortunately, I think my expectations were too high. I didn't like Piper, which made it impossible for me to get invested in her story. Piper and Branden didn't make a lot of sense to me because their connection was surface-only and their chemistry, while present, wasn't executed to my liking. I love my descriptive steamy scenes, but these were something else all together. *cringe*. I did enjoy the small town atmosphere and its citizens as well as the humor the author brought to the page.

All in all, not the story for me (clearly!).

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Piper is a Los Angeles socialite who hasn't worked a day in her life (according to her stepfather Daniel). When she gets in BIG trouble after a public break up, her sister Hannah has to bail her out of jail, her step father sends her to a small town in rural Washington to run her late father's bar. Piper and Hannah are totally out of their element in this small, close knit fishing town. Piper and Brendan don't hit it off right away either. In fact, they strongly dislike each other but eventually their walls come down and polar opposites attract. Piper realizes the power of putting her phone down, disconnecting and becoming part of a community and returning to her "recharging station" often. SWOON!!! IYKYK. I loved their relationship and I loved seeing Piper's transformation throughout the novel. EVERYONE and their mother was recommending this book and I don't know why it sat on my shelf for so long! I started Piper's story at 10am and read it in one sitting. It was that good! Also, read with caution because IT. IS. STEAMY!!!! ;)

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This hero? One of the BEST I've read about in a long while. I absolutely ADORED this gruff, closed off, alpha fisherman with a heart of gold - he made this opposites attract romance engrossing from the very start, and the steamy scenes were downright combustible because of his intensity. Talk about a slow burn to SIZZLE romance; this was sexy, emotional, and HOT. I never would've anticipated loving the high maintenance, socialite of a heroine, but I loved her as well. The combination of the two made for a fascinating, unique read that held my attention from start to finish. It's a seriously satisfying series starter that left me wanting more - I loved it.

The story follows Piper, an almost-famous socialite who has never had to worry about money. She loves the finer things in life and makes no excuses about it. But Piper's latest fiasco is the final straw for her stepfather, who cuts her off financially and sentences her to 3 months in a small fishing town. Forced to take care of herself for the first time in her life, Piper is a total fish out of water in the close-knit community. And when she meets the town's grumpy fishing captain, Piper couldn't feel like more of an outsider. Brendan isn't sure what to think about the vibrant and beautiful stranger, but she is a shock to his system - and maybe that's exactly what he needs. He's been stuck in his ways for years, and Piper makes Brendan off-balance in a way that keeps him coming back for more.

I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about this one at the start - Piper is absolutely not the kind of heroine I typically gravitate towards, and the book definitely felt strongly influenced by Schitt's Creek. But as the story progresses and we get to know both characters better, it just becomes more and more compelling. I LOVED Brendan so much; there's something about a strong, damaged alpha with a marshmallow heart that gets me every time, and his backstory is such an interesting one. He's the perfect complement to Piper, the steady figure next to all of her craziness. The story has a slow emotional build that starts out subtly and grows along the way, until the relationship feels like it has incredible depth. These two are also smoking hot together, and the steamy scenes were both important to the story and also simply s-e-x-y. For a book that's not short, this just flew by. I loved it, and can't wait for the next standalone in the series.

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Rating 4.5

This was so cute!

Love the characters and the story line was interesting. Both characters made the book so fun to read. I was really enjoying everything from the island to the fixing the bar theme.

Would highly recommend!

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I've never seen Schitt's Creek, but I read so many reviews of this book that I knew I had to give it a chance. I have read 3 other books by Tessa Bailey (The Fix Her Up series) and enjoyed those, so I wanted to give this one a shot. Dare I say that this is my favorite book of hers that I've read? Dare I say that I've never wanted to marry a fisherman, until now? LOL But seriously, this book had me laughing out loud and smiling so dang much as I was reading it. Even though Piper comes off as a complete airhead, she definitely has a great deal of redeeming qualities. We are supposed to believe that Brendan cannot afford the luxuries that Piper is used to, but SURPRISE, fisherman are loaded (I don't know if that is true in real life?). I also loved Brendan's character- he was so grumpy and put off by Piper at firs,t but, he too, ends up having a great deal of redeeming qualities. Opposites attract, but they also compliment each other. I love how Brendan and Piper challenged each other, and oh my goodness, THE STEAM. I'm pretty sure I was blushing during some of the scenes, but they made it all the more entertaining to read. I also loved Brendan and Piper's supporting cast, from Hannah and Fox to Abe and Opal. And one more thing- can I just say how EXCITED I am for Fox and Hannah's story?! I love that Piper was able to carve a place for herself in Westport, and I went out and borrowed a copy of Schitt's Creek from the library. Thank you so much to the publisher for giving me the chance to read a digital copy of this book. *I am posting my review now on Goodreads, but I will also be posting it on my Instagram page @readingmama_reviews in the next few days.

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Well it really is no wonder this is one of the most talked about books of the year. Fun, flirty, steamy, and silly; It Happened One Summer is the kind of romance many readers wish for.

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Piper Bellinger is the stepdaughter of a rich and famous movie mogul. She is known for her fashion sense, party ways, and penchant for being on social media. After a wild night that leads to her arrest, her stepfather decides that she needs to go back to the state of Washington to take care of her father’s dive bar that was left to her in his will. Piper and her sister Hannah set off on an adventure and find much more than they bargained for. Piper immediately meets sea captain and widower, Brendan. Will Piper be able to figure out in what direction she wants to take her life?

It Happened One Summer is a Schitt’s Creek inspired romance with Piper being a lot like Alexis Rose. I thought it was a very fun book and loved Piper’s adventures. I also love how she got to know more about herself and her biological father. The chemistry between Piper and Brendan is very steamy. My only negative of the book is being a closed-door romance fan, the door was wide open for a large part of the middle of the book. I actually grew a bit bored in the middle of the book as there was no plot movement besides the main couple getting it on. Luckily, the plot moved again, and the book had a satisfying conclusion. I really hope there is a second book with Hannah and Brendan’s friend Fox having a romance.

Favorite Quotes:

“Maybe Hannah had a point about social media having too much ownership over her thoughts and enjoyment.”

“People tend to avoid grieving. Grief in general. And there’s no one with more grief than a parent who has lost a child.”

“Those visits made her feel a million times better than the momentary bursts of internet stardom.”

Overall, It Happened One Summer is a fun and entertaining romance that is a must read if you love Schitt’s Creek.

Book Source: Review Copy from Netgalley and Avon Books. Thank-you!

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This was a fun small town, grumpy x sunshine romance between a boat captain and a socialite sent to fend for herself in the small town she was born in. It is fun and sweet and sexy as hell but this is Tessa Bailey we're talking about so it's no surprise there. I found myself falling in love with Westport and its citizens along with Piper and can't wait for the next book!

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Tessa Bailey's It Happened One Summer is simply the best. Pitched as a Schitt’s Creek-inspired rom-com, I have been looking forward to reading this all year long and it lived up to all of my expectations. The book follows Piper Bellinger, whose stepfather sends her off to run her late father's dive bar after a wild party lands her in prison. It's there in the fishing town of Westport that this ray of California sunshine meets the gruff and grumpy sea captain Brendan.

Bailey delivers on all fronts: Piper starts the book looking for quick hits of happiness and approval, and ends it feeling more confident in herself and what she's worth than ever before. Brendan is gone for her so quickly and realizes how badly his life has needed a shakeup. And as always, Bailey's dirty talking hero is unparalleled.

My absolute favorite thing about this book is that Piper's growth revolves around becoming a better version of herself and that Brendan loves her for exactly who she is. I feel like my thoughts on this are too big for a caption, but I know we've all seen problematic versions of the "high-maintenance" heroine learning how wrong she was for liking the things she liked before (which are usually feminine coded) and instead embracing the hero's "correct" way of living (usually masculine coded). Bailey sidesteps all of that by giving us growth where it really matters with Piper forging deep emotional connections with those around her, and having a hero who doesn't put the heroine down for those interests but instead wants to be the one giving her champagne, booking fancy hotel rooms, and following her on Instagram. Love that journey for them!

The excitement I have for the next book (Fox and Hannah's story) is next level. I definitely recommend getting into this series if you're looking for something packed with heart, heat, and humor.

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I enjoyed this a lot! It has a big Alexis Rose from Schitt’s Creek vibe going on and since I just finished the show a few weeks ago, it felt like great timing. After a huge party gone wrong that embarrasses her stepdad, 28 year old Piper is sent to live in Westport, a town where her deceased dad left her and her sister Hannah a bar. Hannah goes with her, and the two LA socialites could not be more out of place in the fishing town. When Piper meets sea captain Brendan on her first day there and has a horrible experience with him, she’s even more convinced of it.

I do wish some plots and characters had been more fleshed out - Opal, the enemies to lovers aspect, and the history of Henry, to name a few - but this was a very sweet read. The instalove trope usually doesn’t do it for me but it actually works here.

It’s also very steamy - there is so much open door sex. This book was my first Tessa Bailey but it won’t be my last! I already can’t wait to read the follow up.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for sending me an advance digital copy.

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Thank you @avonbooks @netgalley for my review copy!

I am obsessed with this book! Obsessed. I couldn’t put it down. Some of their sex talk was a little much for me, but holy moly the chemistry. Yes please. I didn’t think I was going to like Piper, but I totally fell in love with her. She’s definitely a character you’ll want to root for.

I need book two in my life. ASAP. Keeping my fingers crossed for a @netgalley copy 🙏🏼🤞🏼

📚Read this if you’re looking for a steamy romance or if you enjoyed The Simple Wild by K.A. Tucker. Piper and Brendan gave me total Calla and Jonah vibes.

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Piper Bellinger cut off from the only world she knows of being a spoiled rich woman now has to fend for herself in the small town of Westport. She’s sent there to run her late father’s dive bar and learn some life lessons along the way.

Here we meet Brendan, a big, brooding sea captain. He gets one look at Piper and doesn’t think she’ll last the week in Westport. But they both can’t deny the attraction between them for long.

Following Piper through this journey was refreshing. She is such a free spirit who always has this happiness to her even when things are bad. I wish I could do that. The <i>grumpy x sunshine</i> trope really worked well here because of it. And I can not wait to get Hannah and Fox’s story! It’s going to be so great.

Tessa Bailey is an author who I’ve heard so many people read and love. I finally gave her a try. I picked up her Hot & Hammered series and absolutely loved it so when the opportunity to review this book came along I had to take it.

Piper Bellinger cut off from the only world she knows of being a spoiled rich woman now has to fend for herself in the small town of Westport. She’s sent there to run her late father’s dive bar and learn some life lessons along the way.

Here we meet Brendan, a big, brooding sea captain. He gets one look at Piper and doesn’t think she’ll last the week in Westport. But they both can’t deny the attraction between them for long.

Following Piper through this journey was refreshing. She is such a free spirit who always has this happiness to her even when things are bad. I wish I could do that. The <i>grumpy x sunshine</i> trope really worked well here because of it. And I can not wait to get Hannah and Fox’s story! It’s going to be so great.

Tessa Bailey is an author who I’ve heard so many people read and love. I finally gave her a try. I picked up her Hot & Hammered series and absolutely loved it so when the opportunity to review this book came along I had to take it.

<I>Thank you Netgalley and Avon for this free eARC in exchange for my own and honest review.</i>

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Tessa Bailey is back with a Schitt’s Creek-inspired rom-com about a Hollywood “It Girl” who’s cut off from her wealthy family and exiled to a small Pacific Northwest beach town... where she butts heads with a surly, sexy local who thinks she doesn’t belong. 
Another romance book I loved 🖤 Let’s be honest, I don’t read a ton of romance 🙃 so I don’t have a huge favorites list going, but you can add this one to that little list! (Also would like to add Brendon has now taken the crown for my favorite love interest. Sorry not sorry.)

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I have a hit or miss relationship with this author based on her last series. They are okay romances to me, but some things irritate me and I'm not overwhelmed. I still wanted to read this, as I love Schitt's Creek so much. Piper is very similar to Alexis on the show. The premise drew me in and I am glad that I read it. (or actually listened to it.)

After one too many mishaps, socialite Piper is cut off by her step-father and sent away to Washington state to run her late father's bar. This is where she meets sea captain, Brendan Taggart--a man who wears a wedding ring. I liked their initial banter when they first met and didn't really know each other. I did think they went into a relationship way too fast. Took some of the build up out of the story for me.

This is a super steamy romance, which I was prepared for, having read this author before. Her use of terms of endearment by the hero to the heroine is so overdone and unnatural, though. I cringed every time I heard Brendan call her "baby." Seriously. Stop. (I checked a previous review I did for another book by this author and in that book it was "baby doll." LOL)

I listened to this book and the narrator, Charlotte North, was fantastic. My first time listening to her narration. This is a dual POV romance and I really wish we could have a male and female narrate for the audiobooks--especially when I am hearing her say "baby" repeatedly. (personal preference).

Thank you to Avon Books and NetGalley for an advanced digital copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Tessa Bailey’s books never disappoint, so my expectations for IT HAPPENED ONE SUMMER were sky high. Did you know a book could leap those expectations in a single bound? I DID NOT! But here we are, with me clutching this hilarious, swoony, steamy, heartfelt gem of a romcom. Did I binge the galley in a day? Yes. Did I promptly buy a copy to keep on my shelf and reread until it falls apart? Also yes! Pitched as grimy sailor meets Alexis Rose, this one lived up to the comparison while also putting an original twist on the character. I can’t WAIT for the sequel!

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This is Tessa Bailey at her absolute best. It Happened one Summer is the perfect beach read. Funny, charming, sexy, and heartfelt, it has all the ingredients that make this a delightful book.

This might have been a 5 star read until I read chapters 28 to 30. It just seemed like the author wanted to create some drama and tension between the MCs by adding some miscommunication that didn’t fit the story.

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