Cover Image: If the Shoe Fits-A Meant To Be Novel

If the Shoe Fits-A Meant To Be Novel

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This was a great modern retelling of Cinderella. I absolutely love watching anything Bachelor Nation, and if you are a fan of The Bachelorette, you will love this.

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If the Shoe Fits is a fun story with a happy ending. I loved that the character was not the typical romance beauty. Julie Murphy knows how to write outside the expectations of a typical romance. I’m happy to see her a non-YA book from her and look forward to the next one.

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This Cinderella story's biggest strength is that it features a plus size character, which you don't often see in romance novels.

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This was such a fun read! I'm a big fan of the bachelor franchise so it was super fun to read a book with a similar premise! The characters were all amazing and I had a hard time putting this one down!

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For fans of Cinderella and The Batchelorette who always wanted to see the protagonist have a little more agency, this is the book for you. A fun, frothy retelling that focuses on size inclusion and healthy body image as well as positive female relationships and dynamics rather than pitting women against each other. Perfect for anyone who loved Eligible by Curtis Sittenfeld.

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A wonderful modern retelling of Cinderella. I loved the bachelor aspect of the novel and the romance was beautiful!

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This has been on my radar for so long. The story was super cute and refreshing! Also, after reading two thrillers back to back, it was high time for me to go back to romance, and If The Shoe Fits was the perfect lighthearted read to welcome me back!

Knowing Cinderella's abusive background, I was a little apprehensive about how Cindy's step-family will be portrayed in the book.

Good thing the author managed to make Cindy's relationship with her family healthier than the source material. I really enjoyed Cindy's bond with her step-sisters, Drew and Anna, as well as the triplets. Her relationship with her stepmother, Erica, wasn't the best but I love the stark contrast from the original story. It was so refreshing and surprising, I have to admit, seeing them be supportive of each other. Of course, Cindy feels a little out of place at times but her family always has her back.

Julie Murphy is one of my favorite authors, although I have to admit that I wasn't able to follow through with her release of Puddin' and Pumpkin which I need to bump up my TBR. I really love the way she makes her protagonists relatable to the core. As a plus-sized woman, I can definitely relate to her adorable characters.

I loved how Cindy always breathes her ambitions. She's very much goal-oriented despite having a little setback with her creative block. Her confidence is totally inspiring! How I wish I could be the same. I really REALLY enjoyed how she always speaks her mind and stands up for herself, especially highlighting how the fashion industry needs to be more inclusive for people of different shapes and sizes.

Another addition to my apprehension was the fact that the plot revolves around a reality TV show. Basically, The Bachelor-style. I'm not the biggest fan of those but I quite enjoyed it here. Speaking of the things I enjoyed, the chemistry and banter between Cindy and Henry were super adorable. I called myself out for falling in love with them not even 5% in the book. I just wish that there was a little more depth in Henry's character. I would've loved to see more layers to his personality.

If The Shoe Fits spins a fun and refreshing twist to the classic Cinderella tale. It was the perfect lighthearted romance that served as an adorable palate-cleanser to my recent spooky run! I love the idea of having these contemporary romance fairy-tale retellings and I can't wait to read more of them in the future!

My issue only stems from Henry's character depth and I guess the book's pacing? I found it a little too fast-paced for my liking. But overall, I really enjoyed reading this book and having to experience the magic of Julie Murphy's writing all over again!

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Did we need another retelling of the Cinderella story? It turns out, we did. I ended up loving this book so much and I honestly didn’t expect to, but If the Shoe Fits is an incredibly sweet, heart-warming and emotional modern take on a classic tale. I adored it for its representation, its ability to make me smile and fall in love with a shoe-loving Cinderella and her Prince Charming. I also loved that this featured a plus sized lead and that the story didn’t revolve around her body. This is book is too complex to be "just a romance" and the steam factor is on low. I am looking forward to seeing what comes out in the companion novels that will come after.

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There were so many things I loved about this book. - it was such a fun re-telling First of all, the plus-sized rep was SO well done. I am a big fan of taking a classic and making it something new, so having the twists with not only a reality show and having a plus-sized lead got me all kinds of excited. Cindy is stylish and funny and gorgeous… and fat. And that is okay. We need more books that show that just the way this one did. This was a quick, fun read. I really love how Julie Murphy writes and is inclusive with her characters.

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This was my first Julie Murphy book and it will not be my last. I was familiar with her YA titles but I was thrilled to read her adult romance novel in the new "Meant to Be" series. The nods to Disney's princess fairytales were cute and not stretched thin as I was worried it would become. It always felt natural and just the story. Not ever trying to get the wrong foot in the glass slipper if you know what I mean. I appreciated that the stepmother and stepsisters were not portrayed as the stereotypical "evil" step family and in fact were charming and multifaceted people as they should be.
The romance was sweet and totally PG (appropriate for a Disney Publication) and I didn't mind in this story because the characters were genuine and their romance seemed natural and not forced. As a plus size woman, I loved how her size was acknowledged but never become the entire focus of the storyline or made to be as something to overcome. I appreciated Cindy's confidence and especially how it was never like "how could this hot guy like that fat girl" like it is in so many books. My one negative comment would be in the very beginning, we get that odd story about the free pizza and the delivery driver. Although I understand giving us more of Cindy's backstory with her father/childhood, I was uncomfortable with the emphasis on food and eating right in the beginning of a fat positive romance. It almost fell into a stereotype to me of the fat girl being obsessed with food. I'm glad it didn't keep going with a focus on food and instead on Cindy's career and love/family life.
Overall, I found this to be a very enjoyable read and I will recommend it to my patrons looking for a sweet contemporary romance.

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One of my favorite writers took a classic tale and made it plus sized, and I’m HERE FOR IT PEOPLE. THANK YOU Julie Murphy for CONSISTENTLY providing us with characters of all sizes - you are the real MVP. My first girl crush. I adore thee.

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Great book, loved the story and the characters. I will be recommending this book to my friends and book club!

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Oh my!! This book was outstanding!! Anyone who thinks they don't fit the perfect girl mold and doesn't expect love should really read this one. I loved the "Meet Cute" moment in the first scene and couldn't wait to see how they were going to connect later in the book. She is such a creative mind (Julie Murphy) the way she comes up with the shoes and the remade fashion. I really loved that part. If you like Making the Cut or Project Runway this book is for you. It shows how even the ugly duckling can come out on top with a little creativity and a lot of passion.
This should definitely be a Disney or Hallmark movie. Julie Murphy wrapped this up with a bow, you couldn't ask for more. You got Cinderella, Prince Charming, a HEA, Body Con girl, Step Daughter, Miss understood hero. It was a great read from front to back and I'm glad I took a chance on it.

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I love all of Julie Murphy's books and this was no exception! She always has a positive message and body positivity and this one was no different. This was a cute spin on a Cinderella story and I really liked all of the characters.

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This book was so much fun! Cinderella retelling meets the Bachelor with a plus-sized protagonist? Sign me up! I absolutely loved this book, and would definitely recommend it to others. Such a unique take on a classic fairytale.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Disney Publishing Worldwide for an egalley in exchange for an honest review.

This rom-com steeped in the world of reality television matchmaking was just the type of read I needed to relax. When Cindy, an aspiring shoe designer returns to California to help her stepmother, Erica take care of her triplet half-siblings, she and her two stepsisters get swept up in the new season of Before Midnight, Erica's The Bachelor inspired series. While her daughters Anna and Drew are shoe-ins, plus size Cindy is the "dark horse" and maybe the trend of the moment. Who knew that America would fall in love with her? Even more, who would know that Henry, the eligible bachelor has already met Cindy and the sparks are instant for both of them. But can the pair survive the world of Hollywood production?

It was a very cute story and as a plus-size gal myself, I love that women like me are finally being represented. However, I also hate that we are " the flavor of the moment" in both literature and media. Before I met an amazing guy who just loves me for being me, the dating world was full of those who fetishize us ladies with the thick thighs. Seriously, I used to get messages on my Tinder profile that began with I love them thick and juicy( UGH!).

Overall, I would highly recommend the book to all those romantic hearted people.

Publication 03/08/21
Goodreads review 19/10/21

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"Each shoe represents a moment in time for me"

Super cute Cinderella retelling. A modern, bachelorette version, this book was exactly what you'd expect it to be, cute, fun and quirky.

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Loved this retelling of a Bachelor style adventure. Cindy is so relatable! Would recommend this to all my friends and can’t wait for her next book.

Thank you to the author and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book.

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Cute fairytale retelling with great representation. It was such a sweet romance, definitely a warm and fuzzy read

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I’m such a huge fan of all of Julie Murphy’s writing, and this was no exception. If The Shoe Fits was a fun, modern take on a classic tale, with the added twists of reality tv dating shows! While there were certain components I wasn’t a huge fan of (like the walkie talkie!!), it was easy to get sucked into this book and root for Cindy and her sister. Thank you, NetGalley for the ARC!

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