Cover Image: If the Shoe Fits-A Meant To Be Novel

If the Shoe Fits-A Meant To Be Novel

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3.5/5 stars

I really enjoyed this Cinderella, reality tv show retelling! It was YA sweet with tons of body positivity struggles and feels throughout the story. Cindy, the curvy shoe designer, and Henry, the eligible bachelor, definitely worked together. The attraction between them was instant at the meet cute and kept me reading for more! Although the chemistry was good, I was hoping for a bit more steam. This romcom had more of a YA retelling feel with the writing, dialogue and the fade to black scenes. Overall, I enjoyed this one and would recommend it to any contemporary romantic retelling fans looking for a lighter romance!

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When I saw that Julie Murphy had a new book coming out, I was very excited. She did not disappoint! If the Shoe Fits was a cute mash-up of Cinderella, One to Watch, The Bachelorette, Devil Wears Prada, along with the plus-size charm of her earlier works, Dumplin' and Puddin'.

Cindy moves back home to her step-mother's house after graduating from college. When she first hears about the show "Before Midnight" (think Bachelorette) she is turned off and knows there's no point in even caring about the reality show. However, after overhearing that she *couldn't* do it, Cindy becomes determined to prove a point.

If the Shoe Fits follows Cindy as she navigates post-graduate life such as figuring out where she's going to live, finding a career in her field, and finding love. I would definitely recommend this book and I'm looking forward to the next installment with Jasmine Guillory's By The Book.

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I loved this! I really liked the MC and loved the interactions between the love interests. I’m excited to listen to this as an audiobook eventually because I feel like it would be a great audiobook!

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This was really cute. IT had great representation and real life like situations. I felt for Cindy when she couldn't find a towel to fit, the plight of hotel towels. This didn't delve too deep into the cattiness that could happen on a bacheloresque set but it gave us just enough. The chemistry between Henry and Cindy was present from beginning to end, even while he's courting 20 girls. I also really liked how the step sisters weren't mean girls. They are typical California girls that actually look out for Cindy. The stepmother was also not evil! And I loved how the triplets born later in life for Cindy were similar to the animals in the Cinderella story. Her tiny friends/siblings. Cindy is an up and coming designer who doesn't know what to do after graduation who ends up going on a dating show to make a name for herself. What she doesn't expect is to meet new friends and an amazing suitor. It's a fun joyful ride through a cinderella reality tv setting.

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e loved Julie Murphy’s books and their messages about body positivity and loving yourself for a while If the Shoe Fits is no exception. As someone who has enjoyed a season or two of the Bachelor, I instantly loved the backdrop to this love story. The set-up of competition & dates was perfect to give the book a good cadence to the action. I’m honestly surprised that I haven’t seen this premise before for a romance novel, it worked out well.

Honestly, I was all in just for the descriptions of the shoes! Murphy has an eye towards the important details, the shoes being key for this book. She has a way of humanizing and allowing us to see behind the curtain of what it’s like for marginalized groups of people but still keeping the story campy and light. Murphy writes fully realistic and human characters; I totally identified with Cindy and loved her outlook on not only the competition but also what she wanted for her life’s goals. I even appreciated the ending, as this was a story about Cindy and her success, not necessarily about getting the guy.

I recommend this book if you like well setup romances and if you binged the last season of the Bachelor!

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I love Julie Murphy, and I love Disney, so I had to check this out. Cinderella meets The Bachelor? Yes please!! This was just such a fun read. I loved all of the nods to the fairy tale, but it definitely had a modern spin that it didn't feel boring or too predictable. Cindy's character was so great, and I really enjoyed her relationship with her stepmom and siblings, who actually weren't evil at all!

I would definitely recommend this book to romance-, Disney-, and reality TV lovers alike!

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A retelling of Cinderella is what made me immediately request and also because I’m a fan of Julie Murphys work :) very enjoyable and likeable characters and stays true to the story of Cinderella that we all know and love. Highly recommend

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If the Shoe Fits by Julie Murphy is the very first book in a brand new series by Disney Publishing titled Meant to Be! From what I have read about this series, the books are modern retellings of our favorite fairytales, written for adults, and each book will be by a different author. Sound exciting? It definitely does to me!

I am a big fan of fairytale retellings! I love when someone takes one of my favorite stories and puts their own spin on it. It’s familiar, yet all new at the same time. Cinderella is not my most favorite fairytale, but I do always appreciate a good spin on the original.

There was SO much to love about If the Shoe Fits! The one thing that I loved the MOST was that there was no evil stepmom/stepsisters in this story. I want to get this out there because that’s probably my least favorite part of the original story. I LOVED that this story was different! The stepmom and stepsisters were great!

Also another thing I loved about this book were the characters. There were so many character in the book to love! From the main character, Cindy, to the secondary characters, they were really all great. (Ok, except for the one. Read the book and you’ll see.) I also really enjoyed the storyline for the book! The modern take on the original story, with the reality show twist, was fantastic. I devoured this book in no time, I was so hooked.

Overall; If you can’t already tell, I really, really enjoyed If the Shoe Fits! I am very excited to read more books in this series. There is very little information so far on the second book, but I did manage to find that the next book is titled By the Book, written by Jasmine Guillory, and is a BEAUTY AND THE BEAST retelling! (Beauty and the Beast is my Favorite fairytale!) I am definitely excited to get my hands on that book, and the rest of the series, as soon as possible!

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This is definitely a great read for YA fans. Although I enjoy this author, it was a little too young for me in that the characters seemed a bit naive. That’s not a bad thing but just not something I gravitate to. As always, I love the representation in all of Julie’s books.

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I want to start off by saying that Julie Murphy continues to deliver amazing books featuring plus size girls as the main characters and it's really great to see this kind of representation!

This book felt like coming home and it really is because of Julie Murphy's writing, it just makes you feel so seen and at home. Like you belong. It really meant so much to me to see a fat girl winning in this book!

I cannot wait to see where the rest of this new series goes, Julie Murphy kicked it off to a fantastic start and I know the other authors will be great as well!

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Julie Murphy where have you been my whole life? I literally loved this book and could kick myself for not reading it sooner! Cindy (get it Cinderella) is a shoe obsessed plus size woman - who draws attention to a hot stranger on a plane - see Cindy is going to stay with her step mother (who is not so evil) and ends up going on a bachelor type show.....omg this book was funny, romantic, and just overall good feeling book. I want more from this author!!! STAT!

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I love a good retelling and I love body positivity stories where the body-shamed underdog captures my heart and the heart of handsome "hero." This book falls into this category. I'm not a fan of The Bachelor and I was worried that this would be something that would turn me off with this book, but my fears were absolutely ungrounded. The two leads were both so adorable. The only reason I gave this book only 4 stars is the ending. I need to know what happened in Italy!!!!

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I really LOVED this book. Partially because I'm a huge fan of fairytale retellings and also a dating/marriage reality TV show junkie. But, I also just appreciated the novelty aspects brought to the story too. I'm glad the step family wasn't evil, and I liked the fashion angle too. Overall, it was a fun and enjoyable read and I'm recommend it to friends who are looking for a good romance/rom com to read.

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This was such a fun romance novel! I had high hopes from this book and they have met my expectiation! If the shoe fits by Julie Murphy is the first book in a new series (Not sure how long it will be though) and it's going to be different retellings of famous disney movies. So up first is a retelling of cinderella! There is a huge trigger warring for if the shoe fits and that is: death of a parent, body shaming, fatphobia, greif, and bullying, also terminal illness.
So I knew it was a cinderella retelling for this one but wasn't sure how Julie was going to take it and make it different. This book follows our main character name Cindy and she losses her parents in the beginning of the book and have to live with her step mother and so her step mother runs this reatlity tv show and asked cindy if she wanted to do it and cindy said no until she gets black mailed to do it. So we follow Cindy's storyline of how she is doing throughout this tv realitly show (think of the balechtor) it's like that but with competition added to it. It was an overall funny and cute read. Idk why it took me so long to read this book! But, I can't wait to see what happen in book 2!

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I absolutely loved this book!! Cindy is one of the best characters I’ve read in a while. She was so relatable and such a fun character. The banter between her and the other contestants was so entertaining. She was just so real. She is a plus size woman thrown into a situation regularly inhabited by skinny girls so she brings her individuality, sense of style and love of shoes.

This book is a mix of Cinderella and The Bachelor. Candy’s stepmother is the creator of Before Midnight. When one of the contestants bows out at the last minute so Cindy and her two sisters head off to the chateau to meet the other contestants and this year’s eligible bachelor.

I loved the writing, the characters and can’t wait to read more from Julie Murphy.

I received this book in exchange for my honest opinion

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I wanted to give this one a try because of the representation but when I sat down to read it, I could not get into this one. The characters were just so incredibly childish and it completely turned me off from this book., especially since this book is supposed to be an adult book. Even if the characters are actual children for a part of the book, there are still ways to write them where it doesn't feel like you are reading middle grade.

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I absolutely loved this book. Already a fan of Murphy's other works, I saw she'd written a Cinderella retelling with a plus sized MC and I just KNEW I had to read it. There's something fulfilling about reading about plus sized women living their lives and finding their dreams and falling in love as a plus sized person myself, and in If The Shoe Fits it felt like it was done so well. I liked the writing style, I couldn't help but absolutely adore Cindy and found myself so enthralled with the new dating show twist added to it.

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A body positive mash-up of Cinderella and The Bachelor.

I really enjoyed this book about recent design school grad, Cindy who moved back home with her stepmom during a creative block and lack of job prospects out of college. Her stepmom is the show creator for 'Before Midnight', which is just another name for 'The Bachelor'. When a former stranger on a plane turns out to be this season's suitor, Cindy is in for much more than she bargained for.

One of the things I immediately appreciated about this book is that it didn't follow all the typical Cinderella tropes. She didn't have an evil step mom and stepsisters, she actually had good relationships with them and they supported her in a big way.

The relationship between Cindy and Henry was so swoony, I loved the sweet private moments they shared. All the stereotypes I was expecting to cringe at in a book like this were all avoided and I think Murphy did a great job with this story that has been told so many times before.

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This one was such a light and easy read, I loved the characters and how everything worked out in the end. Definitely recommend this book if you're looking for something that will warm your heart and make you smile.

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Julie Murphy’s first adult romance was so fantastic. I loved the modern twist on the Cinderella fairytale and the plus-size representation with Cindy and that she fought to not be seen just as a fat girl. The romance as well was so adorable and the twist on The Bachelor as well was so well done and imaginative. All of the Cinderella references slipped in there were pretty clever.

Rating: 4.5*

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