Cover Image: Alessia in Atlantis: The Forbidden Vial

Alessia in Atlantis: The Forbidden Vial

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me a free advanced copy of this book to read and review.

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Cute and fun middle grade! Definitely recommend to the target audience. I loved the water setting. As always, relationships in middle grade are definitely the true stars of the show.

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This is a great story I would love to have my children's reading group read it shortly and will def recommend

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A great world building book that will take readers on the adventure of a lifetime! It’s the rise of the villains where a world is not ready for the destructive chaos. The characterization of each character was brilliant as it blended perfectly with the plot and overall story arc!

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What a fun middle grade read! I loved the world building. I loved the creative magic system. The characters were great and I really loved every one of them. Can't wait to see if there is a book 2.

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DNF- 58%
I enjoyed this middle grade fantasy book! It really had potential but I felt like I didn't really know the characters that well and I felt like they lacked authenticity and it was like they were cardboard cutouts of people. I thought the cover was great but what was inside wasn't as good. I would read more from this author but sadly this story wasn't for me! I thought the writing style was great and I thought that the writing and story would be really easy for middle graders to understand. Sadly this one wasn't for me!

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This was obviously a good book. I got a lot of vibes from Percy Jackson and I love it. Almost all the characters were well constructed. Maybe the beginning is a lot but slow but it gets better.

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This book just like the other middle-grade book wherein the very first arc, you'll find out that your teacher is the lackey of the bad side within the story. You'll like and enjoy this if you're Percy Jackson's fans! I love the characters and the story!

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC

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This was one of the titles that was on my TBR for Middle Grade March; I had such a hard time getting into this book and caring about the characters. A lot happens really fast. It's like 0-100 in the first few chapters. For some reason that threw me off, and it sort of just set the downhill tone for me for the rest of the book until I decided to mark it as DNF.

I didn't read Percy Jackson so it's probably why I can't really relate much to this book. As much as I love reading Middle Grade, this one was a couldn't do it.

Thank you to the publisher and NG for the chance to read and review this title!

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This was a fun book for middle-grade readers. It was imaginative and fast-paced, I didn't want to put it down. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for an adventure or a great read.

I cannot wait to see what happens in future Alessia books!

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Fun read, reminded me a little bit of Percy Jackson. This was a little bit too fast paced but we know nothing about Alesia so I couldn’t really connect with her. At the same time I did think she was cute and funny. The underwater world in Alantide was super fun. I received this book for free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Alessia in Atlantis in an excellent fantasy adventure for young readers. In Alessia in Atlantis we meet Alessia, a young teen who often loses control of her emotions. One day she's attacked by a giant frog monster and falls into the sea where she's plunged into the underwater realm of Atlantis. In Atlantis she meets new friends and together they try to piece together Alessia's past and learn more about her father. In doing so they discover a plot that's far more dangerous.

This is a really well-written fantasy middle-grade story with a fun and intriguing premise. The world of Atlantis is wonderfully weird and well thought of. The various characters are charasmatic and each their own character. Our main character Alessia is a smart, brave and sweet young woman and immediately makes you root for her and follow her closely on this adventure. There was a lot of action and the writing was fast-paced.

The ending had a few suprising twists and some unexpected but also a few expected reveals. A very satisfying story. Great for a stand-alone but also has the potential to be an awesome series.

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While there were many, many things that I enjoyed about Alessia in Atlantis ( I mean, hello! gems such as Alessia’s irritation about being called first in class due to “the unjust but unchallengeable system that was the alphabetical order”) I can’t give it top marks.
There were so many amazing things. There were entire species fighting for equal rights, ridiculous psychic sea shells in place of phones, loving queer relationships, and in possibly my favourite thing, lovely, excited, socially celebrated foster relationships. Some of the parent/ child themes might be a little tricky, but they offer so much for future stories. In the end, it all came just a little too fast. Despite that fact that She-who-must-not-be-named (sigh, ok, JKR) has proved that today’s younglings are willing to embrace longer novels, most MG books are kept to a smaller size. I feel as though Alessia either needed to be much longer, or to have a lot of the Atlantean tech or social stuff dialled back. I mean, it’s absolutely great. It just needed a little more time. Or maybe, just perhaps, an older cast of characters?
Still, the world building is top notch, and the cast of characters with genuine friendships, and clearly written future adventures are enough to make me want to come back for more. I even bet that a book two, which has already laid down the majority of Atlantean tech will absolutely SOAR.

For me, this was a like not love, but I can see so much incredible potential.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Harvest House Publishers for the ARC to read and review.

We enjoyed this read (my girls and I) and the fun setting. Some great characters to love, adventure, mystery, and fun. It's a great read to get lost in on a summer (or spring break) day!

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This book is engaging and keeps the reader guessing as the character whizzes from one adventure to the next. Alessia is a bit of a misfit until she goes to Atlantis, where she makes lots of friends. Then, her life becomes much more interesting. It's an uplifting, exciting read for kids who want a real story to entertain them. My daughter loved it.

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This was a fun and fast paced middle grade fantasy that I would recommend to anyone who enjoys middle grade. All of the characters were super likable and it was very interesting to see such a unique take on the Atlantis. It did get slow at times, but thankfully those moments would not last very long and something would happen to move along the plot.

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I enjoyed this book I enjoyed very much the world building and the characters and learning how this Atlantis works i found this fast paced with enjoyable plot twists. This was a very enjoyable time and I will definitely be looking to return in future books.

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This was a fun adventure into Atlantis. We follow twelve year old Alessia as she discovers the city and who she is and meets some new friends along the way.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC to read for a an honest review.

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This was a fun and fast fantasy read! It was really fun, and I can see a lot of the kids who come into my bookstore enjoying it. I really liked how it was set in Scotland-- it's such a nice change of pace to read books set in other countries. I'll be interested to see where the series goes from here!

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Twelve-year-old Alessia has difficulty controlling her emotions in class and it leads to humiliating scenes at school. But when a giant frog kidnaps her and pulls her underwater to Atlantis, Alessia is in for an adventure. She discovers her father may have been from Atlantis, so she chooses to enroll in Atlantide school to investigate. Finding the truth is like yanking teeth but Alessia enlists the help of her new school friends to help her. There’s an enemy hidden who wants the truth of Alessia’s father kept secret, who will stop at nothing to make sure Alessia fails. Can Alessia reveal the key to her past or will have no choice but to stay quiet?

Alessia in Atlantis is an imaginative underwater adventure kids will love. As the story unfolds, readers will not only relate to the struggles Alessia goes through but can go on a great adventure. Descriptive narration pulls the reader into the story, especially the Atlantis scenes. The plot is fairly easy to follow which works perfectly for the targeted audience: kids. The world-building is imaginative and allows the reader to escape into a fantasy world. Note to parents: there’s some bullying but it’s age-appropriate. I thoroughly enjoyed Alessia in Atlantis and look forward to more adventures in the series. Fans of the Percy Jackson series will love Alessia in Atlantis. Highly recommend!

Disclaimer: I received a copy from the author in the hopes I'd review it.

My Rating: 5 stars

Reviewed by: Mrs. N

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