Member Reviews

I didn't know what to expect when i started this one, and neither did i appreciate that the author had worked with the Kiss the Ground movement (see the superb Netflix documentary), accordingly this author knows what she is talking (writing!) about. Having followed the work of Zach Bush, McMorrow echos what such wise individuals are saying and the message is evidence-based and clear. If we don't care for our soil and change how we treat it (the spiritual aspect of this spoke to my soul) then we are heading for extinction. Grounded should be required reading in the education system.

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This was a book that's right up my alley and should have been a great fit for me. Unfortunately, I just could not connect with it. The author seemed to go all over the place with her theme, and it seemed quite specific to exactly her belief systems. In some cases these were more out there than mine and in other cases she dismissed things I expected to see, like the practice of grounding. In the end, it just wasn't the concise and enjoyable read I hoped for. It is still an interesting and needed book, however, with lots to spur thought and change.

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"Grounded" is a short, easy to approach read detailing how the qualities our lives affect the soil.
I was hoping the book would be more detailed about the devastation to our soil and how we can personally go out there and make a difference in the LOCAL soil itself. The book takes a tone of self help, based in surface level yogic philosophy. I felt soil regeneration was sprinkled throughout, but it was mostly based in getting back In touch with the feminine and self. I believe the intention was good but felt it was extremely vague on the topic at hand, SOIL.
I also felt the writer took current mainstream wellness advice and lumped it into 200 pages with small connections to how this is effects soil. (Specifically - a very brief mention of a ayahuasca retreat like THAT has anything to do with soil regeneration.... or that's what's needed to get back in touch with the earth/feminine, felt that was extremely irresponsible)
This book should have been set up as "getting back in touch with our own mother nature" or something.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me this ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. Going into this book, my knowledge of climate change and environmentalism was on a surface level. This was very eye-opening and I'm in awe of McMorrow's insight. I enjoyed her speaking truth to power. I didn't know I needed a feminist take on environmentalism but I did! Let's face it this is a very terrifying subject. Climate change and the destruction of humans and all life on earth is bone-chilling. I am ashamed to admit that I have avoided learning more about climate change because my brain kept blocking it out. Denial, check! Things are bleak but not impossible to fix in our lifetime. Everyone should read this book. We can all band together to save ourselves and our planet!

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This is such a special book. By learning to care more for our planet, we can learn to rebirth ourselves in a way that matters most to our authentic selves. In Grounded by Erin Yu0Juin McMorrow, the author provides great detail of the troubles of climate change and what we, as humans, are going about our days with no respect to Mother Earth. Not only does this book shed light on challenges on our Earth, but offers way to show more reverence to the world and people around us. It's worth a read and this voice is needed, but not a book I would recommend wholeheartedly.

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