Member Reviews

Just love this book! This is a good reminder that we are all different, and if you didn't know others with different skin colors, or hair colors, well .... now you do. Being different is tough. And here we can see that the parents are the culprit of making the gap larger. Children usually don't mind having new friends, big or small eyes, different language or different coloring. Now why do we, adults, make it a big problem?
Having a friend means having a different perspective, and it enriches me beyond measure. I love exploring other cultures, seeing what made them so unique, and learn from there.

I received an advance reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review via netgalley and the publishers.
Nassir's White Coat is a children's picture book about a young gorilla who is born different to the rest of the gorillas in his band and is treated differently because of his differences. The mothers of the other young gorillas won't allow their young to play with Nassir because he has a white albino coat not black like them. They fear him because he is different.
This is a fantastic book for children to understand about treating others who differ from them differently and about race and racism.
This book is a fantastic teaching resource but I felt the book ended way too abruptly at the end and the story could have been expanded on more as the ending felt rushed and short for the content and context of the story.

I thought that this book was superb.
It touches on racism and discrimination due to someone looking different - the story is told very well and it has a really nice natural flow to it. It covers a tough subject but it is pitched at just the right age and my daughter loved it, it really is a positive story.
My daughter was so happy for Nassir when it was finished, she didn't understand why they thought he was different, she said he is just a baby that wants to play with the others, if only everyone thought like that.
The illustrations in the book are lovely and they really brought the book to life.
It is 5 stars from me for this one, I loved the ending too - very highly recommended!

I really liked this picture storybook which deals with colours and discrimination, and also how it affects the lives of those who are being discriminated.
I appreciate the book cover features the main character and the cover showing exactly what the target audience would expect from the contents inside. I find most storybooks not doing the same and finding the contents quite disappointing because of featuring different artstyle and colour patterns on the covers.
I find the writing quite endearing and the illustrations easy to the eyes, quite vivid to last and remember.
However, I feel the ending was too abrupt and rushed. With all that going on for almost 95 percent of the book dealing with the struggles of the main character and his mother trying to fit in, I feel the ending just somehow didn't sound convincing enough with everyone just accepting everything in a moment with nothing much happening before that.
I just wish there were a few more pages before the story ended.
Thank you, authors and Publisher, for the advanced reader copy.

Adorable warmhearted story. Perfect teaching tool for little ones about acceptance of differences in others wrapped up in a wonderfully illustrated book.
*Thanks to BHC Press and NetGalley for this Ebook in exchange for my honest review

Blatant parable about racism and prejudice, when a tribe of gorillas comes to include an albino baby. Even when he's the best at swinging through the trees, his mother is the only one at all concerned when accidents happen to him – everyone else, yes, but not him. Nobody thinks it a good idea to accept his friendship, or the fruit he picks – until a brave young girl gorilla decides to think otherwise. The pluses for the book include the simple, graphic novel-styled presentation, and the clarity of the story. Visually more clarity would have worked if you could discern character – I could hardly tell which gorilla was adult and which a regularly-coloured child. And it really is a one-purpose book – not exactly high on drama, and purely concerned with showing the role-reversal the gorilla's natural colouring provides. Three and a half stars.