Member Reviews

Picking up where the first adventure left off, Mina and Pacey, now known as "The Horn Slayer", are planning to free the statue children in Arkane's palace, encountered in the first book, when Lucky, the dog the girls are watching for a neighbor, gets loose. The girls and Slasher run after Lucky, encountering Carlos - the first of the statue children and Slasher's old friend - in a forest. The group returns to Rundalyn, where Pacey has a plan to save the statue children. She has to rely on Slasher to guide her in using the power of Arkane's horn to free the kids, all the while trying to stay out of Arkane's way, because he is REALLY mad at her. While not absolutely necessary to read the first book in order to know what's going on - an illuminated manuscript-like retelling begins this volume - I found I enjoyed the second reading much more after I read the first book. There are parallels between Arkane and Pacey being neglectful and self-centered older siblings, helping us see Pacey's character growth across the two novels. New characters add some extra friends, and the conflict between Pacey and Slasher helps readers understand that blundering into a situation without all the facts is not always the best way to success. The story ends with an open storyline, getting readers ready for the next book in the series, which hits shelves in 2022. Back matter includes a drawing lesson for Loomi, one of the new characters. Way too much fun and a good adventure tale; no sophomore slump here.

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