Member Reviews

This is actually two books, one written for the wife and the other for the husband. I think it’s a neat idea and was well executed. I enjoyed reading the various topics Jamie and Aaron wrote on.

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I love how both Jamie and Aaron wrote part of the book. I thought this was unique and I loved that we could hear from both of them. You could read the part reading for you but then also read the other part to better understand your spouse. I really appreciated that.

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Absolutely loved this book . A very interesting way of writing it with both sides talking about the same topics. His writing was more teachable and hers was story like so very complementary

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I really enjoyed this book on marriage by Jamie Ivey and her husband. I listen to Jamie's podcast and have read another book by her in the past so I was excited to pick up this one as well. I loved the concept of her and her husband each writing about the same topics on marriage from their own perspective. There are chapters on love, sex, parenting, mission, and more, I highlighted quite a bit, which is unusual for me with electronic copies. I would have really liked to read the sections individual, first from one perspective and then from the other, but my electronic copy wouldn't let me jump around like that.

Thank you to the publisher via NetGalley for the advanced copy to review! This is a book I will likely buy for my own bookshelf and read again.

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With the same conversational tone that made her first book, If You Only Knew, so easy to read, Jamie Ivey tackles the monumental topic of marriage in Complement. While I certainly appreciate Jamie's heart and wisdom on the topic, what made this book compelling was having her husband Aaron's take on the very same topics the book covers. It would behove couples to read both books.

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Be your spouse's loudest cheerleader. Play to each others' strengths in parenting. Fight for each other, not against each other. Serve, submit, and lead together. Each chapter of COMPLEMENT is simultaneously a huge encouragement that we're all sinners who have said 'I do' while reminding us that Christ is our example and Christ-likeness our mutual goal.
The Iveys have delivered punchy, engaging chapters on areas of marriage that include loving, leading, fighting, forgiving, and parenting, Truth be told, I enjoyed Jamie's insights into her struggles and solutions as a wife the most; and she has helped me to have a better posture as a husband every bit as much as Aaron.
COMPLEMENT deserves to be read, highlighted, dog-eared, shared, and discussed many times over by both husbands and wives.

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I really liked the structure of this. The Ivey's each chose 10 topics relevant to marriage and wrote an individual chapter on them without discussing them with each other. They then put these into "separate" books that come together. It was really valuable being able to hear from both of their perspective in these areas. Having followed Jamie online for many years with her podcast I felt like it was very authentic and genuine and she writes exactly how she speaks. They discuss marriage in a Jesus focused context which was refreshing.

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I'm not sure if I had technical difficulties with this download, but I was only able to access the intro and the first chapter from both Aaron and Jamie's perspective. From this introduction, I am definitely interested in reading the rest of the book. I like the unique setup and way it functions and two books in one, meant to Complement one another. I think this would be really interesting to read through with your spouse to see and discuss both perspectives.

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Jamie and Aaron Ivey offer terrific insight into marriages and lasting relationships. Their focus is not merely on solving problems, but rather embracing everything that makes you, you as a complementary pair of individuals. If you are looking for a faith-based resource to read together, as spouses or even fiancees, this preview to Complement is a great place to start

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Although the title only held two chapters, one from Jamie and the other from Aaron, I think it will be a great resource for couples. I appreciate reading both perspectives.

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Does your marriage feel stuck in a rut? Do you feel like you and your spouse are never on the same team? Do you want a flourishing and vibrant marriage, but wonder how in the world to get there? .....With funny, real-life stories and key insights from Scripture, the Iveys can help you unite with your spouse, cheer each other on, respond the right way when you fail each other, and serve one another well--even in conflict or tough times! If you want a strong marriage (or simply to be a better better-half!), the Iveys will show you the way in Complement.
This captivating tag describing Aaron and Jamie Ivey’s dual books, they are about to release, sounds pretty timely. Learning how to be intentional and how your marriage can reflect the truths of the Bible, all while complementing each other, is a good approach to combat the negative outlook that society puts on marriage today. In an age where marriage is seen as a burden, a thing to avoid, or even something that you can easily quit and give up, these books will provide some pushback and offer things to consider that may make people view marriage differently and in a more biblical light.
Each author wrote a book on the same 10 topics without consulting each other and the results are clear that each of them have the same goal in mind. They bring the idea of being one flesh to mind with how in sync they are within these topics.
Aaron and Jamie have relatability. Some of their individual stories echoed experiences or feelings of my own. I read Jamie’s book fully then Aaron’s to compare. Both books are easy to read and I found myself not wanting to put the books down because I wanted to know what else they had to say. While scripture was referenced in each book I felt Aaron’s was a little more saturated. Jamie brought practical application which complemented Aaron’s biblical applications. Both are beneficial but I found myself resonating with Aaron’s book more. I am glad they suggest reading and then swapping to get both perspectives.
I will share a quote from each author that challenged me, “It takes kindness when we want deep in our hearts to tear our husband down. It takes throwing away the scorecard when we desperately want to add up points against him. It takes forgiving when we would feel better keeping a death grip on his wrongdoings. It takes grace when all we want to give is punishment.” -Jamie Ivey Chapter 1
“But there’s a difference between fighting against your spouse and fighting with your spouse. It may seem like semantics, but when the heat turns up in any given moment, you have to make a crucial choice: Will you view your spouse as the opponent you’re trying to defeat, or the friend you’re trying to win back? Will you treat your spouse like a person on the other team, or a person on the same team?” -Aaron Ivey Chapter 6
I hope from these quotes you get a brief glimpse of the practical, biblical advice that is a theme throughout the books.
I plan on reading through these books again with my husband and maybe approaching it chapter by chapter. Swapping then discussing along the way. These books are available March 2nd but can still be preordered from multiple distributors (links below). Also available is a 7-week Bible study format with DVD videos on the various topics in the books along with workbooks for husbands and wifes to complete and share your answers together and foster discussion.
I believe either option would be beneficial to anyone married or not. Someone who is engaged and looking to prepare for what may come up in their upcoming marriage. Married couples who are looking to be reminded of marriage and how it reflects Christ and His church. Or anyone who feels their marriage is in crisis and is looking for help wherever possible. These books have something to offer anyone.
*I received this book free from NetGalley along with B&H Publishing in exchange for an honest review.*
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I appreciated Jamie & Aaron's practical, biblical wisdom on what it takes to have a godly marriage. I love the idea of focusing not on our differences with our spouse, but on how we complement each other. The authors keep the primary focus on Jesus which is refreshing & encouraging. Overall, an encouraging read for those who are looking to grow & strengthen their marriage in this season.

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